Desert Heat (Complete)

Desert Heat Chapter 2

{Allie’s P.O.V.}

The girls were nagging me non-stop about how unfair this all was. It was cute though because there was no ill will against me.

“Fine!” I shouted. They all shut up and looked at me. “How about we each take three bottles to them, that way I will share whatever tips come out of it, you guys can eye-f**k whoever you want for a few minutes and then go back to your cabanas. Would that work?”

“YES!” they squealed.

“Come on girls,” I said. We each take three bottles and head for the VIP cabana. We get there and I avoid any eye contact. I was still offended by the dirty look I got earlier. The other girls could have their fun for a few minutes and flirt and possibly get a little cash tip out of it. We were there for ten seconds before each of them was on someone’s lap. I just laughed, shook my head, and organized the bottles, ice, and juices. Some help they were.

I felt a pair of eyes watching me and looked up. It was the guy from before, his stare took my breath away. His eyes were even greener up close. I stopped staring and got back to work opening the bottles. I poured shots and made some cocktails.

“Alright girls, I think your cabanas are calling,” I told them. They definitely overstayed their welcome. “Unless you want to lose all your tips, go!” I shooed them away.

“Party pooper!” they all shouted. I smiled and shook my head again.

“Gentlemen, I will be standing over there. If you need anything else, please just wave me over,” I said and stepped out to the corner under some shade and enjoyed the music. Unlike the other girls, I hated flirting. Guys honestly scared me and it was nothing against them, but ever since I was assaulted by my high school boyfriend after I turned 18, I have not been able to feel attraction. Yes, men turned me on, but not enough to date again or even sleep with someone. The trauma from that night is one I will never forget.

Devin, my ex-boyfriend, and I dated for a year, and during the whole time, he would try and get me to have s*x with him, but I wanted to wait until marriage. For the first few months, everything was good, but after that, when I started to reject s*x, Devin became obsessive and possessive. Every time I even talked to another guy, he would accuse me of cheating or wanting to sleep them. I just was nice to people, but Devin never saw it like that.

When he hit me for the first time during an argument, I thought it was a one-time thing and forgave him. But I was terribly mistaken. The abuse got worse over time the more we argued, but I was afraid to leave him. Then one night during an argument about me rejecting s*x again, he finally lost it. He threw into a fit of rage and assaulted me. All I remember is screaming for help, but no one came. Devin had turned up the music in his dorm so loud that is drowned out my screams. I remember waking up in the middle of the floor in his dorm beaten, bleeding, and violated.

Even though I was afraid, I was not going to let him get away for stealing the most precious thing from me. He had no right whatsoever to do that to me. I got up, got dressed, and went straight to the hospital to get a kit done. They contacted the police and I reported Devin. Devin came from money, so his parents hired some fancy lawyers to fight it, but the evidence and photos were clear as day, so he ended up being sent to prison and being classified as a predator. All I remember from that day in court was that he swore he would find me and kill me. That threat alone earned another year in lockup because he said in front of the judge.

That same day of his sentencing, I packed up my s**t and got the hell out of New Hampshire. I took my savings and got on a greyhound. I had no idea where I was going. I wanted to leave the country, but I did not have the money or a passport, so I ended up here in Vegas. I am glad I did though. I found steady work, met Sin, and started working here at Kane Beach Club. My life was good. I was rid of Devin and started over.

“Hey, sweetheart!” someone called.

“Yes?” I turned around and went into the cabana

“Can we order some food sweet cheeks?”

“Of course, what you would guys like,”

“Five cheese pizzas, six orders of fries, three of those appetizer samplers, five chicken tenders with gravy and …”

“Turkey B.L.T. please,” I look over and the sexy man finally spoke. His voice was deep and smooth.

“Is that all for you guys?” I ask while looking back at the other guy.

“That should do it, for now, sweet cheeks,” he gave me a dashing smile.

“Great, I will go put the order in and add it to your tab. Please excuse me,” I turn to walk away.

As I am heading to the bar computer to input everything, Sin locks arms with me

“So, mi Amor, how is the sexy man cabana?”

“Fine, they don’t pay attention to me. Mostly check out other girls, drink and laugh with each other,” I said while tapping in the food order.

“That is a lot of food,” she says.

“Well, there are a lot grown men,”

“Why is there a random Turkey B.L.T order?”

“The guy that gave me the dirty look ordered it,” I said. “Sin, he has a really sexy voice,”

“Oh, really now?” she smiled and lifted her brows.

“Come on, I am just complimenting him. It did not mean anything,” I said letting out a sigh. I tallied up the total and added it to the cabana tab. “You know I am not like that. Especially not after what happened to me,” I looked at her.

“I know, babe,” she side hugged me.

“Are you busy?” I asked her

“No, all of my cabanas are good for about fifteen minutes,”

“Sweet, want to hang out with me?”

“Yes!” she squealed, and we walked back together. As we were making our way back, I glanced at the crowd but immediately froze. I turned my head because I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. But off in the back corner. There he was. Fear immediately took over and I started to shake.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Sin asked me. I looked again, and he smirked at me.

“S-Si-Sin,” I could not speak.

“What? What is it?”


“What the f**k? Are you sure?” she asked. I nodded and started to cry. I had never been this afraid since that night.

“How did he find me?” Sin grabbed a bouncer.

“Hey, her ex-boyfriend is here. He is dangerous,”

“I will call security,” the bouncer said and ran off. I stood frozen, I could not move, and tears just kept coming.

“Why the hell are you two just standing…What the hell is wrong with her?” Jake asked. Suddenly, the guy who ordered the food ran up to us.

“What the f**k is going on here?” he asked

“Who are you?” Jake asked him.

“My name is Brandon Kane, I own this club,”

“Mr. Kane,”

“Why is my employee scared half to death!?” he asked.

“Her abusive abusive ex-boyfriend is here! He threatened to kill her four years ago when she pressed charges against him. She ran away from New Hampshire to here to start over. Looks like he found her,” Sin said. Normally I would be pissed for her telling strangers my backstory that way, but I was too scared to even care.

“Escort her to the CEO office on the third floor. I will have two of the guys I came with go with you,” he said to Sin. “And you,” he referred to Jake. “Shut this place down! I want everyone out in thirty minutes. Close everyone’s tabs, refund any entry fees, and all workers go home early with full pay. I want this place empty!” he shouted in Jakes’s face.

“Come on, babe. He can’t hurt you here, too many witnesses,” she says to me as she leads into the main building.

{Dorian’s P.O.V.}

After we ordered food, I saw her walk away. I hated her outfit, I would have to either get her to quit working here, or have Brandon change the work attire. I watched her as she had fun with her coworker who was equally pretty, but not as much as my future Luna. Her smile was radiant, and I could tell these two were close.

“So, why her?” Brandon asked

“She is your future Luna,” I responded

“s**t! Is she!? That is f*****g awesome! Congrats man!” he was happier than I was. He has been my best friend since we were kids, and I always knew he would be my Beta. He wanted a Luna for our pack more than I did. I knew he would do anything to keep her safe.

As she and her friend were walking back laughing away, she suddenly froze. Without a pause, I sensed it immediately. Fear. I watched from afar when suddenly her body started to tremble, and tears fell from her eyes. She was terrified.


“Yeah?” he said. I pointed to her. “What the f**k, she is scared to death,” anger rose from his tone. “I’ll check it out,” he got up and ran to them. She is shaking more, and I watch. I wanted to run to her and whisk her away. I wanted to keep her safe from anything and everything. Brandon held two fingers to me.

“Two of you go to your Beta and do what he says,”

“Yes, Sir!” Two of them take off. It seems Brandon wanted an escort for them. That only meant there was a threat to her.

Dorian, you are not going to like this. He said to me in a mind link

What is it?

Her life may be in danger. His words fueled my anger and Bandit was about to surface. You need to chill man. If you go full Alpha now, it will only scare her more. She is heading to my office. I am shutting this place down and kicking everyone out. I will take you to her, just give me a minute. I nodded. He was right, I could not risk scaring her even more than she already was. I wanted to find the threat and eliminate them.

Brandon came running up to me a few seconds later.

“Come on,”

{Sin’s P.O.V.}

I could not believe that fucker found her. She was just really starting to let go of the past and move on, but now. I hated Devin with a passion for this. I wanted him dead. Allie is like a sister to me, and seeing her like this enraged me. The two guys Mr. Kane who escorted us led us into his office.

“Wait here ladies, Mr. Kane will be right up to check on you,” one of them said.

“Thank you,” I replied as he closed the door. I sat Allie down on the couch that was in his office and held her tight. The fear was all too real, and I could not do anything to provide her comfort.

“How?” she said “How did he find me? I live off the grid! Everything is in your name! I don’t have a bank account or anything to trace back to me! How did he f*****g find me!?!” she vigorously shook her head while grabbing her hair. I hated to see her like this. She was not even crying she was just pissed. I held her as she just screamed bloody murder. I heard the door open then,

“Mr. Kane,” I look to our CEO and the other guy that has been eyeing Allie. My god, they were so delicious.

“How is she?” he asks

“Do you have to ask!? Look at her!” I shouted. Did he have to ask? “Sorry,” I realized I just yelled at my boss.

“No worries, I can see you are just concerned for her. What are your names?”

“My name is Cynthia, but I go by Sin. This is Allison, and she goes by Allie,” I responded.

“As you both heard, my name is Brandon, this is my best friend Dorian,”

“Pleasure to meet you, Dorian and Brandon,” I replied.

“The pleasure is ours,” Dorian says. Allie was right, his voice is sexy.

“Look, we are here to help. But first, I need you to do something for me, Allie,” Brandon says. She slowly looked up at him and nodded her head. “Do you have a picture of this guy?”

“In my cloud, I can access it from my phone,” she replied. At least she was not screaming anymore.

“Where is your phone babe?” I asked her

“My purse, in my locker,”

“Okay, babe. I am going to go get it okay?”

“No Sin!” she grabbed my arm as her life depended on it.

“Allie, no one is going to hurt you okay. As long as you stay this office,” Brandon said to her calming her. “Sin, you will also be escorted since he may have seen you with her. It is just a precaution,” I nodded and left. One of the guys followed me all the way to our locker room and waited for me. I quickly found her phone and went back to the office.’

“I found it,” I said and handed it to her. She unlocked her phone and quickly dug out a photo of Devin and showed it to Brandon.

“Perfect,” he took out his phone and sent it himself and typed something out. “I saved my number for you and Dorian’s number. You can call us anytime,” she nodded. He worked on his phone for a minute. “Okay, I have forwarded this photo to all my security guys. I am going to go out and join them to see if we can find this fucker. Do not leave my office until I tell you it is safe,” he got up to leave.

“Let me go with you, I know what he looks like and can easily point him out in a crowd. Your guy can be with me,” I wanted a piece of the action too.

“Okay, but stay with my guy,” I nodded.

“You are going to be okay,” I whispered and kissed her on the cheek.

Devin had some nerve showing his face here. I want to cut off his d**k.

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