Dirty Goals (Florida Devils Book 3) (Florida Devils Series)

Dirty Goals: Chapter 7

COMING off of the playoff win everyone in the Devils organization is on cloud nine. The team is heading to the Super Bowl, which equals out to the players and coaching staff earning a bonus. Normally, I’d be happy about that too, and I am, but I can’t force myself to get excited about it when my anxiety is on overload and I’m on high alert twenty-four-seven.

The police came to Vivi’s work and collected the note and dusted my Jeep for prints, but so far have come up with nothing. Annabelle must have been smart enough to wear gloves, but they found not a single print. I’m worrying they’re never going to catch her and Vivi and I will have to continue to live the rest of our lives constantly looking over our shoulders.

The phone in the back of the classroom where all the defensive is reviewing game film.

“North. Corporate wants to see you in their office,” the defensive coach announces to the room.

“Now?” I ask as I gather my notebook and cell.

“Yes,” he tells me and then returns to discussing the film we were watching.

Getting called to the main office is never good. Most of the time, it means you’re in some kind of trouble, and I have no more shit coming down on me right now.

I stop at reception and she notifies me the meeting was called by Bruce Bayne and I am to head up to his office.

I’ve been trying to meet with Bruce since I found out about Gia and could never make it happen, but after the way he blew up at me during Gia’s funeral, I stopped trying so hard to get that meeting. Bruce made it crystal clear how he felt about me, so I know this meeting will not go well for me.

I take what’s becoming a familiar route to Bruce’s office. His assistant tells me to head into the office because I’m expected. I take a deep breath and then knock quickly on the door before I push it open and step inside.

“Come in, Zayn, and close the door behind you,” Coach orders from the chair he’s sitting in from across Bruce’s massive wooden desk.

Bruce is staring at me like he wished my ass would spontaneously combust and burn me alive. I can feel the hatred radiating off of him.

I sit stiffly in the leather chair and wait for one of them to speak, letting me know exactly why I’m here.

“Zayn,” Coach starts. “This is never an easy conversation to have, but I wanted to be the one to break it to you that after the season is over, we’ll be organizing a trade for you. Bruce wants you off the team now, but I’ve gotten him to agree to wait a few more weeks and trade you after we win the Super Bowl.”

I stare at the man who has coached me for the last ten years of my life. A foolish part of me always believed I would play my entire professional career for the Devils. I started here and wanted to retire from here, so this news a very low blow. It feels like a kick straight to the gut.

I open my mouth to ask why, but quickly close it because I already know the answer to that question. Even though it isn’t true, Bruce holds me responsible for Gia. I want to tell Bruce about all the shit that’s been happening to me lately, to make him see I’m a victim of this woman too, but I know it won’t make a difference to Bruce. He owns the team and if he wants me gone, then I’m gone. My hands are tied, and I don’t think no amount of bargaining or pleading will make Bruce change his mind.

I take a deep breath and blow it out slowly through pursed lips. “All right then. If that’s the way you all feel, then fine. But, I will say this one last time. I am not responsible for Gia’s death and this fucking woman who is the root of all this shit is out to get me too. I’m sorry about Gia. So damn sorry that she died. It’s senseless and a damn shame because she didn’t deserve what happened to her and if I could go back and save her, I would. I don’t deserve to be treated like I’m the one who did it.”

I turn and walk out Bruce’s door, not waiting around to hear any response from Coach or Bruce. The Devils have been my life for the past year and they’re throwing me out like I mean nothing and it hurts. It’s like being dumped by family.

More than the feeling of betrayal I’m going through, the pain of being separated from Vivi cuts deep. She left Robert because he wouldn’t come with her to Florida, so will she leave me when I’m traded to a new city?

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