
Chapter Dating 15

Chapter 15

“You really want to take me to Mountain Spring Resort,” I said, still looking at Liam in shock.

“Yeah, I want to take you there. That is if you want to come with me.” Liam looked into my face.

I frowned. “When you asked me what my favorite date spot with Noah was, I thought we were having a theoretical



“Look Ella, if there’s one thing that you should know about me, when I want something. I go after it. And like I’ve said. before, I want you, Ella,” Liam said.

“But how could you afford such expensive tickets?” I said. When Noah had gotten tickets for us, they were the basic level tickets. There were so many areas of the resort that we weren’t allowed to check out. But I didn’t really mind.

If I went with Liam, it would be an entirely different experience. I’d walk through the place like a queen. I would have access to anything that we wanted. Especially since I would be there with Liam the Alph–wolf.

I shook my head. “I can’t go with you, Liam.

Liam crossed his arm over his chest, “And why is that?”

Suddenly my cheeks got hot. I glanced away from Liam, wishing he wasn’t staring so intensely at me. “I suck at skiing.”

Liam grinned, “What?”

“I suck at all sports, actually,” I said.

“But, how was going to the resort your favorite date spot if you weren’t a good skier?”

I shrugged, “I really liked being on the mountain. It’s so beautiful up there. The snow, oh my God, the snow was so white and fresh. And then there was this one huge place that served the absolute best hot coco. And their little cafeteria had some decent hotdogs too.”

Liam laughed, “It sounds like you did everything but ski while you were at the resort.”

I pulled my hair back behind my ears. “No, I did some skiing too!

Liam raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure about that?”

“Okay, fine, yes it was on the bunny slops with the little kids. But technically I did ski a little.”

Liam grinned, “Alright, yeah, I guess technically you did ski some.”

“It’s just that, if we go together, I already know you’re going to be so good and I’m just going to spend the whole time trying to keep up with you,” I said.

And there was a valid reason I felt this way. Whenever Noah and had our dates that included anything to do with sports or games, Noah would get so aggressive about winning and playing anything with him would end up being no fun.

“Come on Ella, I wouldn’t just be an asshole and start going down the slopes all fast like you were another werewolf. I’m more considerate than that.”

I paused, “Yeah, maybe. Tjust…I just don’t think that humans and werewolves should even compete in sports together, Even Iit’s just for fun.”



Chapter 15

Liam grabbed my hand then, “I swear, I promise to make the date so much fun, you’ll be begging to know when we can go back to the resort together.” I looked back at Liam, skepticism written all over my face. He held out his pinky finger towards

me, “You want to bet?

And even though I had just claimed that humans and werewolves should compete in sports together because, of course, a werewolf would win, I couldn’t help but feel the competitor in me spring alive.

Most people saw me and saw a quiet, plane human girl. But if they really got to know me, they’d know that I could be wildly competitive.

“Are you sure you want to bet me?” I said.

Liam laughed. “You look so serious right now. But yeah, I’ll bet you. If you have an amazing time with me on our date at the resort, you Ella, have to grant one single wish of mine.“”

“Hmmm,” I said. I wasn’t sure if I liked this sort of bet. But of course, the competitor in me wouldn’t let me turn it down. “And what if I end up hating the date because you forget you’re on it with a human and not a she–wolf. What do I get?”

Liam leaned forward, his face almost touching mine. He lowered his voice and said, “I’ll do anything you want me to.”

The rest of the week flew by and when the weekend came, I headed back home. I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich when mom walked in from work.

“Mom, what are you doing back so soon?” I asked.

Mom came over and kissed me on the cheek, “I wanted to spend some quality time with my baby. I never get to see you know that you live on campus.”

I smiled, “Aw, I missed you too mom. You want me to make a sandwich for you too?”

Mom shook her head, “No thanks. Just going to grab a glass of red for now,” she opened a cupboard and pulled down a wine/ glass. Then she went to the wine rack and grabbed a bottle and uncorked it. She poured herself a hefty cup. “How are classes going?

“They’re good. I’m really liking my creative writing class. And I also finally got into that history class I tried to get into last semester but wasn’t able to.”

Mom nodded, “Oh, yeah, I remember.”

I took a bite of my sandwich. “Liam Gravens is also in that class with me, actually,” I mumbled.

Mom’s face lit up. “That’s right. I was just talking to his foster mom a few days ago. She said that there was something going. on between the two of you.”

I tried to play it cool, “Not really,” I said.

It wasn’t like I wanted to lie to mom. I just knew that if I said that something was going on between Liam and me, she would get way too excited for me. It felt like I would be getting her hopes up.

I’m her only child and mom raised me all by herself. She’s always done everything she could to give me the best life possible. She’s the hardest working woman that I know. When she found out she was pregnant with me, she put aside all her dreams to make sure I never lacked for anything.

And at the end of the day, all she wants is for me to be happy. If start acting like Liam and I are a thing, she’ll get too


15:23 Tue, Aug 13 RG

Chapter 15

excited and get carried away, Especially with him being an Alpha werewolf.

“Not really What exactly does that mean?” Mom said, her voice dripping with suggestions.

I rolled my eyes. “He’s my seatmate and sometimes I help tutor him. That’s it.” I lifted the rest of my sandwich up, “I’m going to go do some reading upstairs,”

I headed back upstairs so that mom wouldn’t get the chance to continue grilling me.

I sat at my desk and, out of habit I glanced over at Liam’s window. My heart started to beating faster. He was home for the weekend too. What was he doing home for the weekend? I thought he said he was going to stay with a friend.

I quickly pulled my curtain closed.

Seconds later, a tapping sounded at my


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