Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Nightmare Chapter 6

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

The next morning, I made sure that Jedediah was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed because I was going to make him hurt for cursing in front of the pups. With how fast the kids were growing, it was getting harder and harder to prevent them from picking up on words they shouldn’t be saying until they’re at least in their teens. Unfortunately, everyone has mouths that would make a sailor blush, and adding Jedediah to the mixture wasn’t helping any. He had no idea what was coming to him.

When I got out to the training field, I saw Jed warming up with Dorian, and I overheard Dorian telling him not to underestimate me just because of my size, and of course, he doesn’t heed Dorian’s warning, and well…


“This is for making fun of my height!” I shouted at Jed while elbowing him in the gut. “This is for cussing in front of my baby!” I shout as I do a low kick to the back of his thigh making him fall to his knees, “And this!…” I say as I do an octopus hold on him, “…is just for fun!”

“I give! I give!” he whimpers as he taps my arm. I let go and he falls to the ground.

“That didn’t take long,” I say and walk off.

“Good job, baby,” Dorian says and picks me up kissing me. Things between us were getting back to normal. I could see Jed looking at us from the corner of my eye, and I saw a hint of jealousy. I honestly felt bad for the guy after he told us what happened between him and his ex-mate.

When he had explained that she was his old Alpha’s daughter, it automatically made me think of Heather. I thought Michaela or whatever her name is, was a self-entitled brat who was spoiled, but Jed said that Alpha Scanlan had raised her to be better than that and that she’s normally disciplined, other than when it came to him being her mate.

“Dorian, your wife is crazy. How the hell does she move that fast?” Jed said coming up to us while holding his shoulder.

“She’s always been fast, and it helps that she’s small. I told you not to underestimate her,”

“Allie, I’m sorry for making fun of your height, and I promise to watch my language around the pups, just please, for the love of the moon goddess, please do not ever put me in that kind of position again,”

“Apology accepted, but no promises,” I tell him and walk off towards the house. I can hear him complaining to Dorian who just tells him to suck it up.

“Luna, very good,” Lucas says and hugs my shoulder.

“Every male in this pack will feel the wrath of the Luna if they cuss in front of the pups,” I say with a joking tone and make a small evil laugh. Lucas chuckles at me as we head inside.

“Nice, Allie!” Sam exclaims and gives me a high five. I see that all of the girls are awake.

“All of you guys watched!?” I exclaim while laughing.

“Hell yeah, we did. We weren’t going to miss this showdown,” Sin said with a huge grin.

“What showdown?” I looked past everyone and saw Aries in the kitchen.

“ARIES!” Lacie squealed and ran to his arms.

“Oh! Hey Precious, did you miss me?”

“Of course I did, so did Meredith,”

“How is my little monkey?”

“She’s perfect, although, she hasn’t been sleeping through the night,”

“Aries,” Dorian said as he came in.

“Dorian, and…Who is that?” he asked pointing at Jed.

“Aries, this my old college roommate, Jedediah. Jed, this Lacie’s fiancé, and one of my top bounty hunters, Aries,”

“It’s a pleasure,” Aries says as he shakes Jed’s hand.

“Aries, Jed is a new pack member, and let’s just say, he’s learning quickly,” I tell him and wink.

“Ah, you cussed in front of the pups,” Aries says.

“What? How did you…”

“I felt the wrath of Sam when I did it by accident a few months ago,” Aries replies making Sam wiggle her brows in pride.

“I don’t know who’s worse, Sam or Allie,” Jed says looking back at us.

“No competition,” everyone answers in unison and we all start laughing. Even Jed scoffs and starts laughing.

“Jed, honestly, we’re picking on you because we like you. If we didn’t like you, we wouldn’t even bother having you spar with the best of us,” Lucas says. “Let alone eat at our table,”

“Lucas is right, us being nice has nothing to do with you being friends with the boss. We can tell that you’re good company, and that’s what we look for in friends, and sparring partners,” Sam added.

“Wait, hold up, you guys are kicking my a*s because you like me? What would happen if you didn’t like me?”

“We don’t really dislike anyone in the pack, it’s more of just being an all-around pack member,” Brandon said. “If that was the case, buddy, you’d be sparring with the other Omegas in the morning and not with the ranked members,”

“Eventually, we’ll put you with the guards, they’re some of the best-trained fighters that’s why their guards to the ranked females,” Dorian says.

“And who are the guards?” Jed asks. I decide to mind link all of them to come down and introduce themselves. A few minutes later, one by one they come into the living room.

“Jed, these are the guards assigned to all of the ranked females. Boys, please introduce yourselves and who you’re assigned to,” I say to them.

“I believe we met already, but if you don’t remember, my name is Simba, and I’m Allie’s guard,”

“How’s it going, my name is Nick, and I’m the Gamma’s guard,”

“Good morning, it’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Paxton, and I’m also the Gamma’s guard,”

“Howdy, my name is Joel, I’m the Beta’s guard,”

“Hey, welcome to Desert Moon, my name is Sylvester, but everyone calls me Sly, and I’m also the Beta’s guard,”

“Good morning, I’m Leroy, and I’m the Luna’s other guard,”

“Hey, the name is Derek, I’m the Delta’s guard,”

“Wait, why does Dani only have one guard?”

“Because Dani can shimmer if she’s ever in trouble, plus, she didn’t want a guard, but we gave her one anyway,” I tell him. Jed was about to reply when we heard crying from one of the baby monitors.

“Oh, that’s Meredith,” Lacie said.

“Ah, you stay and mingle Precious. I need to spend some time with my monkey,” Aries says and goes upstairs. About two minutes later, we can hear him on the baby monitor.

“My precious monkey, did you miss daddy? Daddy sure missed you. Yes, I did. Oh wow, you’ve grown since I’ve been away haven’t you? My beautiful Meredith, I love you so much. You and mommy mean the world to me. I can’t wait to give you the stars, the sun, and the moon,” all of the girls swooned and the guys with daughters just smirked. Lacie was on the brink of tears.

“Seriously, that guy is a bounty hunter?” Jed asks pointing at the baby monitor.

“Believe it or not my friend, he’s one of the best in the world,” Dorian answered.

“Too bad he can’t f*****g find that b***h, Heather,” I mutter under my breath.

“ALLIE!” Dorian scolds me and I pout. Everyone starts to laugh at me. Everything is definitely starting to back to the way things were.

{Lacie’s P.O.V}

I went upstairs after hearing Aries get Meredith back to sleep through the baby monitor. When I got to our room, Aries was in the shower, and I decided to join him. I stripped off my clothes, and crept into the shower behind him, and snaked my arms around his amazing naked body.

“Precious, what are you doing?” he asked as he held my arms.

“Hugging my sexy a*s fiancé, what does it look like?” I responded and kissed his shoulder blade. “I missed you, babe,”

“I missed you too, Lacie,” he said and turned around hugging me fully.

“You know, I thought being retired meant that you didn’t have to work anymore,” I said as I pulled away to look him in the eyes.

“Well, unfortunately, there are people out there who don’t take no for answer and are so desperate that are willing to pay more for my services,” he answers.

“I still hate it,”

“I know, Precious, but money is money, and if we plan on moving out after the wedding, I need to be able to buy a property from Dorian,”

“Why can’t we stay in the packhouse, you know that there’s plenty of room.,”

“Right now there is because Meredith is still an infant, but when the time comes that we have more pups, and Meredith gets bigger, she’s going to need her own space, and there aren’t enough rooms on the second floor in the packhouse,”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,”

“Besides, we both agreed that we would only stay in the packhouse until all the drama with Maya was over, and it’s been months since all that ended,”

“I know, but I enjoy living in the packhouse, and it helps since I work for Allie,”

“I know Lacie, but we’re not ranked. We really shouldn’t be in this room anyway,” he says to me and gives a small smile. I roll my eyes and grunt because he’s right. “Don’t worry too much, Precious. Our next house will actually one of the bigger townhouses on the west side of the territory. We will have plenty of room for our family,” I smiled at his words and hugged him again.

I wanted to have some intimate time with him, but he was too tired from his trip back, so I gave him a blow job instead. Afterward, Aries passed out with Meredith on his chest, and I went back downstairs to get started on my day.

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