Dirty Games (Florida Devils Book 1) (Florida Devils Series)

Dirty Games: Chapter 12

THIS HOUSE IS A DISASTER. Who knew a reality show set could be this damn messy? I set the last garbage bag outside of the back door and grab the broom to sweep the hardwood floor. Apparently, part of the deal with renting this house was we were to leave it spotless and in the pristine condition it was in before we arrived, so they tasked me to help the cleanup crew.

The joys of not being a top priority crew member of the job…I get stuck with the shit no one else wants to do.

My cell buzzes in my pocket, so I fish it out and notice two more texts from Robert. Again, I don’t read them because I’m not interested in him or what he has to say anymore. It’s a little late now. He should take the hint and move on, because I already have.

I shove the phone into my back pocket and continue sweeping.

“It’s looking a lot better in here.” Harry, our director, waltzes into the kitchen wearing a plaid, long-sleeve dress shirt and dress pants, looking totally out of place for a warm fall evening in Florida. The graying hair on his temples blends into the salt-and-pepper hair on the top of his head. “This place was a total wreck. You’ve done a great job.”

“Thanks,” I tell him as I continue to sweep.

Harry leans against the counter. “Are you coming to the wrap party tomorrow? It’s at the hotel where most of us have been staying.”

My lips twist. “I didn’t know there was a party, so I’m not sure I’m invited.”

This is the first I’m hearing of this, and surely, Bella would’ve mentioned it to me if everyone on the crew automatically got an invitation.

“Brenda and I just threw one together a couple of hours ago. The hotel had an unrented ballroom, so we thought it would be a good way to celebrate the end of filming.” He pauses for a beat. “Also, I’m going to announce the network has already given us the green light to move forward with filming season two. They want to have it ready. Because of the way people stream shows these days, if it’s not ready fast, people lose interest and move on. You’re the first to know about this information, so don’t tell anyone and let me surprise them at the party.”

My eyes widen, and my hopes for continuing my job are renewed. “That’s amazing news! And of course, I won’t say a word to anyone. Does this mean we all get to come back for season two?”

He nods. “It does, and I’ve been very impressed with the way you’ve jumped in and helped Bella out, so I was thinking of moving you up to a camera assistant when you’re not helping Bella get the cast ready first thing in the morning.”

A huge grin takes over my face. This is exactly what I’d hoped would happen once I took this entry-level job. “Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack,” Harry says and then extends his hand to me. “Congrats. You’ve earned it.”

I take his hand and shake it enthusiastically. “Thank you so much. I won’t let you down. I’m grateful for this opportunity.”

He takes his other hand and wraps it around mine—the one he’s already holding and keeps me in place. “You know there are other ways to move up quickly in this industry without experience if you’re willing to go the unconventional route. I can open a lot of doors for you if you’re willing to…help me out from time-to-time while I’m here.”

My lips part as I stare into Harry’s brown eyes, and I swallow hard. It doesn’t take a genius to read between the lines on what my boss wants from me. “I will never be one of those girls who fucks their way up the ladder.”

Harry arches his eyebrow, and a smirk crosses his lips. “Noted. But don’t discard my offer so hastily. Take a minute to think it over and get back to me. A girl like you could go far in this industry with the right people backing you.”

I yank my hand away from his. “No need. The answer will always be no.”

Harry shakes his head. “Shame. I can really help your career if you play nice.”

I open my mouth to call him an asshole, but he exits through the door before I can say anything else, leaving me alone with my thoughts and my broom.

At seven fifteen, I head out of the main filming location in the house and head toward wardrobe to see if Bella needs any help to get things organized. As I’m walking down the sidewalk, I spot a familiar gray Jeep parked along the curb.

Zayn makes eye contact with me and then climbs out of the driver’s side before heading to the front of the vehicle. He stands, waiting for me, and I hate that my eyes rake down his body, taking in how great he looks in his sweats and a white T-shirt. The vast array of tattoos on his arms only adds to his appeal, and the fact I know how many more he has under all of those clothes makes him even hotter to me.

I growl and shake the thought out of my head. I cannot think about how attractive I find him. I’m still mad at him for kicking me out, and according to him, we shouldn’t be together, so why is he here now?

I cross my arms. “What are you doing here?”

His thick brows draw in. “What do you mean? I always pick you up.”

“After last night, I thought you wanted us to distance ourselves,” I remind him. “Have you changed your mind?”

“No,” he says firmly. “I meant what I said, but that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to be friends. I still want to take care of you and make sure you have a safe ride. I don’t like the idea of you riding in cars with strange men. You should’ve waited for me to bring you here this morning.”

“Uber rides are perfectly safe,” I argue. “I’ve been using them for a long time.”

He shakes his head. “All it takes is one time for something bad to happen. You’re a beautiful woman, and there are some real fucking creeps out there who would like to take advantage of you if given the chance. Look how close Taber came to crossing the line with you. I don’t even like to think about what would’ve happened if I hadn’t shown up. I would’ve probably gone to prison for murder.” He sighs. “I worry about you, is all. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

I stare at Zayn, and it hits me he’s worrying about me traveling less than an hour away from him while Robert had no problem putting me on a plane across the country alone.

Zayn cares about me.

He wouldn’t be here if he truly felt like we didn’t belong together.

I lick my lips and hold myself back from running to him and throwing my arms around his neck so I can kiss him. He doesn’t know how much it means to me, knowing he cares.

The muscle in his jaw flexes like he’s nervous. “Are you going to get in?”

I nod. “Yeah. Let me make sure Bella is okay before I go.”

“Bella left a little bit ago. She stopped by the window and thanked me again for the tickets to the game. She even said you told her you enjoyed yourself, too.”

What I actually said was I enjoyed watching Zayn on the field, but I’m not going to clarify that to him.

“I had a lot of fun. You are truly a master at your craft,” I tell him. “And those tight football pants you wear…they definitely made things a lot more interesting.”

The corner of his mouth lifts into a lopsided grin. “I’m glad you had a good time. I’d be happy to get you tickets to any game of mine you want.” He stares at me for a long moment before he clears his throat and heads for the passenger side of the Jeep. The long fingers of his right hand wrap around the handle, and he pulls the door open for me. “Ready?”

Once I’m inside, Zayn shuts the door and heads for the driver’s side. It doesn’t take long before we’re heading down the road to his place. This ride has become comfortable and routine for me. I’m going to miss this when I move out. Spending time with Zayn has been one of the best parts of my time here in Florida.

This reminds me, I better tell him about the offer Bella made me. “I found a place today.”

His fingers tighten around the steering wheel. “Already? When did you have time to look?”

“Bella offered for me to stay with her. She wasn’t sure when or if Love in the Sand would shoot a second season, but the director told me tonight, right after he offered to help my career, if I slept with him, we would indeed start season two soon.”

Zayn’s head whips in my direction, causing the Jeep to swerve a bit. “Your director hit on you?” There’s darkness in his voice, and I’ve only heard that tone one other time. It was the one he used before he pounded Taber’s nose with his fist. “What the fuck did he do?”

I tuck my brown hair behind my ear. “It was nothing I couldn’t handle on my own.”

“I don’t doubt you can’t take care of yourself, but you shouldn’t have to. Fuckers like him give the television industry a bad rap by pressuring young, beautiful women like you into sleeping with him to advance their careers. Makes me fucking sick.” He risks another glance in my direction. “Want me to go back and beat his ass—make him apologize to you?”

I reach over and place my hand on top of his that’s gripping the gear shift. “No. You don’t need to risk any more trouble for yourself. You fighting over me has caused you enough problems, and I assume it’s why you’re trying to keep your distance from me—because you’re still mad at me over last time.”

“I’m not mad at you—never was. It’s just…” He sighs. “The Devils run my life—professional and personal now, it seems. They’re watching everything I do, and I can’t afford to keep fucking up.”

“This is exactly why your first reaction to go back and beat Harry’s ass for trying to sleep with me isn’t a good one. You have to protect your job and control that urge to pound someone’s face in whenever they piss you off. I’m sorry for causing you problems with the Devils.”

He reaches up and threads his fingers through mine. “It wasn’t your fault Taber was being a tool, and I would gladly defend you again in a heartbeat. I don’t want anything bad to ever happen to you.”

I should pull my hand away from his because of the things he said to me last night, but I know he didn’t mean them, and I enjoy his touch too damn much.

I stare down at our intertwined hands. “You know, since you like protecting me, I was wondering if you would come with me to the wrap party for the show tomorrow night. I don’t really want to show up alone and give Harry the opportunity to proposition me again.”

He gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “Of course.”

I smile because going to the party will be so much easier knowing Zayn is there and has my back if Harry tries some shit with me.

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