Death’s New Pet: Love after Life

Death’s New Pet: Chapter 20

The fury bubbles through me as I tear the door open to my little mortal’s room. I don’t give her a second to process what is happening before snatching at her arm and yanking her towards me. She stumbles, momentarily startled and scared.

“Where am I?” she hasn’t had a single second to process where I flashed her, so her confusion is understandable, but my rage refuses to answer stupid questions.

“What is wrong with you? Are you trying to get yourself killed? What was that all about?”

“I’m still here, aren’t I?” Even in her dazed state, she fights back.

Fuck, she is sinful.

“You were reckless and stupid trying to take on two Goblins.”

“I was not!” She juts her finger into my chest. “If it weren’t for you, I’d have gotten out of there much fucking faster. You distracted me!”

As soon as the words leave her lips, the room turns frosty cold. Behind us, the door slams shut, and the noise is deafening. Black mist seeps from my skin, displaying my rage for her to see. I expect her to flinch, but she shows me no reaction, only spurring the furious beast inside of me.

She yanks her arm away from me and crosses her arms with a displeased look. “Is that supposed to scare me?”

I start for her, and she finally flinches but suddenly snaps in half, grabbing her thigh in agony. Unwillingly, I feel my fangs sharpen as the anger consumes me. I replay her stupid act in my head repeatedly.

“You’re injured.”

“I’m fine! Get out!” She pathetically straightens her posture and juts her chin up. It’s fucking futile I can smell the blood wafting around the room.

“You’re bleeding and I can smell the tears pricking in your eyes.”

“I don’t cry.”

Defiant little bitch.

My hand snaps to her throat and I squeeze tightly until she splutters. She might not show her fear, but I hear every goosebump on her skin jump to attention. That slightly sweaty smell of nerves taunts my nostrils too.

Baring my fangs, I drag her close to me. “You need to clean it, little mortal. It will keep burning and causing more damage until you do.”

“I’m fine!” She shoves me in the chest. Within the blink of an eye, I flash us out of the room and into the bathroom. She shrieks in fear and pummels me harder than before when she sees where we are. I stiffen.

“Clean it.”

“Get out! Leave me alone!”

Pure panic vibrates through her and I can smell the fear in the air. Something in my chest roars at the strange reaction.

“Little mortal, the flesh-eating bacteria will continue eating at your leg until there is nothing left. What part of that do you not understand?”

“Fuck off! Just fuck off!” She’s wild as she thrashes in my arms, not caring about ripping the wound in her thigh. I release her only because she is causing more harm to herself.

I try to seem as uninterested as possible despite the burning within my chest. “Clean. It. I don’t give a shit about you or what happens to your leg, but I find you must be more attractive writhing from the pain I give to you, not some other creature. Got it?”

Her fingers tremble as they hover over the open wound before shakily pressing down. The blood gushes between her fingers, staining that pretty pale colour red. The sight makes my cock stir and her whimpers do not help. Within me, the beast roars in anticipation.

“It hurts,” she whines quietly. Her eyes flutter closed as she forces herself to take deep regulating breaths. When they reopen, tears prick in her eyes, but she frantically blinks them away. Her fingers shake as she tries to touch the wound again. This time, she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip to muffle the moan.

‘Make her stop hiding from us!’ The beast is furious, but I keep him caged. I push past her and force the shower on before impatiently waiting for her.

“Water will help soothe it.”

“I will not shower in front of you!”

“I’m here to make sure you keep your leg, not fuck your mortal pussy.”

I hold my breath and wait for her to strip, but instead, she shoves her leg under the tap and turns it on. She winces and hisses as the ice-cold water smacks down on her sensitive skin.

“Fuck,” she cries out before her cheeks stain red. Her eyes widen in shock as if she didn’t mean to say the word audibly, but I heard it loud and clear. My cock stirs and the darkness in my eyes flashes forward.

I take a shallow breath to try and calm myself down. “Get in the shower. And you’re not cleaning anything if you leave the jumpsuit touching the wound. It’s muddy and sweaty and has the bacteria on it too.”

“I’m not stripping,” she snaps out of her dirty thoughts and the terror returns.

“I’m not asking you to strip, little mortal. When I see you naked for the first time, I want your legs spread open and that pretty pussy on display for me before I feast. I don’t want the first time to be watching you shiver in the shower, all weak and blubbering.”

“Fuck you. I will never get naked for you.”

I close the gap quickly before she has a chance to react and tear the jumpsuit. I make the hole big enough to stop the bacteria-infested clothing from touching the wound but nothing more, as though I’m respecting her wishes.

What the fuck is wrong with us?

Just as I tear at the material, something odd jumps out at me. Not only has she got the awful wound from my creature, but there are old scars staining her skin. Horrified, she screams and smacks at my hand, but I barely react. The red lines are deep and sore, tugging her skin together in a jagged way.

Who the fuck has marked her?

“Get out!” her hollers become more frantic and desperate. She stumbles backwards and hides the wound with her fingers. However, I’m much faster. I move her into the cold shower before she can do anything else. “No! Death! Don’t!”

Ignoring her, I clean her wound with the shower hose. Bits of mud and green pixels slowly fall away from her wound. She tries to push at me but I’m an immoveable force against a little mortal. Her small whines ripple through my body. My jaw tightens.

“I can do it myself! Leave!” She hits me again, and this time, I snap.

“Do you really think you can tell me what to do?”

Her eyes are wide, panicked, when I grab her little wrists in mine. The terror still flickers around her expression and that ridiculous jealous feeling pangs in my heart. What in the actual fuck is she more scared of than Death?

I open my lips to spit some awful remark at her, but at the same time, the beginning scents of an infection waft up my nose. Angrily, I stare down at the wound with the flesh-eating particles still chewing away at her thigh. She tries her best to ignore the pain but her bottom lip trembles.

“I’m going to have to remove the more stubborn particles,” I grumble as the only option presents itself.

“No! That will hurt! Please don’t!”

“Little mortal, I have no choice. You can do it if you’d like but the bacteria will eat through your fingers as well as your thigh. Which option do you choose?” I bark, losing my patience as I smell more and more flesh decay.

She sinks her teeth into her lower lip and shakes her head. She looks so innocent here, a stark contrast to her furious demeanour as she fought my creatures. In a desperate attempt to control my racy thoughts, I grind my teeth together.

“Bite down,” I pull my shirt off and shove it between her lips, but I instantly regret it. She obeys me so quickly. Now, her mouth is full, and her eyes are full of fear.

‘Fucking Hell, Death, I don’t think I can hold off for much longer.’

She is momentarily taken aback as she stares down at my naked torso. She eyes me up appreciatively, though tries to be subtle about it.

‘She wants it. Fuck her. Fuck her hard and faster and ruthlessly and—’

“I’m going to start now,” I force the dirty thoughts from my beast out of my head but as I sink to my knees to get to thigh height, I realise how doomed I am. I’m level with her dirty little pussy that came so well for me last night. My cock springs into action.

Even the way she tilts her thigh slightly for me to get a better angle makes me lust more violently for her. I fist the shower hose and bring it back on her thigh before I do anything I might regret. Above me, her knuckles turn white as she grips the shower door and braces herself.

I press the jets back up to the wound and gently start picking off the particles from her thigh. She screams into my shirt, agony racing through her. I smell the tears prick back to the surface of her eyes and I hear the way her breathing becomes more irregular. She holds her breath as if that will stop the pain.

“You must breathe through it,” I tell her whilst never taking my eyes off the wound. Something within me twists. I have longed to see her writhing and crying from pain since the moment I saw her and yet the only thing that runs through my veins right now is concern. And fucking jealousy.

The beast roars furiously. ‘I am going to tear those beasts limb from limb, rip their eyeballs from their sockets, and play their nerves like an instrument for ever hurting what is mine to hurt.’

“Breathe, little mortal.” I snap when her breathing still doesn’t regulate. She gasps and inhales a load of air through her nostrils, it sounds breathless and frantic, but at least she’s drawing oxygen back into her system. And then I feel her fingers on my shoulder, and I startle.

Furiously, my eyes dart up to her and I realise she’s tried to touch one of my swimming tattoos. Her eyes plead an apology but the way her fingers curl as if to touch me again shows me she isn’t really sorry.

‘She wants us, Death. Force her clit against the tattoos and make her cum from all the unsorted bad souls.’

“Don’t fucking touch me,” I feel my eyes bleed their familiar darkness and I look away before she can see the effect she has on my body. I’m in two minds. On the one hand, it would be so delicious to rip through her jumpsuit and fuck her mortal pussy. On the other, she’s a distraction. And a damn fucking good one too.

I force the lump in my throat down and return to cleaning. She moans when I scratch at a particularly deep particle.

‘That’s it. I can’t deal with any more of her struggling sounds—’

“Each tattoo is a soul which needs to be sorted into the correct punishment realm,” I hear myself spit an answer to a question she never asked. Perhaps it’s to take my mind off things, perhaps it’s to distract her pain. I don’t fucking know. But the words have started spilling from my lips and my body won’t stop fucking disobeying me. “Right now, there are quite a few since I’m held up watching these trials and saving your pretty little soul over and over again.”

She’s quiet for a moment as she listens intently. It’s ruined when I bring the jets closer to her wound and remove a bloody bit of mud from inside her thigh. She moans and I hear the tears slip from her eyes. Just as I go to watch her cry, she wipes them away with the back of her arm.

‘Damn it.’

My jaw hardens and I refocus myself. “They move faster when I have heightened emotions.” I can sense her frowning even without looking at her. I pluck another particle out and dispose again. “You know, anger, sadness, horniess.”

Again, I can’t resist trying to catch her reaction. She is frozen, her cheeks are bright red while trying to avoid eye contact. And then I smell the start of her desire: a sweet and alluring scent, like fly to honey.

‘The dirty little bitch. She wants this. She wants us—’

“Almost done,” I grind out. She whimpers and her leg buckles when I grab another particularly deep one. Just as quickly as she falls, I have a hand under her ass, pushing her back to her feet.

‘Wrong move, Death. Let me the fuck out. Her ass is so fucking soft and fuckable—’

She shoots upwards as soon as I get a handful of her ass and her squeal only sets the beast off more. But she doesn’t move far enough to remove the contact, only bouncing on my hand as she falls back down again. She releases the t-shirt from between her lips and I don’t miss the way she has stained it with her tears and spit.

Holy fuck.

Without warning, I feel my eyes bleed down my face and the beast springs free for a nanosecond before I throw myself halfway across the room. My heart races erratically in my chest as I frantically cage him back up before he can do any damage.

‘Let me at her! Fuck, Death, I need her so fucking badly!’

My whole body turns cold as the adrenaline storms through me. The beast almost escaped. Again. What the fuck? How did he do that? How the fuck is he growing so strong—

“Is it done?” She looks petrified as she stares between the wound and me. The words refuse to come to the surface, so I instead nod tightly.

She releases a shaky breath. “It feels so much better already.”

“It’ll be fully healed by the morning.” The lump in my throat makes my tone deeper than I intended it to be. I grind my jaw together and look everywhere but at her to distract my racing thoughts and sinful fantasies. “The bacteria live a very short life. It relies on quick multiplication to eat its victim. Now that it’s all gone, you should heal as though you’ve just scraped your thigh.’

“Thank you,” she whispers.

“I didn’t do it for you, I did it for me. I don’t want to fuck a girl who can’t stand properly.” I destroy whichever sweet moment she longs for. It works. Her rage flickers through her in a delicious wave of fury.

“Excuse me? I was just being polite! How dare you? You will not fuck me, Death. We kissed once, that’s it.”

Oh, if only you knew how much we’ve done together, little mortal.

“And as for that trial, it was a fluke mistake, and it won’t happen again. I will fucking kill the next beast that attacks me.”

“Did you not learn your lesson?”

Her nostrils flare in anger. For a moment, she is silent as angry thoughts flood around her brain. She opens her lips to say something, before deciding better and storming past me. I don’t miss her little limp as she does so. My cock stirs.

“And where do you think you’re going?”

“To my room,” she hisses.

“Oh no,” I grab her by the waist, “you don’t get to take without giving.”

I audibly hear her gulp. “Let me pass, Death.”


“I don’t want this. I want to go back to my room.”

“You don’t want what?” I force her to say the lie.

Lie to me, little mortal, let me fucking ruin you as punishment for your untruths.

“You. I don’t want you—”

“Liar,” I cut her off coldly and grip tighter on her waist. She trembles underneath, only spurring me on. “I can smell your desire, little mortal. I can hear you moaning my name at night. I can see the glistening in your eyes screaming to be fucked by the evil God who will own you as a pet.”

“Fuck you,” her voice is small. Break for me, flower. Let me see how in control I am of you. “I’m injured, I need to rest.”

The sweetness of her desire intensifies in the room, and I groan. “You need to cum more.”

“Let me leave.”

“No, you’ve lied to me, and now you must be punished.” I bare my fangs as I smirk down at her. Her scared little eyes cloud over with desire, but she tries to hide it. She plays the part of unwilling submissive so fucking well.

“You can pretend to hate the way your body responds so deliciously to me. You can fight me and scream that you do not want it as you climax over and over again for me and obey my commands. I don’t mind you lying then, because at least you acknowledge that you enjoy being forced by me. But I will not allow you to stand there and deny that you want it in the first place when your body is begging to be touched.” I force her flush against my chest. “You were stupid in that trial today, little mortal. Do you want to die for someone else? You’re not allowed to. Your death is fucking mine. Let me fuck you, dead girl, and I will show you who you belong to.’

“Death!” she gasps as she tries to push me away.

Within seconds, I force my lips against hers. She tries to resist at first but then, like me, her addiction to sinful desire takes over and she kisses back with just as much passion. A whimper falls through her as I wrap her legs around my waist. I take caution not to hurt her wound. But why? I want her pain and her tears. And yet, I don’t want it like this. I want to be the one to inflict the pain on her, not some other creature.

My erection leaps out and presses her through the material of her jumpsuit. She cries out as I force her body to grind against it. With the hand that’s not holding her body, I grab her breasts and push them together. Nothing I do is gentle or kind. I want her to feel the hatred as I fuck her small body. I want her to scream as she cums over her enemy’s fingers and cock.

“Oh God,” she gasps in shock when my fingers snap around her left nipple. I pull and play with them until she’s a trembling, whimpering mess.

“Leave him out of it.”

I grab my talons and rip through the material between her legs, and she squeals.

‘Fuck the living hell out of her, Death, let’s show her how delicious sinning can be.’

Her hands are all over my body too as if she cannot decide where she wants them to remain, and her soft little touch feels so fucking good. When I bring my finger to her clit, her nails sink into my skin. The beast inside of me growls as she torments him.

“You’re fucking soaked already, dead girl.” My voice is deep and dark, and it’s clear the beast is slowly taking over. I force myself to remain in control. She is mortal and I am most definitely not.

‘Let me out, Death! Let me fuck the pretty girl!’

‘No.’ I fight back in my mind. ‘You’ll kill her soul. Keep her alive a little longer. Let us play with the mortal whilst her heart still beats’.

The beast howls in frustration but settles slightly enough that the pixels stop burning in my fingers. Her whimpers grow more frantic as I circle her little pleasure spot. I pull back to watch her contorting face, scrunching up as the pleasure swarms through her. She bucks her hips desperately and her eyes are tightly squeezed shut. I stop playing with her clit and run my fingers down to her tight little hole, but I pause.

“No fucking way, dead girl. Your eyes need to be open. You need to watch me make you cum. You will not think of anything other than your worst nightmare forcing your body to feel so fucking good. Got it?”

“Death,” it’s barely more than a whimper but the word vibrates over and over in my mind.

‘Our name on her lips is so fucking delicious. Make her scream it! Make her cry our name out!’

Suddenly, I slam my fingers inside of her, losing control as her sweet scent swarms through my mind. Her gasp is replaced by a scream as I curl my fingers on the perfect spot. Before she has a second to react, I throw her thighs over my shoulders and force her against the wall. Her legs instinctively wrap around my head out of fear of falling from this height. I can’t even pause to admire her sweet little mortal pussy before my snake tongue leaps out and attaches itself to her clit.

“Oh fuck!” she cries out as I devour her as though I’m starved. All the while, I ram two digits inside her tight pussy until it convulses around me. Suddenly, she falls over the edge, crying out her sweet release. I feel her fingers tug at my hair when she finishes riding the high, but I don’t stop eating her.

“Death, please— I can’t!”

I pull away momentarily. “You can and you will.”

Then, I throw my face back between her legs and force her to another orgasm. Her entire body shakes as it wracks through her and this time something like a pained scream leaves her lips. Her thighs grip my head so tightly that I almost miss the sound of her release.

‘Fuck, Death, Again! I want her writhing and crying for mercy as her body forces the sin through her again.’

I pull my fingers out of her tight pussy and force them between her lips. “Taste yourself, dead girl. Clean up the mess you made on my fingers.”

Without hesitation, her tongue shoots out and she gets to work on sucking my fingers. I feel the way her cheeks suck in around my fingers and how her tongue darts around, not missing any part. She even moans as she does so.

What a fucking little whore for us.

Then, her cheeks stain bright red. She desperately tries to avoid eye contact as she hides her breathless pants. My fingers itch to strike her across her face.

“Never be ashamed of your whorish desires, little Mortal, because I will never apologise for forcing you to act them out.”

I free my aching cock and fist it a couple of times. It’s painfully hard. And then, without hesitation, I flip the little mortal so that she is upside down. She screams and grabs my thighs as though I’m going to drop her. My rough grip sinks into her thighs and I hold her effortlessly, ensuring her pussy is still inches from my face.

I breathe in her sweet, sticky taste and my cock bobs. “Suck my cock, dead girl,” I demand.

“I can’t! It’s too big!”

“You’ll have to adjust then, won’t you?”

She hesitates until my forked tongue leaps out and attacks her overly sensitive clit. She squeals before pushing her head forward and kissing the tip of my cock sheepishly to hide her moans. And then something fucking wicked happens, her tongue darts out and she tastes my precum. It’s nervous at first but as though the taste is addictive, she is quickly back for more, running her soft tongue up my bulging cock.

‘Fuck, the dirty whore knows exactly how to suck our cock.’

I throw my face between her legs, increasing the speed of my tongue on her sensitive area to show her the pace we are playing at. Her fingernails sink into my thighs and the pain only spurs me on. When she opens her pretty little lips to take my cock in, I lose control and thrust fully into her mouth. She coughs and splutters from surprise but takes it very fucking well. She lets me fuck her face hard and squeezes her cheeks together to make it tighter. My balls tighten.

“Fuck, little mortal.” I hiss into her folds. I then force my long tongue inside of her tight hole and wriggle around the forked end until she’s screaming on my cock. I feel her whole body shake and hear her choke on her moans when she tumbles off the edge. Before she can calm down, I shove my thumb in her asshole and curl it. Her tight, puckered hole tries to refuse me, but I easily push through.

‘Mine. Mine. Mine.’

I feel her grow frantic, wriggling around and scratching at my thighs as they grow too sensitive, but I can’t stop now. My high is so fucking close. I fuck her little face harder and faster until my balls clench together and my release shoots out of me. Thick ropes of cum smack into the back of her throat. I groan as the dirty little mortal bobs her head back and forth, gulping down everything I give her. She lets me ride out my high and even whimpers in pleasure as she licks up any leftover cum that she didn’t swallow.

I reluctantly pull my face away from her pussy and inspect the swollen, sticky mess. It’s red raw from my beard and I can see it pulsating as it desperately comes down from her high. The churning in my stomach and my balls tightening has me wanting to force her over the edge again.

‘Ain’t no rest for the wicked, Death. Do it.’

It takes all of my restraint to flip her back around. When her feet land on the floor, she instantly stumbles and drops to her knees. Her bright red face stares up at me with a dazed and hazy look in her eyes. Tears stain her cheeks and there is a bit of my cum dribbling down her chin. Her beautifully fatigued look twists into something like anger. My cock bobs at the sight of it.

Even if she is furious, she says nothing. Those large round eyes challenge me, and I pray for her to spit something.

‘Go on, little mortal. Give me a reason to pounce again. I can go all night. I can force you to go all night too.’

But, disappointingly enough, she slowly raises to her feet, trying her best not to wobble. Then, she twists on her feet and storms out of the room but there is no mistaking the tremble in her legs as she does so. She’s like a newborn deer trying to escape the hungry lion, and unfortunately for her, that story never ends well for the prey.

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