Cruel World

Chapter 61: chap60

Chap 60
Sarah can feel the goose bumps arising in her arm hairs so bad that made her shiver. It's more than 15 minutes when Theo
dropped the bomb that he was molested, not in her worse imagination she ever expected this news. She looked at Becca who
was little taken by the news and Theo who was not looking at anyone.
Becca than cough 'Theo do you need some time alone... Sarah and I can go out'
Theo flinched come back from his memory land and hold Sarah hand like he doesn't want her to go anywhere 'no .....Sarah
won't go....'
Becca nodes 'then can you talk about this thing you have told us' she carefully used the word
Theo looks in dilemma. Sarah can feel his inner distress and she also knows he is not good at such stuff and usually he snaps
badly in such situation ...she has been the victim of his snap
Theo opens his mouth but then close words aren't coming. Sarah out of nowhere squeezed his hand 'Theo its ok if you
don't want to talk about this...especially in front of me I can understand' Sarah try to calm him but she was desperate to know
why a 13-year-old child who has every luxury of life was treated like that
Theo looks at her in anger and Sarah winced, she knows he is gone to another dark world but then theo expression soften and
he replied 'no ...if anyone should know about my past it should be you'
Thoe sighs and pinched his nose...and took a deep breath and said to Becca 'I need something stronger to drink to open up '
Becca knows what he is indicating 'i don't usually entertain alcohol ...strong coffee will work?'
Theo cringed but nodes
After giving him coffee. Theo stand. Both Becca and Sarah looked him in wonder
Theo walks towards the window and looks aimlessly outside. He took the sip of the black coffee...he sighs 'I was 13 when I was
in basketball final match ...unfortunate I have an injury that put me in bed rest for months... I fractured by foot and doctor told me
that for 5 months I can't go outside the was frustrating for me as hell.... I got super angry and supper that
time basketball was my everything like for any teenager it can be....moreover I was embarrassed to break my leg and let down

my whole team....(he shake his head) nonetheless my parents decided to homeschool me since I can't go school for next five
months with great convincing and warning from my parents they hired different teachers some where from my old school ,
well my parents offer them great deal of money (he looked disgusted) well i was getting the education and everything but still I
was angry and was failing badly at chemistry and so my mother hired 35-year-old women..she was known at the time for her
teaching chemistry ...' theo stop he closes his eyes...Sarah can see his back it was moving...she was feeling bad and
emotional what was coming next
Theo continued with tight-voiced 'Her name was June....she was really attractive women and she knows to show that very well
(Sarah can feel his anger) she started tutoring me ...and surprisingly like I was doing mom and dad was happy that my
grades are up and my year will not be wasted....I also liked her but not in a sense the way she liked me' theo huff and took
another sip of coffee
Theo put down the coffee and took out his cigarette and lighten up...Sarah looked at Becca knowing the policy of not smoking
inside...but theo was gone to care that and Becca also don't pinpoint
Theo took a deep puff 'One of the days we were studying some chemistry shit when my mom enters the room and said to us she
and dad are going to someplace I don't remember and it will take some requested June to stay little longer ...June
happily agreed .. I on another hand was angry that I have to study more....
June can see that in my behavior and she said:' Theo I know you don't want to study more and I won't do that to you. We will
play some games how about that' ... I got happy finally I will be away from this study...but her games were different ' Theo close
his eyes and make a fist
Sarah can feel her heartbeat beating stupidly fast
Becca calm replied 'what games was that"
Theo turned back and with moist eyes 'she said me to close and lock the door'
Sarah's eyes got water too and she looks down...oh god
(Flashback when Theo was 13)
13-year-old Theo looked at her startlingly 'but why miss June'
June smiled gently 'cause I don't want to get caught playing with you...what if someone told Mrs grey that we were playing not

Theo also nodes 'oh are right..'he closes the door and locked
Theo stand and said 'ok what should we play..i have some bunch of video games'
June seductively stand and touch Theo hair 'i love that but you look so tall and such a pretty boy we should play some games
that are not childish' she continues to touch Theo hair
Theo feel weird ....what she is doing.....her eyes also look different ...but 13-year-old theo was innocent enough to predict
something wrong 'oookkkk....miss June I don't know any such games'
June eyes beamed with excitement 'no worries sweet boy... I have some ideas ...why don't you sit on the bed I will tell you'
Theo like a good student sit on the bed...June stand in front of him 'well theo I need you to promise me first...that what we are
doing you won't tell anyone...if you did then I won't play with you ever and I will teach you more'
Theo groaned he doesn't want to study 'i promise miss June....'
June replied 'promise on something that I believe in you
Theo replied immediately 'i promise on my baby sister tina...I won't tell please tell me what games we are playing'
June got happy with the reply 'good boy. I trust you now, you will never lie on tina...ok now I will ask some questions ok and you
will tell me truthfully'
Theo slowly nodes ...June open the first two buttons of her shirt...that reveal her huge cleavage ...she looked flushed and said in
a weird tone that made theo little uncomfortable 'theo how do you like like what you are seeing?' she touches her
breast and theo look away feeling ashamed
June touched his face and theo winced, theo then replied 'miss June please this is not good... I think we should not talk like that'
June gets down and touch theo legs 'but I haven't done anything... I know its little strange but you will love it what I will
know you are a big boy...someday you will like someone ...she won't be happy you if don't make her feel good'
Theo was confused and little scared too then he jerked..when he felt June hands on his manhood...she moved her hand up and
down ...theo feel disgusted and remove her hand 'what are you doing...this wrong' he stands
Bur June hold his arm and made him sat again 'this is will do what I'm telling you to do' she got angry

Theo was feeling embarrassed and angry why this is happening to him 'stop it or I will tell everyone'
June who busy opening his pant and put her hands inside his pants ''you won' promised on your baby do know
what happens why you take a fake on oath on someone you loved they died...and secondly your parent won't believe you they
know how much you detest chemistry and you are making this up' June glared at him in anger
Theo feel weird and feel like crying...his 13-year-old mind said she is one will believe him...but he has to do something
June moaned 'look at you for a 13-year-old you do have a long and thick dick' she crudely said, she removes her shirt and theo
know it's now and never, he pushed her
June made a startling sound 'stop theo don't you dare to go one is home come back I know you want this'
Theo tears fall down 'no I feel are my teacher....this is so wrong...I don't want it'
June expression changed and she looks remorseful 'im sorry...I thought... I thought you are a big boy who can handle this.... I
mean I thought you will be comfortable with me but since its making you uncomfortable I won't do it....but please don't hate me...
I wanted to be your friend... I don't have any' she started crying and theo feel bad as he doesn't have any idea what to do
He innocently replied 'miss June...ok.stop crying I will be your friend but please don't do this again....'
June smiled brightly 'really I won't do it I promise I won't.' she runs to him and hugged him...theo tense for a moment but hugged
him back. But then he felt a pinched in his armed a pin was put inside his armed..he flinched 'what the heck' his tongue got
June smiled 'sorry love ...l don't want to do this ...especially to you'
Then theo fell down.
After a moment theo felt his body to be tight...he was feeling weird...he can hear some sound and someone hands on his body,
he slurry said 'dont....please don't...'he try to move his hand that he found to be tired by something....he feels good and bad at
the same time...his body was reacting and he has no idea..
He open his eyes and saw June head was going down ..he saw it was his penis..he jerked in shocked 'no'
June looked him 'sshh sweet boy....look I told you too will like it.. you are so hard and your body is nowhere of teenage
are so handsome' she did again with her mouth and theo felt frustrated tears ..he doesn't want this ...he shake 'no no don't

please no...its disgusting'
June then jerked him hard that made theo moaned in pain but June thought something else 'see you liked are making
sexy sound... I know this is your first time getting ahead....but baby you will get more if you keep your mouth shut' she yelled at
Theo felt helpless ...but then something happens he groaned and he felt his penis to pulsing up...he has no idea what's was strange ...June laughed and out her mouth again...and after a minute Theo knew he orgasm much to his
shame and disgust ...he felt another wave of can he ...she forceful touched him and how he can
June stand and said 'ok lover boy we don't have much time ...but im turned on... I pleased you now you will please me too' she
picked theo hands but theo pushed her hard 'stay the hell away from touched me without my permission... I will tell
June looked bored 'really .....but right now it was you who come like a madman....some evidence can be found in bed....nowhere
is mine and looking at your body and height one can easily guess it was you who forced me not me' she smiled
Theo felt the land his slip. He points at her 'you are lying'
June smirked again and then walks to the table and show him the phone 'I was recording too... I don't trust you... I knew the
moment you were finished you ill tell I recorded you ...look it's your face only not mine...and you were enjoying too'
Theo feels like vomiting.....Then June came and touched his arms ...'now please me and I will go quietly without showing this to
anyone' she threaten him while putting him down and opening her pant button 'you know what I like' she evilly said
Sarah was openly crying...her heart was not broken only for the 13-year-old child but also for herself...when theo has finished his
painful story she remembers her days...when theo treated her the same way June treated theo...even the word 'you know what I
like' were also same.
Theo face was full on emotions like anger, guilt, and disgust
He wiped his eyes 'i don't know why she did this to me..... I feel so confused and disgusted.... I wanted to kill her....but I was
scared and embarrassed too that maybe she was right I enjoyed too but I didn't feel like that...maybe I deserved that

Sarah shouted 'no you were were a child....who was confused and scared and have no I
was at one point' she whispered that last words
Theo walks towards her and kneel down 'maybe but what I did with you make me happy that I endured that molestation for a
year' he wiped Sarah tears
Becca stun voice came 'for a year? Was she back again? theo why didn't you told anyone?
Theo looks at her 'yes she was back..she maintain a good facade that anyone falls for her....she sound so pious and
one doubt her..and I knew no one will believe me....things get over hand when mom hired her to tutor tom too....she blackmailed
if I didn't do things she want the same thing to happen with tom...i was stupid I knew she is playing with my head...she is
manipulating everyone....(he shamefully look down) so I did it.....'
Sarah gasped, Theo try to protect his brother from that wiled women that he took her abuse for a year
Becca note down 'when it was you stopped her'
Theo sighs and walked again 'she was getting out of hand...she wanted to fuck me...her words not mine...she said she was
bored of oral thing she wants more ....and she will get more.....luckily i always found a way out to get her do more...and i pray to
god that day never came...after a year she died in a car was really bad ...her whole body was burned
terribly....everyone was crying at her funeral but i was fucking happy she is one will touch me without my permission..i
feel alive...but she did a great number on me
As i starting getting involved in fights ....i lose my virginity at 15 and believe me it was more like anger fuck for me ..People
getting scared of me...and girls .I start using girls like a dirt...shard fuck was my way to get out June from my system...but then i
realized my anger will hurt some girl i stopped dating and even looking at girls....i knew i has to found out why she did
that to with the help of my some older friends. I got to know she molested more than a done kids like me she was into
kids (he look disgusted) i dont know why at that moment i knew i was not alone there were many others...i wish that bitch rot in
Becca note down and looked at theo 'theo that was incredibly brave to tell your story.....don't feel guilty and embarrassed about it were innocent it was that bitch fault and yes she is rotting in hell' Becca also said in anger
Becca continues 'today was heavy for both of you I want you guys next week... I hoped I got some pointers that I will discuss
that will help to clear your minds '

Sarah nodes and stand but theo looked disturbed....Sarah today feel so sad and sympathetic towards him..she softly called him
'Theo..shall we go?'
Theo sighs and looked her 'yes'
'Daddy why you are not talking to me' Ava pout and said to theo
Sarah can see how Theo demur has changed after their session with Becca...hell she is also not the same.
She can't even imagine as a child what theo has endured. Men like theo who portrayed themselves so strong, expressing their
helpless situations and weakness surely turned them like this what theo is feeling now.
She tries to talk to him but he was not talking he just go directly to his was only dinner time when she sends missy to
call him
Now at the dining table, Ava was babbling something and Sarah was gently silencing her
Theo come back from his trance from Ava question and tries to smile 'sorry baby girl I was thinking...ok tell me what you were
telling me'
Ava huff 'daddy... I told you I need a new dolly and a cyc....cycle'
Theo smiled 'ok but what you know about cycle'
Ava's eyes shine with excitement 'I saw it on my storybook, Alice was riding a cycle right mama' Ava confirm it from Sarah who
was recently read a book to Ava
Sarah nodes with a smile and Theo poke Ava nose 'then you are getting one soon'
Ava replied 'and a dolly too'
Theo laughed 'ok ok a new dolly anything else miss Ava'
But Sarah stopped him 'no you won't...Ava, you already have so many dollies...daddy just got you a new one a few weeks ago'
she said in a mothering tone

Ava replied 'but mama I played with her I'm bored'
Sarah looked at theo 'see I told were spoiling ava play with something else but you won't got another doll
Ava's lips shake like she is going to cry 'daddy ...please'
Theo looked confronted what to do....he smiled 'but baby mama is right....if I buy you a new one you will get bored of that one...'
Ava looks down and sadly node 'ok'
Theo opened his mouth but Sarah touch his hand and softly said only he can hear 'theo you did right'
Theo looked at her hand and his daughter face and nodes but Sarah also saw theo winked her daughter that made Ava
smiled...she knows he will buy her new doll...she shakes her head in amusement
After dinner and putting Ava in bed...theo walk towards his office side..Sarah try to stop him 'you are going again?"
Theo looked at her with heavy eyes and said 'yes. I need to do some work'
And he walked away leaving Sarah hurting for him
Sarah felt her eyes dropping since she can't read any further...the novel she picked was super romantic and cliché.She closed it
and saw the time it was more than an hour theo still didn't come...she decides to check him but stop why she should...but if she
checked and he gets angry. His moods are now all over the place.
She dropped to her pillow and closed her eyes....but being so tired and sleepy she still can't sleep as theo words were still
echoing in her mind....oh god she feel such an immense anger for that June women...why she did that...why she attack a
helpless innocent boy...she was in her deep thoughts that she heard her room door opened was theo who looks little tipsy
and tired.
He saw her 'you are still awake'
Sarah replied 'yes I was reading a book'
Theo smiled 'you really a bookworm'

Sarah smiled back but she saw how theo smiled dropped and he looked super sad and disturb
Sarah sat in the bed 'theo whats wrong'
she touched his hand 'talk to me please'
Theo looked her hand that touched his 'i think... I think I lost myself so many years ago but when you came you brought a fire in
me to live ..maybe for wrong reasons but then I lost myself again ...even you are in front of me (he gently touched her hair) but
still you are not here... I can't find myself again.'he regretfully said
Sarah understand his meaning behind the words 'maybe you still have the anger ...maybe your guilt is speaking...maybe there is
still so much between us that need to be gone first'
Theo touched the brown locks of Sarah 'or maybe I'm insanely attracted towards you. After knowing what happens to me and
what happens to you I still want you like crazy and no other women.. I was 27 when I saw your first picture when I was working
on tina case. I was mesmerized by you honestly. I forget everyone
sarah looked angry 'because your mind was filled with how to take revenge on me'
Theo does not deny that' yes that too but your innocent beauty was making me angry that why I can't fuck another woman, why
I'm attracted to you... I was a bastard...maybe I'm still causing right now all I want to do is forget this pain that I have inside
myself and pain that I have given you...but I don't deserve that' his lips wobbled like he will cry at any moment
Sarah heart construct 'how can you forget this pain theo?'
Theo looked at her with moist eyes 'maybe never or maybe I can kiss these lips and try to remember the good things in my life'
he was close to her close
Sarah's heart was beating fast...she knows this is wrong but the way he is looking at her and the way he is asking
permission without asking made her crazy and close the distance more and slight nodes
Theo closes his eyes like he cants believe it. He then lightly put his lips and kissed her sweetly. Sarah knew she is also attracted
to him but right now its all about forgetting the pain they both endured...she kissed him back...Theo put his hand on her back and
brought her closer.
They were passionately kissing each other and were feeling out of the world....Theo moans so did Sarah...Theo kissed her neck
'god you smell so good'

Sarah moans again loudly when he touched her breast...Theo become tense 'Sarah I need to stop otherwise I won't control
myself' while fondling her
Sarah was gone 'no don't stop...oh god' when theo pinched and kissed her breast passionately
Then theo remove Sarah gown and so his clothes and lovingly kissed her whole body..sarah was terribly shaking and moaning
loudly....theo took his time in foreplay and satisfied Sarah more than once 'i need more... I need more 'Sarah moaned loudly
Theo gets above her and looked at her with so much love 'oh my god I can't believe it's happening. I dreamt of this. I fucking
dream of this' he said this all while entering her
Both gasped in pleasure and both were lost in the danger of passion that will show the reality in the next morning.

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