Chapter 46- BLOOD LUST

Stephan went to the room where he found Scarlet huddled on the bed. She hugged her knees to her chest and didn’t look up when he walked in.

“Come to gloat.”

“Why would you say that?”

Scarlet could see how much her accusation had hurt him and wished she could take it back. It wasn’t his fault, technically it was but what had happened at the parish was all on her.

“I’m sorry. I’m just upset that my plan isn’t working out. It’s not your fault.”

“I know.” Stephan was going to pull any punches, he was going to give it to her straight. “You need to do what is best for you and everyone.”

“I know. I couldn’t even go with Kayla to get SJ food.” Scarlet hid out in the car with all the doors locked, counting down from a thousand to keep her mind occupied.

“So are you going to start feeding?”

“Yeah, I suppose I have to.”

He pulled her legs straight then lifted her onto his laps. He stroked back the hair that covered her face. “I know this isn’t how you had planned to live your life, but this is what you have. You can resent me for it-,”

Scarlet began to speak, but he put his finger on her lips, silencing her.

“You can resent me for it, I won’t hold it against you. As long as you continue loving me the way you do, I can deal with a little hate.”

She pulled his finger away from her lips and kissed him, “I could never hate you. You have given me a beautiful house, a car, that I love, by the way, everlasting youth.” Her lips curved up in a smile, “And a handsome baby that I adore.”

“He’s no longer a baby Scarlet.”

“He will always be my baby, and if I have to put him in diapers to prove it I will.” She pushed his back down onto the bed. “I could never resent you. I just have to accept all of this, I need some time, but I’ll be fine.”

“You will be because this house is overrun by immortals that can help you.” He rolled on the bed, Scarlet still in his arms, and pinned her on her back.

He kissed her gently then more urgently. He supported his weight on one arm, as the other explored her body. Her fingers wandered around his bare muscled back.

Just as she felt the lift of the passion, he jumped off her and pulled her to her feet. Fixing her hair and replacing the button he had managed to open. Scarlet felt herself crush to the ground. It took a second for her to hear the little footsteps, and she was sure that was what had interrupted them.

Stephan walked to the open door to meet their son, and he lifted him into his arms.

“Mommy, aren’t you having lunch with me?” SJ chewed on a chicken bone, his bare chest stained with ketchup.

“Sure,” she led them down to the dining area, disappointment written on her face.

“Solara thought it would be funny if we let him come up there,” Kayla revealed their plot and they all burst out laughing.

Solara stood beside her an unashamed smile on his face.

“Solara.” Scarlet turned to Stephan expecting him to back her up, but he was too engrossed with his son’s drumming and the chicken bone he used.

“So I thought I would take you and the boy to San Francisco tomorrow.” Stephan only had five days left and he couldn’t think of anywhere better to spend them, than where they met. He especially wanted to go back to the beach.

“After what happened today, I don’t think a six-hour plane ride, in a cabin full of potential meals is a good idea.” She took the cup that Kayla handed her. She knew what it was but she wasn’t about to argue.

“If you drink enough of this, you won’t hurt anyone.” Kayla knew how much it meant for Stephan to have this time alone with his little family.

“Yeah, you should go.” Solara urged.

“You, I’m not even talking to you right now.” She pointed an accusing finger at him.

“Please babe.” Stephan wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to his chest.

“Please babe.” SJ mimicked. “Aunty Kayla told me that’s where you and Daddy met. I want to go, please babe.” He hugged her leg.

They all laughed, he looked so innocent asking his mother to agree on the trip.

“Why can’t you always be this cute?” Kayla smiled at the child.

He looked up at her and winked, “Because I can be cuter.”

“I see his lips moving, but I hear Vincent,” Kayla said.

“Hey, there are six other people in this house he could have gotten that from.” Vincent defended himself.

“No brother, that’s all you.” Victor sided with Kayla.

“What do you say, Scarlet, are we going. Keep in mind I already got the tickets.” Stephan didn’t have the tickets, but he planned on getting them as soon as she said yes.

Scarlet wanted to go back home, visit for a while. She was scared about what would happen outside the controlled environment she was in. She stared down at the mug in her hand, the red liquid smelled appealing as it usually did. And it was going to taste good, she knew that for a fact.

She had drunk it before, but this time it was in a mug, and not in a live man’s body. That was all she needed to stay sane.

“Ok we can go. SJ, finish your food.”

She stared at her mug, for a second, and then she poured the liquid into her mouth. Once it was empty she handed the mug to Kayla.

“I better go pack.”

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