
Chapter Dating 55

Chapter 55

I tried to ignore the feeling that prickled the back of my neck as I watched the black car through the i my life was suffused with threats and uncertainty, but I couldn’t let fear dictate my actions.

the rearview

mirror. It seemed like every corner of

“Hi, excuse me, can you take a left up here?” I asked the cul driver.

He frowned at me but did as he was told. A second later, the black car that had been following us

us continued faster. I coklat believe this was happening to me. I had spent a great weekend with my mom


Eus My heart started to beat

I had eat her amazing food. We hail gotten to watch one of our favorite movies and stuffed our faces with ice cream and croissants. But that was a fantasy world that I was trying to escape me. The black car that was trailing me now was a rude awaking about the fact that I was returning to my real life.

was returning to the chaos that was my life at school. The chaos that was my life with Liam. How had my life gotten so chaotic! I had started the year off determined to put the drama that was the ending of my ten–year relationship with Noah, behind me.

I wanted to have a fresh start, to write my romance novels and give my loyal readers a love story that I wasn’t living but one I wished I was hying One filled with lots of romance, and passion and a little bit of danger

And then all of a sudden, my real life had in so many ways turned into one of the stories that I was writing, Jesus, I couldn’t believe how much my life had changed from boring to what it was now,

Once I arrived back at school. I went straight to my dorm room. The black car hadn’t done anything crazy, just followed me to school. When the cab dropped me off in front of my dorm, I’d tried to get a subtle look into the black car but it had zoomed right past me.

Right now, I seriously just needed to focus on the one thing that kept me grounded amidst the chaos–my studies, my righting and Liam. Even Though the choos had started when Liam and Had joined together, I knew that really, it wasn’t his fault.

I found Liam in the library, surrounded by stacks of books, diligently working on his assignments. I always forgot how studious he could be. I was used to him being on the hockey rink, leading his team. But Liam was also a good student and tried really hard to keep u with his grades.

“Hey, you,” he said, looking up with a smile that instantly calmed my frayed nerves. “How was your visit with your mom?”

“It was good,” I replied, taking a seat beside him. “Just what I needed

I knew I should have told Liam about the car that had trailed me all the way here from my mother’s house but I didn’t say anything. I didn’t know when it was, I didn’t know what they wanted and really, they hadn’t done anything. There was no need for me to cause alarm within him when I didn’t know anything.

We spent the next few hours working on homework together. Liam’s presence was a soothing balm to my crazy anxieties that were threatening to take over. He made me laugh, even when my heart felt heavy, and the worries clouded my mind,

him there beside me let me know that he would always provide an unwavering support that would allow me to get through the tough

Just having h times

That evening, I went to watch Liam’s hockey practice. Even though it was just practice, the rink was packed. It was buzzing with energy, and the crowd’s excitement was contagious. I found a spot in the bleachers, my eyes glued to Liam as he skated with a grace and intensity that took my breath away. He really did look so good out there.

The game was intense, with both sides of the team going hard. Liam was in his element, leading his side with skill and determination. Since Noah wasn’t there, another player was leading the other side. I cheered loudly, my heart swelling with pride every time Liam made a play.

As the final whistle blew and Liam’s side emerged victorious, I felt a surge of joy. Liam skated over to me, his face flushed with exertion and luppiness.

“You were amazing out there,” I said, beaming at him.

“Thanks,” he replied, leaning in for a quick kiss on my check. “I’m glad you were here to see it.”

After the game, I told Liam I’d talk to him later since he wanted to hang out with his team. As Monica and I made our way out of the rink, a tall, athletic girl approached us. Her eyes were filled with so much hate and 1 recognized her immediately–Emily, a she–wolf who had always been jealous of my relationship with Liam.

So, this weak linte human is still dating our Allia prince,” she sneered, her gaze raking over me with so much hate.

Chapter 55

Monica stepped protectively in front of me, her eyes narrowing, “Back the fuck off, Emily

“Why Emily retorted, her voice dripping with venom. “Liam has been parading her around like she’s something special and it’s disgusting. She doesn’t belong in our world”

Before I could react, Emily slapped me hard across the face. Pain exploded in my check, and I stumbled backward, shock and anger coursing through me.

“Stop it you bitch!” Monica shouted, grabbing her arm and putting Emily in a headlock. “If you touch her again. Il make sure you regret it. You’re just jealous because Liam chose her over you

Emily glared at me, her eyes filled with fury. “This isn’t over,” she spat before yanking her arm out of Monica’s grasp and stalking off into the night

I watched Emily’s retreating back, still shocked by what had just happened.

I was still shaking by the time Monica and I got back to the dorms. The confrontation with Family had left me sa damn rattled, but it also sparked. something within me -a fierce determination to prove that I belonged in this world, with Liam. That I also had something to bring to the table.

I grabbed my laptop and started writing. The words flowed effortlessly, fueled by the chaos and drama surrounding my life. My romance novel was my escape, my way of processing the turmoil and turning it into something beautiful.

The next morning, I could barely pay attention in class. My mind was consumed with the story I was writing, the characters and their struggles were not that different from my own. During lunch, I told Monica about my newfound inspiration

“I feel like I’m channeling all this madness into my writing,” I said, excitement bubbling in my voice. “It’s helping me cope

Monica grinned. “Just be careful girl? Don’t get too comfortable with the chaos.”

“I won’t,” I promised “I’m heading to the library to finish the final edits of my story

As I was walking to the library, I bumped into Ava. Or more like, she bumped into me. She had on a sly smile, and 1 frowned.

“Hey, Ella,” she said sweetly. “What are you working on?

“Just finishing up


edits on my novel,” I replied, trying to keep my tone casual.

She nodded her head slowly. “Well, good luck with the writing,” she said before walking away, leaving me with an uneasy feeling-




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