Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 3

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

Brandon and Sin left, leaving me with Allie. Seeing her like this broke me. If she was a werewolf, she would feel the connection immediately, but she was human, so she wouldn’t feel anything for a while. I wanted to hold her so badly. She was shivering.

“Allie are you cold?” she nodded. She was still in her work uniform. “Here, you can wear this,” I took off my t-shirt and handed it to her.

“Thank you,” she stood up and put it on. I could get used to her wearing my shirts. She sat back on the couch and hugged her knees.

“Allie, please don’t be afraid, but I’m going to sit next to you okay?” I needed to be close to her. She nodded and I sat close to her, but not too close to where it would frighten her. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

“You said your name was Dorian?” she asked me.

“Yes, Dorian Shaw,”

“Dorian Shaw?” she turned to look at me. f**k she was gorgeous. “As in Shaw Security and Surveillance?”

“You know about my company?” This intrigued me real fast.

“I do. I went to a surveillance seminar that was held at the Sands Convention center two years ago. I wanted to build a surveillance app to protect myself from Devin, and other women in similar situations,” she was smart and sexy. Where has she been all my life? “I also use a lot of the retail equipment your company makes. Pinhole cameras, security systems, and a safe,” her voice was excited about this.

“Are you interested in security?” I asked her

“I wanted to be a Surveillance Engineer when I started college, but after what happened with my ex, I gave it up,” her answer made my heart stop. I was in love at that moment.

She seemed to have calmed down a lot, and while we waited for Brandon and Sin to come back, I shared details of my company and how I got it started. I left out the supernatural part. Through it all, she kept up with terminology and tech information that most women would never understand, but she was all for it. About an hour later, Brandon and Sin came back.

“He’s gone. There’s no sign of him,” Brandon looked concerned about something. Allie sighed and hugged her chest again, closing her eyes and shaking her head. I looked at Brandon who gestured me to see him.

“Okay, one, Mikey found his mate,” he whispered to me. Mikey was my Gamma and another good friend of ours.


“Sin. He said he knew the moment she walked into the cabana. She was the one on his lap,” he whispered.

“Good for him,” I said. “What else?”

“Sin took Mikey to the corner where Allie said she saw Devin. According to Allie, he was alone. No one within at least a few feet,”


“Mikey said that the only smell that was there was from a wolf but disgusting one at that,” I looked at him like he was insane.

“Are you telling me that her abusive ex is also a wolf?”

“Not just a wolf, Dorian. He’s a rogue,”

“She said his family had money,” I told him.

“My guess is that it’s a rogue family with money and no pack,” he replied. “We can call human authorities, but if he’s a shifter, this goes way past them. Also, now that Mikey has his mate, he will do everything to protect her as well. This guy Devin may know who she is already.”

“I agree. Allie told me she has been living off the grid. She is super into security and surveillance, so she has been taking precautions to stay hidden. If this guy could find her, figuring out who she lives with is a cakewalk,” I replied to him. Brandon and I tried to strategize on how to keep the girls safe when Allie’s phone started beeping.

“What is that?” I ran over to her

“Someone just broke into our condo,” she opened the app on her phone.

“f**k!” Sin shouted. Devin had found their home and began to trash it.

“Is there any sound?” I asked. She nodded and turned up the volume as we watched her crazy ex destroy their home.

“Allie baby, I know you can hear me. You were always into tech, so I’m sure you have cameras around with microphones. Look, baby, just come home to me and all will be forgiven,” he said while throwing things to the ground. “You can’t hide anymore. Neither you nor your friend has any more money,” Allie and Sin looked at each other. Sin quickly took out her phone which she must have grabbed during the search.

“SON OF A b***h!!!” Sin screamed at the top of her lungs.

“What the f**k?!” Mikey said rushing in. Hearing his mate scream must have put him on protection mode.

“That fucker emptied my bank accounts!!”

“WHAT?!” Allie shouted. Sin showed us her phone and all accounts were at a zero balance.

“How much was in there?” I asked.

“Close to $150,000. It was a combination of both our savings. We wanted to buy a house with cash, so we didn’t have to pay a mortgage, then we were going to go on a month-long tour of the world with the rest of it,” Sin answered.

“Sin, I’m so sorry! I am so sorry you were dragged into all of this! This is my fault! This is all my fault!” Allie started to break down.

“No, babe! This is not your fault! None of this is!” Sin hugged her. “This is all his doing. I don’t blame you, okay?”

“Allie,” Devin’s voice could be heard through the phone. His tone was taunting. We looked down and he was staring straight into the camera. Allie dropped her phone in shock and disgust. I picked it up and watched it with Brandon. This fucker was sick. “Allie, I know you can see me. I’m going to keep looking for you, and I’m taking you back to New Hampshire. No need to call the police or my parole officer. He’s already dead. And if anyone gets in my way, I’ll kill them too,” I looked over at Allie who was completely disgusted at what he was saying. “My little spicy tuna roll, if I can’t have you, no one can,” then the screen went black.

“Spicy tuna roll?” we all asked her

“It was my favorite sushi roll up until this moment. The fucker even had to ruin my favorite food,” she muttered.

“If this guy is a wolf, he is long gone by now,” Brandon said. I nodded in agreement.

“Girls,” they looked up at us.

“We are going to take you home to see if you can salvage any personal belongings. Then, you both are coming home with us,” Brandon said.

“WHAT!?” They shouted

“We barely met you guys?” Sin said. “Do not get me wrong, Mikey and you guys are hot as f**k, and I would ride his bones until dawn tomorrow, but going home with all of you does not make any sense,” I looked up at Mikey who was blushing. This guy was a trained hunter and he was blushing because of his mate.

“You guys have nowhere else to go,” I told them

“He’s right Sin,” Allie said

“Devin knows where we live, and neither one of us has any family or money now. And we can’t involve the others, they have families. Maxine has a baby and Dani is getting married soon,” Sin gave a look of defeat after hearing Allie. Things were moving quickly, and this was the only immediate solution.

“No offense, how we can trust you guys? We barely know you,” Sin said looking at us.

“Sin, that’s Dorian Shaw,” Allie said

“That CEO from the security place you have been wanting to work at?”

“You want to work at my company?” I asked Allie. I was shocked and surprisingly turned on. She waved me off.

“He knows everything there is about security and surveillance. I would think that his house is the equivalent of Ft. Knox and Brandon is our boss. They barely know us and look at all they are doing to help,”

“Ladies, I am sorry about this,” Brandon started, and the girls looked at him. “You are two are fired,” they both just let out a sigh. I guess they figured it was coming.

“It is what it is. I was going to end up quitting anyway now that Devin knows where I work,” Allie responded very coolly and calmly. She was stronger than I initially thought.

“Mikey, Brandon,” I called them over for a quick huddle. “If they’re coming to the packhouse, we need to tell them,”

“Are you insane?! They’re human and already scared shitless,” Mikey said to me.

“Dorian is right. They are about to come to the packhouse which is out in the middle of the desert. We have guys in wolf form day in and day out,” Brandon agreed with me. The three of us huddled a little while longer before finally agreeing.

“Girls,” I said to them. The three of us sat in front of them.

“We need to tell you two something,” I started

“Let me guess, all of you are werewolves?” Sin said cutting me off. The three of us were in shock and our mouths dropped.

“What!?” Allie exclaimed and look at all of us.

“Sin, how did you…” Mikey began to ask

“I have a friend in California that I went to high school with,” she crossed her legs and looked at her nails. Allie looked at her confused. “She’s a wolf-human hybrid,”

“Sin, what the f**k?” Allie looked at Sin like she grew three heads. “So, all that talk of the supernatural and how Twilight was full of s**t these last few years, you were serious?!” Sin just nodded. “How did you…” Allied asked.

“Honey, look at them! Look at how delicious they all are. ALL.OF.THEM. Since when do you see a dozen men that are all 6ft tall or taller with perfect bodies. I kind of had a feeling when I first saw them,”

“I am so confused right now,” Allie said while she furrowed her brows and scrunched her face.

“Whatever, we have to go,” Sin said

“Wait! Sin they’re werewolves! You were against this, but now you’re okay with it?”

“Now that I know they’re werewolves, I know we’re safe,” Sin smiled at Allie.

“You seem so sure right now. How do you know they won’t eat us?”

“Correct me if I’m wrong boys,” Sin said while pointing to the three of us. “Mikey, am I your mate?” Mikey’s eyes bulged out his head. “And Dorian, Allie is yours?” Allie just and I looked at each other

“WHAT!?!” Allie screamed. “What the f**k?!”

“Werewolf 101 babe, according to my friend, wolves have what is called a ‘mate’. A soul mate if you will. It can literally be anyone. They can find them when they are young or when they are adults, like Mikey and Dorian. It only happens once in a lifetime,” Allie looked even more confused. Sin just smiled. “My friend said when a male wolf finds their mate, they will literally give their life to protect them. That is how I know we are safe with them.” When Sin finished Allie looked at me. My heart stopped, there was no fear in her eyes.

“Is that true? You would give your life to protect me?” Allie ask me.

“Yes,” I replied. She let out a big sigh.

“Babe,” Sin grabbed Allie’s hands. “You trust me, right?” Allie nodded her head. The girls hugged it out and guys and I let out a big sigh of relief. “Come on Mikey!” Sin ran out of the office and Mikey immediately went after her. Allie scoffed and laughed while hiding her face in her hands. I gestured Brandon to get the car. I stood and walked to Allie.


“This is f*****g crazy. First, my murderous ex shows up out of the nowhere dead set on killing me, you guys show up and help us, and now she tells me that I am your soul mate?”

“I know this is a lot to take in, but I promise you, Allie, I would never harm you. I would have myself executed before I even tried,” I wanted to her reassure her that she was safe.

“Can you promise me that? Because I cannot deal with another Devin. I would kill myself before another man laid their hands me to hurt me,”

“I promise,” she stood there and thought about it. She was biting her lips and I prayed she would find it in her to trust me. She let out a big sigh.

“Then I trust you, Dorian,” she said looking me in the eyes. She wasn’t afraid. Praise the moon goddess. My mate was not afraid, and she trusted me.

“One other thing,”

“What?” she looked me up and down

“My parents live with me,”

“I have to meet your parents already!? We’re not even dating!” She yelled throwing her hands in the air.

“Werewolves don’t date,” I said

“Well, I am human! So, if you want me to be your girlfriend or mate or whatever this is going to potentially be, you better start wining and dining me!” She shouted and walked out of the office.

Our mate put you in your place!

Shut up, Bandit.

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