Chapter 45- TIME TO FEED

That day Scarlet discovered something else she didn’t know existed, the garage and the cars that filled it. She couldn’t tell what was what, but all she knew was her car was perfect. It was a white BMW X6. Next to it was a black jaguar.

“Let me guess, this is Stephan’s.” She said as she ran her hand over the black machine.


She found Stephan’s choice of vehicle symbolic. He phased into a black Jaguar and now he had the car to go along with the animal.

They went into town, it was just as populated as San Francisco, and it was a good chance although something about it made it feel like home. Preston Fall was a beautiful city with plenty of shops.

They went into the first one they saw. Kayla was interested in keeping the visit as short as possible. Unlike Scarlet, she didn’t have that much faith in her friend’s power to resist human blood. Blood is never more potent and enticing as when it’s still in a warm body.

“I know Kayla, in and out. We only need to grab a couple of shorts and t-shirts.” Scarlet answered her friend’s weary look.

She couldn’t mind read, but it was obvious to her what she was thinking. Scarlet wasn’t insulted by the lack of confidence she had in her because she too was afraid of what may happen. She had spent so much time resisting fate, that she had convinced herself she was fine. Now her theory would be put to the test.

Scarlet stood still for a second, half expecting the scent of human blood to attack her and send her into a frenzy, but nothing. Confidently she walked through the aisle.

“So far so good.” She muttered under her breath when she caught up with Kayla.

Kayla didn’t say anything she was just relieved that they had spent almost thirty seconds in the store without any incidents.

They dumped a couple of clothes in the basket, they didn’t bother to match them because they were sure he wouldn’t wear them for long. They went to the counter to pay after she grabbed three pairs of sneaker, each a different size.

Scarlet was feeling confident, they had only one stop left. The parish. She was sure of two things, she wouldn’t light on fire in the house of God and that she wouldn’t hurt anyone. She had the vampire in her tamed.

Kayla pulled into the parish parking. The priest waited outside for them, a smile on his face. They got the boxes of clothes from the trunk.

“Every time we come here it’s like Christmas all over again, this is the third time we are here this month.”

“If he knew his donations depended on the impossible growth of a month-old child, he won’t smile as much.”

“Ms. Cooper, I see you have brought more clothes for the children.” He took the boxes from them and handed them to the two altar boys at his side.

“My nephews came to visit and they brought some of their old clothes.” Kayla’s lie rolled off her tongue.

Shame on you lying to a priest, at the door of a church.

Kayla smiled at her friend’s thought before introducing her, “This is Scarlet, and she is living with us now.”

“Good afternoon Scarlet, such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He smiled at her, and his eyes lingered on her face for a while.

Scarlet felt uncomfortable but didn’t know what to do. “Thank you. You have a beautiful church.”

I think you will beat me to the gates of hell. Tempting the priest.

Scarlet smiled and then bit her lower lip to stifle the laugh threatening to burst out of her.

“Let me show you around. I think now that you are here your friend will go into the church.” He held out his hand and pointed them in.

Afraid you’ll turn into a ball of fire.

Hey, I’m just being cautious.

“Sure Father, we would love to.” Scarlet took Kayla’s arm and dragged her in behind her.

The priest came to her side, he was explaining the history of the church to them. It was a humble structure, and when it came to construction it wasn’t much to talk about. But the awe in the priest’s eyes told Scarlet that it meant much more than the ground it stood on.

A shock wave went through Scarlet when the priest brushed her arm. It was as if he woke something in her.

Kayla looked at her with a questioning stare, but she shook her head and shrugged it off. But another wave hit her when he touched her arm again. This time it didn’t go unnoticed, especially since her hand flew up to her throat.

She could see herself sink her teeth into one of the veins in his arm. His hand was still on her arm and she could feel the warmth in it. She could feel the rapid rush in his veins, and then his steady heartbeat.

Panic built up in her as she remembered the night of Archie’s death. It was happening all over again, but this time there was no baby in her belly. This time it was her.

Kayla, we need to get out of here.

I know, your thoughts are anything but friendly.

“Father thank you but we need to leave now. Lots of errands to do.” She grabbed Scarlet’s arm and pulled her down the aisle.

Scarlet willed herself to leave, but she wanted to stay. Everything in her body screamed for her to stay. She quickened her steps that slowly turned into a run. She sprinted out of the church and into the passenger seat, locking the door once she was in.

The priest was following them fast, “Stay for tea. At least stay and meet the children you have helped.”

“Another time father, but thank you.” Kayla gave him a friendly smile, before stepping on the gas not easing up until they got to the main road.

“What just happened? I was doing so well.” Scarlet finally broke the silence. She had to take a minute to calm her senses down.

“Nature, this is what happens and if you don’t start dealing with it now, you won’t get your life back on track.”

“My life derailed a long time ago. I can’t get that back.” Scarlet didn’t think she would be able to go back into the world. How was she going to handle wanting to drain her co-worker’s blood from their warm bodies?

“You can, but you have to embrace your new life. Stop fighting it.”

They rode the rest of the way home in silence. It was probably a good thing they lived at the edge of the County, far from the population. Scarlet ran into the house, jumping out of the car while it was still in motion. She went up to her room, breezing past the boys who were still playing outside.

Stephan watched her go and didn’t try to stop her. He was going to wait for her to cool down from whatever had her upset. In the meantime, he would get his information from Kayla.

“She almost had the priest for lunch.” Kayla shrugged, she didn’t think it was that important anymore. The incident at the church had helped her see reason. It did them a favor. “Speaking of lunch, has the little man been fed?”

SJ leaped into her waiting arms. “No.” He said shaking his head for emphasis.

“That’s good because I got you and Eric some chicken.”

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