Cruel King: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite)

Cruel King: Chapter 33

You might have won the battle, but the war is far from over.

I pace the length of Ronan’s lounge area and run a hand through my already-dishevelled hair.

Searching for Astrid has been the theme of the day. After I went to school and beat the shit out of a few kids who made suggestive remarks her way.

I did it near the back entrance, so there’s no evidence — aside from the bloodied knuckles.

Once I was done, I made the entire team help in searching for Astrid.

Aiden sits opposite me playing chess with Cole, but he keeps watching my every move like he’s my damn mother.

I flip him off and stuff a cigarette in my mouth.

Daniel sent a text, telling me he found Astrid and he’s bringing her to the party.

I thought I’d have to drag her here, not that she’d come of her own accord.

On the outside, this looks in my favour, but it’s not.

Nothing good comes from messing up my plans.

I know it so well since Astrid has fucked up every plan I had for her since the day we met.

It’s been a whole damn hour since Daniel’s text, but they still haven’t shown up.

I breathe through my nose and snatch a lighter from Xan, ignoring his protests.

The party is in full-blown mood despite the Monday part of the deal.

A trendy pop song I don’t give a shit about thumps from the speakers. Everyone dance and grind to it like crazed animals.

Some of the team players down shots, led by Ronan. I’m not even in the mood to stop them. I’ll let Coach kick their arses during practice tomorrow.

I pull out my phone and dial Daniel for the hundredth time in the past hour, but his phone’s still turned off. I curse and start to light my cigarette.

Some murmurs break out at the entrance.

Ronan taps my shoulder. “Holy shit, Captain.”

My attention drifts in the direction where Ronan, Xander, and most of the other kids gawk.

My lips part, almost dropping the cigarette.

At first, I don’t recognise her, but one look at those deep green eyes is enough to identify the girl who’s been fucking up my life in all the right ways.

A low cut black dress reaches her thighs, hugging her curves and outlining her full breasts and the pale tone of her skin. Her brown hair falls on either side of her face. Red lipstick brings out the teardrop in her upper lip and contrasts against her unearthly, pale complexion.

She’s wearing matching red heels like she’s out for a party in the club.

I want to kidnap her somewhere so no one gets to look at her the way I do.

I want to blind my teammates so they don’t see her glowing as I do.

Maybe she’s right. I’m a fucking caveman.

“That’s bloody hot,” Xander mutters.

“Sure as shit,” Ronan says. “Where has she been hiding all those goodies?”

“Hey, fuckers.” I glare at both of them. “Hands off. Eyes off. Go stare at someone else.”

“Maybe you should, too.” Ronan cocks his head ahead. “She’s already taken, Captain.”

Astrid stops near the entrance and throws a look behind her. Daniel winks and saunters ahead.

She smiles when someone else stops beside her and offers his elbow. She takes it and her grin widens as if she’s some fucking film star.

I see red.

Absolute fucking red.


She brought that fucker to a school party as if she’s announcing a relationship for the entire world to see.

“Aha. She’s into the mature type.” Xander nudges me. “What are you gonna do about it, Captain?”

I start forward, but a strong arm holds me back.


I attempt to push him away, but Cole joins him by yanking back my other arm.

“Let me fucking go.”

“Yeah, let him go.” Xan jumps like a kid for Christmas. “A hundred that Captain will win.”

“A hundred that Danny’s brother will,” Ronan shakes Xan’s hand.

“You will not start a fight in a crowded place,” Aiden shouts over the music. “My father will find out.”

“Fuck your father.” I struggle against him as hot, red rage grips me by the gut and shoots through my veins.

Who the fuck does Zachariah think he is to touch her?

How dare he touch what’s already mine?

How dare she let him?

Astrid laughs at something he said. My vision blackens until all the colours are suffocated into a deep, dark abyss.

“Hurts like a bitch, doesn’t it?” Daniel leans against the marble counter, grinning with malice.

“Mate,” Cole warns him. “Stop it.”

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I grit out. “How can you let her come with that scum?”

“That scum is my brother and as far as I’m concerned, he didn’t post pornographic pictures of her for the entire school to see.”

“I didn’t fucking do that!” I struggle against Cole and Aiden to no avail.

“Doesn’t matter.” He’s in my face in a second. “You didn’t stop it either so you’re just as guilty. Oh, and Captain, you’re going to regret losing her.”

He walks away after a slight push from Ronan.

“Losing her,” I repeat with a bitter laugh. He said I lost her.

Fuck him.

Fuck anyone who thinks that Astrid is no longer mine.

My gaze strays to where the bastard who will soon be dead is offering her a drink.

Even though she made her grand entrance, some of the other kids are still murmuring at her back. She pretends she doesn’t notice them as she laughs along whatever the dickhead is saying, but I recognise all her tells.

The way her upper lip twitches. The way she grips the cup tighter.

The princess might think she’s over me, but we didn’t even fucking get started yet.

“Let me go,” I tell Aiden in a calm tone that wraps all the rage inside.

“You won’t stir trouble?” he asks with a suspicious voice.

“No. I’ll do this the calm way.” I breathe in and out to wean down the raging storm brewing inside me.

By the end of the night, everyone at school will know their fucking places.

Astrid included.

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