
Chapter Dating 40

Chapter 40

You know we can remove her from the equation, and you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it,” Arthur said, his voice low and steady. He stared back at Liam unblinking, making sure that he hadn’t missed the meaning of his words, of his intentions,

My throat started to close up as if his words were choking me physically, I brought my hand to my neck, clutching at it as if I was trying to rip Arthur’s hand away from my neck, but of course, nobody was holding me.

I needed to breath, I needed to calm down. Everything was going to be alright. But of course I didn’t believe that. Arthur had just threatened my life. And he hadn’t even bothered to look my way. I was just a pawn in some power play he had going against Liam. Of course, it was no concern to him how his words had landed.

I felt Liam’s grip tighten on my hand, his hody vibrating with barely contained rage. I could sense the beast within him, straining to be unleashed. I tried squeezing his hand tighter, trying to convey like I had done so many times, that it was okay, that he should calm down.

But I just couldn’t. I couldn’t tell Liam to calm down when there wasn’t a single bone in my body that was calm. My heart pounded loudly in my chest, each beat reverberating in my ears.

Liam’s eyes flashed with fury. The muscles in his jaw tighten and his fist closed involuntarily, “You lay one finger on her, Arthur, and I swear Liam said, his body crouched, like he was ready to attack.

Arthur cut h

him off with a mocking laugh. “Calm down, lover boy.

But Liam didn’t look any calmer. He looked like he wanted to heat the hell out of Arthur.

“You think I’m joking, don’t you,” Liam said, his voice a warning.

Arthur shrugged, his hands still in his jeans pockets as if he didn’t have a care in the world, “I’m just trying to make you see reason. You’re too weak to protect her.

“Are you really trying to bet me about that right now?” Liam said, looking back at Arthur incredulously

Again, Arthur shrugged, “Not at all I’m just trying to make you see reason. I mean, come on, you couldn’t even win a simple game against me Liam’s rage surged and he took a step closer to Arthur, closing the distance between them

“That’s a fucking lic.” Liam growled.

“Come on, we all know I’m not lying?” Arthur said with a smirk.

I stepped forward, my chin held high. I had had enough. “You only won because stupid Noah did everything in his power to sabotage Liam’s game Don’t think for a second that makes you superior. If Noah hadn’t done what he did, I know Liam and his team would have won!“.

Arthur’s eyes flicked to me, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of surprise. It was like he had forgotten that I was standing there. But of course, had, I was a total nobody to him.

He soon masked his surprise with a sneer, slowly narrowing his eyes at me. “Is that what you think? You really have no idea what you’re talking about, human.


I know that you were lucky Noah was such a mess that day at the game. I said. And of course that was true. Just because Arthur didn’t see it didn’t mean that I wasn’t able to see it either.

“Trust me you little human bit. I have never had to rely on luck to get what I want. And definitely not when it comes to hockey Arthur said.

1 jabbed my finger at his chest, anger fueling my courage. “Well, that’s what saved you that day, luck. And it’s not going to save you forever.” God, I hated how arrogant this asshole was. I wished that i could just shut him up and put him in his place.

Arthur’s hand shot up, brushing my finger away. Our hands touched and it felt like a tiny bit of electricity traveled through the both of us. I didn’t know why, but I quickly pulled my hand back towards me. I held my hand close to my chest as if I had just burned it on the stove,

Arthur had felt whatever that strange feeling was too because his eyes widened, and he stumbled back, taking a few steps away from me. His face mamentarily frozen with shock.

Liamn noticed Arthur’s strange reaction immediately. He frowned. “What the hell is going on with you, Arılmır!“

Arthur’s eyes left me, and his expression quickly shifted back to its usual arrogance, “Nothing, nothing is wrong with me,” he said. But 1 same lingering confusion and maybe even wouder in his eyes. Seriously, what was going on with him?


You sure about that?” Liam asked.


Chapter 40


To be honest, I’m just realizing how pathetic this whole situation is You are pathetic, she is pathetic, your little relationship is pathetic. I swear, it I

my way.

I’d see to it that what needs to be done, was already done, Arthur said.

Liam stepped even more in front of me, shielding me from Anlar’s gaze. “You’re the one who’s pathetic, Arthur. Ella is my mate, so you better get used to it. And if you think that I’m going to let anything happen to her, you’re out of your fucking mind. I will protect her with everything that I have

Arthur’s lips curled into a cruel smile. “Protect her You couldn’t even protect yourself on the ice. You were weak, easily defeated. What makes you think you can keep her safe?”

Liam’s rage flared to the surface again. I could feel the heat radiating off him. “I’m stronger than you think, Arthur, Keep testing me and you’ll see exactly what I mean?

Arthur laughed, a dark, mocking sound that sent chills down my y spine. “You’re a delusional idiot. She’s nothing but a liability. She’s going to be the end of you, just watch,”

I stepped out from behind Liam then, facing Arthur headon. “I’m not a liability and I’m not going anywhere.“..

Arthur’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment, I thought he was going to amack nie. Instead, he leaned in close, his breath hot against my ear. “Who exactly are you, Arthur whispered.

1 stumbled back, surprised by Arthur’s closeness, by his breath again my skin, “Get away from me,” I said, the words struggling to escape my mouth.

You have

idea what


ve gotten yourself into, human. No idea at all, Neither one of you should get too comfortable,” Arthur saki. Before I could respond, Arthur turned and walked away, his footsteps echoing in the silent night air Liam and I stood there as Arthur walked deeper into the darkness and further away from us. Soon, he was gone.

The tension that he had left in his wake was now replaced by a heavy slewe.

Liam turned to me, his eyes filled with concern. He drew his hand down my face, cupping my check softly, “Are you okay?”

I nodded, but my heart was still racing “Yeah, I’m okay I’m okay.” I said. But I wasn’t really sure, I couldn’t shake the feeling that strange hand

happened. Arthur’s reaction, his momentary shock, left me with a question 1 wasn’t even sure I knew how to ask. There was a strange fear needling at me, but I couldn’t for the life of me, figure out what it was,



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