
Chapter Dating 39

Chapter 39

The moon was a silver color and it followed Ella and I as we moved closer to the old bridge. All around us, shadows stretched long and wide, making trees look bigger, bushes look more menacing, little animals more imposing.

I could feel Ella’s body shiver every time a squirl or bird darted from one tree to the other or took off into the night sky. I could see that for a human, the night was eerie. Not to mention the cold air was making her shivering even more intense.

I gripped Ella’s hand more tightly as we approached the bridge. 1 had tried to get her not to follow me. I told her I would be fine, that it was just going to be an alpha–to–alpha conversation between, Arthur and I. But Ella refused to leave my side

Now that she was here, I would do everything I could to make her feel safe in my presence.

Up ahead, Arthur stood underneath a yellow lamp post. He was waiting for us, his posture relaxed but his eyes sharp and locked right on Ella and


My heart started to beat harder and faster. It wasn’t because I was worried or anxious. It was because I was furious. Rage flared up in me every time saw Arthur, every time I thought of him

And now, after what he had done, it had reached a boiling point.

“Well, well.” Anthur drawled, a smirk spreading on his lips. “I wasn’t sure you were actually going to show up.”

“I don’t know why you would think that. When have I every backed down from a challenge. I’ve never done so with anybody else, and I certainly am not going to start backing down against you,” I said

“Calm down. Liam. Nobody’s trying to challenge you. Not this time anyway. I just wanted to talk,” Arthur said. He flicked a glance at Ella then and scoffed, “What I didn’t expect was for you to bring your little humani pet along.”

1 crouched, ready to give Arthur a blow to his face, “Fucking watch your mouth and the way you talk to my mate.”

Ella held onto my hand though, holding me back, “Don’t Liam. He’s not even worth it.” She rubbed my forearm with her other hand slowly, slowly.

I took a deep breath. She was right. Arthur knew how to get me angry, but I didn’t have to fall into his silly games, “Ella is my mate and you need to show her some respect. Or else,” I said, letting out a growl.

Arthur laughed loudly then. His laughter was cold and mocking. He stood there for a second, just shaking his head. “You want me to have some respect? For her, a human girl? Please, Liam. Don’t make me laugh.

“I swear to God, if you laugh, Arthur,” I warned.

“You’re an Alpha, a Winslow even! You shouldn’t even be wasting your time with someone so beneath you. Arthur growled. His eyes blazed with fury. He wasn’t joking around anymore.

Ella stiffened beside me, but she didn’t let go of my hand. At first, I thought it was because she was scared of Arthur. That his presence was starting to threaten her. I took a step in between them. Still, underneath her fear, I could feel her quiet strength.

She was determined to stand by me, despite Arthur’s vengeful words.

“I don’t have time for your little games. Why did you call me here. Arthur?” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “What do you want?”

Arthur looked back at me with condescension, “Jesus, here I am, trying to get you to see the light of day and you have the audacity to speak to me like I’m your weak little beta brother.”

“Get tou, or else, we’re leaving” I growled. I was so done.

“Oh, so now you two are a packaged deal. Is that it?” Arthur chuckled like he had said something hilarious,

“Let’s go,” I said, I turned then, and Ella followed.

*1 wanted to see how you were handling your new reality, Winslow, Arthur said, his voice raising loudly. I stopped. Finally, he was realizing I didn’t have time for his bullshit. Ella and I turned around. I made sure to keep my face hard

What do you care? You’re the one that started this slait storm,”

“I said.

a human girl and

“And that’s why I came here. To offer you some advice. I’m serious, Liam. You need to stop this kiddy charade. Playing house with a h ignoring the fact that you are a Winslow. It’s very unbecoming. Very unWinslow like,” Arthur said.

His face was hard. There wasn’t a smirk anywhere.


Chapter 39

“Unbecoming?” I yelled, my voice echoing in the darkness around us. Ella held on tighter to my hand. “What is unbecoming is you thinking you have the right to judge me and my choices.”

“Don’t 12 Arthur shot back



don’t. And I don’t need your advice. I never asked for you to reveal where I came from and I’m not asking you to clean up after the mess you made. You think you have some sort of say in my life, but you don’t.”


I could not stand the way this guy just kept showing up in my life. I was

Arthur stepped closer, his eyes narrowing. Oh, but you’re very wrong. Liam. Associating with a human like her will cost you everything. Which means it will inevitably affect the Winslow name.”

“I don’t give a shit about the name! I don’t give a shit about the family! And I don’t give a shit about you,

Arthur!” I yelled.

“You might not give a shit about any of these things but I’m here to tell you, that you will respect the family’s power and the influence of the Winslow name! You don’t know all what it means to be a Winslow yet. That’s why you’re so flippant about throwing it all away. Be careful Liam, oF else you’ll end up with absolutely nothing. Not that 1 care. But other members of the family do

I felt a surge of anger, my blood boiling at his arrogance. “You don’t know anything about me or what I need now or in the future. Ella is more than just a human to me. She is my mate. That’s something you’ll never understand,” I said.

Arthur’s eyes flicked to Ella, a sneer curling his lips. “Is that so? And what does she think about all this? Does the even understand what it means to be with an Alpha, to be part of our world?”

Ella stepped forward, her chin held high. “I understand more than you think, Arthur. As long as Liam wants me by his side, I’m not going anywhere, no matter what

Arthur’s face darkened with annoyance, a flicker of anger crossing his face. “You’re a fool. Liam. This girl is a weakness. She’ll drag you down, and you’ll regret it”

my life!”

I took a step forward, my fists clenching. “That’s enough, Arthur! You don’t get to decide what’s best for me. I make my own choices about

Arthur’s eyes blazed with fury, and for a moment, I thought he might attack. Instead, he said, his voice low and stead. “You know we can remove her from the equation, and you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it”

That’s when my heart started to bang loudly in my chest.


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