Dirty Goals (Florida Devils Book 3) (Florida Devils Series)

Dirty Goals: Chapter 8

THE FEW DAYS have been strange. The morning routine Zayn and I have established since I moved in with him has always been easygoing and something I look forward to. Zayn has been different lately—more distant—and I’m not sure what’s caused this sudden change in his personality. We used to joke around and talk during the drive to set, but he’s barely said a word the last two days, and it feels a lot like he’s trying to pull away from me.

He parks in his normal spot and then turns to me to give me an obligatory kiss goodbye for the day. “Have a good day.”

My face pinches. “Are you going to tell me what’s up with you?”

His head snaps back. “Nothing. What makes you think there’s something going on?”

“You’re acting strange, like you’d rather be anywhere else in the world than with me.”

“That’s not true,” he fires back.

“Then why are you being so cold to me? I don’t know what’s wrong because you won’t talk to me, but I can feel you pulling away and I want to know why before I get out of this car.” I fold my arms, letting him know I’m not budging.


I hold my hand up and stop him, not wanting to hear any bullshit. “The truth, Zayn.”

He sighs, knowing he’s defeated. “I’m being traded.”

I sit up straight in my seat. “What? Did they tell you this?”

“Yeah.” He flicks his large thumb over the steering wheel. “They told me earlier this week. I didn’t want to tell you, because I didn’t want it to be real. Leaving Florida means leaving you, and I don’t know if I can handle that.”

“Even if you get traded, I can come visit you.”

“It won’t be the same,” he tells me. “You left Robert because of the distance and the two of you were together a longer than you and I have been.”

“Robert, not coming to Florida isn’t the only reason we broke up. Robert didn’t love me, and even though he and I were together longer, the connection we had is nothing like the one we have. I love you, Zayn, and we can make this work.” I do my best to reassure him.

“Long-distance relationships don’t work, Vivi. This trade…it could mean the end of us and I’m not ready for that.”

I take his face in my hands and force him to look at me. “It doesn’t mean the end. Stop worrying about that. I will not leave you, and I want you to believe we will make this work.” I stare into his heads. “Stop worrying so much and putting all of this unnecessary pressure on yourself. We’ll figure things out together as they happen. All right?”

He takes a minute before he finally concedes. “Okay.”

I press my lips to his. “Now, I’m going to go to work. Do not sit out here and worry all day. Go get your workout in and go to work.” I kiss him again. “I’ll see you tonight.”

I leave the Jeep and head straight for the dressing trailer to start my day.

It’s been difficult to convince Zayn he doesn’t need to sit in his Jeep all day on the set, but I promised to never walk around the set alone and he seemed to accept that.

I step inside the trailer and Bella spots me and smiles. “Hey, girl!”

“Hey.” I set my bag down along with the lunch Zayn packed for me. “What would you like me to get started on?”

“Grab the box of tiaras on the counter and take them on set. It’s the Princesses of the Ball scene shoot and they want to add a little sparkle to the ladies.”

“All right. I’ll be right back.”

I run out of the trailer and head on set. As long as there are other crew members out and about, I am comfortable walking around without a sidekick. I would hope Annabelle wouldn’t be so brave to come on this set in front of a crowd of witnesses, but you never know.

“What do you have there?” Harry’s creepy-ass voice stops me in my tracks.

I turn to face him, holding the open box of crowns out for his inspection. “The tiaras from wardrobe.”

He quirks an eyebrow. “Would you ever wear one of these?”

Not sure where he’s going with this line of questioning, I shrug and say, “Maybe, if it were for the right reason.”

“Such as?” he probes.

“I don’t know. One, like this, I guess.”

He tilts his head and allows his gaze to roam down my body. “How about playing dress up? Tell me, Vivi, do you and Zayn North ever role play? Would you ever wear just this crown and a pair of heels and let him fuck you from behind? Or How about me? Would you spread those sweet ass cheeks of yours and let me pound you?”

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as a chill runs down my spine. “You’re an old, dirty pervert. Why do you continue to sexually harass me?”

“Because it’s fun and I can. You hate it, which makes me like it even more. Little bitches like you need to learn how this industry works and the fact that men are in charge.”

“You’re a piece of shit, Harry,” I snap and shoulder past him.

“What did you just say to her?” Brenda’s typically monotone voice snarls, and it stops me dead in my tracks.

I spin around. The crowns jostle around in the box and watch as Brenda shoves her hands on her hips as she stares Harry down.

“Brenda,” Harry laughs. “It’s not what you think. I was—”

“Save it, Harry. Too many have reported you and it’s always been your word against theirs, but this time I’ve caught you in the act. I’m calling Georgio.” She whips out her cell phone and begins dialing.

His face pales like all the blood has dropped out of it and landed into hit feet.

“Brenda. Wait. Please,” Harry begs.

She raises her left hand to silence him as she walks off. “Hi. We’ve got a problem.”

Harry follows close behind her and something tells me Harry will hit the unemployment line soon.

The rest of the day rushes by in a blur and there’s no sign of Harry. Brenda stepped in as acting director to get the day finished and then informed the entire crew that Harry would no longer be with us, and filming will shut down for a few days until we can bring a replacement director onto the project. She doesn’t go into any details when she’s questioned on what happened to Harry. Her favorite retort is, ‘I’m not at liberty to say right now.’

“Can you believe Harry walked off the set?” Bella says to me in a hushed tone.

I lick my lips slowly and then say, “Actually, I’m pretty sure they fired him.”

Her brows shoot up. “Really? How do you know?”

“Because I was there when Brenda caught him doing some shady shit,” I admit. “I didn’t tell you right away because I didn’t want to drag you into any drama.”

“What did he do?” Curiosity dancing in her brown eyes.

“Harry has been propositioning the young women on the crew—sexual favors with the promise of helping to speed up their careers.”

“Who did he proposition? The new girl because we’ve all heard the rumors about the two of them sleeping together.”

“She was one of them, but she didn’t sleep with him.”

“Are you sure? She seemed to get that part out of nowhere.”

My lips twist. “I believe her because Harry did the same thing to me—a few times. Every opportunity he got me alone, he would say the vilest things to me. He threatened to make my life a living hell after I refused him, and I was afraid to say anything because I thought no one would believe me, so why make further trouble for me?”

A frown mars her beautiful face. “Oh, V, I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have had to go through that alone. You could’ve told me and I would’ve had your back.”

“I know you would’ve, but I didn’t want to drag you into it. Besides, Zayn knew and he threaten Harry and I had to keep calling Zayn of beating Harry’s ass. Harry’s lucky Zayn already has enough trouble surrounding him, or I don’t think Zayn would’ve batted an eye at punching Harry square in the face.”

“Damn. Harry better thank the sweet lord above, because Zayn would’ve decimated him.” She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. “I’m sorry, my friend, but from now on, you need to tell me shit like this. It’s major, and friends handle major bullshit together. Promise me.”

“I promise.” We separate and I say, “But hopefully, nothing like this ever happens again.”

“Agreed. Do you need a ride home?”

I shake my head.

“Of course you don’t. Your tattooed prince charming is already probably waiting for you.” She rolls her eyes. “Must be nice to have a man warship you.”

I laugh. “Oh, come on. Don’t pretend Beckett isn’t losing his mind over trying to please you in every single way he can. How many dates have you all been on now? Five?”

“Seven. But who’s counting?” She laughs.

“Obviously, you are. Wow.” I stare at her in amazement. “Seven. That’s a lot, considering you swore he wasn’t your type.”

“He’s not,” she argues. “I rarely go for the tatted up white boys, but there’s just something about him, and I’m going to keep dating him until I figure out what about him I’m attracted to?”

I smirk at her. “You totally like him. I mean, like him, like him.”

Her beautiful face twists like she’s trying to fight back a smile. “I do.”

I squeal at her admission. “I hope the two of you work out. It would be so amazing to double date and take vacations with you guys. Think of all the fun we’ll have!”

Her head tilts back as she releases a laugh. “Slow down. This is all still new. Don’t be trying to plan our wedding just yet.”

“I know. I know. But I’m excited for you…and selfishly for me because if you move in with Beckett, you’ll live next door.” My last statement gives me pause.

Zayn being traded means Beckett will move to wherever Zayn goes, which means they both will leave Florida. I don’t have the heart to tell my friend the man she’s developing feelings for will move away soon.

“What is it?” Bella asks, concern written all over her face as she takes in my expression. “Remember, we just said no more secrets between us.”

“You’re right,” I tell her. “Before work today, Zayn was upset, and he finally broke down and told me he was going to be traded after the season ends.”

Bella’s eyes widen as she gasps. “What? The Devils can’t trade Zayn. He’s the heart and soul of the team.”

I shrug. “If I had to guess, this all stems from the Gia situation and has nothing to do with Zayn’s playing abilities.”

“Shiiiiiit,” she breathes. “What’s that mean for you two? Are you moving with him?”

I shrug. “I haven’t really had time to think all of this through because I found out this morning. I don’t want to be apart from him, but I have to go wherever my career takes me, too. Writing screen plays and directing my own films is the ultimate dream, so I have to do what I have to do to make that dream happen. Zayn understands that and I’m sure we’ll do the distance thing if we have to.”

Her lips twist. “Long distance rarely, if ever, works out. It will be tough, but if anyone can make a relationship work, it’s the two of you.” She pauses for a beat. “Guess this means Beckett will go with him?”

I nod as my lips pull in tight. “The two of them seem to be a packaged deal and have been since they were kids.”

She frowns. “That sucks… a lot.”

Bella is right. This whole situation is horrible, and it causes me to question what the future may hold for all of us.

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