Daddy’s Orders (Silver Fox Daddies)

Chapter 5

I nearly spit out my wine at her words. It took all of the restraint I had to keep it in my mouth, to play it cool, to swallow then set my glass down slowly.

“Excuse me?” I asked. “Am I going to what?”

Make no mistake—I wanted to seduce her. A woman like her, innocent and inexperienced, would need a little finessing. I’d need to build her trust, to create tension and attraction. More than that, I was no stranger to the art of seduction, and was quite good at it. When I was a younger man, it was all about getting women into bed as quickly as possible. Now that I was older, the pursuit itself was almost as thrilling as the sex.


She cleared her throat and squared her shoulders, as if prepping herself to continue.

“I asked if you’re going to seduce me.”

My mind might’ve been uncertain about what I was hearing, but my cock sure as hell wasn’t. It stiffened to attention, eager to bury itself between the thighs of the gorgeous woman before me. I shifted in my seat.

“That certainly wasn’t what I’d expected to hear out of your mouth, Emily.”

Just like that, the confidence faded, her face turning a deep shade of red. She pursed her lips and tucked her hair behind her ear, glancing away. Every uncertain gesture she made managed to be more charming than the last. I sat back, draping my arm over the back of the seat.

“Well, that’s what you want, right?”

“Of course, it is. It’s what I wanted since the moment I laid eyes on you.” No sense in being coy about it. Hiding how I felt had never been my style.

A small smile formed on her lips, as if she were pleased to hear what I’d just said. The smile faded quickly, however, as she attempted to put her serious face back on.

“Well, that’s what I’m intended for. My dad told me in no uncertain terms that I’m not to sleep with you, that if I did there would be consequences. I’m supposed to spend time with you, tease you, make you interested and make you want me, but to never give myself to you completely.”

The words came quickly out of her mouth, fueled by nervous energy. I said nothing, letting her go on.

“And truth be told, it was kind of a relief to hear that. Not that I’m not attracted to you—I most definitely am—but I was a little scared about the idea of sleeping with a man for the first time. When Dad told me I didn’t have to go through with it, that part of the plan was to hold back, I was relieved.”

That provided even more confirmation that Charles was planning on screwing me over in one way or another. I tucked that bit of information aside for later, not wanting to interrupt her very informative little spiel in process.

Fire flashed in her eyes. “But now that I’m here with you, I don’t give a damn what my asshole dad says. I should be able to lose my virginity when I want, and to who I want to lose it to. It’s not a freaking bargaining chip that he can—”

I decided it was time for the rant to end. I placed my finger onto her lips, stopping the flow of words. Her eyes went wide and I could tell right away that she wasn’t used to anyone touching her like that.

“Now, I want to ask you a question, Emily. And before I take my finger away, I want you to really give the question some serious thought. Understand?”

She nodded, my finger pushing her lips up and down.

“My question is this: what do you want?”

I left my finger there for a few more seconds, giving her time for the question to linger in her mind. When I was satisfied, I slowly took my finger away.

“What do you want?” I repeated.

She took a deep breath, then shook her head. “I don’t know. I mean, I think I do, but I’m not really sure.”

Emily took another sip of her wine, then rose from her seat. I watched as she began to pace back and forth slowly. I watched her make her way down the length of the plane, my eyes locked onto her perfect ass as she moved.

“I may be naïve but I’m not stupid. And most importantly, I’m not some little pawn that my dad can do whatever he wants with. I’m a woman who can make my own decisions.”

My cock was stiff, my blood pumping hard in my veins, and her energetic little outburst was only turning me on more. I unbuckled my seatbelt and rose, cutting the distance between us. Once I was close, I clamped my hands down hard onto her hips, holding her in place.

Then, I kissed her.

I moved in quickly, planting my lips on hers, feeling the soft, plushness of her mouth against mine, traces of sweetness from the Moscato still on her lips. Emily’s body tensed stiff and straight as a spear, and I held my lips there for long enough to send the message.

When I moved my face back her eyes were wide, her lips parted slightly in surprise. I was so turned on that I could hardly think straight, but I kept my cool all the same.

“Now,” I said, speaking slowly and calmly. “I’m going to ask you one… more… time… what is it that you want?”

She moved her eyes up and down my body. By this point I was so hard that there was no way to hide it from her. Emily’s gaze lingered on my manhood for a long while. She licked her lips slowly, her eyes wide.

“I want you.”

Good. But I wasn’t done. I took hold of her upper arms and brought her against my body.

“It’s not enough that you just want me,” I said. “I need you in total. You have to give yourself to me, consent to me, submit to me. Are you willing to do that?”

She nodded without hesitation.

“Say it,” I said.

“Yes. I want everything you just said.”

Music to my ears. I placed my hand on her hip, turning Emily around as I nodded toward the bedroom at the far end of the plane.


She did as I commanded, swaying her hips as she made her way to the room. I followed, my cock so stiff that I felt on the verge of exploding. She stepped over the threshold of the bedroom and I did the same, shutting the door behind us and flicking the privacy switch for the cockpit letting the pilot know not to contact me unless it was an emergency.

The bedroom wasn’t enormous, but it was more than big enough for our purpose. There was a queen-sized bed, along with a dresser and small walk-in closet. A pair of large windows over the bed allowed for a stunning view of the clouds and sky.

There was only one view that I cared about—the impossibly stunning woman standing before me. Emily stood with her arms at her sides, her eyes wide. I could sense that she didn’t have any idea where to begin.

I was happy to guide her.

I stepped over to her, putting my hands on Emily’s hips and bringing her body against mine.

“I hate to ask this but are you really a virgin?”

She nodded. “Let’s put it this way… that kiss you just planted on me? That was the first anything I’ve ever done with a man before.”

It was almost too much to process, that possibly the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen in person had never been touched by a man before. All the same, virgins could be trouble; clingy and needy. Not to mention that there was the distinct possibility that Emily was lying—that she and her father were in on it together, playing some game to get the better of me.

Didn’t matter. If she was lying about being a virgin, I’d know the moment I entered her. I was inclined to believe that she was. Either Emily truly had never been with a man before, or she was an excellent actress.

“I don’t know where to start,” she said. “You’re going to have to show me.”

“It would be my pleasure.” I placed my fingertips on her breast, moving my hand down over her belly. The fabric of the dress was soft and fine, pleasant to the touch. “First of all, this is going to need to come off.”

She nodded, preparing to reach around her.

“Allow me.”

I moved her hands down to her sides. Once they were there, I reached around and undid the zipper of her dress, taking it down slowly.

“Turn around.”

She did as I asked. The zipper open, I was afforded a wonderful look at the slender form of her upper back, her body toned and her olive skin flawless. I placed my hands on her, sweeping the top of the dress aside and moving my fingers underneath the straps. I peeled the dress down, Emily watching me over her shoulder, her profile like something out of a classical painting.

Once the dress was off down to her waist, I stepped back, sitting down in the chair on the other side of the bedroom.

“Now what?” she asked.

“Now you take it off the rest of the way.”

Her upper back expanded as she took in a slow, deep breath. When she was ready, she placed her hands on her hips, moving them underneath the fabric of her dress.

“Slowly,” I said. “And bend over forward as you do it.”

Without a word, she complied. Emily bent over slowly, taking her dress down over her hips and ass. Her rear was perfect, filling out a pair of pink, lacy panties, the color closely matching her dress. I kept my eyes on her, letting my gaze savor each new bit of exposed flesh. Her legs were long and just thick enough, her thighs soft and inviting, her calves toned.

When the dress was at her ankles, she stepped forward and out of it, leaving it in a pile on the floor.

“Now turn, slowly.”

I watched her as she did what I asked, giving me a full view of her body clad in nothing but her pink bra and panties. I was certain that she was about the finest specimen that I’d ever laid eyes on. Her breasts were full and round, her shoulders slender, her stomach flat and soft, her hips wide. I didn’t think it was possible to become any harder, but the sight of her before me took my erection to another level.

“Do you want me to take off the rest?”

I rose slowly, shaking my head. “No. I want that privilege to be all mine.”

I stepped over to Emily, placing my hands on the soft curves of her hips. She gasped at my touch, the way my hands moved along her curves. I traveled up to the narrow small of her back, stopping once I reached her bra strap. With a quick, deft motion, I opened the clasp. Her eyes widened as I did, and I could sense she was doing her best to wrap her head around the idea that a man was about to look upon her naked body for the first time.

I brought the straps slowly down her shoulders, lowering the bra and exposing her breasts.

They were about the most perfect pair that I’d ever seen in my life. Round and just the right size for a handful, her nipples dark pink. I took them into my hands, squeezing them gently, rubbing her nipples with my thumbs. She moaned softly, closing her eyes and enjoying the way I touched her.

“That feels really good.”

I couldn’t resist leaning in and taking one of her nipples into my mouth, licking and sucking and tasting the subtle saltiness of her skin. She moaned louder, running her hands through my hair and holding me in place.

“Wow,” she sighed. “Wow. Wow.”

I repeated the motions with the other nipple, focusing on her taste, the way she breathed as I introduced her to the world of sexual pleasure. When I was ready, I let her breast drop from my mouth before standing back up.

I stood tall over her, as I did with most people. She looked up at me with those big, dark eyes, as if nervously awaiting what I had in store for her.

I knew just the thing.

I placed my hand on the small of her back, guiding her over to the bed and sitting her down. She shook slightly, and I put my hand on her thigh to calm her down.

“You OK?” I asked.

She quickly nodded. “Yeah. Fine. Just… this is all so new to me.”

I grinned, glancing down one more time at her perfect tits.

“Let me ask you this, have you ever done anything with yourself before?”

She cocked her head to the side, slightly confused at my question at first. Her eyes quickly flashed with realization.

“You mean like… touching myself?”

“That’s exactly what I mean.”

She shook her head. “I mean, there have been a couple of times when I’d been in the bath with the showerhead…”

Her face turned a deep shade of red as she looked away in a bashful manner. The combination of shyness and her utterly gorgeous body was irresistible.

“Does that mean you’ve never had an orgasm?”

Her eyes flashed at the mere mention of the subject and she tilted her head down.

“I don’t know.”

I placed my hand on her thigh, squeezing it gently. “That’s where we’re going to start, then. I’m going to make you come.”

She nodded, her eyes still wide.

“Oh… OK.”

“But tell me first, is that what you want?”

Another nod. “Yes.” She said the word quietly.

“Not good enough.”


“When I ask you a question like that, you need to look me in the eyes and answer. So, when I ask you if you want me to make you come, you look up, look me in the eyes, and tell me that yes, you want me to make you come.”

She took a deep breath before bringing her eyes up to mine.

“Please,” she said. “I want it. I want you to make me come.”

It was about the sexiest damn thing I’d ever heard in my life, and I wasn’t about to waste one more second before making it happen. I moved my hand along her thigh, inching closer and closer to the waistband of her panties.

I slipped my fingers underneath the band of her panties and pulled them down along her thighs, down to her knees. Emily watched me with wide eyes.

As she kicked her panties off the rest of the way, I leaned in to kiss her once more. Emily melted into the kiss, my hand finding one of her irresistible breasts as I teased her nipple a bit more. As we kissed, I moved my other hand to her pussy.

Emily gasped as I touched her, as I dragged my fingertips over her lips and gently spread them open. She placed her hand onto my wrist and for a moment I thought she might stop me, pull my hand away.

But she didn’t. Instead, she guided me right where she wanted, just above her opening. I pressed my fingertip down gently, making slow circles.

“Oh… Oh, my God.” Emily spoke with her eyes closed, her entire focus on how I touched her, how I made her feel.

“You like the way I touch you?” I couldn’t help but grin as I posed the question. The way she sighed, the way she moaned, made it more than obvious that she did.

She nodded, caressing my hand and making sure that I didn’t move it anywhere. I continued with my slow circles, switching my index finger with my thumb and placing my finger at her opening.

“You’re so damn wet,” I said, the grin still on my face.

Instead of responding, she nodded and bit down on her bottom lip, her hips bucking against my hand. With a slow push, I entered her with my finger.

Emily was tight, very tight. She gasped as I pushed inside, and the deeper I moved, the more certain I became that she was indeed a virgin.

And I was going to give her the greatest night of her life.

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