Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 7

{Heather’s P.O.V.}

I have been stuck in this damn house for a week now ever since Gideon forbade me from leaving. Apparently, the rumors of a wealthy rogue wolf who changes her appearance were spreading faster than he could contain it. I honestly thought I was getting away with it, but I guess not. I know for a fact that there is a bounty out for me, Gideon saw it and showed it to me. Thankfully, being at home keeps me protected with the use of the Seer’s cloaking spell.

As grateful as I was to Gideon for getting me out of that death trap called Desert Moon, I didn’t want to be his queen. All this was being forced on me, and I knew I could put it off as long as I didn’t get pregnant. I have been secretly taking birth control to prevent it. What I wanted was to gain his trust, and make him fall madly in love with me, which is why I marked him. Though, I was shocked to find out that if something happened to me, he would die too. I honestly didn’t care though.

What I needed from him was his powers of dark magic so I could cloak myself into a different person and get into Yellow Moon to get rid of that pink-haired pixie b***h and their offspring. Those mixed breed abominations. Just knowing that they were living in this world was enough to make me want to vomit. The fact that Deacon was in love with a half breed and mated with her made my b***d boil. The moon goddess, or Selene as Gideon calls her is even worse. Too bad I can’t kill her for giving Deacon a second chance.

Everyone can keep telling me all they want that it’s my own fault for being impure, but it doesn’t mean that I have to give up what rightfully belongs to me. Everyone I hate is happy and in love, and one person that I love is happy with someone else. Well, I don’t think so. I’m going to get what I want, what I want is pink-haired hussy dead, her mutt pups slaughtered, and Desert Moon in ashes.

As I was deep in thought on how I was going to make all of my enemies pay, the Seer appeared,

“My Queen,” she said and bowed her head.

“What do you want?”

“You said you wanted me to keep an eye on your sister, did you not?”

“I did,”

“Well, were you aware that she is getting married?”

“What?! She’s engaged?”

“Has been for some time now, my Queen,” she replies and brings up an image of Lacie. My b***d boils when I see her trying on her wedding dress at the bridal shop. The dress she’s wearing is almost an exact match to one she picked when she was sixteen. “There is one more thing,”

“What?” without any words, she brings up another image, and my eyes pop out of my head. “Who is that!?”

“I believe her name is Meredith, she is your niece,”

“Lacie had a baby!?! When!?”

“My understanding is that she gave birth a little over three months ago,”

“What!? That means that b***h was pregnant when I was there!!” I was outraged. She was engaged and pregnant when I was in captivity. She was living her life and even had the audacity to give me a beating while I was chained with silver. If she thinks she gets to live her happily ever after, she has another coming. “When is her wedding?”

“Based on my vision, she is to be wed in three weeks,”

“I need a favor,”

{Jedediah’s P.O.V.}

After my a*s was thoroughly kicked by Allie, I went home to shower and got ready for the day. All of the guys minus Aries and Andre were going to help me pick up furniture for my townhouse. Dorian wasn’t kidding when he said that Mikey had a big truck.

“Damn, nice ride,” I said looking at his truck.

“Thanks, this is my pride and joy, other than my wife and son, of course,” he said petting his truck.


“You know it. 2017 custom lifted Toyota Tundra Crewmax 4X4. I’ll tell you about the customization at another time,” he says and admires his truck.

“Jed, do you know where you want to go get furniture?” Dorian asked.

“I saw online that you guys have an Ikea here,”

“Sure do,” he responds. “Mikey, you know the way,”

“Let’s go boys,” Mikey says, and we all load up in the truck. The drive to Ikea took a little over an hour, but it didn’t feel like it. We were all f*****g with each other the entire ride, but it was mostly me talking s**t about Dorian’s time during our undergrad days.

When Mikey parked the truck, we all got out, and the first thing Dorian said to us was,

“None of you can tell Allie about anything we talked about this truck! Especially the fraternity thing!”

“Dude, Sin can read minds, this s**t ain’t staying secret for long,” Mikey said. Dorian hung his head, and we all just laughed.

“Alright, let’s get to shopping,” I say and we all head inside. I grab a cart, and we make our way through the endless maze of Ikea. The first stop was getting a couch.

“Jed, did you look online first?” Lucas asked.

“I did, I saw this sectional for a little over a grand I really liked. I already measured out the living room, so I know it will fit,”

“What’s it called?” Mikey asked.

“It’s called the Lidhult, but I can’t decide on the color,” I respond. Well look around, and Lucas finds it.

“Hey, check it out, the chaise has a hidden compartment,” Lucas says. I nod my head and admire the sectional.

“What color do you think I should get?”

“I like the charcoal grey,” Dorian says.

“Same,” Brandon replies.

“I like the wine color,” Mikey replies and Lucas agrees with him.

“What do you think, brother? It’s two against two, you’re the tiebreaker,” Dorian says to me. I look at both colors and think. They both would look in the townhouse, but in the end, I went with the grey to be a little more neutral.

“Jed, they have matching armchairs too,” Brandon says pointing at it.

“Sweet, I’ll get two armchairs in the wine color then,”

“Hold that thought, I think you should ask Leah,” Brandon said.

“What? Why?”

“Leah is big on interior design, she’s the one that redecorated the dining room after we added the new table,” he replies and takes out his phone. He immediately video calls Leah.


“Sweetcheeks, we need your expert opinion on something,”

“What’s up?”

“Jed is looking at this sectional right here, and the matching armchair. He wants to get the sectional in grey, and two arms in the wine color,” he tells her and moves the phone around to show her.

“Ummm… I suggest you flip those colors around. Get the sectional in wine, and the armchairs in grey. The best way to determine which color should be primary is to take the cushions and flip flop them. See what looks better. Red on grey, or grey on red,” I immediately do as she says, and sure enough, the grey on red looked so much better.

“Damn, you’re a genius, Leah, thanks for your input,” I tell her and wave at the phone.

“You’re welcome, Jed. Also, since your furniture color is going to be red and grey, you want the rest of the furniture of your living room to complement those colors. So, black, other shades of red, silver, and white,”

“Got it, thanks,”

“Have fun!” Brandon hangs up and smiles at me. I write down the product number for the sectional and armchairs, and we keep going.

“Jed, did you need a coffee table?” Mikey asks.

“I’m going to make mine actually,”

“What?” they all look at me.

“I like to do carpentry work as a hobby, so I’m going to make any wood related furniture, like the coffee table and bookshelves,”

“That’s pretty awesome,” Dorian says. “If I pay you, will you make Allie a makeup vanity, she’s been dying for a new one because she hates the one she has from this place,”

“Sure, just have drawn it out and I’ll work my magic,” Dorian slaps my back in appreciation, and we move on to the bedroom. “Look for a bedframe called Brimnes,” I tell the guys. We all look around when Mikey waves his hand.

“Over here,” we go over and sure enough, it’s exactly what I wanted. I write down the product number for the frame, headboard, two of the four-drawer chests, and the T.V. unit for the living room. While working our way through the bedding area, I picked up some bedding, pillows, and sheets.

“Are you going to get something for the guest rooms?” Brandon asked.

“Not right now,” he nods, and we move onto the dining room. I end up getting a simple four-seater table with chairs for cheap because I planned on making my own later on. We moved off to office space, I took inspiration from the website and got a gaming desk, office chair, and drawer set.

After what felt like days inside of Ikea, we finally make into the warehouse and start locating all of the stuff. We had to get assistance with the larger furniture, but luckily everything that I wanted they had in stock and in all of the colors as well. Mikey went to get the truck while the rest of us waited to check out. By the time I paid for everything, I spent close to four grand, but it was money well spent. When we got to the loading deck Mikey was already backing in the truck.

We load up the truck and have to play Tetris to get everything to fit, but we got lucky, and a sales associate helped us with that. After we were loaded up, Mikey pulled the track ratchet straps and secured everything to prevent anything from falling out. On the way back, we decided to stop at Buffalo Wild Wings for a late lunch,

“So, how are we going to do this?” I asked.

“We always just order the 100 piece party size,” Dorian answered. “We each pick one flavor,”

“Cool,” we ended up ordering lemon pepper, honey bbq, orange chicken, Asian zing, and desert heat. Of course, we added a bunch of dips, veggie sticks, potato wedges, and onion rings to that order. The waitress looked at us like we were insane. Needless to say, we ate everything that we ordered, and we all looked like we were going to pass out from being in a food coma. The two-hour drive home consisted of us burping, farting, and sleeping.

When we got home, the guys helped me unload everything into the respective rooms, and then they left. Those fuckers didn’t want to help me put everything together. I decided to put it off until tomorrow because I just wanted a shower and to go to bed. Which is exactly what I did.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

After unloading Jed and his new furniture, we came back to the packhouse where everyone was in the living room with the pups playing on the floor. The girls were drinking wine and just gossiping.

“Hey baby,” I say to Allie and k**s the top of her head.

“Hey, did you guys have fun?”

“Fun is not how I would describe spending four hours at Ikea,” Mikey said and plopped down next to Sin. “And an hour with these a-holes passing gas,”

“Oh gross!” all of the girls exclaimed.

“Wait,” Allie says and starts to sniff me. “Oh, you guys had Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch didn’t you!?”

“Dang Gizmo, you and your sense of smell are ridiculous,” Brandon said to her. Then out of nowhere, Sin ran over to me and punched me in the arm, and hard.

“OWW! What the fu…ahh…udge was that for!?” I shouted at her. She just scoffed at me and was staring daggers. Then I realized, she had read Mikey’s mind and knew about the s**t I did in college.

“Are you going to tell her or am I!?” Sin asks crossing her arms across her chest. I looked down at Allie who just lifted an eyebrow at us. I hung my head knowing I wasn’t going to get out of this.

“Baby, we need to talk,” I tell her and take her hand. “Will you guys watch the twins?” I asked no one in particular and they all just nodded their heads.

I took Allie to our room and made sure to lock the door behind me. I sat down in the armchair and had her sit on my lap.

“Dorian, why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this?”

“Because you’re not,” she gave me a side-eye and furrowed her brows. “I just want to put it on record that this happened over a decade ago,”


“Allie, when I was in college, I was part of a fraternity, and like most fraternities, we were stupid and did things we weren’t supposed to, some of which, were illegal,” she just blinked and waited for me to continue. “I also wasn’t just a member, I was part of The Executive Council, and one thing I did, that I’m not proud of, was sleeping with one of the girls from the sister sorority of our fraternity and recording it,”

“You what!?” she scoffed, and her mouth hung open. “Dorian, you made a s*x tape!?!” I just nodded my head. “With or without the girl knowing!?”


“DORIAN!!!” she stood up from my lap and gave me a disgusted look.

“That’s not the bad part,”

“Oh my god, you didn’t?”

“I did,”

“Dorian, you shared the s*x tape!?”

“Yes, but only with my frat brothers. I made sure to encrypt the video and deleted the metadata after showing it to them. I didn’t want it to get out,”

“Dorian, I can’t believe you would do something like that! That poor girl! You humiliated her without her even knowing it!”

“I told you, I’m not proud of it, and I regretted it ever since I shared the tape. I was a stupid horny college student,”

“Dorian! How would you feel if some stupid horny college student did that to our daughter!?” I knew Allie would go there, “Or worse, what if Keegan were to do it!?”

“Allie, I don’t know what you want me to say or do. It was over a decade ago,”

“Dorian, I can’t believe you would do something like that,”

“I told you, I’m not proud of it, and I promise that it only happened that one time and I destroyed the video after I showed it to my frat brothers,” Allie gave a look of anger and disgust, but there was something more evil in her glint.

“I’m going to punish you, Dorian,”


“No s*x for two weeks,” she said and crossed her arms. I lifted my brow at her. Did she honestly think she could deny me s*x? She had another thing coming.

{Dani’s P.O.V.}

I rolled over in bed and rubbed my eyes. I looked up and saw that it was morning. I shifted to my right and saw my beautiful mate sleeping peacefully. I gave him a chaste k**s and got up to check on Monique.

“Bonjour mon petit,” (Good morning, my little one) I tell her and pick her up. “Avez-vous bien dormi?” (Did you sleep well?)

“Mommy,” she replies with a giggle. I put her on the changing table and changed her diaper.

“Ohhh…Girl, what did you eat the last few days?” I ask her as I throw out her dirty diaper and wipe her.

“She had b***d a couple of days ago, remember?” Andre says as he sits up on his elbows.

“Oh yeah, I forgot b***d makes her poop more rancid than normal,” I finish changing her and put her pajama bottoms back on. I pick her up and take her over to the bed so she can play with Andre. This was something she has to do in the morning now since she has been doing since she was born. Morning playtime with daddy while mommy showers.

I didn’t plan on showering this morning since I had taken one late last night, so I just did my morning routine, and washed my face. I brushed my hair and did a side Dutch braid. I tied off the end and went back out into the room. Andre was doing the airplane with Monique and her squeals of happiness filled our room.

“Andre, do you want to have another?” I asked him.

“Only if you want one another,” he responded without even looking at me.

“I think we should start trying,” he stopped what he was doing and looked at me. He gently brought Monique down on this chest and then sat up.

“Mon amour, are you sure?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, you’ve been making me pull out for the last few months, I figured you didn’t want to get pregnant again,”

“I didn’t, but Monique is two and a half now, and after watching Lacie with Meredith lately, it’s been making me want another. Plus, it doesn’t help that I think everyone has been trying except for us. I have baby fever, and I’ve always wanted at least two, possibly three,”

“Well, we are vampires, so we have eternity to make more,” he replies making me smile. “But, if you want to actively start trying, perhaps, we should start right now,” he says and wiggles his eyebrows making me laugh at his antics.

“Monique is in the room,”

“So, we have s*x with her in the room all the time,”

“When she’s sleeping. She’s fully awake right now you animal,” I say and shove him. He falls over screaming in pain.

“Monique, ta mère m’a fait du mal!” (Monique, your mother hurt me)

“Non! Mauvaise Maman!” (No! Bad mommy) Monique shouted at me and hit me in return.

“Ow, Monique!”

“Daddy owie,” she said and kissed Andre’s arm.

“Merci ma princesse, my owie is all better,” I scoffed at the two of them. She was definitely a daddy’s girl, but I couldn’t help the feeling of my heart fluttering seeing the two of them like this. As much as it made me smile, it also made me a little sad.

I remembered my relationship with my dad was almost as good as my baby girl’s relationship with Andre. That is until he decided to say vulgar and degrading things to me after I broke off my engagement to Harry. Apparently, money was important to my father than my happiness. Even my mom sided with my dad. I effectively disowned my family after that, but Andre is dying to meet them. When he finally told me why he wanted to, it broke my heart.

I often contemplate if I should swallow my pride and call my parents or shimmer home and see how they’re doing. But I don’t because I’m stubborn that way. Plus, I did nothing wrong, so I shouldn’t have to be the bigger person. After over three years of no contact with them, you would think they would wonder how their only child is doing, but no. They don’t even bother. My mother has every opportunity to find me. We’re connected as vampires, but she has never once tried to contact me. It’s their loss, not mine. I have my family. I have the love of my life, someone who has treated me with nothing but respect since the moment we met and has loved me unconditionally. Someone I share my beautiful baby girl with, and someone I get to spend eternity with. I don’t need my parents.

“Andre, I’m going to take Monique shopping today for a mother-daughter date, are you going to okay alone?”

“What do you mean alone? We have a house full of family and friends. You go, and have fun mon amour,” he says and kissed my cheek.

After getting Monique and myself ready, I texted Derek to let him know we were going out, and he got the car ready. The drive to downtown Summerlin didn’t take long as there was no traffic on the highway, and construction looked to have taken a halt for the day. The lanes were still stupid, and the exits were all over the places, but Derek was an amazing driver and knew his way around.

“Delta, where to first?”

“Let’s just park in the Dillard’s parking garage and make our way around,”

“Sure thing,”

The mall was packed, but Derek found good parking either way. Derek pulled out the stroller from the trunk, and I got Monique situated before grabbing my purse and the baby bag. I placed the baby bag in the bottom compartment of the stroller, and Derek made sure to lock the door. Before we could even go five feet, I felt the sudden presence of a vampire, and I immediately knew who it was,

“Hello, Daniella,”


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