Den of Vipers

: Chapter 38

My heart is hammering and my lungs ache, but I outrun it. I grip the keys so hard, they cut into my hand, even that pain doesn’t register. It doesn’t compete with the sick feeling in my stomach or my screaming heart.

He begged.

He laid it all out for me and asked me to stay.

And I left.

I run faster, throwing myself down the stairs until I reach the garage. I put my hand on the scanner and it flashes green, letting me through. With hurried steps, I reach my car and throw myself into the driver’s seat, but with nowhere else to run to, it all hits me.

The pain in his voice. The love in his eyes. The desperation I saw in the set of his shoulders. They have given me everything I ever wanted since they first walked into my bar…but what if what I want has changed? What if this snake has shed her skin and became something new?

No, don’t let them get to you.

This is what you wanted, I remind myself. I grip the wheel and turn on the engine. I’m free. I’m not theirs anymore.

But sitting in the car, I can’t move. My old life is filled with ghosts, an empty, lonely shell. Do I really want to go back to that? Is there anything to even go back to?

The Vipers aren’t a walk away situation, they are for life. If I choose them, I’m choosing them forever and everything their life entails.

Because somewhere along the way, ‘I hate you’ became our ‘I love yous.’

I do, I hate them so much, it scares me. That’s really why I’m walking away, but I can’t let fear hold me back. Not with so much on the line. Not with four hearts. It’s simple. I want them, they want me.

Freedom, family, work, none of it matters. Only them.

The Vipers.

My Vipers.

I’m their girl.

So why am I running? Because I’m scared, that’s why. Scared how much I want them, how much they have consumed me. How right I feel in their arms, in their life. The cold, controlling alpha. The damaged enforced with a heart of gold. The romantic, charming gambler. The insane killer with an obsessive heart.

What does that make me?

Their captive?

No, not anymore. It makes me theirs, a Viper. It makes this home.

As soon as I realise it, I know. I know I didn’t want to leave, haven’t for a long time. That fight and hate was aimed at myself, because I knew if I didn’t, if I gave in, I would have seen the truth all along. From the first kiss, wink, and smile. I was theirs.

But you can’t take and not give.

They took me, but they gave me themselves.

And I just ruined that. I refuse to be like Ryder and Kenzo’s parents. I refuse to be the bitch who ruined Garrett. I refuse to be the mother who never loved Diesel. I refuse to repeat the past.

This is our future, they are my future. I turn off the engine, and when it doesn’t feel wrong, I know this is the right decision. I’m staying with them. With their lifestyle and all that includes—enemies, blood, riches, parties, snakes, and liars. All of it. Slipping from the car, heart hammering, I turn to run back to them and freeze when I spot Kenzo there.

He’s standing behind the car, his eyes filled with tears, his chest heaving, body shaking, like me. Both of us are fighting, but what I told Garrett is true, I’m done fighting.

He steps closer, and this time I don’t retreat. “I lied,” he croaks. “I will follow you always. I’ll hunt you across this world. Even if you hate me, us, for it. I will drag you back kicking and screaming. Hit me, slap me, fight me. I don’t care, the pain is worth it to have you with me, darling. I love you too much to let you go. I’m too fucking selfish to let the best thing to ever happen to us walk away. You’re ours.”

I rush to him, and he meets me halfway, lifting me instantly. Our lips meet here in the parking garage. Pulling back, he grips my hair harshly, his eyes sharp and cruel. “Don’t you ever fucking walk away from me again, darling.”

“Don’t fucking let me,” I snap, and slap him as I smirk.

He groans, his head jerking back around, and he kisses me hard. He starts walking backwards to the elevator, but stops and slams me into the concrete wall, making me gasp at the pain. His eyes are brutal, and I fucking love it. “You aren’t getting away from us now, Roxy.”

“Good.” I smirk. “Is that a promise?”

He grunts when we hear the garage open, and I look over his shoulder to see Garrett storming in on his bike. He rips off his helmet, and when he sees me, he prowls over, his eyes angry and body taut with anger. He gets right up to us, uncaring about the position we’re in. “You’re not fucking leaving.”

“Thought you hated me,” I tease.

“I do,” he snarls, his hand wrapping around my throat as he gets in my face, unbothered about Kenzo. “But you don’t get to leave.”

“I hate you,” I snap, and he smirks.

“I hate you too, baby.”

Kenzo pulls me away. “Upstairs, now,” he demands, and rushes us into the elevator. Garrett stabs his finger on the button, his dark eyes on me, and I know whatever they’re planning will hurt. In the best fucking way.

He watches me the entire ride up, and when the doors open, a wild-looking Diesel is there. He stops when he sees me, his eyes narrowing. “Little Bird, Little Bird, trying to escape?”

“Nah, just wanted to be punished.” I grin.

He smirks, his eyes running across me hungrily. “That can be arranged.”

Kenzo refuses to let me go as we leave the elevator, but Diesel manages to get close. “You thought I would let you leave? I told you, you’re mine, they would have to kill me to stop me from coming after you.”

I melt at that. Once, it would have scared me. The first time I saw him, I thought him mad, he still is—fucking batshit. But he’s my batshit. And when he whispers threatening, dirty things like that, I can’t help but wiggle, wanting more.

Guess I’m crazy too.

I have to be to love four Vipers.

The door is still open, and Kenzo storms through it, dropping me to my feet in the living room and standing in front of me, arms crossed and angry. “Strip. Now.”

“What, no dice this time?” I taunt, even as my pussy clenches at the order. Where’s Ryder?

Diesel prowls around me, and Garrett watches me from the sofa, legs spread and eyes hungry. But they are still angry, angry that I almost left. I am too. The best way to solve that? Fuck it out.

“Better strip, Little Bird,” Diesel growls.

So, rolling my eyes, I rip off my crop top, and kick off my boots and shorts until I stand bare before them. I feel confident in my skin, so I don’t bother hiding. I run my hand down the valley of my breasts, feeling powerful when three sets of eyes watch the movement and masculine groans fill the room.

Yes, the Vipers might bite.

But I do too.

And they are mine.

“What’s—” Ryder snarls, and I look up to see him frozen at the top of the floating stairs. “Roxxane?”

I wink up at him. “Coming to play?” I’m nervous, but I try not to show it. I’m betting he knows I left, but I’m back. Does he still want me?

He watches me, noting every fucking inch of skin, every movement, every flicker of my eyes, like always. Analysing it, using it like a weapon. “It depends, love, plan on leaving again?” he snaps cruelly.

“It depends, love, plan on giving me some orgasms?” I mock.

His eyes narrow, and his fists clench as he strolls down the stairs, not stopping until he stands before me, the others closing in behind him. Me versus four angry, horny Vipers. Seems like fair odds, in fact, they could probably do with more men.

He grips my chin hard, his eyes cruel and mean. Icy. “Don’t mock me, love. Just because you think you can handle us doesn’t mean you can. So fucking prove it.”

He’s testing me, pushing to see if he can keep me away, always trying to protect their hearts. Well, fuck that. “Fine,” I retort, even in the face of his dark malice. In his demons.

I won’t say he will never hurt me. He might. He might even kill me one day, but his love is fucking worth it. They are fucking worth it. I can’t say it’s too much of a hardship to prove it. So I drop to my knees like a good little girl and flick open his trousers, shoving my hand inside. “Are you all going to stand there and watch, or get in on the action?”

They hesitate for a moment, locking my eyes on Ryder, I lick his hard cock, reminding him how good we were together. He thinks I can’t handle them? I’ll fuck them all and prove him wrong. They are my family, my Vipers, and you don’t love a Viper without loving the pain.

He grips the nape of my neck and yanks me away, throwing me backwards. I tumble onto my back, panting, a smirk curving my lips when I see he isn’t as unmoved as he would like to pretend. His eyes narrow dangerously. “Diesel, remind Roxxane whom she belongs to.”

“Oh, Roxxane, I’m in trouble,” I mock, as Diesel comes up behind me. He yanks my head back and presses a knife to my throat before running it down the valley of my breasts, cutting away my bra and dragging it down to my belly button, the scratch of the blade making me moan.

Kenzo gets to his knees and kisses up my thigh, so at odds with Diesel’s harsh, mean hands. His mouth reaches my pussy and closes over it through my knickers, tasting my wetness.

Groaning, I arch up into him and the blade, cutting myself. Blood trickles from my tiny cut down my belly, making Diesel grunt behind me, his hand tightening on my hair. “Dirty little bird.”

“Orgasms,” I demand breathlessly, pushing my pussy into Kenzo’s mouth.

Diesel laughs. “Let me,” he murmurs to Kenzo, as he drags the blade lower and, with one smooth, expert flick, slides away the lace to bare me to them all. Eyes open, chest heaving, I glance up at Ryder and Garrett.

Ryder is icy still, his eyes locked on me, watching my every reaction. Garrett’s hands are balled into fists as he paces, his eyes focused on me too, hungry and angry at the same time.

“Don’t let her come yet,” Ryder orders, as he sits down on the sofa and watches us. Fucking asshole.

I narrow my eyes on him, and he smirks like he knows my thoughts. “Garrett, do you think if Diesel held her head with his cock in her mouth, and Kenzo restrained her hands, you could fuck her pussy?”

Garrett looks at me seriously, and I freeze, even as Diesel runs the knife up and around one of my nipples, and Kenzo’s tongue laps at my pussy with teasing little strokes like I’m his favourite dessert, making me whimper and want more.

“Yes.” He nods.

“Good. Brother, get her nice and wet for him, then you get her hands until he’s done,” he commands. The fucking ass is trying to control everything, like normal. I’ll let him for now, because it will help Garrett, but after? All bets are off.

Kenzo does as he’s told, those eyes rolling up to meet mine as he seals his lips around my clit and sucks, his fingers sliding into my wet heat. Diesel presses the cold, steel blade to my oversensitive nipple, keeping it there as I rock into Kenzo’s mouth.

It doesn’t take long for me to build up to my release, but like the fuckers they are, just as I’m about to come, Kenzo pulls away. Groaning, I close my eyes, swearing until my head is turned and a cock is shoved in my mouth. I choke for a second, a piercing dragging along my tongue as my eyes flicker open to meet Diesel’s gaze. Kenzo binds my hands, and two rough palms trace up my thighs and push them farther open. I want to turn to look, but I can’t, Diesel is controlling my head, and he isn’t going easy. He fucks my mouth hard, punishing me for leaving. Tears fall from my eyes at the force, my throat constricting as I try to breathe through my nose and the panic. Only when I relax do I feel Garrett line up at my pussy.

He rubs his huge cock along my wetness before slamming inside me, making me scream and choke around Diesel’s cock, who, in punishment, slices across my breast with the knife. Blood wells, I feel it, and the sudden pain has me clenching around Garrett, making him groan as he fights my tight pussy.

“Fuck, baby,” he groans, his hands clasping my thighs harder as he drags me farther down, my body stretching between them as they take their punishments out on me.

Garrett fucks me hard and fast, dirty and raw. His cock drags along those nerves that have me groaning around Diesel’s cock. His blue eyes are locked on me crazily as he presses his finger to the wound on my breast and flicks and rips at the edges, the pain mixing with pleasure. “Little dirty bird,” he groans, his cocking jerking in my mouth as he pulls his finger away to show me my blood on his hand. He pulls his cock from my mouth, and I pant as I watch him wrap his bloody hand around it, stroking along his wet length with his eyes still locked on me. Then, he presses the tip to my lips. “Suck me down, dirty bird, and taste yourself on me. See how prettily you bleed for my blade. If the others weren’t here, I can’t guarantee you would survive me with the way I’m feeling today,” he growls.

Garrett catches my attention, flicking my clit until I scream, my mouth opening, and Diesel thrusts inside. The taste of copper and man explodes in my mouth as I groan and suck him harder.

“Don’t let her come,” Ryder orders, and I tremble from the force growing inside me. “You don’t get a reward for walking away, Roxxane. You will take their cocks and cum like a good girl, and only when we’re finished will we decide if you get a release or not.”

Diesel smirks down at me, rolling his hips and thrusting into my mouth until I just have to hold on. Garrett pounds into me, so big it’s on the edge of pain. I feel his nails digging into my skin, almost cutting. “Fuck, baby,” he growls. I feel his hips stutter, and then he groans, bursting inside me before pulling out. That bastard!

Diesel laughs and grabs my head harder, slamming me onto his cock and pushing right down my throat until his eyes close and, with a groan, he comes too. His abs clench as he pants, then he pulls away and falls back with a satisfied smile on his face.

“You fucking assholes,” I rasp, my voice raw as I swallow and lick my lips. Kenzo chuckles and releases my hands. My body aches, and my pussy clenches again and again, so close to coming yet so far away.

They’ve had their fun, now it’s my turn.

I sit up, not even wincing when I feel Garrett’s cum slipping from me. I turn my head and meet Ryder’s gaze. He’s in control here, but he forgets I don’t take orders well.

“You don’t get to control everything, Ry,” I murmur, as I crawl towards him. He watches me approach, his lips parting and eyes melting. I crawl up his legs and slide onto his lap, grabbing his cock and lining up before dropping down on him. He groans, grabbing my hips to still me, to control my movements, but I won’t let him. I want to come, I want to come on his cock, and I take what I want. I rock, lifting and dropping, his brother’s cum helping me. It’s a wild, uncontrolled ride until he swears and finally lets go.

Kenzo moves closer, and I turn my head, opening my mouth to him. He slips inside, his brother buried in my pussy and his other two brothers spent and watching.

I’m so goddamn close to coming that when Ryder leans forward and sucks my nipple into his mouth and I grind down on his cock, I come with a scream around his brother’s cock. They don’t let me pull away though, Ryder’s hands tighten and move me harder, fucking me now. Kenzo slams in and out of my mouth, their eyes on me as they take what they want. I shake and tremble between them, barely over my release even as another builds.

“Fucking hell, Little Bird, you should see yourself. A cock in your mouth and one in your pussy, blood on you, a fucking masterpiece,” Diesel calls from behind me, and my eyes shut at the words as I clench around Ryder.

“Eyes open, love,” Ryder snaps. “You will watch us fuck you and fill you with our cum. Every goddamn time you try to get away from us, we’ll remind you exactly whom you belong to. This body?” He groans. “Is ours. This pussy? Ours. Never fucking forget that.”

Kenzo is panting, his eyes wild as he stares at me. “Darling—fuck.”

I reach up and roll Kenzo’s balls in my hand while I ride Ryder’s cock. Kenzo swears, his eyes closing as if in pain. “I’m so fucking close, Rox. God, stop—”

But I bloody won’t.

I almost lost this.

Lost them.

Because of pride and fear.

I suck him harder and squeeze his balls. He yells and jerks, thrusting into my mouth before suddenly pulling out, his hand wrapping around his cock as he watches me. My mouth is sore, my lips swollen, and he glares at me. “We’ll all mark you,” he snarls, and pumps his cock twice more before coming, his cum spraying across my breasts. He groans, and when his eyes open again, he sees his cum on me and he grunts. “Fuck, that’s hot.”

Running my finger through the mess, I suck my finger into my mouth as I turn and look into Ryder’s eyes. He was letting me finish with his brother before all my attention was brought back to him. Then, he reminds me why I love his punishments, his pain and fire.

Why I love him.

He flips me, bending me over the sofa, my head dangling as he gets to his knees behind me and slams into my pussy. One hand tangles in my hair and yanks my head back as he bites my neck, his cock hard and thick, dragging along those nerves that have me almost screaming and my eyes crossing from the pleasure.

“Don’t you ever fucking leave us again,” he demands, voice wild.

“Never,” I pant, pushing back to meet his thrusts.

“Say it again,” he orders, as he pounds into me.

“Never, never, never,” I chant, as he controls my body. I can feel him losing his restraint as he pushes his finger into my ass, sending me tumbling over that edge. I come with a scream. I can barely feel my body, my eyes darkening, and when I come to, I’m leaning into the sofa with his weight on me and a wetness between my thighs that tells me he came.

He licks my neck again. “We are nowhere near done. When the sun comes up, you won’t even be able to walk after what we have planned for you. For daring to leave. We are Vipers, love. We bite, and we never stop hunting.”

He slips from my pussy, and I tumble to the sofa, boneless and sticky but beyond satisfied. My pussy aches, but like he promised, he isn’t done with me.

Kenzo cleans my pussy with soft strokes of a cloth before he tosses it away and his fingers take over, stroking my raw pussy. I try to protest, but he’s slow and gentle, and before I know it, I’m tilting into his fingers again.

He slips two inside me and strokes until I’m panting and rolling my hips up, only then does he drag my legs to the end of the sofa and bury his face there. Licking and lapping me, soothing me with his tongue.

“How does she taste, brother?” Ryder murmurs, and I turn my head to see him watching us. They all are, and they are all hard again. Dear God.

Garrett groans, licking his lips as he steps closer, making me pant harder. “Like fucking heaven,” Kenzo groans, his hands grabbing me greedily as he consumes me, faster and faster.

“Kenzo,” I whimper, arching up when Diesel’s blade suddenly nicks my skin, making me jerk and turn my head to see him behind the sofa, leaning over to touch me.

“She moans so sweetly, doesn’t she?” Diesel laughs. “You should hear her scream as you carve her skin.”

My eyes close at that, I can’t take it, and when Diesel squeezes my throat, cutting off my air supply, and Kenzo curls his tongue around my piercing, I come with a scream, all of them watching me as I writhe in pleasure.

“I want her ass,” Diesel tells the others, and Kenzo kisses each thigh and rolls me over. I can’t even talk, never mind argue, and when I feel Diesel’s rough, calloused hands stroking up my thighs, I whimper, burying my head in the sofa.

Oh God, I can’t.

“D,” I whisper, but he hears me, and his teeth suddenly dig into my thigh, making me scream.

“Ours,” he snaps. “I’ll have you however I fucking want, Little Bird. It will hurt, and you will love it all.”


This is him torturing me tonight for daring to leave him. They all are, but when it comes with some of the best orgasms of my life, how can I protest? So even though I’m exhausted, my body tired and sated, I don’t object when he drags my ass into the air.

“I love you, Little Bird. You’re the gasoline to my fire. I never would have let you go, and the others wouldn’t have either. They are idiots if they thought they could,” he murmurs, as he pulls apart my cheeks and licks down my ass. “Ready for round two?”

Oh shit.

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