Curse of the Moon Goddess

Chapter Past Catches Up

Jace’s POV

I can’t believe Adam did something so stupid as to get himself turned into a vampire. I mean, really? Who wants to spend the rest of their life running from the sun? What a lame weakness.

Yet here I was pinned down by one of these horrific creatures. I had allowed myself to become distracted by Sage when she was flung into that tree. I was relieved to see her still moving. Now I’m in this predicament where I’m trapped by this psycho vampire who apparently wants to kill me. I didn’t even recognize him from the other vampire attack I’d experienced. So, who was he?

I could smell the reek of his breath as he came close to my face and whispered in my ear.

“I know your secret. Somehow, you’ve reincarnated. You’re the wolf that killed my family. Remember, a female vampire? You killed her quite some time ago. And the vampire that sought revenge. That would be my sister and her lover you mut. You thought you’d be safe by dying, huh? Well, I’ve heard about the blood alpha for several centuries. I knew it had to be the same guy. I’ve met enough wolves to know none of you have the same fur. Except for that one. Oh, and the pretty white she-wolf with specks of blue. I’ve heard rumors of her too. The angel luna I believe she’s called.”

He looked over at Sage with a sick grin on his face.

“Fancy that. She’s got that exact color of fur. I wonder, is this some kind of tragic love story? Maybe, I should take her out first. Make you watch as her lifeblood drains from her. Maybe I should do one better. I should make her my queen. I could turn her into a vampire. It will be quite a painful experience for her, but I’m sure she’ll survive. You like silver, don’t you? Let me just chain you up a bit. Would hate for you to miss the show.”

I struggled in vain as he placed a silver collar around my neck and chained me to a nearby tree. My wolf and I cried out in pain. I’ve experienced far worse. But never have I had to watch what was about to transpire in front of my eyes. I didn’t want to watch. I’ve heard rumors that in order for a werewolf to become a vampire, their wolf would have to die, and any current or possible mate bond would have to be severed. It was said to be more excruciating than being chained from head to toe in silver. The worse part of this was feeling as if there was nothing I could do.

“I want you to know the name of the vampire who defeated you blood alpha. My name is Drake. Fitting, isn’t it?”

With those words, Drake yanked Sage onto her hind legs and pushed her against the tree. Her eyes widened as she gasped for air. Surprisingly, she remained in her wolf form.

“Stop!” Adam was marching right up to Drake as he continued, “You promised she would be mine.”

Drake smiled his miserable smile, “Sorry kid. She already rejected you. Now, sit.”

Adam, wearing a very surprised look on his face, did as he was told and sat.

“Good. Now,” he turned back to Sage, “be a good girl and turn into a human for me.”

I recognized the voice he was using. It was the alpha command. He must have learned it or picked it up somewhere. I knew it originally was created by vampires to control werewolves, but I’d never seen it in use.

Sage shook her head.

Drake seemed intrigued as he voiced her answer, “No?”

He got closer and squeezed her neck tighter, “Who are you to disobey me? Now shift you mangey mut!”

Once again Sage shook her head. This time with more difficulty.

Drake was obviously becoming angry and impatient. “I’m not about to bite some furry creature. That is disgusting. Now shift!”

I could feel his alpha command from where I was and shifted. I could see Lukas, Ian, and Venessa had shifted at hearing his command, even in their unconscious state. Yet Sage remained as she was.

Drake drew so close to her, that I thought she would become one with the tree. That’s when I saw a smile. I saw it coming as it happened. She turned her head just a smidge, angled herself, then bit Drake’s neck.

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