Cruel World

Chapter 62: chap61

Chap 61
Sarah felt her alarm ringing...she groaned. She doesn't want to wake now, she is so sleepy, it looks like after a long time Sarah
doesn't want to go anywhere only sleep. After a few minutes her alarm ring again ....she cringed with the sound and opened her
eyes and randomly put her hand on the bedside table and turn off the alarm and yawned. She was late she had a feeling about
The moment she move her legs down she felt some one was behind her...she paused...then she saw hands on her waist
...shit...she turned slowly and saw it was theo and they both were naked....Sarah whole body becomes tight and tense in
shocked what the fuck.....then she recall what happen at night...she cursed softly...
she chanted slowly 'no oh god no' how stupid she can more get..she slept with her husband, hypothetically it not such a wrong
but the nature of the relation they are it is so so wrong...
Stupid Sarah, she tries to remove his hand....and wished to god he doesn't wake up now she sure as hell can't take this
humiliation like this.
She has to get ready before him but the moment she tried to remove his hand..theo tighten the hold and bring her back, he
mumbled and nuzzled her neck 'hmmm, stay don't go'
Sarah can feel her goosebumps and his hot breath ...she knew he will wake any moment ..damn it... theo kissed her neck and
whispered 'you always smell so good here'
Sarah doesn't want this go any further 'theo leave me, we are already late for office'
But theo was in the playful mood he massaged her tense arms ' let's not go today and since you are the real boss of the
company no one will say anything'
Sarah sighs and somehow remove her body. Theo was a little shocked by her reaction ..'what happens'
Sarah try to cover her body by blanket 'nothing, I'm getting late...and I'm not taking any day off' ' she then runs to the bathroom
she heard theo faint shocked sound 'sarah stop'
She put her head on the bathroom door and took a breath 'oh god what i did'

When she comes out of the washroom, properly dressed, she took a step back when she saw theo standing in front of her
looking very confused 'Sarah whats wrong, why are you are acting so weird...what I did now' he holds her shoulder
Sarah was feeling angry and wanted to say to him that they have sex but it will be unfair as Sarah also enjoyed and agreed on
what happened yesterday night...
She removed his hand 'im just getting late....if you are in mood of going office today please go and get ready...I'm gonna check
Ava '
But theo stropped her and hold her arm 'you are seriously giving me whiplash ...what happen tell me.....i thought (he shake his
head ), is it about yesterday night? ...what we did
But Sarah raised her hand 'I don't want to talk about was a mistake and we both need to forget that'
Theo got angry 'mistake? we both know it sure as hell don't feel like a mistake ... I don't force myself on you, hell I even try to
stop you but you said it was ok'
Sarah defensively said 'wow now you gonna blame me, great theo I was really expecting this'
Theo face falls 'no I'm not blaming you hell I'm not blaming myself here too cause it was no one mistake....we feel something for
each other that's why we slept together'
Sarah also feel something for him but she will never accept that aloud not again 'no it was just we both were in mental stress and
other heavy stuff got into our mind and we did what we shouldn't and feeling? (she mocked) really feelings were nowhere it was
just body reaction. You are (she look away to find right words) you are a good looking guy so
Theo open the bathroom door like he is disgusted with what she said ...he paused and said 'I'm not flattered and you just being
Sarah glared him 'i wish i can be more than you so that you can know how you used to react when we slept and next day you
make me feel like shit'
Theo looks guilty for a moment like he remembers those days but he shut the door with a strong force, Sarah flinched with the
sound....he was right she was cruel but he was too once

They were in the car and were ignoring each other ...Sarah is not once looked him while he was driving and theo looks he will
lose his shit in any minute...
Sarah sighs, as they were stuck in traffic.
Theo looked at her and said 'i don't know what your problem, why you are evening reacting like have any idea how I
am feeling right now? like I force you on something. I get it we...we have sex after such long time and there are so many things
unsolved between us but at least don't make me feel like shit and yes I know I was terrible to you in past and I totally deserve
this but your ignorance in this topic is making me losing my mind'
Sarah feel bad that she is really doing that to him....she is involved in that act willingly and now she is confused and
embarrassed ..she sighs 'can we take a break on this we will talk about this but not today. Theo there are so many things in
my mind and I need a break to think on them separately please don't push me '
Theo nodes 'ok..ok I get it...but we will talk maybe not now but someday?' he still wants to be sure
Sarah looked at him 'yes we will'
'Hi Sarah we are all going for Lilly birthday lunch.. it will be at our lunchtime' Sarah colleague merry asked
Sarah stop the work and think about it 'and where we going exactly and who else is coming'
Merry who was excited about everything 'oh we are going to that hooter place it so cute place and they offer free drinks to
us...and many are not going only a few people of our team...and you know what Jim is also there so it will be super fun' merry
blushed at Jim name
Sarah give her knowing smile 'im sure Jim will be there he never misses something where is fun and girls like you' Sarah and
merry giggle
But Jim coughs 'are you girls talking about me?' he made a serious face
Both Sarah and merry blushed 'no we were talking about the Lilly birthday lunch' merry fill him
Jim beamed 'oh what you guys are waiting for for...come we will go in one car' he took out his car key

But sarah hesitate and she wonders should she tell Theo or not? well its her lunch break and she can do whatever she want but
out of many years habit she wanted to take his permission cause she has no idea how he will react...but who will tell him as he
hardly came to this department and hopefully he will be also busy and whatever has happen with them in night she don't feel like
talking to him....but the inner fear was her that theo will straightforward say no and she really wanted to go out
Merry excited voice came 'sarah where you are? come on ' she waved her hand on sarah face ..even Jim pass a funny look to
Sarah made her mind 'sorry ..ok lets ok '
(In the Dinner)
'Happy birthday Lilly' Sarah wished her
Lilly put a cake on Sarah's mouth 'thank you Sarah'
Sarah was really enjoying this...for the first time, she was having her alone time with people she like with no pressure and
instruction from others what she has to do and what not.
she is relaxed and having her time, there were hardly 6 people at Lilly party and Sarah was happy that she is one of them.
Jim was flirting with every girl and Sarah note he is charming as it is working a lot
Jim then walked towards her 'hi take this new cocktail on the house'
Sarah took the bright pink drink and took a sip yum its taste good'
Jim smile 'how can I bring something bad for you'
Sarah paused for a moment but she looks away. She liked Jim a lot but not in that sense that she is attracted to him.
Although Jim is very good looking ...but she never felt something like that for Jim that she felt for theo....she stop ...what she
said...oh god there something in this drink as its making her losing her way ...she won't go to that way again
'hey come i found a table we can sit and have some lunch because this cake is too sweet for my appetite '

sarah laughed 'stop it its rude ...what if Lilly heard that'
He shrugs 'she is busy with her boyfriend right now...will making out will be right word'
Sarah blushed and saw really they were publically making out
Sarah and jim sit down on booth and watch some of her colleague were gone
Sarah was still worried what if theo found out but she shake that thought..even if he does she will defend herself
Jim touch her hand 'hey you are lost again are doing this alot'
Sarah smiled 'oh no i was just thinking about my daughter' she lied
Jim gives her a shocked look 'daughter? you have a daughter' he whispered but it was little loud
Sarah cursed shit she said that aloud...but the damage has been done 'hmm her name is Ava...she is two year olds'
Jim eyes were bulging out ...he took a sip of its cocktail 'damn girl, what else you are are you married too' he slowly
put his glass and stare her
Sarah hesitatingly answered 'its not i was hiding something but its my personal decision to not disclose anything like that and
secondly we never came on this topic of our personal life' sarah defend herself
Jim looked uncomfortable but he hide it and nodes 'oh yes are right..but you never answered are you married or not'
Sarah felt bad...she should not hide this especially from her friends....she looked up and said 'yes'
Jim winced a little and shakes his head slowly and gives a smile to her 'look like a i lost my chance'
Sarah eyes were bulging out in shocked ' sorry' she had no idea what she is saying
Jim in a friendly manner hold her hand 'hey relax its not your fault....I mean we are friends first that's what important..I hope I'm
not making you feel uncomfortable'
Sarah smile and shake her head 'no not at all .You have put me in ease i was worried sick that I lost my friend today'
Jim winked her 'no baby we are friends for life'

They both laughed at that
'oh that great...i hope it's the same color I requested' theo told the car representative
'of course can we denied the request..its red color as your requests and we have just sent our men to deliver the car at
your home'
Theo ends his call by thank you.
Maybe this will lift the mood of his wife.
This sudden shift in their relation makes him more nervous. Their relation was always rocky but not uncommunicative like it was
he looked at the time its lunch time ...they can have a lunch together...he picked the phone but dropped it...what if she ignored
his call
He sighs 'damn it what should I do now'
He then decided to go directly to her department and act normally and then ask her for lunch yeah that's a nice idea
When he enters Sarah department he found it little empty...maybe employees are gone for lunch break already but Sarah usually
stay in her cubical. So he got a good chance
But he saw Mr. Joe (Sarah manager) face 'Mr grey ...sir please comes you need something'
Theo shake his hand and shake his head 'oh no I was just looking for Sarah I hope we can have lunch together'
Since Mr. Joe know about the nature of their relationship so no need to hide it from him
Mr Joe replied 'oh Sarah and some co-employees have gone for lunch to near restaurant'
Theo gives him and confused looked.....he thought she never go alone and even if she ...she might have told him...he felt an
immense anger but he hide it 'oh really my who has she been gone with'

Mr Joe replied 'her team members ..I think it was Mary, lily and Jim and few others too'
Theo eyes blinked for a moment...Jim...he heard this name before from Sarah's mouth before, he make a fist ...he felt such
jealousy that he hate it from its core.
Theo gives him professional node 'Jim? The same Jim who was giving Sarah training'
Mr Joe nodes 'yes he is very good at his job that's why I appoint him to train Sarah '
Theo smiled but he wanted to kill Mr Joe right now because of his action, made him super jealous against the Jim guy and he
doesn't like that feeling
He then saw some of the people start coming and he wait for Sarah but she doesn't come...where the hell she is and why he has
a feeling she is still with that Jim guy
He decided to wait in her office and enter Sarah office....he saw Sarah cubicle is quite lively and too refreshing....he can see
some plants pots and some colorful decoration piece...he touched them and smile...he now get it where Ava get the liking for
colorful toys and food .
It was almost ten minutes after the lunch time and he can hear the noise indicating work has been started...he was getting
Where are you he was worried. God, she should be back...what if something happens
He picked his open to call her but then he heard Sarah sweet laughter and a man voice who was saying something to her that
made her laughed so bad that she doesn't even realize someone was already in the room.
Sarah giggled 'ok Jim stop it... it's not funny now'
Theo see this is Jim...and damn he is quite good looking too...fuck and the way Sarah is interacting with him and
laughing make him feel shit as Sarah was never like that with him...fuck he heard her laughter may be for the first time.
But then Sarah stop in a midway and was stunned ...even that Jim guy stopped and looked him
Theo stands and give an intimidating look to them...come on Jim buddy you can't have her. She always belongs to him
Sarah said in a scared voice' Theo? what are you doing here'

Theo can see how this news click to him as he realized this is his boss and how Sarah called him by first name
Theo walked and smiled 'why darling...I cant meet my wife at lunch' he stretch the word wife
Jim eyes were stunned and Theo smiled at his victory ...yes Jim now you got the message
Theo raised his hand 'and you must be Jim.I heard a lot about you'
Jim smiled and professional handshakes 'yes sir ...this is Jim Helms and I hope it's all good stuff' he winked at Sarah
Theo wanted to punch this bastard dare to flirt with his wife in front of him.....but when he saw Sarah terrified expression
he toned down his anger 'yeah its all good but I hope I'm not taking your both time but I need to talk to my wife...if its ok'
Jim nodes 'why would I.she is all yours' Jim also pass him a look..he theo also returned that ..yeah dude she is always mine..
When they were alone. Sarah hurriedly walk to her chair and sit down.
Theo looked at her and walked towards the door and locked it...with the sound of click Sarah flinched
Sarah controls her breath 'what was that all about... I told you to not tell anyone about us..but
Theo lost it 'but looks like your little friend there feel bad that he lost a good chick ....but sweetheart I never share anything that
belongs to me...never'
Sarah looks afraid that when he saw the fire in her eyes 'I'm, not a thing ...I'm a human being ...who has a feeling too and some
choices that I want you to respect but looks like you failed your promise always do that' she looked away in disgust
Theo grab her arm 'no baby I was quite firmed at this to never tell anyone about us...even it was frustrating but I respect your
choices but did you respect me here I decide to take you for a lunch since you were disturbed this morning because somehow I
was feeling guilty all day that you are sad but here I see you with some guy ..laughing and having the fun of your yes I
felt my right to tell the bastard that you are mine and not even think about it'
Sarah looked at his hand and pass him a look that made Theo flicked. She looked like that Sarah in the past so scared and
Theo leaves her arm 'Sarah I am

But Sarah pushed him and said with a control voiced 'dont you ever ever talk to me like that or touch me like this...because
i wont stop myself to open my mouth to police this time'
Theo took a step back and sighs 'I'm sorry sorry... I shouldn't have talked to you like that...just forgive me...its just i lost it
when I saw you with was just like when I saw you with Rome in Miami. Sarah why can't you see I was super jealous of
him. I just ' he can't even complete his sentence
Sarah put a hand on her head and controls her emotions too. 'no need to be jealous ....we were attending my co worker birthday
celebration ....and there were other people too...and i feel like I'm almost 28 year old and I sure as hell can go anywhere I want'
she tightly said
Theo looked remorseful 'of course you can...I was little concerned you never go without my permission so it was little unsettling
but you are have full liberty to go out.'
Sarah was stunned by his admission but she sit down 'if we are done then you can go. I have some work to do'
Theo raise his eyebrow in amusement..she was getting bossy, he smiled 'ok boss...but do you forgive me'
Sarah don't reply him but he won't go until he had her reply ..she huff 'ok i did now please i have to explain everyone
why I hide this'
He felt bad to put her in this decision 'tell them it was my decision some company policy or say it that because of dad we
keep the relationship hidden...and look at the good side ...the longer they dont know the more the feel least its still
not late'
Sarah thinks a little 'I will do it whatever comes in my mind that time but now please go'
Theo sighs 'ok' he looked one more to Sarah and dejectedly leaves the room.

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