
Chapter The Battle of

The streets of Sanctuary were empty, as the automatic weapons shot down numerous chimera, despite their best efforts, parts of the city were still being harvested. The door to the Undercity was sealed tightly to stop any incoming chimera.

Inchaya was ablaze with gunfire and cannon fire as the city held off the beasts that attacked the city. An orbital laser cannon fired down any incoming meteors to protect the city from the falling rocks.

In the fallen city of Utopia, Roisin and the others stood at the base of the steps that would lead them to the Academy, Roisin took a deep breath and took the first step towards the end of her 10-year journey. Everything she had endured and fought for would culminate in this, the final confrontation.

The arduous climb felt as if they were climbing a mountain, everyone remained silent, as the hum of the red planet in the sky vibrated down to the Academy below, as they neared the doors, the nanomachine's quickly covered the entrance.

"I'll handle this" Seb grumbled, as he placed his palm on the nanomachine and let an electric jolt shoot from his hand and through the tiny machines, the billions of tiny drones fell to the ground, uncovering the Academy beneath. Roisin nodded and walked through the door.

"So, you finally came" Tartarus grunted, he stood in the middle of the Academy's ancient great hall, by the throne, Rychard laid bruised and battered. Roisin stepped forward into the hall.

"Enough, Tartarus" Roisin frowned. "Leave this world and this reality" She warned.

"No" Tartarus grinned as he lunged at Roisin. Roisin dived backward and Syl and Keegan flew forward, kicking the titan backwards.

"Now!" Aran shouted, as the Crystalla all ran towards the throne. Rychard got to his feet, and weakly made his way to the corner of the room.

"Stay away!" Tartarus commanded with his booming voice, as he knocked Syl and Keegan backwards and turned to face the throne, as he did he was pulled backwards as Atlas shot a Celestial Harpoon into his back. "INSOLENCE!" Tartarus road.

The Crystalla gathered around the throne as Aran sat in the center, and held the White Matter out in her palm, the Crystalla all channelled their energy into the stone, as the fight raged on behind them.

Ruby shot a large energy ball at Tartarus, which was strong enough to knock him from his feet, Tartarus turned to the dragonet with a look of hatred, as he made toward the small dragon.

"Oh no you don't!" Syl growled, as he placed a glyph in front of Ruby, from the glyph a hand grabbed Tartarus' arm, the grip of the arm was enough to crush part of his metal armour.

Back over at the throne, the White Matter began to glow, as the energy from the stone was absorbed into Aran. Aran's eyes began to turn white as the energy overtook her body. Upon noticing this Tartarus roared, as he burst out of his mortal shell, and grew much larger, roared as he shot a ball of energy toward the Crystalla.

Just before the ball of energy hit, a flash of light appeared in front of the group.

"Reunion" A tall woman, with silver and black hair, looked up at Tartarus, who cast a silhouette against the red planet behind him. Aran looked up at the woman.

"Celestia?!" She gasped, Celestia turned slightly and nodded, before lunging toward Tartarus and battling him in the skies above.

Suddenly a flash of energy burst beside Aran, she looked over to see Brannam was losing her form. Aran almost stopped, before Brannam shook her head.

"Don't stop" She smiled. Aran frowned and nodded. Brannam turned to the others. "Look after the place, alright?" She joked, as she slowly faded away, her energy flowing through into the soul of Aran.

The skies above roared with the sound of combat, red lightning stuck Crystalla and Eden as Celestia gave it her all, despite her heavenly strength, Tartarus still had more power. To Celestia, this didn't matter, she just needed to buy the others time.

Tristal began to fade, as he did, he closed his eyes and scoffed. "I guess, time and tide waits for no man" He chuckled, his life force fraying, as his essence was absorbed into Aran, he slowly faded away, giving Aran even more power.

Celestia blocked a powerful blow, and parried an attack, plunging her blade that was tinged with the element of life into the chest of Tartarus.

"You bitch!" Tartarus growled. He pushed back against Celestia, sending her flying toward the city of Utopia. With Celestia gone, he turned his attention back to the Academy below, in his hand, he formed an Infernal Spear, he moved to aim, and throw.

Memoria was next to begin to dissolve, his form slowly faded as he let out a small smile, and nodded. He faded away peacefully, relinquishing his energy to give Aran the power to save the world.

As Tartarus was about to throw the spear, the sound of sharpened steel hitting flesh echoed for miles around, as Celestia flew past the Titan at a supersonic speed, tearing his form asunder, he began to fall towards the Academy, still very much alive, but much less powerful. He hit the Academy floor with a thud.

Roisin looked at her arms, that had begun to turn transparent. She frowned slightly, she hadn't thought she'd be the one to fall away next.

"No" Mizu shook her head, and forced her own lifeforce towards Aran. "I've lived much longer, and had a much more peaceful life, today is not the day that you die, Roisin Ruby Luna" Mizu grinned, Roisin's form solidified once more, as Mizu quickly began to fade, she turned to Roisin for one final time.

"Live your life, be happy, be loved. Please" She smiled peacefully, as she faded away, her essence giving Aran more power. Behind the Crystalla, Celestia landed, and channelled her energy.

"Take our power, the power of Dark and Light, rewrite the laws of this reality, and guaranteed a bright tomorrow and a dark tonight. Give life to the world, and freedom to the people, let no Gods control this universe" Celestia roared, as she channelled her endless font of energy into Aran, Celestia looked at Aran.

"Thank you, Aran Luna, my first friend, my only love. Thank you" Celestia smiled peacefully as her form faded. At last, Aran had all the power that was needed and stood up. She gazed across the room, at Tartarus. He motioned to teleport away, but Aran bound his hands.

"No" Aran shook her head. She then turned to the skies and clicked her fingers, as she did, the rift in the sky slowly began to close. As the rift closed, those with the power of the Crystalla began to fray.

"This universe" Aran spoke. "Will forever had the need of heroes, those with the power of Crystalla. For this I grant this world new Crystals, from which the lands will bloom" She smiled.

"What about us?" Roisin asked, as she looked at her translucent arms.

"You are the protectors, the guardians. The eternal watch of the Crystalla will forever bring peace, the power will not be yours forever, but when you will it, it will be passed down, to those with suitable souls" Aran smiled, as she clicked her fingers once more. The Crystalla had all regained their form.

Aran herself began to grow unstable, as the energy that sustained her began to run out.

"I guess this is it" Aran sighed. As she bowed her head, Tartarus began to run toward her, with an old spear in his hand, he had lost any magicks he once had, but the hatred kept him going as he charged toward her.

He was too fast for any of the others to react, just before the spear hit Aran, Rychard jumped in front of her, the spear went through him, and into the wall behind.

Rychard impaled on the spear was now face to face with the beast who had tortured him, who had beaten him close to death, and that had engineered the down fall of the world. Rychard stared Tartarus in the eyes.

Feeling new sensation in his chest, Tartarus gazed down, to see a dagger through his chest, Rychard began to chuckle as blood dripped from Tartarus' mortal form.

"Burn in the hells, dick" Rychard grunted, as he coughed up blood. He drove the dagger in deeper, as the life left their bodies, as Rychard died he gazed at Roisin, in his soul, he regreted his actions, but he died knowing that he had done his part, even if it was in a small way. He died a hero.

Aran was taken aback by the display, but gasped, as she fell weakly to her knees. The light had overtaken her whole body.

"Remember...." Aran gasped as she reached out.

"Remember, to... be kind. Just... be kind, and... love" She struggled to say, as she slowly dissolved into light particles. The sun shone down upon the Academy as the skies cleared and

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