Dirty Games (Florida Devils Book 1) (Florida Devils Series)

Dirty Games: Chapter 10

THE DOORBELL CHIMES alert me to the fact someone is at the front door. I tiptoe to check, and relief washes over me when I spot Beckett at the front door because I’m never sure who I should open the door for in case it’s Zayn’s stalker or something.

“Hey,” Beckett says when I open the door, and he runs his hand over his cropped brown hair. “Is Zayn here?”

I step back, giving him room to step inside. “He’s not, but he texted me a few minutes ago and said he would be here in ten minutes.”

“Did he also mention I would be stopping by?” he asks.

I nod. “He did, and asked me to let you know when you got here the beer is in the pantry fridge and to fire up the grill.”

Beckett chuckles as he heads toward the kitchen. “It’s nice to know he hasn’t totally forgotten all of our traditions since you’ve been in town. No offense, Vivi, but you’ve been hogging all of my friend’s time and attention lately, and I have to admit it makes me feel left out.” He pokes his tongue out at me and then laughs as he heads to grab a beer before igniting the massive stainless steel grill on the back patio.

Something Beckett said before he went outside has me curious, so when he steps back inside, I ask, “So what’s the tradition?”

Beckett grabs the steaks Zayn left marinating in the refrigerator and turns toward me with the meat and beer in hand. “We have beers and food to go over the game. We review his film and talk shit about the other team’s players.”

I laugh. “Ah. So a bro date. That’s cute.”

Beckett shrugs as he sets everything on the counter. “It’s something we’ve done since high school. My mom sort of started it, and once we moved out on our own, we continued the tradition. Believe it or not, I played in college with Zayn. He was the only one of us good enough to make it to the pros, but being his business manager has been a pretty sweet gig for me since he’s gone pro.”

“You two are pretty tight, huh? He told me he’s lived with you since he was fifteen.”

Beckett’s dark eyebrows raise, and it’s clear to say he’s taken aback by what I’ve just said. “He told you that?”

I nod. “He did. Last night, actually.”

“That’s surprising. He rarely talks about his past with anyone—not even me, and I was there for most of it. He must trust you.”

A feeling of warmth flows through my chest. I like the idea of knowing Zayn trusts me because I feel the same way about him. Beckett seems to know him better than anyone else, so it’s nice to have the confirmation. “I hope he does. I’ve really enjoyed spending time getting to know him. He’s a great guy.”

“Umm…” Beckett eyes me over the top of his bottle as he takes a long pull, as if he’s readying himself to ask me something else, but before he gets the chance, Zayn comes through the garage door.

Zayn notices me sitting at the counter and Beckett standing on the other side of it. We only make eye contact for a split second before Zayn looks away from me, giving me the impression he may be pissed or even disgusted with me. My stomach twists, and I want to ask him what’s wrong, but I don’t want to discuss anything in front of Beckett. I’m a firm believer that involving others in your relationship drama only leads to trouble.

Zayn clears his throat as he focuses on Beckett. “What’s up, man? Am I interrupting something?”

Beckett shakes his head. “Nope. We were just discussing you, actually. Vivi, here says she’s enjoyed spending time with you.” Beckett picks up the steaks and jerks his head toward the backyard. “Come help me put the steaks on the grill, Zayn.”

The two men make their way outside, and I get the distinct feeling Beckett isn’t too pleased with the idea of Zayn and me spending time together. If that’s the case, he’s going to flip his shit when he finds out Zayn busted up Taber’s face defending me yesterday, risking getting into more trouble with the Devils because of it.

I’ve been waiting anxiously since Zayn left to hear what they said in the meeting he was called to, and I can’t help but wonder if Zayn’s pissed at me over everything that happened now.


I’ve known Beckett since we were four and he moved in across the street, and we became inseparable best friends. If I ever do something he doesn’t agree with, he never holds back his disappointment. I can tell by his expression the moment we’re outside that he’s mad at me, and I’m about to get the riot act read to me.

Beckett tosses the steaks on the grill with little regard. His reckless abandon gives away his anger. Seems like all I’ve done is piss people off today.

I sigh. “Okay. Out with it.”

He whips around to face me. “I told you, Vivi, staying here was not a good idea. It’s only been two weeks, and you’ve fucked her already.”

I hold my hands up. “Whoa. Did she tell you we fucked? I didn’t take her for someone who would talk about our private business.”

He shakes his head. “No, but you just did. Shit, Zayn. The Devils are going to come down on you hard once they find out you’ve gone against their orders.”

“Relax,” I say, trying to get him to bring his rising voice down a notch. “Stop getting so excited. They’re not going to find out.”

“They sure as fuck will. All Vivi has to do is tell one person, and then the secret is out and will bring the Devils organization sniffing around.”

“The Devils already know about Vivi. I had a meeting with Bruce and Levi today—that’s where I just came back from.”

He tilts his head. “They gave you the okay to have a girlfriend then? I’m glad you did the responsible thing and came out with things before they found out another way.”

I grimace. “I said they know about Vivi, not that I told them I was with her.”

His brow wrinkles. “Then what did you tell them, and what exactly was the meeting about?”

Beckett freaks any time any trouble comes my way. Trouble equals money issues, according to him, and it’s his job to make sure I hold on to my money and earn as much as I’m worth. He doesn’t like talks of suspensions and fines for misconduct. He’s been through a lot of shit with me this year, and I’m sure he’s done dealing with all the drama that comes attached to being my business advisor/manager/agent.

I break down the entire meeting, explaining the fight with Taber and how he was on the verge of attacking Vivi when I showed up.

Instead of scolding me like a disappointed father as I expect, he gives me a sad smile and pats me on the shoulder. “I’m glad you got to her before something bad happened to her. She seems like she’s a sweet girl, and I do like her, but the idea of the two of you getting so close…I don’t think it’s a good thing. You’re not good for one another.”

“She’s too damn sweet,” I agree. “She’s a hard one not to like.”

“So what did Bruce and Levi say about you leaving with Vivi after they saw the video? Didn’t they ask you who she was? I’m surprised they didn’t flip their shit after seeing you with a girl when they ordered you to keep your distance.” My lips twist, and Beckett takes in my expression. “Oh, fuck. What are you not telling me?”

My fingers dig into the flesh on the back of my neck as I rub it. “They think Vivi’s my niece.”

“WHAT?!” I jump a bit from his roar. “Your niece?! What in the fuck, Zayn?”

“I know.” I sigh. “It’s bad. Which is why what happened between Vivi and I can never happen again, or at least not until I’m able to tell the Devils the truth about our relationship. I’ve got too much at stake, and I can’t risk everything I’ve worked so hard for falling apart because I’m catching feelings for a woman I should’ve never been with in the first place.”

“You can’t risk everything for her.” Beckett turns his attention to the meat and flips the steaks, staying quiet for a few minutes before he finally asks, “What are you going to do?”

“I’ve thought about it since I left the office. Things have to end with her. I can’t add any more drama to my life right now and maybe in the future we can try to date, but for now, I need to stay focused before I lose my job and everything I’ve worked my entire life for.”

He nods. “I think that’s best, and she’s going to need to move out.”

I scrub my hand down my face. Vivi leaving is the last thing I want, but I know it has to happen. I won’t be able to resist her. Not now. Not after I’ve tasted her—been inside her—and heard the little, sexy noises she makes when she comes.

I also know Vivi hasn’t even received her first paycheck yet from her new job, because she only gets paid once a month, so I can’t exactly ask her to leave right now. “Vivi doesn’t have any money and has no place to go. I refuse to throw her out on the street because I can’t stop thinking with my dick. I need to give her time to get on her feet.”

He turns to face me. “Loan her the money, then. Set her up in an apartment or something. Do whatever you have to do because the longer she stays here with you, the deeper the two of you will become involved, and soon, there will be no way you can hide the fact the two of you are fucking from anyone.”

He’s right, and I fucking hate that. I can already feel myself falling for the girl. We connect on a level—an emotional level that only makes me like her more. If ever there was a perfect woman for me, Vivi was it. But the problem is I’m all kinds of wrong for her. I’m not worthy or capable of ever loving someone like her the way she deserves to be loved. The only thing I’ve ever been good at when it comes to women is fucking them because most of them love to tell me I’m too emotionally unavailable for them to love or see themselves making a life with in the future. They don’t like when rage takes over me and I become unhinged like I was with Taber.

I can lose my shit sometimes.

My shoulders sag. I have to tell Vivi tonight that this thing between us is over. It’s going to hurt like hell, and I don’t want to fucking do it, but it has to be done. It’s what’s best for both of us right now.

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