Dead End High

Chapter A Windfall for the Braddocks

For five minutes, Adam roamed through the house, feeling more terrified by the minute. His parents! Where were they? And then he heard the unmistakable sound of their car. He rushed to the back door to meet them.

Adam! Oh my goodness, you’re here,’ his mother gasped. ‘We didn’t expect to be gone so long. We really wanted to be here when you returned from school. You must have got one heck of a fright when you saw everything gone. What on Earth has happened to you? Your face is scratched and dirty.’

‘It’s ok, I was just fooling around with my friends.’ He didn’t really want to have to explain his run in with Todd. The last thing he needed was his parents ringing up the school and then having everyone know he needed them to sort out his problems. ‘What’s going on? Where is everything? I thought you had gone, left me here alone!’

‘Come on Adam, you know we wouldn’t do anything like that,’ his father said sympathetically. ‘We would never leave you on your own.’

‘Never,’ his mother echoed. ‘Not for as long as we are living anyway.’

‘Where is everything?’

His parents exchanged glances. Smiles appeared upon their faces and it looked as though his mother was just bursting to tell him. ‘Adam, you are never going to believe this…’


‘You know how we always dreamed of making that trip to Magic Mountain?’


‘Well its happening, Next holidays, we’re going!’

Adam’s heart leapt so high, he thought it would burst through his mouth. ’No way! You’re having me on.’

‘No, we’re not.’ His mother beamed. ‘We have the tickets booked, the accommodation, everything!’

‘But… but what about all our stuff? Surely we’re not taking all our furniture and everything over there?’

His parents burst out laughing.

‘No, of course not.’ His mother clutched his arm, her eyes full of delight. ‘We’re moving to another house. A much, much bigger, more expensive house. Darling, we have something we have to tell you and it’s something we wanted to tell you two months ago. We’re rich, Adam. We won the lottery!’

Adam was stunned and even when he tried to open his mouth - nothing came out.

‘We decided to keep it a secret from you.’ His dad smiled. ‘And boy was that tough. We wanted to get out there and start buying up all these expensive things, but we really wanted to keep it as a surprise and see how you reacted when we moved into a new house.’

‘So you moved everything? Today?’

‘As soon as you left for school, we got started. We already had the house ready to move into. We even had most of it furnished. It was just a matter of moving the things we wanted to keep and disposing of the stuff we didn’t. It took a little longer that we expected, which is why we weren’t here when you got home. Sorry about that.’

‘That’s ok!’ Adam still couldn’t fathom the immensity of it all, but he would. It just needed to sink in. ‘Where’s the new house?’

‘You’ll never believe it,’ his mother said. ‘The Donaldson’s old house!’

Five million dollars.

That’s how much his parents had won. It seemed surreal to Adam as he stood outside their new luxurious villa. To say it was old was a complete misrepresentation as it was a very modern, split-level brick house, with solar-panelling, a backyard swimming pool, and double garage. When the Donaldson’s had it built five years ago, it quickly became known as the flashest house in town, but Mr Donaldson’s work took him to Australia, so they had to sell up. What great timing for both families.

Fruit trees and flower gardens adorned the property. Six-foot wooden fences created privacy from the neighbouring houses, which were also very stately. The grass was overgrown, but only because his parents hadn’t had a chance to get someone in to mow it.

‘I’m dreaming this, right?’ Adam asked his father.

‘Do you want me to slap you a few times in the face, just to make sure?’

‘I must be dead and this is heaven. Yeah, that’s what it is. That illness I had really did kill me.’ Although he had to admit, it was a pretty screwed up heaven if he had to put up with guys like Todd Spencer there.

Adam loved his room. His parents had already taken the liberty of buying the things he’d only dreamed about. His room had its own ensuite and private lounge. He had his own widescreen TV with DVD and surround sound, including a shelf full of some of his favourite horror and Sci-Fi movies. He had thee different video gaming machines and his own computer desk complete with all the latest gadgetry. It reminded him of the TV series, where a group of designers and builders send a family on holiday, then built a house for them complete with all the bells and whistles. Then the family returned to see it for the first time and moved straight in.

‘This is a joke, right? There are cameras set up around here filming all this.’

‘No joke,’ his father said. ‘This is no illusion. It’s the real thing. But your mother and I have gone to a lot of effort to avoid a lot of publicity on this. I mean, you can tell your friends, but we really don’t want a media circus. I’m hoping we can go about our lives without a lot of unwanted attention.’

Adam wanted to stay around and enjoy his newfound wealth, before he really did wake up and discover it was a dream, but he had to meet up with Scott and head over to Doug’s house to find out what had become of him.

‘This better be here when I get back,’ he said to himself as he stepped outside. ‘No one is gonna believe this at school.’

He had far less distance to walk to Doug’s place than before, it was only a couple of blocks away. He met up with Scott only a few houses from Doug’s, he couldn’t help but blurt out the great news.

No way!’ Scott stared. ’You’re pulling my leg, dude. You arrive home from school to find you’re a millionaire? Your parents have already moved house and furnished it and everything? Give me a break!

‘It’s true! I am telling the God’s honest truth. I’ll take you back to my place as soon as we’re done here.’

Scott chuckled. ’Ok, dude. Whatever.

He was going to be in for a shock, that was for sure and Adam couldn’t wait to see his face when he took him through the doors of the Donaldson’s old residence. When Scott saw his room, he was going to be green with envy.

They reached the Minnow house and Scott rapped on the door, but got no reply. The Minnow’s car sat in the drive. It wasn’t quite dark enough to warrant the lights being on, but it was very quiet; no sound of any birds twittering, not even wind rustling the trees. Scott tested the door and with a creak, it gently swung open.

‘Unlocked.’ Scott looked bewildered. ‘If they’re out, why would they have left their door unlocked?’

Adam looked back over his shoulders at the still trees that sheltered the driveway from the evening sun. It seemed to have grown a little darker now and clouds began to roll slowly overhead. He attempted to shake off the feeling of unease that had come upon him and looked back at Scott. ‘That’s weird. Unless they just shot out somewhere for a few minutes.’

Scott seemed hesitant. ‘Shall we go in?’

Adam looked into the darkening hall way and only just managed to suppress a shiver. ‘We shouldn’t.’ It looked like a tunnel leading down into some gloomy, foreboding basement. ‘We better wait for a bit.’

Scott rapped on the door one more time and shouted out as he did. ’Hello!’

Still no answer came. Adam felt an urge to leave right there and then, to return home to the comforts of his new-found wealth, but his concern for his missing friend prompted him to remain. They sat on the doorstep and waited.

Twenty minutes later Scott made a suggestion. ‘Perhaps Doug’s home, but he’s sick in bed and can’t get up to come to the door.’

‘I guess.’

‘Let’s check it out, dude.’

Adam didn’t want to. He really didn’t. Looking into the shady hallway caused him to shudder. ‘Okay. I guess so.’

Hello!’ Scott called out as he entered the main hallway.

Adam took a tentative step into the hallway behind him and as his eyes adjusted to the gloom, he noticed that bookshelves lined the hallway.

Anybody home?’ Scott called out. ’We’re coming in! Doug, are you there, dude?’

Adam’s heart beat fast as they moved slowly along the hallway. At any moment he expected something to leap out at them from the shadows, something terrifying and evil. But as they advanced from room to room, Adam began to relax a little.

The house appeared deserted and everything tidy. There were no loose items left out, like you might expect if someone had simply popped out for a few minutes. Adam sniffed for dinner smells. No, nothing was cooking. He looked at the kitchen bench but it was clean, no sign of food preparations either.

They checked the bedrooms next, including Doug’s room. It too was deserted, his bed neatly made and nothing out of place, apart from a few schoolbooks sitting on a desk.

‘Damn. Maybe he’s not sick.’ Scott picked up one of the schoolbooks, glanced at it and dropped it back on the desk. ’Maybe they are on holiday.’

‘But the house is unlocked. And their car is still here.’

‘Maybe they travelled by bus, dude. Perhaps they got taken to the airport and flew somewhere?’

‘I guess. But why would their door be open?’ Adam looked out the window of the bedroom, but the yard was still quiet. He froze for a moment, seeing a shadow near one of the trees. But he relaxed when he saw it was simply the Minnow’s mail box. He could have sworn it had moved, but no, he must have been imagining things. It was nerves, that’s all. Could anyone blame him for getting jumpy, especially considering he was sneaking through someone’s house without permission?

Adam looked at Doug’s books on the desk. There was a maths textbook open and some exercise books. It looked as though some homework had been done recently.

‘We’re wasting our time.’ Scott gave a sigh. ‘This place gives me the creeps. Let’s get out of here.’

‘I’m with ya on that one.’

Both boys moved towards the door of the room when a thud came from behind them. Adam gave a gasp and spun around expecting come kind of horrible shadow beast to come lumbering towards him.

‘What the hell…’ Scott froze beside Adam.

Something moved beside the bed and for a moment Adam thought there really was something there, but he relaxed again when he saw it was only the bedroom drapes moving as a breeze blew through a narrow opening in the window.

‘Where did the breeze come from?’ Scott asked. ‘It was still as anything a few minutes ago.’

‘What was the noise?’ Adam hesitated before taking a few steps towards the bed. He stopped short, afraid that something might still yet be there. But then he noticed a rectangular metallic object lying on the floor below the drapes. It was Doug’s cell phone.

‘The drapes must have knocked it off the window sill or something.’ Scott gave a sigh of relief.

‘Strange.’ Adam picked it up and flipped it open. ‘Doug always has his cell phone on him.’ He switched it on. ‘Out of juice.’

‘That’s his all right, man.’ Scott took the phone and tried the switch for himself. ‘Damn. Really unlike him to leave it behind.’

‘I don’t like this.’

‘Neither, dude. Something funny’s going on here.’

Adam looked around, tension filling his body. Something was seriously wrong here and it wasn’t just the sudden breeze coming through the window. ‘I think we should get out of here. Something doesn’t feel right… I’ll… I’ll give him a ring later tonight. Maybe he’ll be back home then… at least I hope he will be.’

Adam felt mightily relieved to finally get out of the Minnow house. The two of them walked quickly along the street, not saying a word until they got to the end of the street. There they stopped for a moment to catch their breath.

‘I’m glad to be out of that place, dude.’

‘You’re not the only one.’

‘Well, we better get home.’

‘Why don’t you come over to my place and check out the new house?’

‘Nah, better get home for dinner. Besides, I know you’re just kidding me.’

I am not. Come and see for yourself.’

‘Hey man, I wish I could, but my parents will be wondering where I am. Don’t want to end up like Doug and have them think I’ve gone missing.’ He shivered. ‘I should get home.’

‘Ok.’ Adam sighed. He watched him hurry away down the street and was about to continue walking when a figure stepped in front of him. His nerves were already frayed from the visit to the Minnow house and this time he really did think the imaginary shadow monster had got to him, but then he realised it was the woman he had seen earlier that afternoon.

She blocked his path and at first looked threatening, but her manner appeared calm when she spoke. ‘Please,’ she said. ‘Don’t be afraid. I just want to talk to you.’

Adam looked at her with one eye narrowed. She didn’t appear to be particularly scary - a normal-looking woman and quite petite. ‘Why should I be afraid of you?’ He straightened up.

‘Well, you did run from me earlier.’

‘You were following me.’

‘I’m sorry. It’s just that... well... I was just wondering who you were and what you were doing here.’

’Who am I? What am I doing here?’

‘Well...’ she began, and then hesitated. She looked up into the sky as if pondering the answer, then looked back at him. ‘I take it you live around here?’

‘Yeah, I’ve lived here all my life.’

‘I see… Have you err… have you recently undergone any traumatic event in your life?’

‘What do you mean?’ Adam felt confused. What sort of a question was that to ask someone you didn’t know?

‘Has something bad ever happened in your life?’

Adam was about to tell her no, but then thought about how he had nearly died of a fatal illness only weeks before. ’Why do you want to know that for? What has it got to do with you?’

‘There’s something you…’ and then her voice became muffled. It was like when he was ill, there had been times when all voices began to sound like they were in another room and no matter how hard he tried to concentrate he couldn’t make out any of the words. This had been the first time since he had lain in the hospital bed and for a few moments, he felt terrified, certain that the illness had returned.

The muffled voice stopped and the woman studied Adam’s face for a moment. She said something again, but Adam still couldn’t make out the words.

‘I… I can’t hear you.’

He expected a splitting headache to come on and his eyes to go blurry, but then she spoke again, this time her words clear. ‘Are you alright?’

Adam felt relieved, but he still couldn’t help but feel uneasy. He had to tell himself it was just like the doctor had told him, that he might still feel some of the effects. But nevertheless it was frightening to experience it again, even though his eyes played tricks on him earlier that day with Michael Matthews.

‘Did you hear what I said?’ the woman asked.

‘No. I had a relapse… I…’

‘A relapse?’

Adam didn’t want to explain his illness to a stranger.

‘So you didn’t hear what I just said?’ she asked, after a few moments’ silence.


‘Oh well. Never mind, it wasn’t important.’ She continued to look at him, with that unblinking stare, giving him a creepy feeling inside. ‘My name is Tania Casey. I’m new in the area. I guess I’m just a little lost. Do you go to the school here?’

‘Yes.’ Adam worried about what had just occurred. Then alarm bells rang. Why was she so keen on questioning him? What if Brett Diamond really had been kidnapped and now they were targeting Adam? But she was only one woman and not particularly big or strong, so surely couldn’t hope to overpower a boy his age. But then it was always possible she had people waiting, ready to pounce as soon as she gave the word.

He glanced around, looking for signs of co-conspirators, but saw none - not even occupied cars.

‘Are you sure everything’s all right?’ the woman asked.

‘You tell me. You’re the one coming here asking me all these questions.’

‘Tell me,’ she said, ‘were you on your own a few minutes ago?’

‘No,’ Adam said slowly. ‘I was with my friend Scott.’ His entire body tensed up. It took all his willpower to prevent himself from making a run for it.

‘Just before?’


‘Ohh…’ Her voice trailed off. ‘I see.’

She didn’t remind him of Mrs Williams anymore. There was no beating about the bush with her, she just came out and said whatever was on her mind. This woman however, seemed uncomfortable as if she wanted to come out and say something, but didn’t want to just spit it out. Adam’s curiosity got the better of him. ‘You just moved here to Pungaru?’ he asked.

‘Yes,’ Tania said in a friendly tone. ‘I’m new to the area.’

‘Where do you work?’

‘Work?’ Tania paused for a moment. ‘Ah... I’m a new teacher at the high school. I start next week actually.’

Adam began to breathe more easily. So that was it. She was a typical teacher, seeing a student walking the streets and thinking he was up to no good. He should have guessed. ‘Ah, ok, so what subjects do you teach?’

‘Oh… well... English is my forte. But I’m not sure what exactly the principal has in store for me.’

‘You must be the replacement for Mr Bastion then.’ Adam’s eyes lit up with relief.

‘Yes! That’s exactly who I’m replacing.’

‘Mr Vennie said he was looking for a replacement but…’ his voice trailed off. ‘But just today he said he wasn’t sure when that would be happening.’ Mistrust began to creep back into Adam’s thoughts.

‘Well, I didn’t actually sign a contract until this afternoon. Mr Vennie and I were still negotiating. In fact I was just leaving the school, heading home when you and I saw each other outside the shops.’

She seemed sincere and why would she lie about something like that? He would find out next week, when she turned up to teach.

‘I’m sorry,’ Tania said. ‘Perhaps I was a little pushy earlier. It’s just that in this day and age, I always worry when I see teenagers walking the streets.’

‘I was just walking home. That’s what I was doing then, and that’s what I’m doing now.’ Adam’s eye narrowed again. He wasn’t normally the suspicious type, but she was either a very paranoid woman or she was not being entirely truthful with him.

She smiled. ‘Of course. I don’t know what got into me. Forgive me for getting carried away. I guess it’s being in a new town and not knowing anyone. Well I’ll be on my way. I’m sure we will meet each other again next week at school.’

‘Yeah.’ Adam dared to trust her. ‘No doubt we will.’

Tania smiled and walked away.

Adam watched her as she turned the corner and disappeared from sight. He looked about one more time and continued on his way home.

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