Death's Werewolf Nymph

Chapter 4


“I need you to look into her.” I demanded of her as I paced around her living room that was filled with all kinds of things. I was positive that most of these things here had no purpose at all besides to make others think she was onto something. No witch actually needed that many props, definitely not one as powerful as she was. Thousand old things that looked haunted but a ghost had never stood beside it. I picked up a teddy bear which had his eyes taken out and painted with red paint. I sure hoped it was paint, and the bear had one fluffy arm replaced with a skeleton arm. “I’m sure you will be an excellent mother.” I said to her waving the children’s toy in the air.

She didn’t quite seem as amused as I was, she glared and let out an animalistic sound. “Children, gross little things.”

I walked where she was cutting up some herbs and putting them all in containers. All of the floor was covered with dried up herb pieces and dust. I took a seat by the table she was sitting at. She kept her quiet so naturally I started tapping my fingers on the table until she looked up at me. “what?” she snapped.

“You didn’t answer me,” I pointed out to her.

She put her herbs in a glass jar and rested her elbows on the table looking at me. “Was that a question?” She asked, irritated. “Every time you come here you ask me to do something. With nothing in return. I am left obligated to help you with whatever. Do you think I wait for your visits with excitement?” she asked.

I leaned a little closer to her. “All very great arguments. Bravo!” I started clapping. “Look who finally spoke up. But you know? Those few nights we spent together.” I broke my eye contact with her and started fiddling with some little flower I found left on the table. “I never asked you that. Jasmin”

She started laughing. “oh, please! Do you hold yourself as some kind of present?” she leaned back in her chair smirking her deadly witch smile. It was fair to say that Jasmin was one of the prettiest witches around and she also had a little death angel blood in her, that’s why she could see me. In the world there were so few people with death angel blood that it almost counted as nothing. Maybe one in every city, and at first glance I could tell if one had death angel blood in them. But Jasmin has been the only one who has helped me on the earth and who was actually somewhat sensible. “I was doing you a favor. How many other females you can find here that are not faceless creatures and look normal?” she asked me. Referring to all the demons I live within the afterlife.

I lived in a place which was located somewhere under the world, and with a snap of my fingers I could go there in half a second, or back, it’s a place that somewhat resembles home to me. That’s where I stored all the souls I took. There were also quite a few demon creatures, they didn’t bother me so much but they were not so great conversation partners. All they did was follow my orders because it’s impossible for me to be everywhere, that’s why they all did the majority of the work, I mostly just made sure that everything was in their places and running smoothly.

But I chose a place which I looked after.

“oh… don’t flatter yourself, darling. And to answer your earlier statement. Why shouldn’t you do everything I ask? I am Death. And if I want to, I can take your life right now.” Of course I would never do that. Never in my existence have I taken someone’s life out of my choice.

Jasmin chuckled. “Please take it. I don’t have anything better to do here anyway. Maybe afterlife works out better for me, but since you won’t tell a single living soul about the afterlife there is no possible way of knowing.” She smiled at me, one of her hunting smiles. “How about you repay me for helping you with information about that?” she said but I knew she was smart enough to know that I wouldn’t be telling her a thing.

I had known Jasmin for a century now and she had helped me dozens of times. “What do you want as a reward?” I asked her and she looked extremely shocked at that.

“You will actually reward me?” she asked.

I looked down on my hands and then back at her. “I really need to know about this woman. I need to know what she is and why she can see me. She is not a regular death angel. I would have sensed it if she was. And about your reward…You have worked for me for many years and you deserve something in return,” I said and Jasmin thought for a moment.

She stared at me, almost as if she was trying to figure out if I was joking or not. She shifted in her seat. Straightening her posture and clearing her throat. “Show me my only true love for the last time,” she said and it was all clear with me, she wanted me to take Alexander’s soul out and let them meet. I can do that out of request, the soul will show in a body form, but more like a mist than a physical body.

I nodded. “It’s a deal. Find out everything you can about her and after I will reward you.”

Jasmin stood up smiling. “Than I better get to it.”


I had finally reached my destination. A beautiful lake that looked particularly beautiful in this twilight. The lake wrapped around a little mountain-like island that you could walk into like a cave, but to get there you needed to go through water. I still stayed in my wolf form, I put down my clothes on the ground that I carried in my mouth and walked to the lake. I walked in so my paws were getting wet and I took a sip of the freshwater.

In my whole nymph life I had never gotten over the taste of water. It may seem stupid to anyone else but water nymph. Water had this peculiar taste. It was like tasting something you craved for so long but couldn’t have. It wasn’t just the taste but the feeling it gave it was like thousand brand new memories of summer breeze. All through childhood I wondered how wonderful it must be to actually be a mermaid. But as I grew older I learned that water too is something I couldn’t live without, it was like air to me. My own personal drug, and if I didn’t have it I would lose my mind and every organ in my body would die of starvation.

“Hello there.” A female voice woke me up from my dream. I looked back and saw a beautiful woman dressed in a classy pantsuit and jewelry around her slim neck. She was smiling and walking closer to me. She stopped where my dress was and picked it up, she brought it closer to me and offered it to me. “Can we talk?” she asked and I took the dress with my teeth from her hold.

I didn’t think much of it and walked behind a tree to shift and get dressed. She didn’t look harmful but I still had to be cautious. Of course she was a stranger, but strangers sometimes walked upon this land and they asked for directions or were just exploring.

I walked out of my hiding place now in my human form, the women smiled at me widely. Yet her smile was haunting. Not inviting or friendly. “By the name of Death, aren’t you beautiful!” she said, amazed. Death? Who ever said that?

But I couldn’t help but to blush a bit by her remark because she was so beautiful herself. “Thank you but...” I looked down on my feet and then back at her. “you are far more gorgeous.” I said. She was, at least when she wasn’t smiling that strange smile.

“Beautiful and humble.” She exclaimed proudly… but she didn’t know me.

She wasn’t speaking, just looking at me. “… I don’t mean to sound rude but… who are you?” I asked her.

“Of course,” she chuckled. “My name is Jasmin Barnes.” She didn’t even offer me a hand to shake.

“May I ask what made you stop here, Jasmin?” I was curious to know where she came from, I have never seen her, I didn’t think she was a pack member. Was I again imagining someone? Was I really that crazy?

“I am new to this pack and I am just exploring, and getting to know people here.” she explained.

I scrunched my eyebrows together. “You are not a werewolf.” I pointed out the obvious. I could smell if she was but she didn’t have that werewolf smell. “Then what are you?” I asked her.

“I’m a witch.” she said with a proud smile. We had one witch in this pack before but she had been dead for a couple of years now. “You know what I am and I think it would only be fair if you would answer the same question.” her smiles suddenly became more cozy, or maybe I was just getting used to it.

“I am half werewolf and half water nymph.” I said.

That seemed to surprise her. “Water nymph. And what about some darker powers?” She asked but that made me a bit confused. Why would she even think that?

“What dark powers?” I questioned her adding an unsure chuckle at the end.

She shook her shoulders. “I am just trying to understand you.” She walked over to me and reached her hands to mine. “can I?” She asked me to take my hands. I hesitated at first but it looked like she meant well...what’s the worst that could happen?

I put my hands in hers and right as I did that her eyes changed colors, they shifted in all colors of rainbow, I tried to get my hands out of her grip but she was holding me too tight. It felt like she was draining me, pulling something out of me.

I finally was able to get out of her hold panting heavily. “What are you doing?” I asked her breathlessly, half shouting at her.

She tilted her head at me, still smiling. “I was just getting to know you,” she simply answered like it was nothing.

“How is that getting to know me?” I asked her furiously. “Your eyes…” I tried to explain what I saw but she just kept smiling.

“I can see people’s lives and thoughts through their hands.” She was talking about it like it was the most normal thing.

“And do you think that’s okay!?” I asked her, but she looked unfazed by my outburst. “You can’t just do that to people! You go through my mind, the only thing that is known only to me, you can’t invade my privacy like that!” I was furious with her. It’s not something that normal people just did.

“That’s my power, that’s how I get to know people,” she explained.

“That’s not how one gets to know another human being. That’s a sick way to get to know somebody.” I screamed at her.

“well…I am sorry but....” she started speaking calmly.

“Just leave!” I told her. I hated that she knew my life now. I walked to the direction of the water but I just screamed at her and I didn’t even know her. I wanted to apologize to her for my screaming but as I turned back she was already gone.

What was she doing here? She came for something and just left?

I pushed the thought to the side and tried to not think about it, all though it still bugged me that she did that, those were my thoughts and my life. My thoughts were the only thing that was mine but now even those were seen by someone else.

I walked to the water and closed my eyes to talk to Mother Nature. “Thank you Mother Nature for your gifts, I am trying to be a worthy nymph to serve you and your work. Water is my element and to water I shall bow down. My Water, my breath, my heart, my life. I am the one with water and water is one with me. Let me ease my mind in the flow of the water and let my purpose to be serving nature.”

I opened up my eyes, but slumped down to my knees. I wasn’t as powerful as usual when I did my ritual. Everything was too overwhelming. Too much for me.

What was happening? That woman, Jasmin. It wasn’t something odd to meet beings with great powers but they usually didn’t walk around flaunting their gifts.

And that man… that damned man. He was purposely trying to scare me yet he did nothing. He could have if he wanted to, he was much bigger than me. I doubt I could fight him off. And what if he also had some kind of strange powers?

Where and how did he just disappear?

Why would they all of a sudden torment me?

What did I do?

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