Detonate: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 2)

Detonate: Chapter 41

On the drive over to La Brasserie, Maddie stares out of the passenger window. She’s been unusually quiet the last couple of weeks since the predicament with her mom. I know it hurts her. She deserves better.

So what better way to bring it back, to give her something to keep her busy.

Something to get that bright smile back on her face.

A wedding.

Our wedding.

Before Maddie, I would have bet my life I would never have got married again. I think that’s why I tried to keep such a barrier up with her. Deep down, my gut told me she was my person. I never wanted to open my heart up again after Amelia and Casper stamped all over it.

Maddie is my heart now. It beats only for her.

I knew that from the moment our lips touched. That’s why I had her engagement ring made in London. I want this more than anything. To spend the rest of my life with her by my side is the only way I want to live.

Cutting the engine, I turn to her.

“You know you can talk to me about anything going on in that pretty little head of yours,” I say, bringing my thumb to cup her jaw.

“I know,” she sighs, giving me a sad smile. “According to the internet, I’m probably just hormonal. I’m pissed off at my mom. I’m more pissed off at myself, for not realizing how much she has manipulated my whole life. I just wish I didn’t spend all these years just trying to live her warped idea of a life.”

“Are you happy? Do I make you happy?”

“Oh my god, Grayson. Happy? I’ve never been happier. I’ve never been so in love. I can’t even tell you how grateful I am for you. I would never have had the strength to do any of this without you.”

She unbuckles her belt and jumps over the console into my lap. “I’m sorry I’ve been a moody bitch. It is kind of half your fault I am though.” She looks at her flat stomach.

I can’t wait to see her with a bump. That primal urge, knowing I did that to her, that she’s carrying my child, it’s the sexiest thing in the world.

“I don’t care about you being moody. You’re giving me a whole new life. I just want you to be happy, Baby. I’ll always do everything in my power to scare your demons away. Always. Okay?”

She shuffles against me, gently brushing my cock, which instantly sends my blood rushing there.

“Let’s go eat, I’m starving. And you know I’ll end up eating you if you touch my cock again.”

She grins, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Fine, as long as you promise I get your tongue after.” She leans across me and opens the door.

As soon as I pull open the wooden door to the cozy little Italian restaurant, the one she decided to trip me up in, I know something’s off. I feel it in my gut.

The room goes eerily quiet as Maddie brushes past me while I hold the door open for her. Her stilettos click against the wooden floors. Instinctively, I follow behind her and pull her into my side.

“Welcome to La Brasserie. May I take the booking name?” the waitress asks, pushing her glasses back up on her nose.

“Mr. Ward.”

Her eyes light up and she gives me a knowing smile.

“Ahh, Mr. Ward. Please follow me. I’ll take you to your table.”

Maddie eyes me suspiciously. Maybe everything’s feeling off because I’m nervous. I chuckle and shake my head.

She leads us over to a table for two tucked in the far corner of the restaurant. I clock a table of four Italian men, all watching me closely since the moment I arrived. The table is covered in deep red rose petals on top of the white cloth. A pillar candle flickers in the center. I pull out the wooden chair for Maddie. She pulls on the hem of her short black dress and wiggles it before taking a seat.

I walk around the table and take my seat in the corner of the room.

A young blonde waitress rushes over with a smile and places down two glasses of champagne.

“But we didn’t order these— ”Maddie says, picking up the flute and handing it back to the waitress.

“It’s on the house, madam,” she replies in a hushed voice.

“Thank you.”

Maddie slides her glass toward me. “I can’t.”

“Does this mean I get double drinks for the next seven months?”

“I think the fuck not.” She squints her eyes, but I catch a glimpse of a smirk.

Taking another sip, I stare into her eyes, but she shakes her head and that infectious bright smile crosses her glossy lips. She lights up a room just with her presence.

She spins her head round, watching the room. I can’t remember the last time I was this nervous. Since she isn’t paying attention, I search for the box in my suit jacket.

I clear my throat and her head spins back to me. She hasn’t noticed the box in my hands. Her eyes glimmer as she looks at me.

Fuck, I’m sweating here.

I stand, and the chair screeches against the wooden floor. Maddie watches me with confusion as I walk around the table to her and drop to one knee.

I open up the box to her, revealing a huge black diamond, encased by smaller natural diamonds, which, then span all the way around the gold band. I had it made for her, the perfect reflection of our relationship. She owns my black heart.

She gasps, bringing her hand to cover her mouth. Tears form in her eyes.

“Sunshine, I may have said I couldn’t give you everything. But I want to. I want to give you the life you deserve. It might not be quite how you imagined it. I don’t think you could find anyone on this planet who loves you quite as fiercely and wholeheartedly as I do. I want to make you mine in every way possible. Do things the right way for our child. I want more than anything for you to be my wife.”

My voice falters, so I suck in a breath to steady myself.

“Maddie, will you do the honor of becoming my wife? Marry me?”

A few moments pass where she just stares at me in shock. It feels like a fucking lifetime.

“Sunshine, say something.”

She reaches out to me and closes the box in my hand.

“Grayson, you know I love you more than anything, right? I don’t need this. As long as I have you and this little one, I have everything I could possibly need. I know you don’t want to get married again. Hell, after that conversation with my mom, I’ve realized I don’t need the wedding. I just need you.”

I don’t know how to explain how much I fucking want this.

“Grayson, look at me.”

As I do, I clock movement happening from the table across the room.

Time blurs as the first three men walk past the table toward the bathrooms. My right hand instinctively grips the gun holstered in the back of my pants. The last man stops halfway between his table and the bathroom, about five meters from me. Then turns to face me with a sadistic smile and pulls out his gun, aiming it at the back of Maddie’s head.

Fuck no.

Still on one knee, I unholster my gun at the same time, shielding Maddie’s chair.

I will protect her with my life if I have to.

The bathroom door swings open to my right. I adjust my body but still aim my gun at the man in front of me. He raises his gun, but before he can pull the trigger, I aim and shoot. The bullet hitting him in the side of the head. Maddie gasps from behind me. He thuds to the ground in a heap.

I don’t hear the gun go off as my body vibrates on the impact. I stumble backward, hitting into the back of Maddie’s chair. Pain radiates through my chest, so intense my vision goes blurry.


I try to aim for him. The fucker isn’t there. As I turn my head toward the bathrooms, I see a figure running through the door, but before I can get a shot, the room erupts around me into chaos, high-pitched screams, bodies frantically rushing.


I can’t fucking die here; I can’t leave her exposed.

Using my free hand, I clutch at my shirt. Warm liquid seeps through my fingertips. Fuck. The room spins, the pain taking over my every thought.

No. I need to get her out of here.

With all the strength I have, I grip on to her chair to hold myself up. I know this isn’t good. I can feel the warmth pouring into my hands. But I’m still standing just about. I have time to get her out of here.

“Maddie, we need to leave,” I choke out.

She shoves a cotton cloth in my hand, and I press it over the bullet wound.

She wraps her arms around my waist. The sound of her sobs rips me apart. Gritting my teeth, I hobble along, trying with everything I can not to put all of my weight on her. As we walk onto the street, the blue lights flash in my vision.

“Down the alleyway,” I force out.

We take a sharp left, and I wince. This is the longest walk of my life. Every step just feels like one step closer to hell. Maddie keeps telling me I’m going to be okay, yet the panic in her voice doesn’t really provide me much comfort.

By the time we reach the car, I heave out a breath, slamming my hand on the roof of my Audi. Maddie rummages through my suit jacket until I can hear the jangling of my keys. She opens up the passenger door and helps me in. As soon as I’m in, I recline the seat back and rip open my blood-soaked shirt. I try to feel for the bullet. It hasn’t come out the other side; it’s fucking wedged in there somewhere.

“Grayson, it’s going to be okay.”

I suppose if I’m going to die, at least I have my sunshine with me.

“Just stay with me, Grayson.”

“I fucking love you, Sunshine.”

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