Dead End High

Chapter Miss Crazy in the House

‘You talk a lot of BS, Braddock.’ Jack stood beside the foundations of the new school pavilion the next day.

‘It’s the truth! My parents really did win the lottery.’

‘Like hell. Why should we believe anything you say anyway? You live in your own little fantasy world, you always have.’

‘Give it a rest, Miles!’ Darren gave him a piercing glare. ‘What the hell do you know anyway? You’re an idiot!’

‘Watch it Melrose!’ Jack glared at Darren, clenching his fists.

‘Sod off Jack Ass!’

Jack simmered for a moment, continuing to give Darren a cold stare. Then he looked back at Adam and snorted. ‘Well we’ll soon know the truth at lunch time. You better be shouting everyone in the school lunch!’

‘I am.’ Adam stood staunch. ‘Lunch is on the Braddock family.’ He had managed to talk his parents in to putting on a big lunch that day at school. It was the only way he could think of to make the other kids at school believe he was a millionaire. Even Scott believed him now.

‘It’s true, guys.’ Scott stepped up. ‘I didn’t believe it at first, I saw his place before school this morning. He’s living in the old Donaldson house. You should see all the shit he has in his bedroom, man. I can’t wait to visit and swim in his pool and play on his gaming machine.’

‘So you want to show off how rich you are, huh?’ Jack smirked.

‘I just want people to believe me.’

‘Why hasn’t it been in the papers?’

‘Get real.’ Scott rolled his eyes. ‘Nobody wants to read about Joe Bloggs winning the lottery in New Zealand. We’re only interested if it’s someone we know. The most you get is a mention on the news that some family in such-and-such a place won five million smackaroos.’

‘Yeah, but this is Pungaru, moron. That sort of thing never happens here. Maybe in Auckland or Hamilton or cities like that, but here, everybody would be talking about it and wondering who it was. But nobody is!’

‘Yeah,’ somebody else said. ’We would have heard about it. A family in Pungaru took out the lottery jackpot last night. Nup. Nothing. Not in the last couple of months anyway.’

Adam did have to admit they had a point. But it was true. Where else could his parents have gotten five million dollars?

‘Well just wait for lunchtime,’ Scott replied. ‘You’ll see it’s true.’

Some of the students moved away, while others assembled to ask questions. Daisy was amongst the group and her eyes widened when she heard the news. ‘Are you for real?’

Adam smiled. ‘Of course. Even I’m not stupid enough to make a claim like that without being able to back it up.’

’Well I did wonder there for a minute,’ she said, rolling her eyes. But then she broke into the smile that he’d always admired from afar. ‘All I can say is you’d better be telling the truth.’ She moved away, leaving him standing in a daze.

She had never smiled at him before. Perhaps this newfound wealth was going to have more benefits than cool new things. But even as he dared to hope, he noticed her meeting up with Drake Radnor. The muscular teen put his arm around her, kissed her on the cheek and walked away with her.

Adam’s heart sank. He may have money, but he certainly didn’t have the rugged good looks and physique of Drake, and none of his charm. He was still just plain old Adam Braddock and nothing in the world would change that, not even thousands of dollars of plastic surgery.

Darren put his hand on Adam’s shoulder. ‘Don’t worry about her, Ad. With all your wealth, you’ll have all the girls clambering for you.’

I wish! But anyway, as cool as it is to suddenly be so rich, I don’t want people to like me just for that. I want people to like the real Adam Braddock.’

‘What’s not to like?’

Adam shrugged. ‘But I guess in this world, you need something to get you noticed. To make people give you a second glance.’

‘Well I reckon five mill will do that for ya.’

‘I guess. But do you think I’m doing the right thing, putting on this shout this afternoon? I mean, I don’t want people to think I’m splashing money around just to impress them.’ Even though he secretly hoped it would impress Daisy.

‘Might be a bit late for that now. But I wouldn’t worry about it. People will think it’s gnarly that you’re willing to share the wealth a bit. At least it shows you’re not a selfish jerk.’

‘True. I just wish some of that money could help me find out what’s happened to Doug.’

The bell rang for the first class of the day – English, so they headed off towards C-Block. Adam took one last glance back at the pavilion foundations. He couldn’t help but think it was about time they continued work on it. He hadn’t seen any builders there at all since returning to school.

On entering C-Block, they almost passed by the notice board on the wall, when something caught Adam’s eye. It was a computer printout with a photograph of one of the students.

‘What’s that?’ Scott asked.

The poster read:

Has anyone seen this girl?

‘That’s Davina Wrightson.’ Darren tried to look over Adam’s shoulder. ‘Junior girl. What’s it say?’

‘Davina’s been missing since two nights ago.’ Adam frowned. ‘Apparently she left for school and never returned.’

‘Dude.’ Scott stared. ‘That’s a bit of a worry.’

‘I reckon.’ Darren peered at the notice. ‘She’s quite nice too.’

‘Hopefully she turns up,’ Adam said. He tried to convince himself there was some explanation for her disappearance and Doug’s, but worried thoughts came back when a senior - Ben Matthews - came up to them asked him if they had seen his younger brother Michael.

‘He headed off to school this morning without his lunch,’ Ben explained. ‘Have any of you seen him?’

Adam’s mind went back to how Michael’s body had become transparent while Todd wrestled with him. It gave him a creepy feeling inside. Had it been some kind of omen? No, that was ridiculous, it was a coincidence, nothing more.

‘I hope nothing’s happened to him,’ Ben said. ‘We didn’t even see him leave the house. We just assumed he left without saying goodbye.’ Ben shrugged and left the group.

They walked on to their class, Adam saying nothing about what he had seen the previous day, for fear his friends might think he was crazy.

Mrs Evans the senior mistress intercepted them. ‘Boys, have you seen Dora Collins this morning?’

None of them had.

‘Did any of you see her after school yesterday?’

They all shook their heads.

‘Apparently she didn’t go home last night. Are you sure you haven’t seen her? Her parents are very worried.’

Scott had a blank look on his face, while Darren shook his head.

‘Did Brett Diamond turn up?’ asked Darren.

‘No.’ Mrs Evans’ face was grim. ‘There are still no signs of him either.’

Disturbing thoughts buzzed like flies through Adam’s head. Were all these disappearances a coincidence? His mind went to the strange woman – Tania Casey who he had met the night before. Perhaps she was scoping out kids to abduct and was involved in some underground child slavery ring, shipping her victims to other countries?

He tried to swipe the thoughts away, but they kept buzzing back.

They entered the English classroom and immediately Adam was greeted with friendly hellos and questions.

‘Adam, I hear your family won the jackpot!’ someone said.

’You are so lucky!’ said another.

‘What’s it feel like?’

‘Pretty neat.’ Adam smiled. ‘I’m still shell-shocked. Still seems to me like a dream.’

‘Well I can tell you, it’s not a dream,’ said another. ‘Otherwise it would be me winning it!’

Everyone laughed.

‘Where is everybody?’ Darren asked. ‘There are a few empty desks.’

Those in hearing distance muttered comments of concern.

‘Dave Baxter’s not here,’ said someone.

‘And Rita Fredericks.’

‘Mrs Evans said Dora Collins had gone missing.’

Adam, feeling confident and being the centre of attention, couldn’t help but make a joke. ‘No great loss there.’ He grinned. ‘We won’t have to put up with anymore of her sanctimonious BS.’

He chuckled, but nobody else did. They all looked at him with disapproval and he began to feel small. ‘Only kidding!’

‘Bad taste, dude.’ Scott shook his head. ‘And I’m not talking about Peter Jackson’s first movie. Something might have happened to her, man.’

There were murmurs of agreement.

‘Wonder why the cops aren’t here asking questions?’ Jack asked, but not until after smirking in Adam’s direction.

Adam wished he had shut his mouth, so he decided to cut his losses and sit down without another word. Just because he was rich, didn’t mean he couldn’t put his foot in his mouth.

Chatter started up again, Adam finding that he was no longer the centre of attention, which was probably a good thing after what had just been said.

‘Wonder if we’ll have a teacher today?’ Scott mused.

‘Hope not,’ Darren said. ‘I’d love another free period - that would be gnarly.’

‘We’ll probably get one.’ Adam leaned back in his chair. ‘After all, that new English teacher I was telling you about doesn’t start until Monday.’

But he was wrong.

Tania Casey arrived only moments later. She smiled at him and walked to the front of the room. All the students shuffled to their desks, curious as to what their new teacher would be like, if she indeed was their new teacher.

‘Hello class,’ Tania announced in a friendly manner. She looked directly at Adam. ‘Hello, Adam. Nice to see you again.’

Jack, whispered loudly. ‘What have you been up to?’

Adam rolled his eyes, but then something occurred to him. He had never told this woman his name when they had met the night before. So how did she know it now?

‘My name is Miss Casey.’ She interrupted his thoughts.

‘Miss Crazy more like it,’ muttered Scott.

Adam tried not to laugh.

‘I’m going to be teaching you English from here on in.’

‘Well duh!’ Will joked from near the back. ‘That’s what we’re here for.’

Miss Casey ignored Will, keeping a pleasant smile on Adam. ‘Now seeing as it’s my first day, I’m not going to give you too much work to do. In fact, for the first few weeks, it’s going to be pretty easy-going. Also Mr Vennie has requested I make English as much fun for you as possible.’

She continued with some of the things she had planned, while Adam’s mind began to drift. His daydreams usually revolved around Daisy and he noticed her desk inching closer to Drake, neither student paying attention to the new teacher.

He chuckled when he thought of what Scott had said. Miss Crazy. He really did like that nickname.

Drake and Daisy now practically shared a desk, sitting close together. Drake talked softly to her while she gazed into his eyes. It made Adam sick, but most of all it made him envious. If only he could be in the position Drake was in right now with Daisy looking at him with lovesick puppy-dog eyes.

He turned, to put an end to the torture.

His mind began to wander again, thinking about the missing students, but Miss Crazy spoke his name loudly, snapping his attention back in place.

Her mouth was set firm, but the tone of her voice was calm. ‘Adam, you really should be listening. Is something wrong?’

Adam looked over at Drake and Daisy. They still whispered to each other; sweet nothings, no doubt. He wondered why Miss Crazy targeted him and not them.

Miss Crazy followed his gaze to Drake and Daisy, then back again. ‘What’s the matter Adam?’

‘Nothing,’ Adam said. ‘Nothing at all.’

Daisy and Drake noticed the attention and gave him a strange look. Adam shrunk in his chair, wishing Miss Crazy would pick on somebody else. It felt strange to him that she didn’t make a comment to Daisy and Drake. She didn’t seem to care.

‘Well anyway,’ Miss Crazy continued. ‘Adam, what’s your favourite book?’

‘What? My favourite book?’

‘Yes. Who’s you’re favourite author?’

‘Dr Seuss,’ Jack sniggered.

Miss Crazy didn’t seem to hear him, or at least pretended not to. She was looking directly at Adam.

‘Ummm...’ Adam’s favourite as a child had always been Roald Dahl, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, but he didn’t want to admit that at his age. Adam also had a fondness for Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, so he opted for that. ‘Douglas Adams.’

‘Great choice.’ Her eyes lit up. ‘I love Douglas Adams.’ She waved her hands in the air. ’42, 42! Watch out for those mice, won’t you? They know more than what you think.’

Maybe she really was crazy after all. At least she had a sense of humour, even if it was a warped one.

Scott hissed into his ear. ‘Ask Miss Crazy if she’s ever had a Pan-Galactic-Gargleblaster.’

‘You ask her!’

‘No you!’

‘Excuse me?’ Miss Crazy put a stop to their brief argument.

Scott gave him a thump.

‘Ok, ok!’ Adam whispered, turning to face their teacher. ‘Miss Crazy, have you ever had a Pan Galactic Gargleblaster?’

The other students in the classroom sniggered.

The new teacher’s jaw dropped. ’Did you just call me Miss Crazy?’

Adam went red. ‘I’m sorry, it’s just that...’


‘Well, it’s just that Mr Vennie... I mean Mr Venables says it’s ok if we call our teachers nicknames.’

‘Oh did he really?’ Miss Crazy spoke her last word with a roll of her eyebrows. ‘Do you think I was born yesterday, Adam?’

‘It’s true! Mr Venables has made it a rule. Right guys?’ Adam looked around the classroom for support. Nobody appeared willing to back him up. Jack gave him another of his trademark smirks. Jack would be the last person in the world willing to align himself with Adam.

‘Very well,’ Miss Crazy said with a wry smile. ‘I can go along with the joke.’ She turned her back to the class and wrote “Miss Crazy” on the whiteboard, in large block letters.

Adam kept his mouth shut, unwilling to dig himself into an even deeper hole than he already had. If Miss Crazy really was responsible for the disappearances, he didn’t want to get on her wrong side.

Miss Crazy then directed the class to a stack of books in the back - To Kill a Mockingbird, with instructions to read as much as possible before the end of the period. She then went to her seat, sat down, shuffled through some papers, found something that interested her and began to read.

Every now and then Adam looked up and caught her staring in his direction. It was as if she wasn’t interested in anyone else in the class but him and it disturbed him. He tried to concentrate on his book, but it was difficult. In the end he chose to pretend she wasn’t there and continued to read, not looking up again.

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