Death's Werewolf Nymph

Chapter 3


I waited till Vincent fell asleep. His time was coming to an end and I knew he was waiting for me. Just a little more time he had on this earth. Was it possible that his time here was so long because that young women needed him? The young woman that was so scared of me and who looked so done with life even if her youth had only just touched her.

Even if death wasn’t something that could be stopped, others had influence on it. If a soul was needed, it could be held back. And maybe she was holding him back for a while. But no matter the need. He would soon fade.

I have watched millions of people cry on their loved one’s death beds. I have taken billions of souls with me. For some reason I didn’t really want to take him to the afterlife. I cared for every soul I took with me. No matter how light or dark their soul was. When their time was ticking out they were all the same to me. They all had my respect and care.

Vincent was a good man. He wasn’t in his younger days, but he took everything in him to make his name clean in my eyes. He did vile things in his youth. And every day since then he has been paying off all the wrong he ever did.

I didn’t know everything about people. But when they were dying I had the sight to see in their lives. And I used it accordingly in giving them a chance for their last wish.

I knew that that woman crying by his bed had no idea about his crimes, and she would never know, because in her eyes he was a saint. She would never know what a monster on earth he has been.

She didn’t need to know his past because Vincent was one of the few who washed off his dirt. Recognized the damage he had done and paid for it in good.

That woman… she looked…or felt… I didn’t even know but she radiated a different aura than most… than anyone. I felt it strongly when I was in the room with her. She must have been some kind of hybrid.

But not just any hybrid she needed to have some kind of dark blood in her.

What was she? I came here a little after she did, but I decided to wait… I wasn’t so sure why. Or what made me stay. Could it be that she was just close to her death? I needed to check her time later. I couldn’t see her life if she wasn’t near her death but I could see her time.

Their conversation was… interesting. Troubled young lady. Mateless wolf. But she was mortal. To feel like it was over if she had no mate. It could always be worse… she could be immortally alone. But time will pass. She will heal. And her body will rot in the dark soil. Not everyone had the luck to disappear and die.

She seemed to fall asleep in her chair next to Vincent. People couldn’t see me but I didn’t like doing my work while people were chatting around. I still respected the living and I wanted to give them their privacy.

I walked out of the dark corner where I was standing, but I stopped when that young woman shifted in her seat and shot up. And then she did something I had never seen anyone do here. She looked at me…

She looked straight in my eyes. She was somehow seeing me. I felt my blood run cold. She shouldn’t be able to.

What do you say in this kind of situation? When for the first time in a thousand years a person was seeing you?

She looked terrified but after a short while she spoke when I wasn’t giving her any kind of reaction. “who…who are you?” she stuttered.

Interesting, while she was speaking to Vincent I didn’t notice it. But her voice… It had a particular flair to it, it was sweet in a way, like water in the ocean. Nice sounding to one’s ears.

She asked me who I was. She didn’t know… that meant there was no way she could have summoned me. But even then only a few witches have tried it and then I still was only a voice to them. And there was no way this woman was a witch.

She didn’t look like one. Witches appeared like beautiful creatures but there was always something deadly in their faces.

I couldn’t say that she wasn’t beautiful. I have seen countless faces, I could tell when someone appealed to my sight.

But she had something in her face that was almost captivating, out of the norm of beautifulness. Something so inviting and kind. I might have not seen her life but I saw Vincent’s and she was a big part in it. I knew she was a nymph and carried nymph beauty. But I didn’t give her much attention when seeing into Vincent’s life. Then she was just a blur. Only now that I saw her I could put her in the visions place.

She was still waiting for my answer. I roamed my eyes around the room to see if any other entities had found their way in here. It would explain while I was somehow visible to her. But I couldn’t find any, and it wasn’t something I could ever miss.

”Turns out… your worst fear,” I exclaimed but still remained at my place. I figured it would scare her if I did any sudden movements. And I was almost completely sure she had no idea about me. She seemed to calm down just a little bit now but still she was suspicious of me.

“How long have you been standing there?” she asked, looking at the place I came out of, just a dark corner, nothing special.

“Longer than you’d like. I don’t think you wanted me to hear how unkind you made me out to be.” I said and that absolutely puzzled her brain. “I am actually quite the opposite. If you just get to know me I guarantee, I’m a gem.” I didn’t get many chances to mess with people. I had to use it while it lasted. There was only so much joy in Death’s life.

“I didn’t talk about you. I don’t even know you,” she said with her eyebrows scrunched together. Confused. Cautions of my every little movement.

I put my hand up to my heart. “Am I that forgettable? You really know how to hurt a man’s ego, love.” I felt the urge to smirk at her when her forehead wrinkled even more. If only she knew the Death she so dearly hated just smirked at her.

“what are you doing here?” she asked again trying to sound confident but her shaky voice got the best of her.

I shrug my shoulders, squinting my eyes pretending I’m deep thinking. “ Just a simple Monday! I’m working like any other person on this time of the day.” I simply said.

Her fear didn’t leave her. “working? As what?” she asked and crossed her arms in front of her. She still so desperately tried to look brave. She must have felt that deadly aura from me.

Although I enjoyed to toy with her a little, it got a little annoying. I rolled my eyes at her, very exaggerating how annoyed I was. “again with the question. You are really eager to get to know me aren’t you? Maybe we should continue this over a warm cup of tea? “ I suggested with one eyebrow raised and she looked even more confused. She took a few steps back. “Oh, don’t be scared. I don’t bite. I am just a little shy to talk to girls,” I said bitterly to her and forced a smile at her.

Maybe I could toy with her a bit more, I might not get another chance. I slowly took a step towards her and she instantly backed even more. I smirked at her fear nearing even more.

“Jasper!” she screamed for Vincent’s caretaker.

I never got much amusement, so this was quit the breath of fresh air. I even managed to laugh out loud. “Already trying to get away from me?” I asked, taking one more step closer. She had nowhere else to back away, the chair was blocking her. I leaned down to her eye level, so close I could smell her perfume. “Guess what, Love. No one gets away from me.” I whispered and as the door opened she turned towards Jasper and I vanished back to where I came from.


“What is it?” he asked and ran up to Vincent but he was deep in his sleep, not bothered by my scream. “Did something happen with him?” He asked me and checked Vincent’s pulse.

“Who’s he?” I asked but as I turned back there was no one there. I looked around as if he could hide anywhere. A broad shouldered man, much bigger than I was. ’Someone was here!” I panicked and Jasper turned towards me.

“Who was here?” he scrunched his eyebrows together, a worried look filled his face.

“I…I don’t know, he was standing here just now. He didn’t tell me who he was…” I tried to explain but I really had no idea who he was. From where he came from and where he went.

Jasper walked a little closer to me. “Was he someone from the pack?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No. I have never seen him here. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone like him before,” I said, remembering his dark hair and dark eyes.

Then I was the one whose forehead got touched by Jasper to see if I didn’t have a fever. “There is no way that someone could be here.” Jasper took me by my hand and gestured to me to sit down. “I know how much Vincent means to you, but please try to be sensible. I understand that this could be a lot right now, with him being sick and all that. But he has lived a long life, he can’t be here forever.” He got down on one knee and took my hands in his. “You have to take care of yourself, take a day or two off.”

Maybe I was imagining it? I have been completely broken down for the past month while Vincent got sicker each day. Maybe finally it was making me go insane. And who knows maybe it will make me completely mad? Maybe then people wouldn’t call me a mess, and disgrace. Then they would just feel sorry.

“Vincent will be fine now. Go somewhere and clear your head. Okay?” Jasper said and I nodded before leaving Vincent’s home.

If this was any day before Magdalena turned eighteen right now I would be hanging out with Adrian. We did everything together. And a week before I was the one he asked to help his parents with renovation, but now it was Magdalena. And how could I be friends with him now? We made a deal with each other that when we turned twenty five and had not found mates we would marry each other. All I needed was three more years, but Magdalena was faster.

We never actually felt romantic about each other, but we thought we could fool the pack into thinking we were together. He dreaded marrying someone just for convenience just as much as me.

I needed to return home at some point in time and why not now, when Magdalena was out, and mom and dad would be out doing some pack duties.

Still I only came home to be alone. Once they would come back home I would go back out. To the furthest lake in this pack. I really didn’t want to meet them.

Few hours passed and I heard someone entering the house, it was still light out and it was too early to go to the forest, I just continued to stay in my room with my doors locked from the inside.

Of course, someone who entered the house tried to open my doors but they didn’t say anything and just walked away. And it was for the better. It’s better to not speak at all than to be misunderstood. They didn’t care what I had to say so why even try?

Once the moon went out and dark set in I got dressed in my white long button up dress. It had short sleeves and V-neck. It was simple but one of my better dresses.

I quietly walked downstairs to not draw unwanted attention to me. I looked from the corner to see my family. They were all sitting by the fireplace, enjoying themselves, having the time of their life. They looked happy and it hurt that I couldn’t be happy with them. Everything between us was good until I turned nineteen because that’s when they all understood that I won’t get a mate ever in my life. I still had hope by that time… they lost it earlier.

I knew that mother and Magdalene would go to the forest anytime soon so I needed to go now if I wanted to leave unnoticed and alone.

I walked to the opposite direction of where we were usually going together. At the edge of the forest I took off my dress and shifted in my light brown wolf, Mae. I took the dress in my teeth and ran. Ran as fast as I could, draining all my energy out of me. I ran to clear my head and to fill my guts with feeling that I had done something, even if it was a simple run it made me feel like it was something important, something life changing. Even the smallest things can change the world and I felt like my run changed something in the world, but even if it was only in my mind I was okay with that. I didn’t expect much from life, because when I expected too much I broke down and I hated that feeling of being broken…

My feet took me to the highest point of the ground we had. The edge of the cliff with a view of tree tops underneath me.

That strange man didn’t leave my mind all day. I couldn’t be that crazy. I knew what I saw. He was there. And with each thought I was sure that he was real and not just my hallucination. Only…


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