Dirty Games (Florida Devils Book 1) (Florida Devils Series)

Dirty Games: Chapter 13

BECKETT WALTZES through my front like he owns the place. He’s gotten comfortable with the idea of Vivi staying here, and for the past few days, his polite knocking before entering has gone out the window.

Dobby goes crazy, doing circles and running back and forth to where I keep his treats on the counter. Beckett spoils him and gives him a treat any time he begs for it. I’m beginning to believe my dog loves my best friend more than he does me.

Beckett reaches into the dog treat jar and tosses one to Dobby before releasing a low whistle as he takes in my outfit. “Looking sharp, brother. Where you off to looking so snazzy?”

“Vivi’s job is throwing a party, and I’m taking her,” I tell him as I smooth down the tie I’m wearing.

My suit is custom made. It’s difficult to find clothes that fit me without them being tailored to me because, well, not to brag, but my muscles are too damn big in both my arms and legs for anything off the rack. Not to mention I’m nearly six-five.

Beckett leans against the counter as he studies me. “How does taking her on a date help you keep distance between the two of you?”

“It doesn’t,” I grumble. “But her douchebag boss propositioned her for sex, and she asked me to go with her. I need to make sure she’s protected from that asshole.”

“Are you sure it has nothing to do with a part of you being jealous someone else is interested in her?” My eyes cut to him, and I hate that he knows me so well. “That’s what I thought.”

I level my stare at him. “Just because I should stay away from her doesn’t mean I can shut myself down to stop caring about her at the drop of a hat. Feelings don’t work that way. Not that you’d know anything about feelings because you’ve never dated the same woman for any longer than a week or two.”

“Correction”—he chuckles—“Denise and I made it almost four weeks before I decided she was too damn bossy. Plus, I can’t help I get bored easily. I think that’s why I like the bitchy ones who like to start arguments. It keeps me entertained.”

I shake my head. “You’re fucked up. What person in their right mind likes constant fighting in their relationship?”

He lifts one shoulder in a noncommittal shrug. “It’s not so much the actual fighting I like—more just the hot, makeup sex that follows.”

“Sometimes I wonder why I bother taking any advice from you when it comes to females, because you’re even worse than me. At least I warn women up front that I’m not the marrying kind of guy.”

“Yeah, but you’re still nice to them, which makes them fall for you, leaving me to be the one to remind them a million times you’re no longer interested in fucking them.”

“Oh, come on. It’s not that bad.”

Beckett holds his hands up. “Swear to God it is. I just don’t tell you about the fifty million times they contact me after you block them on your phone. It’s my job to help you out and keep your mind on the game. Bombarding you with all the past psychos you’ve stuck your dick into isn’t helpful. Usually, once you’re done with a girl, you’re done. You told me yesterday you told Vivi things between the two of you are over, so I don’t understand why you’re still doing things with her. I understand the part of you not wanting to kick her out on the streets, but taking her to a party…that’s just going to lead her on more.”

My jaw works beneath my skin. Beckett is right about everything he’s saying. Going to this party and continuing to be Vivi’s ride to work is definitely crossing over the boundaries I set between us, but I can’t help it. After I told her I was done with her and wanted her to move out, I felt like the biggest dickhead in the world. Truth be told, I don’t want her going anywhere. I want her to stay here in this house with me and in my bed, but the Devils will be pissed if I defy them. Especially after the fight with Taber.

Beckett steps over in front of me and looks me square in the eye. “What’s that look about?”

“What look?” I snap.

“The look like someone pissed in your Wheaties and broke your heart? Do you have actual feelings for Vivi? I mean, is there more here than just wanting to get her in your bed?”

I lick my lips and shake my head. “We’re not talking about this.”

“Why the hell not? We talk about everything. If you like this girl, we can—”

The distinct sound of high heels clicking against the hardwood floor draws both of our attention, effectively cutting Beckett off from finishing whatever he was going to say.

My mouth falls open at the first sight of Vivi. She looks fucking beautiful in a dark purple and black cocktail dress that shows off her shoulders and the split going high onto her leg shows off her thigh—thighs I’m now picturing wrapped around my waist. My eyes drift back up along her curves and then to the swell of her tits pushed up by the top, and my mouth waters.

“Damn,” Beckett chimes in as he takes Vivi in. I jerk my arm, elbowing him in the ribs. “Oof. I can’t help it. She looks hot.”

A blush assaults her creamy cheeks, and she dips her eyes down to the floor. Without thinking, I reach over and tip her chin up with my index finger. “Someone as beautiful as you should never look down. Keep your head held high and own a compliment you’re given. Never doubt your beauty because I’ve never seen anyone look as good as you do right now, gorgeous.” She bites her lip as she locks eyes with me, and I want nothing more than to kiss her right now—to show her how fucking sexy I think she is—but I hold myself back. Instead, I take her hand in mind, interlacing our fingers and pulling her toward the garage door.

“Feed Dobby and lock up, would you?” I call to Becket over my shoulder before I lead Vivi down the stairs.

“Yeah. Yeah. Have fun at the ball, Cinderella,” he teases me as he waves me off. “I’ll stay here and do all of your chores.”

Vivi and I both laugh, and I watch her intently. Tonight, keeping my hands off of her is going to be a challenge because I want her so damn bad.


I’ve never been to a semi-formal event before, but Bella assured me the dress she lent me from wardrobe tonight is perfect for this event, and I trust her judgment. She is the stylist, after all. Both Zayn and Beckett seem to approve of the look, so I feel confident as Zayn places his hand on the small of my back and leads me into Ballroom 1A, where the party is taking place.

The moment we step foot inside, all heads turn in our direction. I’ve never been the girl to have all eyes on me, nor have I ever really wanted that. Sure, I’ve been told I have a pretty face my entire life by many people, but I have never felt more beautiful or desired as when Zayn looked me in the eye and called me gorgeous. I don’t care what anyone else in this room thinks of me, because all I care about right now is what he does.

“Oh, my God,” Bella pushes through the crowd, heading right for us. She looks fabulous, as always, in a pink satin gown that is both elegant and sexy at the same time. Bella is so beautiful and could be Zendaya’s twin. I don’t know how she didn’t end up on the other side of the camera.“You two look amazing.” She embraces me in a quick hug and then does the same to Zayn. “I’m so glad you showed up, so I have my girl here to hang with.”

A food buffet sits off to my left and round banquet tables covered in crisp white linens fill up the rest of the space. A DJ set up in the corner, complete with spinning lights, sits just behind what looks like to be a designated dance floor.

A petite blonde carrying a tray full of glasses of champagne stops in front of us, allowing all three of us to grab one before she moves on to the next group of people.

“Holy shit! You’re Zayn North, aren’t you?” A lanky guy with dark hair whom I recognize as one of the sound technicians says as he stops in dead in his tracks when he spots my roommate. “I watched your game last week and you laid Buckner out!”

Zayn laughs. “Well, I wasn’t going to allow him to get past me to win the game. That’s for damn sure.”

While the two men are busy rehashing the game, Bella leans over and whispers in my ear. “I thought he was mad at you or something after that talk about you moving out? How did you convince him to come here with you tonight?”

I shrug because I don’t want to get into the whole sexual harassment thing regarding Harry with her. The last thing I need is for that to spread around and cause me any problems with the job—one I desperately need in order to pay my half of the bills when I move in with Bella.

She’s staring at me, waiting for an answer, so I say, “I just asked, and he said yes.”

Her face twists as if she’s saying okay-then, before she takes another sip of her drink. “Oh, shit. Incoming.”

I follow her line of sight and spot Gia heading our way. “Oh, God. What does she want?”

“Guess we’ll find out,” Bella says under her breath.

As much as I hate to admit it, Gia looks smokin’ hot. Her strawberry-blond hair is pulled up into a high pony, and her makeup is flawless. Even though it’s well past Labor Day, she’s rocking a white mini dress that leaves little to the imagination. “Hey, girls. Having fun? This party is great, right? We never have the time on set to hang out and get to know one another, so it’s nice to finally have time to chat.”

Bella and I both look at one another with a set of bewildered expressions on our faces before returning our attention to Gia. She’s never nice to us, so why in the hell is she pretending to be our friends now?

The minute the sound guy leaves, Zayn returns his attention back to our little gathered circle.

Gia’s eyes roam down Zayn’s chest, then back up to his face before she directs her attention to me. “Vivi, are you going to introduce me?”

The way she’s looking at Zayn causes my back to stiffen. I don’t like it. Not one little bit.

When Bella notices I still haven’t answered Gia, she gives me a gentle nudge on the arm. “Oh. Sure. Gia, this is Zayn North. Zayn, this is Gia Whitt. She was the star of the show we just wrapped.”

Zayn glances at me with a raised eyebrow, and I know he recalls all the times I’ve complained about this woman being rude as hell to Bella and me.

“How’re you doing?” Zayn shakes Gia’s hand politely and then releases it.

Gia smiles up at Zayn with her best flirty smile. “I never knew Vivi was dating The Zayn North. She did an excellent job hiding that tidbit of information.”

“We’re not dating,” I quickly interject, knowing the rules the Devils have placed upon Zayn’s personal life.

“Oh?” Gia quirks one eyebrow, and her lips turn up into a smile like she’s just won some grand prize. “Then how do you know one another?”

“She’s my niece.” Zayn’s explanation of how we know one another takes me aback, and my mouth drops open.

His niece?

What in the actual fuck?

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