Curse of the Moon Goddess

Chapter Which Mate?

I was tired of all of this. First, I get attacked by a group of lowlife omega rogues, then I find out I not only have one mate, but two. Which wasn’t too bad, except one is a Beta which, eh, I wouldn’t mind so much if the other one wasn’t an Alpha. I knew the moment I saw him I would accept him as my mate.

So why is he chasing around some human girl?! Which, turns out, isn’t as human as we all thought. As much as my pride is hurt by my mate, Jace, taking interest in her, I did have to admit she was brave or extremely stupid. In the last twenty-four hours I watched as she fought off five werewolves in human form, kick her actual mate (who is also an alpha) in the shins, stare down Jace’s father, and fight off four werewolves with Jace in wolf form. So, yeah, I’m pretty impressed. But also, ready to bite her head off.

Ever since I was a pup, I dreamed of mating with an alpha. Of course, as I grew older, I became fine with mating a beta or even a gamma. And now here I was with an alpha and a beta as my mates and the alpha hadn’t said a single word to me the entire time we’ve known one another. Instead, he was busy helping another she-wolf find out the truth about herself, teaching her how to shift, and fighting by her side. Shouldn’t that be that girl, Sage’s mate’s job? It most certainly shouldn’t be my mate’s job.

Finally, Lukas, Ian, and I had had enough. As we watched Jace take off towards the Pack House holding Sage in his arms, we all decided we needed to talk. As we walked, Lukas and I vented about our mates spending more time with one another instead of with us. Ian remained silent. Probably because he was also my mate. He’d been quiet practically the entire time. I didn’t really know him, but something told me this wasn’t normal. Which means he knows I’m his and Jace’s mate. The thing that confused me the most though was why he hadn’t said anything. I’d never heard of someone meeting both their mates at the same time, but I didn’t think it was normal for one of those mates to be infatuated by someone else and the other to silently stay by your side.

Upon reaching the Pack House, we all hesitated in front of the door.

“So,” I started, a little uncomfortably, “Who’s going to talk to him?”

As much as I was fed up with this whole situation, the idea of confronting an alpha scared my wolf right out of her fur. Especially once we approached the house and saw the door was no longer on its hinges.

“I’ll do it,” Lukas announced as he stomped up the stairs.

I tentatively followed with Ian close on my heels.

The sight before us wasn’t at all what I thought we’d see. Instead of Jace cradling Sage’s head, he stood a good distance away leaning against the wall in front of us. I couldn’t help but appreciate how gorgeous he looked relaxing against the wall like that.

It took me several moments to realize Lukas hadn’t said a single word yet. His eyes were fixed on the doctor checking over the wounds on his mate. And probably taking full advantage of the fact she only had a sheet covering her. His wolf must be going crazy. I wonder if Jace’s wolf has gone crazy thinking about me.

I turned my attention back to Jace. Our eyes met and all the anger I had felt before started to fade. Before my anger had completely subsided, I heard a voice behind me speak up, “Alpha, we need to talk.”

Ian’s simple words broke Lukas and me from our reverie. The anger inside me rekindled and I was more fired up than before.

I crossed my arms to indicate we were serious, and the guy had the gall to shrug his shoulders and wave us up the stairs. His simple gesture and lack of emotion had added fuel to my already raging fire. At the same time, I wanted to run into his arms. This guy was going to make me go insane.

He led us into a room on the second floor. I instantly recognized it as an office. Though, my first thought was old man. The room was decorated with age-old relics. There were vases, paintings, a bookshelf spilling out yellow paper; even the desk and its matching chair looked to be around a hundred years old.

Great. My mate has the soul of an old grandpa.

I didn’t mind history and all that, but I preferred to spend money on the newest phone, some new clothes, or the latest chick-flick. Not on some useless painting or books. What was even the point in reading when you can watch it on a screen?

I was starting to reconsider wanting Jace as my mate until his glorious voice spoke two words, “K. Talk.”

Where do we even begin? Is this the part where I start screaming and yelling at him; demanding he start paying attention to me? Or is Lukas supposed to punch him?

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one in this dilemma as no one said a word for a second. Probably because none of us wanted to get in a fight with an alpha who had only moments ago made another alpha go into submission. Another thing to ask him about.

“Alright. Since none of you want to start, then I will,” Jace announced, forcing all our eyes on him, “Lukas, I’m sorry I spoke to you like that earlier. I honestly have no idea what’s been wrong with me. Probably all the stress of the rogues, my mate being in danger, and some… other personal issues.”

I gave him a curious look, as I’m sure everyone else did. Jace had this aura of always knowing what to do. I couldn’t imagine him facing a struggle he couldn’t solve at a snap of his fingers. Or a neck.

Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Lukas rubbing his neck and shifting uncomfortably. He obviously wasn’t expecting an apology.

Wait. Did he call me his mate?

“No man, I’m the one who should be sorry. You were just doing what you thought was best for everyone and I overreacted on several accounts. I also didn’t take into consideration how Sage would react to being thrown into all of this. I guess I’ve been a bit forceful while you were trying to help her. Forgive me?” Lukas asked, holding his hand out and giving an awkward, sheepish smile.

Jace gave an exasperated smile, slapped Lukas’ hand away, and brought him in for a hug. I couldn’t help but give a small smile myself, my fire nothing more than an ember now. This guy definitely had a way of chilling people down.

But I couldn’t let him know that.

“Are you done?” I asked, mustering as much annoyance into my voice as I possibly could.

Finally, Jace looked at me. Not just a glance or a somewhat look. But he looked right into my soul and what I saw in his eyes almost made me break.

There was a sadness there and a wanting that didn’t come from finding your mate. It was as if there was an internal battle raging inside. But what the root of the battle was, I couldn’t tell. What was unnerving to me was he didn’t try to hide it.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

I felt my heart breaking into tiny fragments. Why was he sorry? He was sorry about not paying me much attention, right? I felt my heart racing as I fought against what else he may be sorry for.

The opportunity to question him passed as he enveloped me in a hug. I felt tears sting my eyes and rain down as rain does in summer. They were silent tears.

I quickly wiped them away, pulling from his embrace to look him in the eyes once more.

“It’s ok,” I tried to hide the sniffle I felt tickling my throat, “Just don’t let it happen again. Ok?”

He gave a small smile and a nod. Then, he turned his attention on Ian.



“Thank you.”

I was amazed at the power so few words could have coming from Jace’s mouth. All he had to do was say thank you to Ian and Ian seemed to understand everything Jace was trying to say. The two embraced as I bit my lip.

I didn’t expect it to be so hard to decide which one to choose. Though, the thought still lingered if the choice would be made for me.

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