Den of Vipers

: Chapter 39

Roxy turns up for breakfast with a big yawn. The shirt she’s wearing is see-through, and she has no knickers or a bra on. I almost drop my cup, I’m staring that hard. She smirks when she catches me and winks before plopping into her seat and putting her legs on my lap. Rolling my eyes, I cup her toes as I go back to reading the updates on my phone.

She slept for almost a day after our reunion, as Diesel is calling it. Her body is still sore, so I don’t push it, even though I want to bend her over the table and fuck her. We put her through hell that night, her blood covering the living room, she paid her penance with orgasms for trying to leave us. And she loved every goddamn minute, even though, when we were finally done with her and held her as she fell asleep, she said she hated us. She’s such a goddamn liar.

“Diesel, care to explain why we now have another yacht?” I ask, looking up to see him leaning back with a smirk while Garrett groans.

“I told you he would find out, D.” He laughs.

D shrugs. “Well, you see, I was walking along, minding my own business, when I saw a yacht called Roxy. Now, of course no one other than us could own a boat named after our girl, so I offered them lots of money to buy it.” He shrugs as Roxy laughs, cupping the mug of coffee Kenzo hands her.

“You’re forgetting the part where he said no, so you beat the shit out of him with a frying pan and told him the boat was yours now and to call you Captain Crazy,” Garrett adds as he eats.

It’s silent for a moment, then we all roar with laughter as Diesel grins. He glances over at Roxy and winks. “You can just call me crazy, Little Bird.”

“We already have a yacht.” I sigh when I can control my laughter.

“Well, now we have two, we can race them.” Diesel laughs, flipping his lighter open and shut.

I’m about to try and explain why we won’t be doing that when my phone rings, interrupting me. Answering it, I massage Roxxane’s cold toes, but freeze at the words that come down the line.

“There’s been an explosion.”

I sit up, my body rigid, as all hints of anything but the Viper disappear. “Where?”

“The old house.” Tony sighs.

“Any hurt or dead?”

I can feel the others staring, so I hold up my finger to tell them to wait.

“No, it was empty. Fire and police are here, but we know them, so they are going to say it’s a gas explosion and will be gone soon.”

“Thanks, Tony, keep me updated,” I snarl.

“Oh, and boss? We found motorbike tracks leading onto the dirt road behind the house, four of them.” He hangs up.



Those fucking idiots. I’m going to kill them for this. This isn’t just a sly dig at our power, this is an all-out act of war. We could have dismissed the assassination attempt as youthful enthusiasm and still got them in line, but this?

This marks their deaths.

Slamming the phone down, I look to the others who are ready, their bodies vibrating with tension, knowing something has happened. “They blew up the old house.”

“Triad,” Garrett growls, his hands clenched into fists, and I incline my head.

“They found bike tracks out back. Police and fire will rule it as a gas explosion.” I grind my teeth, and I can feel Roxy frowning at us.

“The old house?” she asks, but I’m too infuriated to answer, too busy counting mentally to even speak. To not explode and rain down fucking hell across this city that dares cross us.

“Our father’s house. We lived there after his death for a while as we built this,” Kenzo tells her, but even his voice is tight.

To hit that house, our house, they are trying to provoke a reaction. If we don’t retaliate, we’ll be seen as weak, like we are scared of them, which we aren’t. Their family might have used to run this town, but now they are nothing but relics.

Relics can be forgotten.

“What’s our move?” Kenzo questions. No one is eating now.

“We get them back, of fucking course, and we kill them all,” Diesel snarls, stabbing his knife into the table, his face twisted in anger.

“No, not yet. We show them we can easily get to them. We prove our power, we make them fear us like everyone else. Then, we destroy them,” I outline, as I calmly put my teacup down and straighten my suit.

“I’ll get the rocket launcher,” Diesel adds.

“No, they own a restaurant, don’t they? Their parents ran it for many years and lived above it, get me the address. Also, get me the address of all three brothers. It’s a Sunday, so they will be at home having a family day.” I start to grin, and Kenzo mirrors it.

“I’ll make the calls. I like where you are going with this, big brother.”

Picking up my own phone, I stand. “I want police at all three doors, arrest them on any charges, show them up, let them know it’s from us, and shut down that restaurant, repossess it, it’s ours now.”

“What are you going to do?” Roxy inquires curiously, not seeming upset in any way.

“I’m going to check the papers for all of their family members and employees. Any who are here illegally will be deported immediately. We are going to take them down, this is war.”

She stands then. “Let me help.”

The others are rushing off on their phones, but I hold my call and stare at her. “You want to help?”

She nods, a sly grin covering her lips. “You think you’re the only one who can? I have an idea. Do you trust me?”

I stare at her, and she steps closer. “Ryder, do you trust me?”

The words echo around me as I nod my head in affirmation. She grins wider than before, kissing my cheek. “Good, because shit is about to get real.”

She strolls away while I stare at her retreating form, wondering if I should be more worried about her than Diesel and his launcher, but I don’t have long to debate. If I want this done today, I need to make calls and fast.

By the time I’m off the phone, it’s hours later, and Roxy comes back looking way too pleased with herself with Garrett on her heels. “It is all done, now we sit back and watch.”

“And what did you do, love?” I ask, calmer now.

She drops into my lap, smirking at me, and leans in. “Watch and learn, baby.” She kisses me and stands again, whistling as she heads to the living room and flicks on the TV to the news.

I follow after her, leaning against the back of the sofa, and watch above her head as it mentions raids in the city—no doubt on their homes and restaurant, which makes me smirk—but then it flips to a new news report, and my mouth drops open.

It’s focused on their import business, the Triad’s. “Turn it up,” I demand, and the TV booms through the room, making Diesel and Kenzo appear.

The news reporter explains a whistle-blower has verified the business has been stealing from the city and importing drugs, with informants, which they call local dealers, confirming they are their suppliers.

I turn off the TV and glance over at Roxy, who’s examining her nails with a grin on her face. “Love…”

“How the bloody hell did you do that?” Kenzo gawks. He looks at me in shock. “Did you know?”

I shake my head, and Roxy turns and stares at us. “You aren’t the only ones with friends. The one who reported their business? He comes in all the time to complain about his wife, loves bourbon, and owed me a favour.” She shrugs. “I did promise him a job here though, seeing as though he’s lost his now. It probably won’t stick for long, but it will shut them down for a while and drag their name through the mud.”

“The dealers?” I ask with a frown, while Diesel laughs maniacally.

“Oh, Wheels and Timmy? Yeah, good boys, lived with them for a while on the streets. They had cops breathing down their necks anyway, so this helped throw them off and to their suppliers.” She wiggles her brows. “I promised they wouldn’t be arrested, and if they did, we would get them out. Problem?”

I just stare at her, unsure what to say.

“Holy shit, darling, that’s fucking incredible. I swear I’m way too goddamn hard right now.” Kenzo laughs.

Garrett even grins. “Baby, you are definitely one of us, you cruel bitch.”

She winks at him as Diesel swoops in and kisses her hard. “Told you, Viper through and through.”

They all look at me as I just stare at her, and she tilts her head with a grin. “Your plan was better, but attacking from every angle will keep them running and give you time to take them down.” She shrugs.

“Love.” I shake my head and crook my finger at her. She slides closer, and I cup her chin, her eyes blown a little with desire, those lips parting. “You’re a genius,” I murmur, as I lean down and brush her hair behind her ear. “Keep doing things like this, and we might start to think you don’t hate us at all, that you even like us,” I tease.

She snorts and pulls from my grip, throwing her hair over her shoulder. “Don’t get cocky, I was bored and this was fun, that’s all. I still hate you.”

I smirk at her, running my eyes down her body. “Is that right? Still sticking to that old lie?”

Diesel sidles up behind her, smirking now too. “Little Bird, I don’t think you hate us at all.”

She narrows her eyes and then spins, smashing her knee into his junk. He falls to the floor laughing, even as he winces and covers his cock. The idiot loves it. She grabs his hair and tugs his head up, staring down at him like a fucking queen. “Don’t go annoying me, we both know that will only end up with you bleeding again.”

She looks over at us then, not afraid even in the least, hoping we will push her, get her all riled up. “Anyone else want a reminder?” She zones in on Garrett. “Want to go for round two?”

He grins at her. “You couldn’t handle me, baby. Remember what happened the first time?”

“When you had to ice your cock?” she retorts sweetly, and he booms out a laugh.

My phone rings, and I answer it as she threatens Kenzo next, a smile on my lips. “It’s done. It won’t hold for long, but it’s long enough to send a message. You were right about those papers though. We’re on our way to secure ten employees and five family members.”

“Good.” I hang up and look back at her. “Stop teasing them, love, we have work to do.”

She strides past Kenzo, who leans in. “You love us, admit it.”

She socks him right in the face, and he falls back to the chair, laughing even as blood pours from his nose. Shaking out her hand, she storms up to me, her eyes alight. “If I had my fucking gun…”

“Yes, well, that’s why you don’t get weapons, you have a tendency to use them.” I smirk as I wrap an arm around her. “Come on, you’re coming with me to a meeting. We’ll give those poor bastards a break from you beating them up.”

She huffs but lets me lead her away, and when we get to the door, I hear Diesel declare, “I’m going to marry that woman.”

She struggles in my arms. “Let me stab the bastard—”

Laughing, I toss her over my shoulder. “Behave, or I’ll let him play with you. God knows he might even marry you without telling you.”

She freezes then. “Fucking animals. Stupid motherfucking snakes.” I smack her ass, and she yelps.

“Unless you want me to fuck you in the middle of a board meeting, enough with the language, brat.”

When we’re in the elevator, I drop her to her feet, and she glares at me—such a fucking fighter, our girl. Doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven her for walking out, but it’s a start. “What’s the meeting?” She looks down at the see-through shirt then and at me.

“With the board. We are expanding. It’s boring stuff now that we have a few days to deal with the Triad and put a solid plan in effect, but we still have to run our everyday business. Prove their attack didn’t affect us.” I shrug.

“And I’m coming half naked why?” She sighs, crossing her arms. I don’t tell her it just presses her nipples tighter to the material and makes my mouth water.

“Because I hate them and get bored. With you there, I might enjoy it.”

“Ryder, you can see my vagina,” she points out.

Running my eyes down her form, I smirk. “Can you? What a shame, might rouse the old bastards enough to get stuff done.”

“Uh-huh, or give them a heart attack?”

Leaning closer, I cage her in. “Own it, love, you do everything else. If you’re good, I might even let you beat Diesel up later.”

“Like you could stop me. We both know that crazy bastard will be waiting.” She smirks but tosses her hair over her shoulder before eying me. “Fine, give me your jacket.”

I do as I’m told and she slips it on, rolling back the too long arms. She doesn’t bother buttoning it, but it covers her chest enough that you can’t see her breasts, to my disappointment, and she looks somewhat dressed. What a shame.

“I am telling you, no one will notice.” I roll my shoulders back as we stop.

“Yeah, how?” she scoffs.

I smirk and wrap my arm around her shoulders as it opens onto the top floor we use for meetings. There are a few staff members up here, but as soon as we exit the elevator, they quickly look away. “Because they wouldn’t dare look at you,” I murmur, as I stride to the conference room. They are all there, ten men and three women, sitting around the table waiting for me. I stroll in and take the seat at the head of the room. Roxy drags a chair close and sits next to me, her legs going up and onto the table, bare.

I grab the file and flip through it. “Anyone who even so much as looks at Roxxane will be fired on the spot,” I warn casually. I hear uncomfortable shifting and a quick cough, but when I look up all eyes are very purposely locked on me. “Begin.”

“Sir, our sales have increased over the last quarter, and since our profit has doubled with pharmaceuticals, we are looking to buy out our competitor and expand that way,” one of the females starts, Rechel.

“Do it.” I nod. “Next.”

A plump man next to her coughs nervously, his face red. “I—we have managed to get the permits we need to build the new tower—” He keeps glancing at Roxanne, and I hold up my hand as I glance down at the report.

“You’re fired,” I tell him without looking up from the numbers.

“W—sir, what?” he sputters, his face red and mottled.

“You looked at my woman, you are fired. I want you gone in the next hour.” I look to the woman next to him. “You, tell me what he was incapable of sharing.”

“The permits are secured, we begin building at the end of the month,” she rushes out instantly.

“Good. What is your position?” I query, as the man storms from the room.

“I was his vice CEO.” She tilts her head back proudly.

“Not anymore, welcome aboard, CEO, make them aware you will need his wage and benefits immediately.” I nod and move on. We go around the room with no more issues, and Roxxane watches it all until we get to the last man.

“We have secured properties across the city for your new venture into the catering and bar business.”

I nod. “Good, that will all be going through Roxxane here. She’s in charge.”

I feel her staring at me and wink over at her. “Roxers is included in that. You may do whatever you wish, make them profitable, I’m sure—” I look over at the man, and he grins.


“Ried here can help you with whatever you need.”

He looks at her then, and I watch him carefully, but he keeps his eyes locked on her face. “It’s a pleasure to work with you. I’ve seen Roxers, and it has a rustic appeal everyone is searching for now. I believe, with your vision and knowledge, we will have some amazing establishments.”

Her eyes widen as she looks him over. “You’re too clean, kid. Lose the tie and then we can talk.” I chuckle, unable to help myself, and she leans in closer. “Also, you ever get drunk? You look way too young.”

He nods nervously as he loses the tie. “Once or twice. I’ve been busy with university—”

“Good. First things first, go get trashed. You want to run a bar? You gotta know what sells, what they want. Go find it out,” she directs effortlessly. She might not realise it, but Roxxane is a natural born leader. She has all the requirements and doesn’t scare easily, she will be an added bonus to our company.

“Dismissed,” I call, and they all talk among themselves as they quickly collect their bags and folders and go to leave, but Ried hesitates, looking at Roxxane again.


“Fuck, don’t call me that, it’s Roxy.”

He grins then, relaxing. “Roxy, would it be possible if I could present some ideas as well?”

She smiles at him. “Hell yes. I haven’t got a clue, kid, so you’re my go-to man.”

He seems to puff up at that and finally leaves.

“Roxers?” she asks, her eyebrow arched.

“It’s your bar.” I shrug. “Now you can do whatever the fuck you want…start a franchise, I don’t care, make your own money. Want to build a casino? Do it. Want a whole goddamn island? Just ask.”

She shakes her head, and I lean over, covering her mouth. “Our money is yours now, plus I invested some of your own from Roxers’ profits and you have more than you think. Get used to it, love.”

“I gotta admit, that was hot as hell watching you.” She laughs, leaning closer as I relax back in my chair. Grabbing her, I drop her onto my lap, and she rests back against the table, my suit jacket parting to show her rosy, perky nipples peeking through the shirt.

“Was it?” I press, my hands stroking up her thighs.

She nods, letting me push up the shirt. “Fuck yes, all in charge and in control. You should see how scared they were of you, it’s mental. So, all this business before dinner, what now?”

“Now? I’m going to fuck you on this table, Miss CEO, and then we’re going to take down the Triad.” I smirk.

She laughs as I push up the shirt until it bunches under her breasts. “Sounds good, get to work.”

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