Curse of the Moon Goddess

Chapter My Secret

I was so shocked by her response; I didn’t even argue as Lukas pulled her from my arms and lift her close to his chest. Was I wrong? Was she not Aleina? I always thought as soon as I spoke her name, she would remember something. How could there not have been a spark of recognition in her eyes? The past times there was at least a spark of recognition that would fade quickly. This time there was nothing.

We walked in silence as we headed back to the Pack House. As the questions came pouring in, I couldn’t help but notice how Lukas was looking at the girl or how closely he held her. I recognized it but couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge what was going on. Instead, I felt myself growing more and more annoyed at Lukas. Then I was annoyed with myself. She’s not your mate and clearly, she’s not Aleina. So why am I being so protective?

Upon arriving at the Pack House, we found the other girl, my mate, on the couch, Ian sitting oddly close to her, a few other wolves standing guard, and the doctor waiting as if he knew there would be another victim.

I was too furious at myself, Lukas, Ian, and the Moon Goddess to say anything. Thankfully I didn’t have to.

Lukas urgently laid the other girl down and told the doctor, “She was bitten by a rogue. She fought five of them off. I’m not sure if there are other injuries, but she seems to be human.”

Ian finally tore his eyes from my mate, and asked, “Didn’t you say there were some humans camping near here?”

I nodded, still fighting with these swirling feelings inside. Everyone noticed, but no one dared to ask. Some probably thought it was because my mate was in danger. Lukas and Ian on the other hand knew me too well to know that’s not why I was silent. However, even they wouldn’t be able to guess why I was acting the way I was and there was no way I was about to tell them.

Without a word, I went up to my room and slammed the door shut. I let my head fall into my hands and cried. Was that girl downstairs a relative of Aleina? Did she really fall for someone else? Worst of all, Lukas is her mate and I’d found mine. What was I supposed to do?

All the uncertainty, fear, and hurt I’d been suppressing came rolling out in big tears. I cried silently so no one would hear me.

Sage’s POV

I opened my eyes slowly, my head throbbing profusely. I turned my head slowly but stopped as I took in the smells. I was not at home, nor was I in my tent. This place smelled different. There were two scents that hit me with so much force it terrified me. I couldn’t quite distinguish what they were or where they came from. I felt addicted to the scents, one more than the other. I hated that feeling. It reminded me of someone I never wanted to think of again. Even the thought of them made me feel sick to my stomach.

I could make out a few figures in the room; all apparently asleep. I silently slid out bed, getting a painful reminder of yesterday’s events. Suddenly, I picture Lizzy and I knew I was in deep trouble. I most definitely have been gone longer than a few hours. There was no doubt about it. As quickly and quietly as my bandaged leg would allow, I raced out of the house.

I slowly closed the door, breathing in the wonderful smell of burning wood and vanilla. That’s strange. Normally I don’t smell those two together even though they are my favorite scents.

“Where are you going? You shouldn’t be walking around on that leg.”

I turned around to see the same eyes that put me to sleep last night. They were like a warm caramel hot chocolate. Warm and caring but can burn you if you are not careful.

“Who’s Aleina?” I retort, trying to distract him long enough to sneak away.

He noticeably flinched when I said that name, and I immediately felt bad. He had saved me yesterday and here I was bringing up sore memories.

“Sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up,” I say, genuinely apologetic.

“No, it wasn’t your fault,” he hesitates before continuing, “I shouldn’t have called Aleina. You reminded me of her so much last night I slipped up.”

I felt a tug at my heart as he said Aleina. It was stronger than last night when he whispered it in my ear. Even recalling that moment brought shivers down my back. I loved the sound, yet it wasn’t my name. I felt a little jealous of whoever Aleina was. This guy obviously loved her a lot. I wonder what it would feel like to be loved that way?

“You didn’t answer my question. Where are you going?” he asked, with more force this time.

Recalling Lizzy’s hysterical nature, I decided it was safer to tell him than keep it a secret.

“I was camping with my friends last night. They are probably worried sick by now. I don’t want to get you or anyone else here in trouble, so I thought it would be better to leave sooner rather than later,” I replied honestly.

He quirked up an eyebrow in an adorable way, “Why would we be in trouble?”

I had to focus hard on my breathing seeing him in the moonlight like this. I can’t believe how dark it is, even with the almost full moon out.

“My friend, Lizzy, she can be, well, a bit dramatic. She… probably thinks you kidnapped me and called the cops,” I responded hesitantly, but it was the truth.

“Ah,” was all the guy said.

“Ah?” I repeated, dumbfounded at his nonchalance.

He seemed to become distracted by something as he cocked his head slightly to the right. After a moment he announced, “You should go back inside. Someone wants to talk to you. As for your friend, don’t worry about her. They’ve already been informed of what happened and are back home.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but instead was hoarded inside by the guy as his arms circled around me and he unlocked the door. I had no way of escaping except for back into the house. Man this guy is good. He leaves no opening. He’s a fighter and an extremely good one too. I can’t even tell his weakness which is a rarity in men. He didn’t look at me like I was an object and judging from his clothes he didn’t care too much about appearance. He was fit, but not buffed out like most gym goer guys are. In fact, he seemed he had lost the one person who could be a potential weakness to him. Which reminded me, he never did tell me who she was. Wow, he really is good. Instead of me sidetracking him, he sidetracked me!

I was about to say something to him when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me into the strong arms of some other guy. I was claustrophobic in his arms. I had flashes of a previous experience and I was none too happy about that. I needed out. Now.

“What were you doing with my mate?” the guy holding me asked.

I felt my anxiety skyrocket as he called me his. I couldn’t hold it anymore. I brought my good leg back as far as I could, leaning into the guy holding me for support and a distraction. I then brought the leg forward hard. It made contact with his leg and I was immediately released as he let out a surprise yelp.

My senses heightened now that I was in panic mode, I searched for a weapon. I dived for the table that had a small doctor’s tool that looked like a knife. Grabbing it, I raced into a corner and did something that surprised everyone, including me. I growled. Loud and low. It rumbled through my throat and felt amazing.

“Stay back,” I warned venomously.

Thankfully, no one moved at first. Then, the guy who grabbed me earlier wiped the look of shock off his face, replacing it with a charming smile. Great. He’s one of those.

“Dear, why don’t you…” he never got a chance to finish.

I growled again, “Don’t… call me dear. I don’t know you. Also, while we’re at it. Don’t grab me. I don’t appreciate being grabbed by strangers.”

The guy flinched when I called him a stranger, but I didn’t care. You don’t touch someone without permission.

That’s when I got a surprise. The sound was low and mesmerizing at first. Then it grew into a full-on laugh. I stared in disbelief as the guy from outside, doubled over into a ball, tears falling mercilessly as he laughed.

The guy who grabbed me was also dumbfounded and, as I quickly scanned the room, so was everyone else. It appeared there were three other guys. Two were hidden in separate corners and the other standing behind a couch. Sitting on the couch was the girl from yesterday. I sighed in relief knowing she was alright.

That’s when it hit me. The wolf. The wolf had the same eyes as…

“You!” I cried out without thinking.

“Yeah yeah. I should be quiet, but man you are awesome,” he wheezed out between breaths, slowly calming his breathing again.

The man who grabbed me let out a low growl, but the other guy just waved him off.

“I’m just saying you know,” he shrugged.

I stared at him hard, before finally saying, “You’re the wolf from yesterday. The one who saved the girl. So, you save one girl, then call another your…”

As I said ‘ex-girlfriend’ it was muffled by the guy’s hand over my mouth. He had been nothing, but a blur of motion with how fast he moved. I looked into his eyes expecting to see a death threat but was surprised to see him begging me not to say anything. What a weird guy. She must’ve really done a number on him if I can’t even bring her up.

“I won’t say it again Jace. Get away from my mate,” someone, probably the guy who grabbed me, growled out threateningly.

The guy with his hand over my mouth, Jace, hesitated. I nodded, a way to tell him I won’t say anything. He finally removed his hand and stepped away from me.

Looking around me, I could see two sets of dangerous eyes. One set directed at Jace, the other at me. For some reason, the girl was glaring at me like she wanted to kill me. Well, you’re welcome for saving your sorry behind.

I decided I didn’t want to look at her anymore but wanted to address something else.

I turned and stared at the guy who kept insisting I was his, “Let me make something clear to you. One, I don’t know who you are or why you keep calling me your mate. Two, if by mate you mean soulmates then I don’t believe in those and don’t believe I have one. Third, I will belong who I want to belong to. No one else. Now I suggest you start watching your tongue or I will rip it out.”

This finally seemed to get his attention as he lowered his eyes. I felt a bit bad for him, but I was fed up with the way he was acting.

“Now,” I announce, “someone please tell me what’s going on. I’m tired and I want to go home.”

“Alright,” Jace said coming forward once again, “I’ll tell you what’s going on. You were attacked by rogues, aka packless wolves. You saved my mate, that girl over there. We are what you call werewolves or shapeshifters, take your pick. And I don’t think we’re the only ones. You smell like a human, but you fight like one of us. And a mate is someone the Moon Goddess has designed for you to be with. Any questions?”

I glanced around. Everyone’s mouths were open in shock. Apparently, they didn’t expect him to blurt out all of that and neither did I. I decided not to let him know he got to me though. So, I grinned and said, “I believe you. Except for one thing. There’s no way I am a werewolf and you have no proof I am.”

Jace smirked back and I felt my heart skip a beat. He walked swiftly over to me and grabbed the wrist still holding the knife I had forgotten about. I heard a growl again behind Jace, but he just said, “Oh shut it Lukas. I’m not going to do anything to her.”

You already are, I quietly thought.

“May I have this?” he nodded to the knife.

I slowly nodded, a bit unsure, but feeling incredibly safe with him. In one swift movement, he grabbed the knife, bent to my ankle, and took off the bandage that was there.

He stood up, smirking.

“I didn’t know humans could heal so fast,” he stated, mocking me.

Looking down, I realized he was right. The leg that should have deep bite marks from the fight yesterday now only had a few traces left. I gaped at my own leg and heard everyone else’s collective gasp.

I looked at Jace, his smirk deepening.

I heard a voice I hadn’t heard yet speak up, “Lukas, did you know she was a werewolf?”

I saw him very carefully shake his head, a look of annoyance growing on his face.

“How’s that possible?” the voice whispered more to himself than to everyone else.

That’s when I caught on. If I was supposed to be Lukas’ mate, shouldn’t he have known I was a werewolf not Jace? So, how did Jace know and not Lukas?

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