Den of Vipers

: Chapter 20

Taking the lead, we troop back downstairs, and I keep my hand on my gun just in case. Like always, I go through the door first, looking each way before scanning the rooftops and letting the others out.

Roxy tries to stomp away, but I circle my arm around her waist and toss her back to Ryder. Someone out there is trying to kill us, and they don’t care who gets caught in the crossfire. But I refuse to let it be her. I hear her arguing before a smack sounds and she yelps.

“You spank me again, buddy, and I’ll chop off your hand and give it to D.” I grin at that, even as I keep my eyes peeled, scanning everything as we walk. I don’t like it, it doesn’t feel right.

As we cross the road, the hairs on the back of my neck rise. Clicking open my holster, I palm my gun. The others must notice, because they go quiet, and I feel them move in closer behind me, their own weapons undoubtedly drawn. Putting my back to the wall, I scan the surrounding area, and my eyes catch on a glint from the opposite alley just as they start shooting.

Grabbing Roxy, I slam her to the wall behind us and place my back to her front as I take aim and fire back. The others surround her, protecting her as they shoot. The shots are going wide, so these aren’t hitters, this is sloppy and desperate. One comes way too close, though, so blowing out a breath, I narrow my eyes and fire, watching the man go down with a scream. Two more sounds of bullets finding their homes drift to us, and the shooting stops.

Breathing evenly, I scan the area for any more hitters. Roxy is grabbing onto my back, but I ignore her as I keep watch. “Garr—” She yells before pulling my second gun from the base of my spine.

I turn just in time to see her take aim and fire at a man creeping up on my left, obviously hiding and waiting for us at our car. She hits him dead between the eyes, but she fires again and again. The bullets hit him in the chest as he jerks and goes down.

I look at her, my eyebrows raised. Her eyes are round, her breathing coming in short bursts, and her face is pale, but when she looks at me, she nods and hands back the gun. I shake my head. “Keep it for now.”

She blinks before a small smile curves her lips, and then she clicks on the safety and keeps it next to her leg. “Let’s go,” I bark. “I don’t want to be caught in the open again.”

“I’ve already texted the chief, he’ll cover this up,” Kenzo offers, as I grab Roxy’s hand and stride past the person she killed. I open the car and push her inside before making sure the others get in. Only when they’re inside and safe do I round the hood, gun still drawn, and leap into the driver’s seat. Putting the gun on the console, I rev the engine and get the hell out of there.

Once we’re a few blocks away, I relax my hands on the wheel but don’t stop checking in case anyone followed us. How the fuck did they know we were there? Did Tiny betray her? No, he wouldn’t have had enough time, which means…

“Someone followed us.” Ryder sighs, obviously coming to the same conclusion.

“Yup,” I snarl. “Probably from the building. They weren’t professionals though. It was rushed, they took their opportunity.” I smash my fists into the wheel. That was sloppy but too close, especially with Roxy there.

My eyes go to the mirror and lock on hers in the backseat. Killing someone for the first time is hard. It takes a piece of you, a piece I’m used to, but she probably isn’t. She’s used to dealing with bad people, but there is a difference between kicking ass with a bat and shooting someone. Her head is on Kenzo’s shoulder, who drops a kiss there. Her other hand is held in Diesel’s, who is playing with it as he watches her. But her eyes are locked on me. They aren’t scared or even concerned. They are calm.

“You did good.” I nod. “Thank you.”

She saved my ass. Why? She hates us, hates that we stole her. She could have easily let me die, but instead, she took a life to save mine. She smiles softly, those lips I’m obsessed with curling up. “You’re welcome. Nice gun, by the way. I’m going to call it Killer.”

I snort, unable to help myself. “No one names their guns.”

“Ahem,” Diesel coughs.

“Okay, no one sane does.” I laugh. I notice Ryder is on his phone, no doubt conversing with security at the building and the police.

“I want CCTV from around the building. Find out who they were, go to the office, and get their prints and identities from the police. I want security doubled. We’re going into lock down. Someone wants us dead. Hire more men if you need to.”

I leave him to it. He’s good at his job. Mine is to keep us alive, but his is to make all the plans. So I focus on driving, ignoring the speed limit. No one would dare pull us over. “I’m hungry,” Roxy whines.

Ryder hangs up and looks over at her. “We’ll be home soon.”

The fact that she doesn’t question the word home sends something soft through me that I want to squash, but I can’t seem to when she’s around. “But, Ryder, I’m hungry too,” Diesel complains, and then Kenzo joins in.

Ryder sighs, pinching his nose like he’s getting a headache, and I can’t help but laugh. This must be killing him. She’s throwing all his perfect plans and control out of the window. I might dislike her because of what she represents and because I can’t stop thinking about her, but Ryder? Ryder will hate her because she’s his weakness.

“We could stop at Rizzo’s,” I suggest. “Red might know something about the hit anyway, and if anyone is waiting for us, they would expect us to head straight home to regroup.” I shrug.

Ryder looks at me incredulously. “Not you too.”

“I like their burgers.” I grin, and he sighs, knowing he’s defeated.

“Fine, we go through the back though,” he warns, and I nod, checking the mirrors before changing lanes and heading to the upscale Italian place run by an ex-assassin. He’s also the guy who taught me how to fight, a good, trustworthy man. Ryder doesn’t trust anyone with our lives or business, and he’s the only man who comes close to knowing any of it, meaning he’s someone we trust with part of our lives.

I don’t head to the front entrance, but around the alley out back. I get out first, checking it over before opening the back door and letting Diesel and Roxy tumble out. Staying close, knowing she’s the most likely to panic in a situation, I lay my hand on her back and steer her to the back door which Ryder is opening. He lets us in first, and Diesel takes up the rear. We only relax once it slams shut.

Putting my gun away, I keep my hand on Roxy to keep her close in case anything happens. That’s what I tell myself anyway. I poke my head around the kitchen door as we pass it, grinning when I spot Red barking orders. “Hey, old man, got room for us?”

He glances over, the snarl on his face transforming into a wide, crooked grin. His bald head gleams under the light, and his huge, scarred, tattooed body is encased in a chef’s jacket and trousers. “Garrett, my boy! Always!” He heads my way, enclosing me in a big bear hug before pulling away and smiling at the others, then his eyes catch on Roxy and widen.

He whistles. “Well, holy hell, who’s the beauty?”

Roxy smirks and pushes past me. “I’m Roxy, these assholes kidnapped me,” she offers casually, and shakes his hand.

He laughs, a booming one that’s familiar. “I like her, keep her,” he tells me, making me roll my eyes. “Well, come on then, let’s feed ya.”

He guides us down the hallway, past the toilets, and to a swinging door that leads to the restaurant. Heading through, I keep Roxy between myself and the rest of the patrons, not that they would dare make a move. Half the rich people who come here don’t know who Red really is. The other half do and fear him, but not as much as they fear us.

Though looking around today, it seems like most of them are assassins. You can tell by their sharp eyes and taut bodies. Never relaxing. Growing up around them makes it easy for me to recognise, but in here, it’s a safe zone. No hits, no confrontation. Just a place to relax and eat.

We are led to our table at the back, sectioned off from the others behind a screen to offer us some privacy. Seeing as though we bought this place and gave it to him as a present, a request from me, he lets us eat here for free whenever we want. It helps as well that most of his customers are still in the life and he can glean information for us.

Diesel slides into the booth first and then Roxy. Kenzo goes to sit next to her, but I beat him to it, unsure why as I slip into the booth and it crinkles under my weight. Kenzo smirks, but takes the seat next to me without a word.

Roxy hesitates, unsure where to put her gun, so I lean closer in the booth. “I’ll get you a holster, for now, I’ll hold it, okay?” She nods and passes it over with a, “Thank you.” Our fingers catch as I take the gun and desire surges through me. Ignoring it, I put the revolver in the holster and look away, my face taut.

Ryder sits, unbuttoning his jacket, and grabs the napkin and places it on his lap as he looks around. His back is to the room, another power play, even when we’re relaxing. I nod to let him know I’m keeping watch. Diesel scoots closer to Roxy and leans in. “The cake here is to die for, literally, I killed someone for a slice once.”

She laughs, and I wonder if she thinks he’s joking. “I’ll fight you for it,” she retorts. Ah, so maybe not.

“Whatcha want, boy?” Red asks, passing a menu to Roxy, who opens it and groans.

“Fuck, I could eat everything,” she mutters. Looking down, I run my eyes over her tiny, curvy body.

“And put it where, your attitude?” I snort. Her head jerks up, and her eyes narrow on me.

“I will get my bat on you again,” she hisses, making me laugh. She smiles back, and I shake my head. I look up to see everyone gawking at me in shock.

Eyes narrowing and laughter stopping, I glare at them all as they glance between her and me. Ryder’s lips tip up in a tiny smile before it disappears. Red grins at me. “Good to see you laugh again, boy.”

I want to die.

“Alright, hit me, whatcha want, and I don’t mean just food.” He nods, grabbing a chair and spinning it around to sit on it backwards.

Ryder sighs, leaning back in his chair. “It seems we have become a target. Can you see what you can find? There’s a professional after us, a German, and it seems some sloppy, second-rate hitters now.”

Red’s eyebrows rise. “You’ve been busy. Who’ve you pissed off now?”

“Everyone,” Diesel answers with a grin, and Red releases another booming laugh.

“Alright, I’ll see what I can find. You think they are connected?” he queries.

I shrug. “Could be, someone paid a lot for the German. When he didn’t complete it, maybe they got annoyed and hired some local thugs.”

Red nods. “Alright, now watcha wanna eat, the usual?”

“Please,” Ryder replies, and Red looks to Roxy, who’s threatening Diesel with a knife. Sighing, I pluck it from her hand and pass her my bigger one. “At least use this if you’re going to stab him.”

“Whatcha want to eat, cutie?” Red questions, and I narrow my eyes on him in warning.

“Don’t even think about it, she’s ours,” I snap, jealousy roaring through me. Red smirks, and I know he did it on purpose, asshole.

“I’ll have a double bacon cheeseburger with cheesy fries, garlic bread, and wedges.” She grins at him.

He jolts back, his hand over his heart. “You sure she’s yours? Can’t I have her?”

Diesel’s face darkens, fuck. I reach over just as he goes to throw himself across the table at the man. Laughing, Red stands up. “Alright, alright, I’ll stop fucking with you and get your order in.”

Pushing Diesel back, I shake my head and sip my water. That guy is going to get us killed one day, attacking an assassin like that. Hell, Diesel is an assassin in his own right, but even the bastards here stay away from him because he’s too crazy.

I look over to see Roxy patting D’s chest like a dog. “Good boy, I’ll share my cake if you don’t kill anyone all the way through dinner.”

“But what if they need killing?” he asks, frowning at her.

“Then let Garrett do it,” she suggests sweetly.

D sighs dramatically and slumps. “Fine, Little Bird. Only because you asked so nicely.”

She leans back, looking smug as Ryder just stares at her. How the hell did she get him to do what she wants? We have been trying for years, and I have the scars to prove it. Yet one bat of those eyelashes and he’s behaving like a fucking normal person.

“So, what’s your next move?” she queries, playing with the straw in her water.

“We hunt them down, whoever we can find first, and give them to D.” Ryder smirks, a full-fledged, nasty one. “If we can’t find them, we hunt their families. Their children, their wives. We destroy their lives until they come out of hiding, then we kill them. Make an example of them, remind people what happens when you come after a Viper.”

She nods like she expected that. “If you let me have a phone, I can make a few calls. Those types of people are usuals at Roxers, so someone might have heard something.”

Ryder watches her curiously. “And why are you continuing to help us, love?”

She sighs. “Because it’s better than dying. I’m never getting free of you fuckers, so it seems I’m along for the ride, and I really like being alive. So let me help. I ain’t just a pretty face.”

He watches her for a moment, contemplating her words, before passing her his phone. My eyes widen. He doesn’t even let me touch his phone. It’s like his bible. But he passes it over, and she thumbs in a number and waits as it rings, her fingers drumming on the table. Someone must pick up, because she smirks.

“Is that any way to greet me?” she says, and then I hear a mumble through the phone. “Yeah, yeah, I don’t care how late you were up sucking dick. I need a favour.”

It goes quiet, and she snorts. “Yes, sure. Okay. Right, some low lives had a shootout today near Tiny’s. Can you find out who and where they are now?”

It goes quiet, and I can hear typing in the background before Roxy grins. “That’s your price? Bitch, you know I ain’t going out with your brother again. Last time he took me to a brothel.”

She laughs and waits as we all stare… A brothel? Who is this girl?

“Yes, thanks, girl. See you around.” She hangs up and looks at us, eyebrow raised. “They’re gang bangers, run the Death Eaters on the south side. Small but scary bastards. If they are coming after you, they have been hired for sure, they only work for money. You can find them over at the abandoned newspaper factory near the water. They will have dogs on guard though, and there’s around forty of them.”

She slides the phone across the table and sips her water casually.

“And one of you has to go out on a date with her brother. Probably to a brothel.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.