Dirty Games (Florida Devils Book 1) (Florida Devils Series)

Dirty Games: Chapter 9

GETTING CALLED into the big boss’s office is rarely a good thing. Most guys only find themselves on the top floor of the Devil’s corporate offices if they’re in trouble or being kicked off the team. Unfortunately, I’ve seen my fair share of this place this year, which is why another trip here is not a good thing.

I use my Devil’s ID badge, gaining access to the elevator to take me to Bruce Bayne’s office—the man who owns the team and signs my paychecks.

My fingers wrap around the rail as I lean back and wait for it to carry me up to the tenth floor.

This trip ruins the blissful morning I’d planned to have when I woke up with Vivi this morning. Even though we fucked three times last night, I hadn’t had my fill of her and had every intention of going another round with her this morning. I miss her sexy ass already.

A soft ding pulls me out of my thoughts of Vivi, and I straighten my stance as the doors open before me. Even though we had a game yesterday, the office staff of the organization doesn’t get the day off like the players do. The cubicles and offices are filled with men and women wearing business attire, staring at their computers, while most of them have a phone in their hand. I pass through the office space and then head toward the hall on the opposite side of the elevators.

A few eyes glance up and notice me, but around here, we’re just another employee. They’re not necessarily fans of mine and couldn’t care less I’m here.

When I come to the end of the hall, Bruce’s administrative assistant, Dylan, glances up from his computer. “Hello, Mr. North. I’ll alert Mr. Bayne you’re here.”

Instead of calling, I watch as Dylan alerts our boss via text. Within a few seconds, Dylan’s phone chimes. “You can head on inside. They’re expecting you.”

I nod stiffly and then push the door open and head in. Bruce is the first one I notice sitting behind his expensive-looking wooden desk facing the door. The sun gleams through the wall of windows behind him with a perfect view of the stadium. Next, I spot my head coach, Levi Stepp, sitting in one chair in front of Bruce. Both men have gray hair and a low tolerance for bullshit. They’re tough to work for at times, but I love my job, so I put up with their grumpy asses.

“Close the door, Zayn, and have a seat,” Bruce orders.

Once I’m seated, I wait for them to lay into me with yet one more mistake I’ve made in my personal life that they now have to deal with.

Bruce leans back in his high-backed leather chair and smoothes down his tie. “Zayn, I’m going to hop right to it. The security cameras caught the fight between you and Taber. Levi and I both have personally seen the footage, so there’s no way to deny the fight went down, and everyone around here knows you and Taber have never gotten along. The thing we noticed on the video was you didn’t throw the first punch, and it appeared you were protecting the young lady you were with. Is that how it happened?”

I realize even if that wasn’t the truth, my boss wanted me to go with that as being the truth. It would mean less trouble for me. But, luckily, that’s exactly what happened, so in this case, the truth does set me free.

I nod but still don’t elaborate.

Levi sighs next to me, clearly glad. “That’s what I thought happened. Taber can be a real dick. I’m glad whatever he said to provoke you that you held it together long enough for him to throw the first punch.”

Me too, but I don’t voice that out loud. In these cases, the less said, the better.

“Taber is probably going to attempt to put a lawsuit on you. Word on the street is he’s gone through all of his money already since retirement, so don’t be surprised when he comes after yours.”

“Noted. I have a lawyer on retainer for bullshit like this,” I tell Coach.

“That’s good. Don’t let him get a dime. The way he was being aggressive with the girl was alarming. I’m glad you came out when you did. Who is she anyway?”

The question causes me to stiffen. Due to the previous stipulations the Devils put on my personal life because of the stalker saga, I can’t tell these two Vivi is the girl I’m fucking. It will cause even more shit to hit the proverbial fan, so I lie to keep them off my back.

I swallow hard, knowing I’m trapped in a fucking corner and focus my attention on the family photo Bruce has sitting behind him. Studying the people in the picture, two red-headed girls with whom I assume is Bruce’s son because it looks just like him, it gives me an idea on how to get out of this situation.

“She’s my niece,” I tell them because they would never understand why I would allow a girl I don’t know to live with me, given it’s against what they’ve ordered me to do. They wouldn’t understand why I would risk my job for her.

Levi’s gaze whips in Bruce’s direction. “Told you he wouldn’t be stupid enough to date after you specifically ordered him not to.”

“You were right,” Bruce answered. “I should have had more faith in him. This still doesn’t mean the league won’t demand some sort of suspension once this gets out since I talked them out of it the last time, but we have the self-defense angle, and the fact she’s related to him and he was protecting her will help lessen the number of games.”

Fuck. The idea of missing a game causes my stomach to turn. Playing is my life, and I hate letting my team down. Never mind the fact if I don’t play a game, I don’t get paid. But given the reason I’m in trouble, I would do it again. I will always protect Vivi.

Levi’s head drops. “Shit. I can’t afford to lose my best linebacker at any point this season if we hope to win it all this year. Do what you can to save his ass.” Levi pushes himself up out of the chair and then claps me on the shoulder. “Do whatever Bruce says. I need you on this team.”

The silence is deafening in the room once I’m alone with the Devil’s owner. Bruce has a lot of power, and having him in your corner defending you to the league goes a long, long way.

Bruce drums his fingers along the top of his desk as his eyes roll up toward the ceiling, like he’s thinking about what to do with me now. “Levi is right. The team needs you, so I’m going to do everything I can to get you out of this. The league is going to investigate the incident as soon as Taber reports it and sues, which he will because he needs the money, and we’ll have to get our defensive case ready for when the league contacts us. Until then…” Bruce pushes himself up out of his chair and motions for me to head to the door with him. “Keep a low profile and your mouth shut. The best we can hope for is Taber says nothing, so until he does, this stays between us. Got it? And of course, stay the fuck away from women—seems they bring you nothing but problems no matter who they are.”

I nod as I shake his outstretched hand. “Understood.”

A small smile tugs at his lips. “I knew you were a smart man. Now, get out of here and enjoy the rest of your day off. You deserve it after that spectacular game you played last night.”

“Thank you, sir,” I reply before I turn to head out of the office and back toward the elevator.

It’s not until I make it back to my Jeep that I break out into a cold sweat. It was wrong to lie about who Vivi is to me, but for now, it’s the only viable explanation I could think of to give them. Once the season is over and this Taber mess gets sorted out, I’ll come clean about the fact Vivi is my girl, or at least I want her to be. I’ll explain I lied because I felt cornered. Not because I wanted to. Then we can be together in public, but for now, what’s happening between us needs to slow the fuck down and no one else can know. We have to keep this shit locked down.

Hell, maybe I need to keep my distance from her until after the season is over because if I keep fucking her, I’m going to grow so attached I won’t give a damn who knows we’re together, and that would be bad for my career.

I scrub my hand down my face before I press the button to start the car. How in the hell am I supposed to explain to Vivi I need to keep her a secret and we have to pause this thing between us?

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