Daddy’s Orders (Silver Fox Daddies)

Chapter 4

Even from the pictures, I’d been able to tell that Emily was something special.

In person, she was even more striking, as beautiful as they came. No wonder her father treated her like gold—as if she were the most valuable thing he possessed.

Speaking of her father, I’d noticed something strange right away about the relationship between the two of them. There had been zero affection, no warmth, no indication that Emily was his flesh and blood. When she’d broken from his side and joined me, she hadn’t uttered so much as a single “goodbye.” It’d been as if she couldn’t wait to flee from him, even into the company—or possession, in this case—of a stranger.

Perhaps that dynamic might make her more susceptible to my seduction. And there was no doubt that seducing this beauty was at the forefront of my mind. Emily’s potential desire to get back at her father promised to make the whole process move much more smoothly.

“You alright?” I asked. Emily had been standing there stunned since I’d brought her onto the plane.

She shook her head and blinked hard, coming back into the moment.

“Huh? Oh, sorry. It’s just… this is a really nice plane.”

I chuckled to myself at how impressed she was. Cute, really. It was clear that not only had she never seen anything like it before, but that the rumors of her having rarely left her house were possibly true. As she looked around, it was impossible to not take notice of the innocent air about her, a charming guilelessness in spite of a face and body that seemed hand designed to inspire pure lust.

“Something to drink?” I asked, reiterating the question as I made my way over to the bar. “Feel free to turn me down, but I always like a little something before takeoff. Personally, I’ll be having a little red wine, but you’re more than welcome to white. Or a cocktail if that’s what you’re in the mood for.”

I stepped over to the cocktail bar, glancing over my shoulder to see Emily nervously shift her weight from one foot to the other. God, she was sexy. Even in that simple dress it was impossible to not notice the curves of her hips, the way the fabric clung to her full, round breasts.

“I’m not sure.”

I turned, crossing my arms and leaning back against the bar.

“Oh, you don’t drink? That’s fine, of course. I have non-alcoholic drinks, as well. Quite a few different ones, actually.”

She pursed her lips and right away I could tell what was on her mind.

“It’s not that I don’t drink,” she said. “It’s more that…”

“You’ve never drank.”

Her eyes flashed. “God, am I that easy to read?”

I smiled. “Maybe a little. But it’s more that in my business, you live or die by being able to read people.”

She offered a weak smile in return. “It’s just that my dad, he… keeps me on a short leash. And he’s very strict about my diet, including alcohol.”

“Do me a favor,” I said.

“What’s that?”

“Take a look around the plane.”

Though confused, she did as I asked, cocking her head here and there and glancing around.

“I don’t get it. Is there something I’m supposed to be noticing?”

“Do you see your father anywhere?”

She chuckled, shaking her head as she realized what I was getting at.

“No. He’s not here.”

“That’s right; he’s not here. Now, you’re something of a mystery to me, Emily, but I do know your age. You’re twenty-two, more than old enough to have a drink. Now, is there something I can get for you?”

She turned her attention to the bar, licking her lips in anticipation. The sight made me wonder what other things she could do with that tongue and those lips.

“Well, I’ve always wanted to try wine. But I don’t know where to begin.”

I gave the matter a moment’s thought. “How about something sweet? But not too sweet.”

She smiled. “Sure. Sweet sounds like a good place to start.”

“Sweet it is.”

With that, I opened the mini-fridge and took out a half-sized bottle of Moscato. That in hand, I opened it, a pop sounding through the compartment. I poured a flute for Emily, and a glass of Pinot Noir for myself. The process done, I walked over to her and handed Emily the flute. As I did, she slipped her bag off her shoulder.

“Can I take that?” I asked.

Her eyes flashed. “Um, no. That’s fine. Thanks, but I’d prefer to keep this close.”

I couldn’t help but wonder about the bag’s contents. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for women to be protective over their purse. But this wasn’t a purse, it was a mid-sized travel bag. Something special was inside, and I wasn’t going to pretend that I didn’t have a bit of curiosity about it.

“Sparkly,” she said, her eyes on the bubbles, an eager smile on her face.

“We should toast to something.”

“Such as?” she asked.

I smiled. “Well, since it’s your first drink, I say you choose.”

“How about this,” she said. “We drink to… new friendships.”

“I like that.”

We tapped rims, then drank.

“How is it?” I asked.

She glanced away, considering the question.

“It’s… good. Sparkly, tickles my nose. And it’s sweet, but not too sweet.”

“Glad you’re enjoying.”

Before either of us could say another word, the pilot came on the speaker.

“Mr. Stone, we’re getting ready to take off in just a few moments, if you both wouldn’t mind getting seated.”

The speaker clicked off and I nodded to the nearest set of chairs.

“Shall we? Oh, and please take the window. The view over the city is something else.”

She smiled at me before easing into the seat, her ass sticking out just a bit as she sat down. Everything about her seemed designed to appeal to the senses—from her figure to her scent, to the way she moved. Charles might’ve been as big of a prick as they came, but he’d trained his daughter well.

I sat down next to her, placing my glass of wine into the holder. We clicked our seatbelts closed, Emily turning to me with a broad smile. Considering her circumstances, it was interesting to see how excited she was. I’d have thought she’d have been a bit nervous at the prospect of being shipped off to live with some strange man, but that didn’t seem to be the case at all.

The plane engines spun up, the sound filling the space as the pilot turned the plane toward the length of the runway. The engines grew louder and louder, a tinge of worry forming on Emily’s features.

“Something wrong?”

“Is it supposed to be that loud?”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yes, everything’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

She smiled slightly but I could sense that the newness of the experience was getting to her. Emily took one more nervous sip of her wine before setting the flute into the holder. Her hands then moved to the arm rests, gripping them tightly, her eyes fixed forward as the plane moved faster and faster down the runway.

Her expression turned into a grimace of tension as the plane began to lift off. I couldn’t stand it any longer, I needed to do something to comfort her. I placed my hand on hers, feeling the warm smoothness of her skin against my palm. She glanced over at me when she realized what I was doing. At first, she seemed uncertain about my touch. But it didn’t take long before she turned her hand over underneath mine and weaved her fingers between my own, gripping my hand tightly.

I couldn’t help but chuckle as I realized how strong her grip was. Emily may have been delicate in some ways, but she carried an inner toughness within her.

“I promise that we’ll be fine,” I said. “Nothing out of the ordinary is happening.”

She nodded, her eyes still fixed forward.

“You want my advice? Look out of the window. Flying for the first time might be a little scary, but the view is worth it.”

Emily nodded again before turning her attention to the window, looking out as we rose above the airfield. It didn’t take long before Manhattan was before us, Long Island stretching all the way into the distance, the city surrounded by shimmering, blue water.

“That’s something, isn’t it?” I asked.

“It really is.”

I craned my neck a bit to get a good look at her face. She watched the takeoff with a big smile that was almost childlike in its excitement.

It didn’t take long before we were over the clouds, the sky a perfect blue above us. The pilot came back on the speaker and let us know that we would be at cruising altitude soon, and that the flight would take a little under five hours. It was the perfect amount of time to be alone with Emily to get to know her better.

As much as I wanted to keep touching her hand—to touch a hell of a lot more than just that, in fact—I moved it away. She turned in her seat, taking another sip of her Moscato as she looked me up and down.

“Something on your mind?” I asked.

“Just a personal question.”

I chuckled. “Shoot.”

“Well, I was wondering how old you are.”

I grinned. “How old do you think?”

She didn’t answer at first, instead letting her eyes linger on my face, as if really giving the question some serious thought.

“Well, you’re older than me, that’s for sure. Older than thirty, but not as old as my dad. I’d say… thirty-five?”

I chuckled. “Close. Thirty-eight.”

It was impossible to ignore how attracted to Emily I was. But the more time I spent with her, the clearer it became that Emily wasn’t exactly the most worldly of women.

And it was all because of her father. It made me sick to think about what he’d done to her, how he’d cut off his own flesh and blood from the world to ensure that she’d be a more attractive bargaining chip to some criminal lowlife. The thought made me more certain of his plan. All that work to preserve her innocence only for it to be stolen away by me, a man he hated.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“My private island.”

“I know that. But where is it, exactly?”

“You’re familiar with the Virgin Islands?”

She narrowed her eyes in irritation. “Are you asking if I know where the Virgin Islands are?”

What came next, I most certainly hadn’t been expecting. Emily let loose a torrent of Spanish, perfectly pronounced and accented. I didn’t flinch as she spoke, letting her say her piece—whatever it might’ve been.

“You’re going to have to translate that,” I said. “Spanish isn’t my forte. Though I did pick up on estupido.”

“The Virgin Islands are in the eastern Caribbean,” she said. “Just because I’m a little sheltered, doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”

I raised my palms. “Didn’t mean to imply anything of the sort.”

The anger faded from her face. “Sorry,” she said. “It’s just that I know how I might come off. I don’t get out much, and it shows. It’s kind of a sensitive subject.” She let her shoulders slump forward. I could sense she regretted her little outburst. “Shouldn’t have ripped into you like that.”

I sat back, amused more than anything. “You speak Spanish?”

She shrugged and nodded. “Yes. A few other languages, too.”

“Which ones?”

“Well, besides Spanish there’s French, Italian, Mandarin, and a little bit of Russian. But not much.”

I nodded slowly, impressed by what she’d just told me. “Wow.”

She brought her dark eyes back up to mine. “I did receive just about the best private education money can buy. Dad was big on making sure that I’d be appealing to men for, well, other reasons than just my face and body.”

Had to admit, my mind was already racing with possibilities. Her looks were what had initially caught my attention. But the longer I spoke to her, the more I began to realize that she was far more than just a pretty face. She was bright and sharp and, if her language skills were any indication, extremely well educated.

She sighed, shaking her head and taking a sip of her wine. “Anyway, the Virgin Islands. What about them?”

I chuckled at her attempt to get the conversation back on track. “Well, I own one of them, and have a private resort.”

She blinked hard, and I could sense she was taking a moment to process what I’d just told her.

“How… you mean, it’s like one of those beachfront hotels, but only for you?”

I chuckled. “Well, it’s not a full-size resort. Just a good-sized house near the beach. It’s nice. And, most importantly, it’s quiet. When you spend most of your time living and working in New York, having a little piece of paradise all to yourself is just the thing.”

“So, it’s just you on this whole island?”

“Not quite. There are staff who live there and take care of it. And there’s a security team.”

“This… sounds like quite the place.”

Without another word, she lifted her glass and took another sip before turning away from me and facing the window once more. As she watched the clouds roll by underneath, my mind began to race with possibilities for her.

Emily wasn’t just a beautiful woman to use as a bargaining chip—she was an asset. It was perplexing to think about how her father didn’t seem to understand how valuable someone like her could be, and not just as a way to buy favor with the highest bidder. A woman like her—sharp-minded and educated—would be more valuable than gold for a man in my position.

Right in the middle of my thinking, Emily turned in her seat to face me once again. She had a strange look on her face, as if there were something on her mind that she didn’t quite know what to say.

Finally, she smiled a bit, lifting her eyes to mine.

“Yes?” I asked.

“There’s something I’m wondering about.”

“Let’s hear it.”

“Are you going to seduce me, or what?”

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