
Chapter Dating 14

Chapter 14

“You want to know where mine and Noah’s favorite date spots used to be?” I asked, surprised by Liarn’s questions. I hadn’t imagined that when he asked me to stay, he would want to talk about my history with Noah,

“I didn’t ask that question because I care about Noah,” Liam said annoyance crawling into his voice. “I want to get to know you. Ella. I want to learn what kinds of things make you happy

My heart skipped a beat. I was always still so cautious around Lim because I just didn’t know what to make of him and our little arrangement. He kept claiming that we were dating because he wanted to protect my reputation and stop people from calling me dreamer girl.

Then he goes and asks a question like this. He seemed to genuinely want to get to know me. It wasn’t just about making Noah jealous or sleeping with me. Nobody was around now.

“Oh,” I said. I thought for a second, trying to recall the dates that Noah had taken me on. There weren’t that many. He was always terrified that we would run into somebody and he wouldn’t be able to explain why he and I were hanging out together. That’s why we mostly hung out at his place or mine. “Well, I really liked it when Noah took me to Mountain Spring Resort that one time.“.

I remember it now. I’d seen a gorgeous add for the resort online and kept talking to Noah about how I really wanted to go. At first he ignored me. And then, when I asked Noah out right if he wanted to go with me, he said he was busy.

But then one weekend, Noah showed up on my doorstep wearing snowboarding gear, “Let’s go to that stupid resort you’ve been bugging me about,” he said.

When we got there, he was still looking around, checking to see if he knew anybody. He refused to take off his ski mask the entire time. But I didn’t care. I was just glad to be in such a cool place with my werewolf boyfriend.

“Okay. That’s cool,” Liam said. I frowned. That was it? Sometimes he could be so weird.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you later,” I said. I turned around and headed out of Liam’s dorm.

When I got to my room I took a shower, thinking about my entire night and morning with Liam. What in the world were we doing? I got out of the shower and put on something much more comfortable than the outfit Monica had thrown me into last night.


I flopped onto my bed, grabbing the pillow from under me and squeezing it hard against my chest. Why did Liam insist on confusing me like this. And why did I keep falling under his spell. I had to admit, it didn’t seem like Liam was doing any the obvious playboy tactics, I was sure he was used to rolling out on other she–wolves.

He was just being his kind, generous, and honorable self. I couldn’t be mad at Liam for basically being a decent person. And that’s all I wanted to be. Angry at him so, that I could stop feeling my being continue to be drawn to him.

You know what. If I insisted on having all this angst coursing through me, I might as well use it to my benefit. I jumped out of my bed and went over to my laptop. I would open up my work in progress novel, the one that I had started about Noah and me.

And so, for the next two hours, 1 edited the story. I took out scenes that were inspired by Noah and me and rewrote them. But because I had been spending so much time with Liam and then thinking about Liam when I wasn’t with him, I couldn’t help it. My new–scenes started to look like mine and Liam’s stor

I wrote about a girl who was shielded from her bad ex–boyfriend by her overly protective Alpha–wolf. I wrote about how this


Chapter 14

girl and this wolf tried to stay away from each other but kept getting drawn back into each other’s lives.

When I finished writing for the day, I was so happy that I was beginning to write Noah out of the world that I was creating on my laptop. It felt good to finally take control.

I saved my draft and moved onto Zoodago, the website where 1 uploaded the latest chapters of my work. My followers would be so happy to hear that I was finally writing again. That had found inspiration, that maybe, just maybe, I had a new


I went to my message board so that I could type my update:

Hello, my dedicated readers. Guess who’s back in the writer’s room?

Immediately, a message popped up from Ti3472.

Are you serious? So, you’re really writing again? I can’t wait to read what you have next for us!

I smiled. Tiff3472 was one of my hugest supporters. She was always encouraging me to continue writing my novels. When I hadn’t put anything out for a while, she was always the first one to ask me if I was okay.

Even though her avatar on Zoodago was the default avatar that everybody got when they first signed up, I aways imagined Tiff to be..well, Tiffany. From the way she talked to me I just knew that she was an older woman who loved to read romance stories like mine.

From the very first day that I had posted my first book, Tiff3472 had been incredibly supportive of my work. She’d tell me what her favorite passages in my work were. She’d tell me which characters made her the most frustrated that week. She always complemented me on my story plotlines.

I could tell she was a true fan of my work. She could always go into great detail about them.

Trust me @Tiff3472, you’re going to love what I have in store for you.

On Monday, I showed up to history class waiting for Professor King to begin. I’d spent the rest of the weekend working on my reworked novel and doing homework for the rest of my classes, including Professor Kings.

I was brainstorming in my notebook when a white envelope dropped onto my desk. I frowned and looked up. Liam was there, sliding into the seat next to me. He had a huge grin on his face.

“What is this?” I asked.

“What are you asking me for, you know there’s only one way to find out,” Liam said.

1 frowned but picked up the envelope. I flipped it over and drew my finger under the seal so that I could open the envelope. It was hard because it was sealed so tightly but finally, I got the envelope open. I reached inside it and felt two pieces of


I pulled the pieces of paper out of the envelop and my mouth dropped open. I looked back at Liam, whose grin was even wider.

Are you serious?” I said.

Liam nodded.

In my hand were two All Inclusive passes to Mountain Spring Resort.

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