
Chapter 7

For the last few weeks, he had been learning on how to a wolf or a human. He was having amazing experiences and discovered things about himself that he never knew. He learned that Archie was slightly intimidated by him and he felt confident in himself for it. He was able to talk to Charlie. He felt horrible that he was mated to her daughter when already she disliked him.

“I'm worried Archie…” Charlie spoke to Archie with a lowered tone while Destroyer was with Caroline in the living room.

“I know you are, but she’s only five so nothing can happen yet.” Charlie sighed and placed her head on his shoulder.

“Yet...What if she hits puberty and everything starts changing. She will change and what if he gets...Pulled. He can change into a pedophile in seconds if she gets a whiff of her and I don’t want my baby to go through that.” He placed his hands on her face and kissed her puckered lips.

“Five years. That’s usually the age? When they turn ten? When that time comes we will watch over them and I know him. He won’t lay a hand on her. He’s more protective than...whatever you call it. She’s only a child right now so he has absolutely no pull and no attraction to her. She’s like a regular child to him.”

“On the moon goddess, I hope you are right.” She rubbed her hands on his arms and looked at the two. Truly, he was like a child in a man body. He had been learning so much in such little time that when he was with Caroline he acted like a child.

“This one looks like a dino! And this one is a kitty! I like you?” He looked at her weird and thought.

“What are those?” He asked her and she gasped.

“You don’t know what a kitty is?! Mommy! I’m going to take Destroyer to see the kitties!” She screamed out and grabbed his hand. Once again she pulled him out of the house and towards the clinic.

“Caroline!” Archie had seen them and he walked behind them. She had created a habit of running out of the house and since the incident, they had tried to keep her in arms distance and followed her everywhere. With her pulling Destroyer to every place it was kept easy, but Charlie insisted on keeping an eye on them in case anything were to happen.

“Don’t worry daddy! I take him to go see Jakes kitties!” She walked through the doors and Jake was sitting down in his rolling chair.

“Uncle Jake!” Jake twisted around and turned to them.

“Yes, little one?” He asked and looked at both Archie and Destroyer.

“Show destroy your kitties!” Jake laughed a little and stood up.

“You’ve never seen cats Destroyer?” He asked and nodded.

“I’ve never seen what she calls a...kitty.” He went behind his desk and pulled out a box and set it on a bed. Destroyers eyes widened for what’s inside.

“Look look!” When he opened the box, about five or more kittens had been laying down on each other. Destroyers eyes expanded and he couldn’t help but grab one and hold it into his hands and hoped he wouldn’t hold too hard.

“It is...It is cute! The right word yes? Cute!” Destroyer sat on the floor as it mewled aloud and pawed softly at his face.

“Hehe! Yeah! They are so adorable!” Caroline giggled and picked one up and sat beside him.

“Archie. Why have you not told me about these...creatures. They are like us, but more cuddle and soft.” The cat mewled and purred against his neck and he grabbed another.

“I didn’t know you liked’s just like a kid.” He turned to Jake and he nodded. Jake looked at Destroyer with a watchful eye.

“So about Destroyer. I give him five years until he starts feeling the mate attraction. You have plans for that right?” Archie tilted his head back and sighed.

“Yes. I do. I just don't know whats going to happen when he leaves though. She’s taking alike to him and every friend that she meets ends up...not liking her because she’s ‘bossy’. She’s such an Alpha’s girl, it scares me.” He stated and Jake nodded.

“Well, when she gets to be an emotional tween and he leaves you’ll have a hell of a lot to deal with other than the Alphaness she inherited. From you might I add.” Archie rolled his eyes and sat down watching them. Destroyer had a few kittens on his head and neck and was making faces towards Caroline.

“Daddy! Look he’s being silly!” She toppled over on her back and laughed. He enjoyed seeing her play around and made him have some sort of relief.

“At least I don’t have to teach her math when the time comes. He can.” Jake gave him a look and pushed him.“Idiot. He doesn’t even know what math is!”

“Weee!” Caroline laughed while holding onto the back of Destroyer. He was giving her a piggyback ride and was running around the front yard of the pack and people watched them.

Each day they spent together it was like Caroline grew more attached to her new best friend. She valued him as a five-year-old with no knowledge of anything bad. She saw him as a big lug of fun and adventure.

“Can you jump? Jump!” Archie had finally had more confidence in him and let him go off on their own. Charlie, on the other hand, had kept her eyes on him constantly and never once left them alone. She still felt that Destroyer was a threat, especially since he was in the body of a full grown man.

“Ooh! Destro! Can we get ice cream? Pleaseeee.” She begged him and he thought.

“Can you get ice cream?”

“Mhm! Daddy says only one ice cream a day and I haven't had any yet!” She giggled and he nodded. He let her off of his back and decided to go where the ice cream parlor was. The great thing about being in a pack was that money wasn't something to essential unless you decided to go out of the pack to another or into human civilization.

The alpha was the one who kept all the money in a vault, like a bank in a city and if someone was leaving they would take an appro[riate amount and the deal goes on. He walked into the parlor with Caroline in his hands and everyone turned. Some of the non-mated females made cooing noises to him. Caroline ran from his hand into the empty line and followed her.

“Can I get this one?” She pointed and looked up at the cashier.“Of course miss Caroline!” Destroyer looked around as she had gotten her ice cream and some females walked up to him.

“Now Now Now...Destroyers the name correct?” A brunette female slid her hand across his shoulder and he looked at her with confusion. He glanced behind her to see that Caroline was still getting ice cream from the lady and then looked at the girl in front of him.

“It is Ma’am. You are?” He asked her with politeness and she glanced at her friends at a table.

“Polite...polite...My names Addy. Short for Adelaide and I couldn’t help, but hear a rumor that you were the so-called hellhound?” She asked and he nodded.

“I am.” He smiled at her. He was told that he would not reveal that he was mated to Caroline.

“’s sad that you spent all that time...down there You ever get lonely?” Before he could answer, the woman felt a tug at her pant leg and she looked down.

“Hello, Miss Caroline. How may I help the future Luna of today?” She asked and Caroline licked her ice cream cone with a sassy look on her face.

“Destroyers my best friend. He has to give ME piggyback rides so I would like him back. Please.” She moved in front of her and grabbed Destroyers hand.

“Bye, miss!” She pulled Destroyer out of the shop and he waved goodbye to Addy who was shocked at the little girl's comment.

“You are my best friend and no one can have you, okay?” Caroline looked at him and he quickly nodded. Even though she was five, she could get really scary at times.

“What kind of ice cream?” He asked her and she held it up.“It's lemon cherry!” She squeaked and licked the ice cream. They walked towards the packed house. She had wanted to go see her other and he ended up seeing her from afar.

“Look! Your moms right there!” he pointed her out and her eyes widened from afar. Charlie composed herself and walked forward. Caroline let go of his hand and r to her mother to pick her up.

“He took me to get ice cream and gave me a piggyback ride and told stories!” She licked her ice cream as she held Caroline on her hip.

“He did now?” She looked at him and he kept his head down. She only watched him and she couldn’t help but push the realization that was hitting her.

“Let’s walk back to the house.” She commented and Destroyer followed her.“Caroline? He didn’t do anything bad right?” She asked him as he followed behind.

“No mommy. He’s my best friend he can never do something bad.” She giggled and finished ice cream and began to eat the cone.

“I mean, to you. He didn’t do anything bad to you?” She shook her head once more.

“He’s my best friend” She smiled and told her mother again. When getting to their house she placed her daughter down and she ran straight to the living room.

“M...Ma’am?” He spoke to her and she turned around. “I...know you don’t like me. I am sorry for whatever I did since we first met and I understand you really don’t like me because of Caroline.” He was afraid of speaking to her ever since he changed. He felt that she still didn’t like him no matter what he did to please her.

Charlie looked at him and saw that he was remorseful and for no reason. She had made him feel guilty for such a long time and she never saw it before recently. He closed his eyes for just a moment and looked back up at her.

“I can’t hate you. I don’t know why... I hated you for so long. All you did was try to earn my respect when there was no need to. I know that you respect me and I never returned the favor and for that I’m sorry. Sorry for the things I’ve ever said.” She told him and he just stared at her.

“It is okay. I never minded that our respect did not go both ways. I accept...your apology.” He told her and instead of saying ‘it’s okay’ he said that instead. He learned that if he said ‘its okay’ then the other would think that it’s do it again.

“I couldn’t hate you for long. You are my daughter's mate, but I won't stop feeling what I have to protect her because she’s a child.” He nodded with a smile.

“I understand your reasoning.” He walked forward and wrapped his arms around her in a hug.

“Wha- Whoa…” She hesitated to place her arms around him and sighed softly. He was definitely a tall man and it felt awkward that she was hugging him.

“I did well?” He asked and she rolled her eyes.

“Yes. Yes, you did.” SHe told him and walked inside her home. He smiled and walked in behind her. He had a bubbly feeling inside himself for earning her expect after more than ten years. He had not been so tortured by her, but everything was all good and okay and now he was able to be like a family. Be best friends with his mate before they became official mates. It was now time for him to watch cartoons with Caroline, who took a liking to Kim Possible.

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