Death’s New Pet: Love after Life

Death’s New Pet: Chapter 19

My whole body trembles as I perch on the bench in the arena next to the other contestants. It’s fucking freezing in here today and my pebbled nipples shine through the material of my new jumpsuit I found in the wardrobe. I had desperately not wanted to change in this place, but I had managed to fuck myself so hard last night that I tore a hole in my jumpsuit, so I didn’t have much choice.

That has never happened to me before. I have never had a wet dream in my life, nonetheless over a fucking evil creature.

In my dream, he had tied me down and tortured me with his long, forked tongue until I came over and over for him. What is even more terrifying, I had begged him to sink his fangs into me. I had pleaded for him to inflict pain on me and then kiss it all better with his rough lips. I never thought I’d ever enjoy sex, let alone rough cruel sex, but perhaps that’s what happens when it’s all you know—

No. Death is different to my husband and his family. Death will torture me and make me suffer but will make sure there is a perverted smile on my face as I bleed and cum for him.

What the fuck?

I scold my dirty mind before I can even continue that trail of thought. What the fuck am I doing lusting over this incredible evil power? I should be terrified of him, not desperate to submit to him. And yet that throb between my legs screams the truth. I’m crazy and I want the God of Death to fuck me into submission.

“Good morning, Monsters and Monstresses!” Misery cries out her welcome to the empty audience seats as she waves her arms around dramatically. My stomach twists when I stare up at the Hellish family. It churns even more when those dark eyes are locked firmly on me. His eyes are intense, challenging me to look away. Then, his nose twitches and an evil smile creeps on his lips as though he knows something I don’t. The intensity of his gaze has my cheeks burning and I look away from him as if I continue looking he might hear my desperate fantasies.

“I do hope you survive these trials, little mortal. I’ll be very disappointed if I don’t get to fuck your pretty little brains out before your soul dies.”

Fuck him and fuck his dirty words that haven’t left my mind since he growled them to me. The throbbing between my legs won’t die either. Maybe I need to just wank myself off after this trial? Maybe that will stop the desperation for him?

“Today’s trial,” Misery’s voice echoes around the arena loudly, “will be a great test to see whether you’ll last in the depths of Hell.” She peers around excitedly, soaking up the attention. “Today will also be a competition between two teams who will be fighting one another.”

I stiffen at the mention of teams, bile rising in my throat. I listen to each word eagerly, searching for what horrific things will be thrown at me today.

Misery turns to face us. “You will be faced with wicked creatures and caught in a hell maze. There are no rules, and you have twenty minutes to survive. There are two ways to pass this trial. Either the team with the most alive members at the end wins or the team of whichever person manages to find the golden skull which is hidden in the depths of the maze.”

My heart lurches in my chest in shock. I hear the other contestants wail in horror, but I can’t find myself feeling anything but anger towards the Hellish family and this sick and twisted game.

Misery spins around in her stunning yellow dress with black skulls creeping up it. It ricochets outwards and flutters in the most mesmerising way. “Team one is Prey One, Six and Ten. Team two is Prey Two, Three, Seven.”

Prey Three’s head snaps at me and I can’t help but look at him too. Wide-eyed, he stares at me in disbelief and then back at Misery. He tried to hide it, but I saw it loud and clear: distress. His leg starts anxiously jumping up and down at the thought of competing against me and even my palms start to feel clammy.

“There are no rules,” Misery booms with a wicked smile, repeating the phrase again. I frown as I try to decipher what the hell she is trying to hint at but before we can, the glass arena around us begins to fog up and change.

The glass windows around me are immediately dull, and black tar seeps from the ceiling, obscuring my view of my fellow contestants and the Hellish family. The floor shakes as it descends into the pits of Hell, and I struggle to hold on to prevent being tossed around like a ragdoll.

It feels like an eternity before the descent finally screeches to a halt. And then abruptly, the floor tilts and forces each contestant apart. I leap towards my group but suddenly, two large stone walls trap me alone and slowly start to enclose around me.

Horror strikes me and without hesitation, I begin running through the maze. As I do so, something drips down on me from the sky. Blood. It coats my skin, the heavy dark stuff drowning my body.

In the distance, I can hear the shrieks of the other contestant members all yelling out to one another, trying to find the group again. The path curves around to the left and I follow it, however, as soon as I lurch around, the shriek of an animal has me stumbling to a halt.

Suddenly, I am face to face with a wicked-looking monster, drooling as it spots me. It has a decaying bird’s head, wolf’s teeth, a tail resembling a snake, and front legs like those of a large dog. It rears its ugly head in my direction and scratches at the floor as though it’s winding itself up to attack.

Slowly, I start to back away, but the monster leaps forward and without hesitation, I’m sprinting away from the yapping beast.

The whole ground trembles and shakes as its huge body smashes into the floor behind me. I hear the sound of chains rattle and crack, dragging on the cold hard floor. Everything within me screams that I’m not fast enough as the beast howls and the sound comes from above me. My lungs heave, my thighs ache and the bile shoots to my throat. I don’t ever risk taking a look behind me.

I shoot left, further down the path before I see the shadow of jaws above me.

With all my might, I throw myself as far away from the huge talons and at the same time, the sound of metal cracking shrieks around the maze. I tumble as I roll around, and my vision is instantly distorted. The pain rocks through me but I jump straight back to my feet, just in time to throw myself right away from the jaws which still pursue me. The saliva drops down, creating puddles of slime, and the stench is horrific. Above me, the world rains more blood down on us, as though God himself is mourning his creation’s pending death.

A terrifying howl rings through the maze as the creature stalks closer to me, backing me up against the stone walls. I will my body to run away but it’s almost no use. The huge creature blocks off my only exit and unless I can scramble out from underneath him or sprint left faster than him, I’m done for.

Its beady eyes lock on me and the low snarls almost force me off my feet. It rears its ugly head back and flashes the disgustingly long fangs.

Everything happens so fast. One minute, it’s stalking and enjoying the slow threat, and the next, the creature pounces and snaps its teeth in front of me. I shriek as the chomping jaws reach inches from my face.

Confused, the monster leaps forward and tries to sink his teeth into me again, but something is stopping him. The collar around his neck seems to be attached to some indestructible rope, chaining him back to where I found him.

I waste no time sliding past the jaws and sprinting left up a different fork in the maze. Behind me, I hear the monster try to charge but he is stuck, and he howls out his frustration.

I never stop, pushing in fear that he might break free. The maze seems alive now with shrieks and hollers from all types of creatures and mortals being destroyed. One particularly loud cry rings out a couple of metres away from me on the left but there is no way to get to it because of the large solid wall that keeps the humans away from one another.

My heart races in my ears as I stumble around the maze, forcing me forward to the next deadly creature. However, just as I come to a fork in the maze, a female shriek rings past my ears.

“Tom! Tom, no!” Prey Six’s voice cracks as she pleads for her life. All instinct tells me to run in a different direction but something within me breaks as I hear her beg.

Unwillingly, I find my body charging towards the desperate cries and what I find almost winds me. Tom throws his girlfriend to the floor and holds a knife to her throat. She scrambles and fights and cries but it’s no use, he’s much bigger and stronger than she is.

“Sorry, baby, it’s kill or be killed,” he screams in her face, grabbing her head and smashing it into the ground. Her head is bloody, and she lies in a pool of blood, her matted blonde hair turning scarlet. Just like Leonardo’s hair after a fresh kill.

The comparison has me stumbling forward.

“Get away from her!” I cry out before I can stop myself. His ugly head snaps in my direction and delight almost swarms his eyes. “Oh, I was really hoping I’d find you after she dies.”

Then, he presses the knife to his girlfriend’s neck and slashes it.

“No!” I scream before charging at him. Common sense tells me to run away. He’s armed and I’m not. But the fury streams through my veins as I tackle him onto the floor. He slices the weapon at me over and over, barely missing me each time. I try to move faster, desperate to anticipate his next move.

“You little bitch!” His large hand snaps around my wrist and he bends it until I fall off. He easily manoeuvres us, so he sits on my stomach, forcing me to the ground. I buckle around desperately. He slams the weapon into my head but at the last minute, I throw my leg around his waist and send him flying backwards.

We both scramble for the knife but luck is on my side. I grab the weapon and plunge it straight into his cheek. I feel the way his teeth pop out of place on impact. He shrieks and cries and I should flinch.

Pure survival instinct takes over as I pull the dagger from him and plunge it into his chest. He weakly tries to grab at me as I stare over at his mutilated girlfriend with cold, glossed-over eyes and no pulse. Any plans I had for him to bleed to death alone fly out the window as the injustice swarms through me.

Violently, I kick him onto his back, and he falls like a sack of potatoes. His eyes are wide, fear and pain intermingling in one.

“You fucker! You fucking dick! You killed her!” I stab him repeatedly in his body, a cry of frustration escaping my lips. “You didn’t have to steal her chances like that—”

“Prey Ten!” I hear another voice echo around the maze. My head snaps up as my furious gaze lands on Prey Three. His torn-up face from the fire is stained with blood from the sky and he stumbles towards me.

“Go! Go! The Goblin is coming!” he races past me, trying to grab me by the arm.


And then I see the huge fucking beast from my first trial. It’s slow as it moves around the maze, trying to listen out for prey. As soon as my eyes lock on the beast, I feel my sanity slip.

It’s the same cunt that escaped my death.

“No, don’t—” Prey Three tries to grab my arm again but I shake him off.

“Run or I swear to God your next!” It’s an empty threat. He is perhaps the only mortal I have no plans on killing but if he gets in the way of my fury, then I’ll be left with no choice. His eyes widen as he stumbles backwards. Absolute terror pulls through him, and soon, he’s sprinting away like his life depends on it.

Slowly, I rise to my feet as the Goblin creeps closer. I toss the weapon between my fingers.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” the sudden gruff voice of Death rings through my head. Horrified, I stare around, desperately searching for him. But he’s not here. “Run, little mortal. Do not fight him.”

“He’s mine,” I growl under my breath.

“He will destroy you in a maze. You had luck and distance on your side in the first trial. You will not get such a blessing here. Run!”

I can even feel his scowl and rough grip around my body, pushing me away but I shake it off. It takes everything within me to ignore his demands but eventually, I zone back into the fight as the Goblin is within fifty metres of me. He hasn’t heard me yet, so moves with ease, glaring over the walls of the maze, rearing its gills in every direction to listen out for sound.

I toss the weapon between my fingers again, quickly adapting to its lightness, before I start towards the beast. I see red as I hold the weapon high, ready to plunge it into his groin area where my previous marks are. However, just as I get within striking distance, another howl shrieks through the maze and a second Goblin joins the tight gaps in the walls.

Oh, fuck!

I skid to a halt as the sudden realisation of two against one isn’t looking too good, but it’s too late. The sound of pebbles tumbling underneath the first Goblin has him spinning around dramatically, flailing his arms around, searching for me.

“Get the fuck out of there!” Death hollers in my mind, making me flinch. It makes me lose focus and I fall off balance, slipping to the floor. The ground next to me explodes as the Goblin’s huge hand pounds into the floor, sending shock waves all up the maze. It cracks the floor in half, but I manage to spring back up before I fall to wherever the fuck lower goes.

“Little mortal, run!”

“You think!” I cry out in the heat of the moment, completely forgetting about the Goblin’s one good sense. The second beast charges towards me, flailing its huge arms around and within the last second, I manage to tumble out of the way of the bludgeon.

My weapon flies out and I catch his arm, causing the evillest howl to escape its lips. And then, suddenly, the most terrifying sight happens. The creature raises its huge arm with disgusting green slime oozing out of its talons. It swipes frantically, only just missing me.

The first Goblin joins in the fight, and they both tower over me, waving their arms around. They end up smacking against each other, and all hell breaks loose. The two, in their ginormous states, roar and attack one another until the floor trembles so hard I can’t escape.

“Thirty seconds left, little mortal. You can do it. Don’t let the green stuff touch you.” Death finally gives me some encouraging news, and this almost replenishes my energy. I throw myself left as one Goblin stumbles into where I was just standing.

The floor cracks underneath its huge weight and I must dodge yet another hole in the ground. Shadows leer over me until I’m almost in complete darkness, the beasts hiding me from the light of the sky. It takes extra caution to avoid the gaps as well as ensuring I’m not in the fighting beasts’ way.

Hope brims in my chest as I see an opening between one of the beast’s legs. I take my chance and race towards it, however, just as I do so, my ankle slips off a crack and I tumble. Fear shoots through me as my fingers grip the edge of the cliff.

Thankfully, I muffle the scream into my arm as I scramble back up out of the boiling hole which beckons me to the fiery depths. The stones tumble down from me disrupting the fight momentarily. Horror sweeps through me as one taloned claw swipes down and throws me across the maze. It feels as though I’m flying for ages before I crash into the stone wall, tumbling to the floor. Agony shoots through my back but the real pain screams in my thigh. Terrified, I grip my thigh with the awful green sludge staining a gaping wound. A pained whimper leaves my lips.

Fuck! Fuck! What the fuck is that?

“Shit, little mortal!” Death hisses and from the crack in his deep voice, I know that whatever is burning into my skin, is not going to be good. The pain only seems to grow worse and worse until it feels as though my whole leg is on fire. Pathetically, I roll to my stomach to try and get the energy to continue running from the beasts, but it’s too late, both Goblins hear the cry of injured prey, and they bound over. I bounce against the floor like a fucking ball as they crack holes in the ground.

However, just before they can reach me, the most deafening claxon rings around the sky, signalling that the trial is over. At the same time, the world around me erupts into chaos.

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