
Chapter 11: Split up

I blinked a few times stretching as I felt my whole-body sore. I groaned, clutching my hips where I felt the most pain as I saw movement at the corner of my eye. I immediately shield myself remembering what happened to me earlier on instinct but I let out a heavy breath seeing that it was just Elora.

“Myla are you okay?” she asked with concern in her eyes.

I sigh as I feel my eyes water. She looked at me full of pity before sitting down beside me on the bed and carefully embracing me. I cried like I’ve never cried before. This is the first time that I experienced something like that after so long. The feeling of something bad is going to happen to you. The feeling of almost dying.

I cried and cried until there were no more tears left. Halfway in my breakdown Elora also started crying along with me. When we finally calmed down I rubbed my eyes and tried to tame my hair. Elora did the same to herself and that is only then that I noticed that she was already wearing a makeshift mask and I wasn’t.

“What happened?” she asked.

I sniffed, “H-He escaped. T-The man escaped and tried to attack me.”

“Did he do something to you?”

I shook my head, “He almost did but I trapped him inside the shack.”

Now that I have said it, it is only then that I remember the shadow that approached me and tried to barricade the door before I lost consciousness.

“Aspen! Where is Aspen?”

“Calm down.” she cooed, “Aspen is alright. He is with the others taking care of the camp.”

When he mentioned camp, I looked around and noticed that we were inside one of the rooms of the house. But I furrowed my brows when I noticed that it wasn’t my room. I observed the place trying to find a clue who owns this and that is when my gaze fell on my clothes and my cheeks immediately heated when I noticed that I wasn’t wearing my own clothes but a man’s. The familiar scent tickled my nostrils and that is when I knew who it belonged to.

Elora must’ve noticed my reaction as she quickly explained, “It was Aspen who brought you here. He cleaned you up and bandaged you. I trust Aspen, don’t worry he promised that he didn’t do anything besides that.”

I immediately hugged my body feeling a bit uncomfortable, “H-He. H-he...”

There were different scenarios going on in my head right now but one thing was evident and that is anger.

“Where is that man?” I said almost shouting, “Where is he? I demand to see him!”

“Myla calm down. He is only trying to help.”

“That wasn’t’ helping. He didn’t get my consent!”

“I understand Myla but we must be careful. This sickness might be contagious. He had to do it.”

Now that she had mentioned it I slowly calmed down but it still didn’t erase the anger that I felt towards Aspen. He should be the one here right now explaining and not being defended by my best friend.

“Okay... How is everybody?” I’m sure there are other pressing matters that needed to be dealt with besides what I had gone through just like Theo who was almost unconscious last night and Nikita who looks traumatized.

“Jaden and Nathalie are able to stop Theo’s bleeding. He is stable for now. We tried contacting 911 earlier now that we have morning light and it’s safer but we couldn’t get a signal. The boys are talking and they suggested that we should head back and bring Theo ourselves.”

“Did they?”

Elora shook her head, “Not yet. They were busy with the camp.”

“Why would they prioritize the camp?”

Elora bit her lower lip hesitating to answer. But I stared at her unfazed waiting for her reply because whatever it is I am a grown up now I can handle it. Elora read my mind and eventually nodded before explaining.

“The man you thought was stuck in the shack escaped.” my eyes widened, “The other door was opened. Aspen discovered it when the boys are busy cleaning up the camp. Logan and him returned so that they could check up on the guy when they noticed that the other door was ajar. He escaped Myla and we didn’t know where he was. That’s why the whole house is in lockdown.”

I didn’t know what to say. I just sat there frozen. My attacker is on the loose, two of my friends are not well, and I am here in the bed. I couldn’t even lift my own hand without feeling pain.

“Don’t worry Myla everything will be okay. They’ll just do some last perimeter checking before the others leave to bring Theo and Nikita to the hospital.”

I just nodded despite being half convinced. There is something in my gut telling me that there is something wrong.

Elora brought me breakfast and a change of clothing because I was uncomfortable wearing Aspen’s shirt. Not that it was actually uncomfortable but the idea of wearing a guy’s shirt that isn’t your boyfriend is uncomfortable.

During the afternoon I felt a bit better as I was able to walk despite feeling sore each time I tried to move a muscle but at least I can move around freely now. Elora stayed by my side as I joined the others downstairs.

I can see Sebastian beside Nikita on the sofa along with Olivia talking, Erica is in the kitchen making lunch with Natasha, and Theo is in his room with Vince. While Elora told me that Jaden, Aspen, and Logan are outside guarding the property. I noticed that everyone is wearing a mask.

“How are you feeling?” Natasha said, lightly smiling as she set the table.

“Better. Just sore.” I replied.

She nodded, “Good.”

We didn’t talk after that short exchange. Looks like everyone is still feeling a bit down after what happened last night. We just finished preparing our lunch and quietly ate together. Natasha checked up on Vince and Theo bringing food up to them while Elora called the boys outside to join us and they followed after. I glared at Aspen when our eyes met before looking away and continued eating. I think he doesn’t need an explanation for why I was acting this way towards him.

“The TV isn’t working.” Sebastian said, breaking the silence, “Looks like it isn’t just the signal for cellular sims that isn’t working anymore.”

“Did you check? Maybe there is just some problem with the antenna.” Erica asked.

" I already did.”

“But the weather is fine.” I answered, “And it’s already morning. It should’ve been fixed by now.”

“We’ll just wait it out a few more minutes, surely it will be fine.” Aspen answered as the rest just nodded in agreement before continue on eating. It’s not like we can do something if the cell towers themselves aren’t working.

We were in the middle of our meal when we heard commotion upstairs. Everyone immediately became alert as the boys stood and made their way upstairs as Natasha’s voice echoed in the room.

“Theo is having a fever!” she shouted as everyone began to panic.

I run upstairs to join the others as Theo’s room is wide open and they are waiting outside for instructions so that they could help watching as the others are in a frenzy inside his room. When I took a peek I saw Theo coughing, his body trembling and Vince was just standing beside his bed all pale and in a daze as Natasha was shouting orders and Jaden was helping her.

“We need to drive him to the city!” Natasha said as she used a wet towel wiping Theo’s sweat.

“But there is still this dangerous man outside and we couldn’t contact the authorities.” Logan answered.

“We could just split up.” Aspen suggested, “Me, Vince, and Natasha can go to the city. You stay here and take care of the rest.”

Logan looked hesitant but eventually nodded, “Okay.”

The boys immediately helped carry Theo as the rest of us tried to help pack for them. Logan prepared the car as we brought extra clothing and food in the trunk. Once they were ready we quickly bid each other farewell. Aspen and I’s eyes made contact for a few seconds as he nodded at me as I returned the gesture before he climbed the vehicle driving beside him Vince in the shotgun seat and Theo with Natasha on the passenger seat.

We watched as the car drove away from the house. Nikita and Olivia are right beside me worried for them. I wrapped my arms on both of their shoulders trying to calm them down as they lightly cried. I locked eyes with Sebastian and Erica. They didn’t have to say anything because we all have the same thing on our minds right now. Hoping that our friends would be able to get back safely.

Logan then broke the silence, “Let’s return inside everyone. It isn’t safe here outside.”

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