
Chapter Dating 54

Chapter 54

Oh God. Who had sent me this message. I didn’t think it was Noah because he would have just sent me the text from his phone. But then again, if he was trying to get back onto the team and back in Liam’s good graces, this was something he could do.

Liam looked at me, a small frown on his face. “Is something wrong?” He asked.

I pasted on a small that I hoped look real, “Nah 1 just realized that I forgot to read some pages for class tomorrow, I think I’m going to head back to the dorm and do that so I’m not so distracted our here.

“You want to grab some dinner tonight, after practice? Liam asked

Um, I’ll let you know. Depends on if I finish my reading.” I said. I gave Liam a hug, got up and quickly headed straight for the dorms.

I stayed indoors for a while but I knew that I couldn’t be inside forever. I couldn’t live like this. Not only because I had to live my life. I had classes to go to. I had to hang out with Liam. I had to eat. But at the same time, this was exactly what they wanted.

Whoever had sent me that text not only wanted me to be scared, they wanted to control me To let me know that they had more power than I did. But I couldn’t just sit back and give in so easily. I had to at least put on a brave face.

So, I picked up my textbooks and left the dorm. I walked to the little alcove outside the Manslow building and took a seat there. Maybe I just needed to change up my routine.

For the next couple of hours, I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that the message had caused inside me. Someone was always watching. I knew that If it wasn’t Noah, then it was of course someone else.

I was used to someone watching me. I was a human girl with a werewolf boyfriend. Of course someone was always watching. And then, I knew who had sent the test. It had to be the Winslows. They were the ones that had hated the idea of Lim and I together from early on.

Hadn’t they made that clear? They had sent Arthur to try to break up Liam and 1. But Arthur had failed. He hadn’t realized how strong a bond Liam and I had. To be honest, I was hadn’t even realized how strong that bond was either until all of the challenges that Liam and I kept having to face showed me the strength of us.

I quickly glanced around the court yard. I knew that should try to be subtle about my looking around. If someone was looking at me and saw the fear in my eyes, written all over my body, they would love seeing that. So, I threw my shoulders back and held my head high.

As the days went on, it felt like the Winslows‘ shadow louined over every part of my life even though I really tried not to let it. And it wasn’t just them; the lingering threat of Noth also haunted my steps. The campus was once a that I felt like I could focus on school, and that I was growing my love with Liam

Now though, it felt like everywhere I turned, I was in a maze of countless points of danger.

That weekend, I met Monica for coffee and tea at this one cafe not too far from campus. She had a way of cutting through the noise and getting straight to the heart of things. I needed to hear what she thought I should do. About everything.

As I stirred my latte absentmindedly, she studied me with concern. “Ella, you look like you’ve been running on fumes. Like someone keeps knocking the shit out of you. Girl, what the hell is going on!”

I sighed, resting my chin on my hand. “It’s Liam, Noah, the Winslows, Everything is piling up. It feels like I haven’t gotten a second of millennium. I swear Monica, I’ve been so anxious lately.”


for a

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew how true they were. I was just so tired, of everything. Of course it showed on me. Of course Monica could see it written all over my face.

Monica nodded sympathetically. “Liam’s doing his best to protect you, isn’t he?”

“He is,” I agreed, a small smile tugging at my lips. “God, he really is everything I ever wanted–stable, reassuring, and always there for me. It’s like he knows exactly what I need

I never had to worry about some random girl coming out saying that she was seeing Liam. That she was sleeping with Liam. Ever since Liam and i started our fake dating, he had been so respectful and made sure that things looked as real as possible.

Monica’s eyes twinkled with curiosity. “And Noah! Is he still bothering your

out of nowhere. But

quiet. The last thing I need is him popping up “No,” I said, shivering involuntarily. “And that’s what scares me. He’s been too e someone else has been sending me creepy messages and photos. It’s like I’m trapped in a never–ending nightmare.”

She reached across the table, squeezing my hand. “You need to stay strong. Ella. And remember, you have people who care about you. Liam’s one

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Chapter 54

of them. I’m one of them. We’re not going to let anything bad happen to you.”

“I know.” I took a deep breath. “I just wish I could see the end of this mess

The next day, I decided to visit my mom. Her house was my haven and I was craving just being by her side so badly. Being with my mom, there was always warmth and familiarity, which was the opposite of the class of my life right now.

As I walked through the front door, I smiled at the smell of mom’s homemade stew that greeted me. This is exactly what I needed.

“Ella!” she exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. “It’s so good to see you, honey

“It’s good to see you too, Mom, 1–said, holding on a little longer than usual. Her embrace felt so, so

so good

As we sat down to eat, my mom gave me a curious look. “I haven’t seen Liam or Noah around for a while. Is everything alright?”

I forced a smile, trying to hide the turmoil inside me. “Everything’s fine, Mom. They’re just busy with school and all”

She narrowed her eyes, not believing a word “Ella, you know you can talk to me about anything?”

I looked down at my howl, the weight of my secrets pressing down on me. “It’s nothing, really, just a lot on my

my mind.

Mom didn’t push further, but her silence spoke volumes. She knew I was hiding something, but she respected my need for space.

That night, I lay in my childhood bed, staring at the familiar ceiling. The same ceiling I had stared at countless times, dreaming of a future filled with love and happiness. Now, those dreams felt distant, overshadowed by fear and uncertainty.

The next morning, as I prepared to leave. Mom hugged me Ughtly. “Remember, Ella, you got this, okay!”

I nodded.

Her words lingered with me as I got in the cabs that was going to take me back to campus. Something told me to turn around in the cab, so I did. That’s when I saw a black car following us



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