Detonate: A Dark Mafia Romance (Beneath The Mask Series Book 2)

Detonate: Chapter 40

After the night at the casino last Saturday, we spent the rest of the evening this week moving all my crap into his penthouse. I mean, it could do with a touch of color. I don’t want to spend my life staring at black and gray walls if I can help it. I’m not too sure how amused Grayson is with the addition of the nude cushions, the pictures now hanging on the wall of us in London and Sienna’s wedding.

It’s gradually starting to look like a home someone actually lives in.

It’s been keeping my mind busy. The shock of the pregnancy masked the fact someone tried to rape me and the fact I watched my boyfriend blow his brains out. Both of which are giving me sleepless nights. I’m trying my hardest to be strong and put on a brave face. Grayson is already a pent-up ball of anger, waiting to explode. He told me about what happened at the gym earlier this week with Keller. It broke my heart, knowing he was hurting so bad and couldn’t tell me.

I meant when I told him it wasn’t his fault. That he saved me. Not many men on this planet would literally kill someone for touching their woman. Grayson didn’t even so much as hesitate.

I’m only a few weeks pregnant—six at most. So we’ve decided to keep it to ourselves for another month or so. I’m petrified of something going wrong. We want this so bad. I can’t help the gut feeling that life isn’t going to let me have that perfect ending I was always looking for.

I smile as Grayson carries a brown box of my clothes into the spare room. Or, now as he calls it, my walk-in wardrobe.

“How many fucking dresses do you own?” he shouts, throwing the box on the floor. I lean against the kitchen counter.

He hasn’t come across my collection of toys yet. It’s definitely in one of these boxes. I can’t wait to see his face.

My phone starts vibrating on the side.

I click the accept button and hold my breath, walking over to the lounge and sitting on the couch.

“Hi, Sweetie, are you still ok for our dinner tonight?”

Grayson watches me intently from the hallway. He walks toward me and sits next to me.

“Yep. I actually have someone I’d like you to meet.” I say to my mom nervously.

“Oh, finally. I can’t wait to meet him. Did you hear that, Robert? Maddie has a boyfriend!”

I roll my eyes. “Ok, see you later,” I say before hanging up.

God, I’m already dreading this.

“So I get to be formally introduced to their lordships tonight. How special.”

I turn to face him.

“What if they don’t approve of your murderous boyfriend? What are you going to do then?” He keeps his voice light, but there’s a hint of seriousness there.

“Ooh, I don’t know. I’ll probably have to dump you,” I say, biting my bottom lip.

“Hmm. Is that right.” His mouth hovers over mine..

“Well, you could try. But you won’t get rid of me that easily.” He nips my bottom lip as he lifts one of his arms and drags his finger along my thigh, leaving tingles in their wake.

“Come on, Sunshine. We need to get ready. And I need at least half an hour in that shower with you.”

Reluctantly, he breaks the kiss, leaving me horny. God, he’s frustrating, but he’s right. Can’t be late for Mommy Dearest.

He holds out his hand, and I lace my fingers through his as he lifts me off the couch.

Half an hour turned into an hour. I’ve never been cleaner. It’s as if he could sense my nerves on the drive over here because he hasn’t let my hand go since we got in the car.

Now we’re sitting at the same table where I tripped him up a few months ago. My leg bounces under the table as we wait for my parents to arrive.

His strong hand grips my thigh, forcing it to stop jumping up and down. I let out a breath and turn to him.

“It’s going to be okay, Sunshine. It’s just dinner with your parents. I’ll be on my best behavior tonight, I promise,” he whispers, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Well, unless someone comes in, flinging a gun around again. Then we might have a problem.”

I can’t help but laugh.

“Although, I wouldn’t mind a do-over of what happened after that.” His deep voice is full of desire. I squeeze my legs together.

He chuckles against my cheek and plants a soft kiss.

The sound of my mom’s voice declaring they’ve arrived to the hostess makes me straighten my back.

Dad ruffles my hair.

“Hey!” I shout, and he chuckles.

Mom breezes straight past me.

They take their seats opposite us. Grayson stands and sticks his hand out to my dad, who accepts his firm handshake.

“Nice to see you again, Mr. Peters.”

“Aaah, yes, Grayson, isn’t it?” Dad says, giving him a smile.

Ok. One down, one to go.

Grayson extends his hand to her, but she eyes it skeptically. And then ping-pongs her gaze between us in disgust.

“Mom, this is Grayson. My boyfriend,” I say.

“Yes, we’ve met.” She scoffs.

“Carol,” my dad chastises, giving me an apologetic smile.

The waiter breaks the silence.

I grab Grayson’s hand on my thigh and squeeze, trying to calm myself down. This fucking woman.

“Could I get you some drinks?” the waiter asks.

“I’ll have a water, please,” I say.

Once the waiter leaves, my mom’s attention turns back to me.

“So, how long have you been together?”

“Four months now, but we’ve known each other for over a year,” Grayson replies.

She rolls her eyes.

“Well, spit it out, Mom. Tell us what you really think. I’ve just about had it already with these looks and comments.”

Grayson’s fingers tap against my leg, and I weave my fingers through his as I brace myself for her response.

“I don’t know what you mean. If this is the type of man you want to settle for, then that’s your poor decision. I didn’t realize you were into thugs. I mean, come on, he’s hardly going to offer you long-term; he’s probably just using you. For you know what,” she says, looking me up and down as if I’m some cheap whore.

Grayson stiffens next to me, and it’s my turn to squeeze his hand to calm him. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that Grayson will never shy away from defending me.

“Don’t let her words get to you. I love you, Sunshine,” he whispers.

Years of her putting me down, of making me feel like a disappointment. Her pushing me to want this fairytale fantasy, when actually, I have everything I need sitting right next to me.

Mom picks up her menu, covering her face. I rip it out of her hands.

“I’m pregnant,” I blurt out.

“Congratulations, honey,” my dad says, a smile lighting his face.

My mom cackles like an evil witch.

“Don’t tell me you’re keeping it,” my mum spits.

Sadness consumes me, but anger quickly takes over.

“How fucking dare you!”

Grayson scoots his chair closer and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

“No. I’ve had enough. You disgust me. Is this really how you’re going to speak about your first grandchild? How dare you continue to treat me like this. I am done. I’ve put up with your shitty behavior, your snide comments and downright disrespect for years. I’m not going to continue to live my life trying to please you anymore, Mom. This is me; this is the man I choose to love. I don’t want your dream of a perfect life. I want my own, and if that’s not good enough for you, you know where the door is. I will make sure I never treat my child like this. I will aim to be everything you aren’t. So, thank you for teaching me how not to be a mother.”

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that, Maddison.”

I slam my trembling hands on the table and stand. Grayson joins me, wrapping his arm around my waist, almost holding me upright.

“Grayson, take me home, please.” The tears I tried so hard to hold on to trickle.

“Of course, Baby.”

He pulls out his wallet from his pocket and throws a wad of cash on the table. My mom’s eyes widen as she stares at the money.

“This should more than cover whatever you want. I suggest you stay the fuck away from my family. No one gets to treat Maddie like this. I will stop at nothing to protect her and our baby. You’ve seen what I’m capable of.”

He renders her speechless.

His hand returns to my lower back as he guides us out of the restaurant onto the sidewalk. I feel like the chains that have been holding me back my whole life have been broken. For the first time in my life, I feel free. My arms cradle my stomach as I let the tears take over. He pulls me into his muscular frame, and I nuzzle my face into his chest, his musky aftershave soothing me. His heart hammers against my ear.

“Shhh, Sunshine. I’m so fucking proud of you. For sticking up for yourself, for finally fighting to be the person you truly are. I might not deserve you, deserve this life you’re blessing me with. But thank you.” His voice hitches as he speaks.

“I love you, Sunshine. So fucking much.”

I tear my face away from his chest and look up at him. His eyes are brimmed with tears as he stares at me.

“I love you more. Now take me home.”

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