Den of Vipers

: Chapter 19

I heard about Roxxane and Kenzo. It ran through my head all night as I stared at the words on my screen. I haven’t slept, how could I? My mind is whirling.

Will she destroy us? Will she be the end of us? Should I have killed her? Should I now?

All that is compounded with the answers we don’t have. Even Donald didn’t know who the hitter was. He suspects he was an illegal, which means forged papers to get here. But for someone to hire him, to afford those services, they’re more than a disgruntled casino owner like Declan.

Sighing, my mind travels in circles as I drop my head into my hands. I have too many questions and not enough answers. My dad’s words come to me, even though I hate it.

Find the answers. Do what it takes, play dirty.

He was a bastard, a shit father, and an even worse husband, but he was a hell of a business owner. The first thing I did was take all his businesses. It made sense. He’s right, find answers. I’m thinking too much like a businessman. Think like a Viper.

I need to find the person who made the papers, which will lead me to a money trail. Even when they try to stop it, there’s always a money trail. Then, we find the hitter before he tries to end one of us again.

With Roxxane, the Triad, and now the assassin, our plate is full. I feel like I’m losing control, and I don’t know how to get it back. I saw Kenzo’s face last night after he fucked her. He was lost. I’ve seen that expression in his eyes before. He’s a dreamer, unlike me. A lover. He might have won that hand against her, but there is a whole tournament, and Roxxane doesn’t even know she’s playing for the highest stakes.

Not her life.

Her heart.

My brother wants it.

It means she’s fair game now. Maybe that’s my fault for crossing that line in the elevator, but I couldn’t help myself. The issue is…do I want to play? Do I want her? My cock says yes, but my mind says no. She’s trouble, we can’t afford any more trouble. Someone needs to stay clear-headed where she’s concerned. So no, I can’t.

Standing, I make my way up the elevator to our apartment above our business. This old building was once my father’s pride and joy. I relished it, took great pleasure in tearing it down and rebuilding it to our specifications. I head inside, the early morning light illuminating the living room, which is empty. I go upstairs, take a shower, and get ready for the day.

I have so much to do and no time for sleep. One issue at a time. Today, I need to find the forger. I’ll put out some calls over breakfast and hope to hear back. While I wait, I’ll approach the Triad again, they have been reluctant to give us an answer.

Like always, I put on my suit, ready to face the day. Appearance is important, and a suit radiates power. Before I can even open my mouth, I’m telling them I’m not someone to be fucked with.

By the time I’m dressed and downstairs, Roxxane is already in her seat with the others around her. Kenzo is smirking at her, running his eyes across her angry face. Diesel is cutting up a steak with a knife, and Garrett is glaring at the table. So, the usual.

Taking my seat, I observe them as I fill my plate and pour my tea. “We have things to do today—”

“When don’t you? Do you ever take a day off?” Roxxane asks. She seems to be doing that a lot. For someone who doesn’t like us or want to be here, she asks a lot of questions.

“No,” I offer, before reaching over and pouring her coffee when Kenzo seems too entranced by her breasts in the low-cut shirt to do so.

Crossing my legs, I hide my own hardening cock. Does she even know what she’s doing to us? Walking around in those outfits, daring us to touch. Brat.

“As I was saying,” I hand her the cup and she seems surprised, “I need you to put out inquiries for a forger, he would be good, probably the best.” When Kenzo doesn’t answer me, I narrow my eyes. “Brother, pay attention. As lovely as Roxxane’s chest is, we have business to deal with.”

“Her chest is nice.” Diesel nods seriously. “Though I’m an ass man, a lot more places to cut, you know?”

“Thrilling,” I deadpan, as Kenzo laughs. “Forger, find one.”

“I know one.” Roxanne shrugs, making us all look at her in surprise. She snorts. “I own a dive bar, remember? I know nearly every criminal in the city, plus they all like to keep me happy so I’ll keep the alcohol flowing. It’s the one place they don’t have to worry about being arrested.”

“You know a forger? One good enough to make papers for a would-be illegal assassin?” I question, arching my eyebrow.

“Yes, asshole. I was going to tell you, but now I don’t think I will,” she snaps, making D laugh, and even Garrett smirks.

“Fine, I’m sorry, Roxxane. That was rude.” I sigh, forcing the words out through clenched teeth.

She grins, and I warn her with my eyes not to push it. “Okay, yes, I know someone like that. He’s a regular, sometimes picks up clients in my bar. I’ve overheard him before, and he’s highly recommended. I’ll tell you…on one condition.”

“Which is?” I drawl.

“You take me with you,” she states seriously.

“No,” I bark, but that wasn’t what I was expecting. I was thinking money, jewels, clothes, anything. She constantly surprises me.

“Then you don’t get the name. He wouldn’t talk to you anyway without me there. You might be the fearsome Vipers, but he’s beyond that. He’s all about who you know, and you? You don’t know him.” She grins, knowing she has me.

“Why? Why do you want to go?” I inquire earnestly. If it’s to escape, I can’t do that. I would have to punish her then, and I honestly want to stay as far away from her as I can, since she already tests my control. Laying hands on her again would be a mistake.

“I’m bored in this fucking apartment. At least that way I get to do something,” she reasons, as she takes a bite of her omelette and groans. “This is fucking good.”

“Come on, Ry, what’s the worst that can happen?” Kenzo laughs. “We’ll all go, that way she can’t try and escape or anything. You said we need this guy, guess that’s how we get him.”

Balling my fists, I count backwards in my head, trying to rein in my control. I hate rushed plans, I hate it when an unexpected, unpredictable element is thrown in.

And Roxxane? She’s unpredictable.

“I’ve reached out to the Triad, and I’m waiting for an answer. The other families deny all knowledge of the hit,” I snarl.

“Then it’s them.” Diesel nods seriously. “Let’s go kill them.”

“Wait, it might not be. We don’t exactly have a short list of enemies, and making a move now, hitting them, would be a mistake. We’re not prepared, and if we can keep them on our side, then we need to do it. Another will only pop up in their place, and I’d rather deal with the devil we know than the one we don’t.”

We’re waiting for Roxxane to get dressed, she seemed excited. I guess being locked up in a penthouse, even with all the luxuries, is not her thing. She wants adventure, she wants stimulation. I can understand that, but it doesn’t mean I’m happy to let her come with us. But if that’s the only way we can get to the forger, I would be a fool to ignore that advantage.

“He’s right—we wait and see, they aren’t going anywhere. Let’s deal with this assassin first.” Garrett nods, the voice of reason among the chaos.

“Okay, oh, we should check on Roxy’s bar,” Diesel adds.

Sighing. I look towards the hallway to make sure she isn’t spying. “I already did. There’s a new bartender, someone we trust. He’s opening and closing it, keeping an eye on it for her, making sure it doesn’t get destroyed. All the money is being dropped into her account.”

Kenzo whistles, a smirk on his lips. “Guess that means you see her as more than a debt.”

“It was a simple thing, not much work, and I thought it might make her less likely to attack us.”

“Uh-oh,” he says. “Sure, tell yourself that, big brother, if it helps you sleep.”

I narrow my eyes but don’t answer as Roxxane comes down the hallway. My mouth drops open slightly. Fuck, why did I buy her new clothes? I shouldn’t have bought any, then she would have to walk around naked.

The dress is a black one Garett picked out, and it’s skintight, showing off all her curves with her sexy as hell tattoos peeking through. The jacket is something that one of the guys must have snuck in. It’s leather and has spikes across the shoulders, and when she turns slightly, I notice the viper on the back—smooth.

She looks hot as hell and dangerous, especially with the purple lipstick and dark makeup around her eyes—makeup I picked out. Her hair is in loose waves, and honestly, I’m speechless. She always looks beautiful, but today?

Today she looks like a Viper.

I glance at the others just in time to see Diesel leaning back on his chair, craning his neck to try and get a look at her ass. But he tips too far and goes flying with a yelp. She looks over at the crash, noticing him on the floor, and smirks. “Falling for me already, D?”


She called him D.

Jealousy pours through me. She uses his nickname? I expected her to be terrified of him. We kept warning her away, but here she is, looking at him in amusement and calling him D. Standing, I draw her attention to me, trying to ignore my own foolish feelings. “Good, let’s go,” I order, beginning to stride away.

I stop next to her, lowering my head, unable to help myself. “You look good enough to eat.”

She blinks in shock as I walk off, checking my weapons at the door as I wait for the others. She looks around at us, checking our guns and knives, and doesn’t seem surprised as she tracks where we holster them. “Can I have my gun?”

“No,” I almost snarl. “You don’t need it, we’ll look after you.”

“Can I have my bat? I promise not to use it on Garrett’s junk again,” she offers sweetly, making him snort.

“No,” he replies.

She sighs dramatically but then smiles. “One sec.” With that, she dashes off to her room before coming back a minute later, tossing a knife in the air.

Where the hell did she get that?

Diesel laughs. “That’s my girl. Come on, Little Bird, it’s time to play.” He drapes his arm across her shoulders as she tucks it into her jacket pocket and looks to me. I can’t move, though, too busy staring at them—at how close their bodies are, at how comfortable they seem.

It’s worse than I thought.

What am I going to do? Nothing for now, we have other things to deal with, but I need to make a decision later on—before Roxxane gets in too deep and has the power to crumble all we have worked for.

“Let’s go.” Ripping open the door, I stomp away, aware I’m acting irrational, so I push all those emotions down, using the time we wait for the elevator to become cold again, wrapping a layer of unfeeling ice across me. When the ding sounds and the doors open, I’m me again.

Since my car was wrecked and I’m waiting on a replacement, I decide to take the SUV. We can all fit. Garrett climbs into the driver’s seat while I get in the passenger side. Kenzo and Diesel slide in and trap Roxxane into the middle seat, not that she seems to mind. She relaxes back, but threatens to stab Kenzo if he touches her thigh again.

He only laughs. Sometimes, others wonder how Kenzo fits with us, while I don’t—he hides his crazy well.

“Where to?” Garrett asks in general, not looking at Roxxane, so I peer over my shoulder at her.

“Head south, go past the theater area and into the slums. Stop us at Deckly Bridge, you can’t miss it. There’s graffiti all over the side right next to an abandoned steel mill,” she explains.

Turning forward, I pull out my phone, ignoring them all as I catch up on emails and messages. I could have our guards meet us at the location, but with all four of us, there’s no point. Roxxane must be thinking along the same line. “Do you four have bodyguards? You’re worth a lot of money, right?”

“We have security,” I murmur distractedly. “Over seventy-five personal, spread across the city, our assets, and homes. We instructed them not to let you see them. Usually, they would be coming with us, but when all four of us go out, these three act as security. No one knows they are in charge, since I’m the face of the operation, so it makes sense I would bring security.”

“Why act like security?” she inquires.

“That way, only Ryder has to worry about being the main target. They don’t care about us, we’re just fodder. Means we hear more as well,” Kenzo answers.

“Wow, doesn’t that make you worry about having a target on your back all the time?” she asks, leaning forward as we pull from the underground parking structure.

“No, it’s my job,” I reply, thumbing out a response to an email before pocketing my phone. “Sit back, seatbelt on,” I order.

“So, this man we’re going to see?” Kenzo starts.

“Just let me do the talking, okay? He hates outsiders and is a rude bastard.”

“Even to you?” he questions.

“Especially to me. It’s his way of showing he likes you. Plus, if you haven’t noticed, I’m a rude bitch. We get along famously.” She laughs.

“Want me to kill him?” Diesel queries cheerfully.

I look back in time to see her roll her eyes and pat his chest. “No, and if I wanted him dead, I would kill him myself.”

“That’s hot.” He nods seriously. “Can I watch?”

Rubbing my temples, I sigh loudly, knowing it’s going to be a long day. Luckily, we manage to avoid a lot of traffic, and other than Diesel’s loud, off key singing, they are quiet the rest of the drive. Pulling up outside the bridge, I slip from the car, checking my piece before looking around. The others flip to security mode straightaway, eyes sharp and bodies tense as they look around.

Garrett goes first, me and Roxxane behind him, and Kenzo and Diesel in the rear. You can never be too careful, after all. Placing a palm on Roxxane’s back, I guide her along as we walk. “Where now?”

“Side alley, there’s a steel door,” she informs us seriously, obviously sensing the tension. Outside of our house, this is how we have to be, we can only relax there. The stakes are too high to let our guard down, even for one moment.

We head that way, ignoring the homeless and the needles scattered everywhere. After all, we came from these streets, we’re as comfortable here as we are in penthouses and mansions, probably more so. Not that Roxanne knows that.

She pushes past us and Garrett, who tries to grab her, before leaping up two stairs and hammering on the solid steel door. “Hey, asshat, it’s your favourite bitch. Open up!” she hollers.

I raise my eyebrows, but a few minutes later, a latch opens in the door, revealing two bright blue eyes. “The fuck do you want, shit face?”

She pops out her hip, rolling her eyes. “To screw your brains out, obviously,” she deadpans, and all of us ruffle. “Now let me in, wankstain.”

I hear him chuckle before the latch slams shut and the door is ripped open. I gotta say, the guy who steps out is not what I was expecting. He’s massive, as big as Garrett, with arms to crush skulls. His head is shaved and covered in tattoos, his shirt stretching across his chest. He glances at us and narrows his eyes, his voice deep and rumbling as he questions, “Who are they?”

“Friends, for now. Are you going to let us in, or am I going to have to stand here while you fuckers measure each other’s cocks?” she taunts.

He sighs, a smile curling his lips as he looks down at her. She’s tiny in comparison, but you wouldn’t know from her attitude. “You know mine is bigger than yours, we measured last time.”

“Yeah, yeah, well, you cheated, Tiny, so let me in.” She pushes past him, and he follows after her. Garrett looks back at me, so I nod.

We troop inside, and as I slam the door shut behind me, I see her waiting at the bottom of some industrial stairs. The room is small, just a landing, and when I glance back, I realise there are cameras here, an automatic locking system, and a huge shotgun resting next to the door.

Satisfied we’re following, she starts up the stairs. We trail behind her, my eyes locked on her peachy ass as she takes the steps two at a time. She seems to know where she’s going, and when we get to the next story, she heads to the left through another door and into the warehouse.

The room is massive, and the guys split up to check it out for anyone else or hiding spots. I stand there and wait as she heads right to the sofas in the middle of the room and flops down, her legs stretched out over one. They are old and red, but she seems comfy enough.

Next to her is an impressive setup—four computer monitors all turned inward with a huge chair, which is no doubt meant for Tiny. In the back corner under the windows is a bed on the floor and a wardrobe. To the right is an armoury with guns, knives, and even a fucking rocket launcher. She wasn’t kidding when she said she knew people.

Tiny steps past me and smacks her legs down as he throws himself into his chair. She sticks her tongue out at him and puts them back up. “So what’s up, shit face? Heard you disappeared, family emergency?” he mocks.

She rolls her eyes. “I told them no one would believe that.” I bristle, thinking we’re going to have to kill this man, but she carries on regardless. “Just taking some time away from the bar, lying low.”

“You in trouble?” he asks, leaning forward.

“Bitch, when ain’t I?” She laughs. “Nothing I can’t handle, but I do need a favour.”

He sighs. “Of course you do.”

“Fucker, you still owe me from last time, when we woke up on that barge. Don’t whine now when you gotta pay up.”

Just how close are these two? I narrow my eyes at her and head her way, perching on the arm of her sofa as the others complete their circuit of the room. Tiny keeps his eyes on them, and on the computer screens, I spot a CCTV section open to show the whole warehouse.

“Fine, what the fuck do you want?” he snaps.

She seems undisturbed by his rudeness, picking her nails with her new knife as she lounges. Why can’t she be this comfortable with us? I want to smash his face in before I remember we need him. She said to let her do the talking, but I interrupt anyway. “I need to track someone who bought papers from you.”

His face locks down as he swings his massive head and glares at Roxxane. “Girl, who the fuck are these guys? You been telling them shit about me?”

He reaches under his desk, so I grab my gun and lay it across my lap casually as a warning. His eyes narrow, but he stops reaching for the weapon. “The fuck you want, man?”

Roxxane sighs and sits up. “Put your fucking gun away,” she snaps at me, and looks to Tiny. “A favour, like I said.”

“What’s it worth?”

“Free drinks for a year, on the house,” she offers, and the room goes silent.

“Make it two and you got a deal.” He extends his hand, and she shakes it. “Next time, don’t fucking bring the assholes, stupid bitch.”

He looks over my shoulder, and I follow his gaze to Diesel, who’s playing with grenades in his armoury. “Don’t touch my shit.”

Diesel smirks and backs away, but I see him pocket a grenade, great. Turning back to Tiny, I watch him spin to face his computer. “Who are they anyway? Some sort of male harem that follows you around?”

“Exactly,” Diesel calls, before flinging himself down next to Roxxane and grinning. “Her harem.”

“Brave man,” Tiny mutters. “Okay, who are we looking for?”

“Brave how?” Diesel grins.

“Well, last month I saw her almost cut someone’s dick off with a piece of a broken glass bottle he threw at her when she broke his heart. I’m just saying, you’re brave bastards.” Tiny laughs.

I look at her, raise my eyebrow, and she just shrugs. “He was rude, plus that was one time…okay, maybe more than once, but honestly, people with dicks always think they know best and can act like they own you. I remind them that vaginas are stronger than dicks, as ours are inside and yours hang out…ready to be chopped off.”

I cross my legs and wince for the man, even as Diesel laughs hysterically. “Feel free to cut mine off, Little Bird.”

Tiny turns, looking at Roxxane. “That one ain’t right in the head.”

“Tell me about it.” She nods, leaning forward as Diesel starts to play with her hair. “Okay, guy would have been overseas, what else?”

She looks to me then, and I clear my throat. “Male, under forty, black hair. A hitter, would have needed ways to get arms as well, namely a sniper rifle. He would have been in the life.” I know he knows what I mean when his face clouds. “Not a local one, one you’ve never seen, expensive.”

He whistles. “Better make it three years if I’m crossing that bastard.”

“So you remember him?” she asks excitedly.

“Fuck yeah, dude was an asshole. Paid well though, wanted it in half the time.” Tiny nods.

“Do you know who employed him or do you have any details on him?” I inquire. This is the closest we have come to not only finding the man, but the people behind him.

Tiny debates for a second before looking at Roxxane. “I want the top shelf shit, bitch,” he demands, before turning to his computer and starting to type. “I run checks on everyone when they walk through that door whether they know it or not. You’re right, he’s German. A freelancer, no ties. Good, too, one of the best apart from that one up north and his crew.”

“Donald.” I nod.

“Yeah, that one. Someone was paying him a lot of fucking money, that’s for sure. They really wanted you dead. He went out once to accept a call. I have the recording.” He loaded it up, and we all lean in to listen.

A German accented voice comes through the speakers. “It will be done tonight, then I leave the city. I want double, you did not tell me the men you wanted killed were the men who run this town.”

It goes quiet for a moment.

“I don’t care about your squabble or reach for power. Double or I walk.” It cuts off.

“Squabble,” I murmur, it has to be the Triads. But without proof, I can’t go for them immediately. I need to find the hitter. “Thank you, Tiny.” I nod, standing. I hand over a wad of cash, and he whistles and looks at Roxxane.

“Your harem has deep pockets, you sure you’re alright, bitch?” he asks seriously, and we all stiffen. Now would be our chance, it would be a shame to kill him, but we will if we have to. I palm my gun and notice Garret sneaking up behind the man, but I shake my head, waiting to see what she will do.

She looks at us, noticing we’re waiting for her answer, ready to react. Her eyes narrow. “Nah, I’m fine. Like I said, just lying low. Take care, cock face.” She gets to her feet, and I can feel the surprise written across my face.

When she steps near me, she grabs my hand holding the gun, which is concealed. “I did that to save him, don’t go thinking otherwise.”

I almost snort at her defence.

She’s made her choice.

She’s ours.

She goes to walk past us, and I step closer to Tiny, whose eyes narrow. I glance back to see her walking away, then I nod at Kenzo who crosses behind the man, his gun drawn. I draw my own again and press it to his head. He might be huge, but I have taken down bigger and more powerful men than this. “You ever call her bitch or insult her again, and I pull this trigger, do you understand me?” I murmur, my voice low and deadly.

“Ryder,” Roxxane protests, but I ignore her as Garrett and Kenzo circle the man, their faces cold. They might not agree on what to do with her, but at the end of the day, she’s ours.

No one insults her.

I press the muzzle harder to his head, and his hands rise, his breathing becoming heavy. “Do we understand each other?”

“Yes, fuck yes!” he yells, as Garrett cracks his knuckles.

“Good, now you won’t tell anyone we were here, or I’ll send the crazy bastard and the big bastard back to speak to you. I don’t care if Roxxane trusts you, I don’t trust anyone,” I snarl.

“Got it, shit, okay, man,” Tiny protests.

Pulling my gun away, I tuck it back into my holster and nod at the others. “Good, let’s go.”

“I can’t believe you did that,” Roxxane hisses, smacking my arm. Peering down at her, I stop my lips from curling into a smile. She’s so brave.

“I’ll do worse to protect what’s mine, remember that, love,” I whisper, before pressing my hand to her back and leading her from the room.

“I was wrong, they’re all crazy,” I hear Tiny mutter, making me smirk.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.