Cruel King: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite)

Cruel King: Chapter 32

He thought he broke me, but he shouldn’t have let me pick up the pieces because what doesn’t kill me, better run.

My forehead presses against the tombstone as I breathe in the smell of dirt.

I’ve been crying on Mum’s grave for the past hour or so, but the pain inside me feels like a breathing, living being.

It’s so alive.

So heavy.

So real.

‘Make it stop, Mum,’ I cry in a hoarse voice. ‘Make it all stop, please.’

If she were here, she would’ve said the right words to make me feel better.

She would’ve hugged me until I was strong enough to pick up all my broken pieces.

Levi’s betrayal dug a deep, black hole in my chest that keeps getting bigger with every breath I take.

It’s all my fault.

I should’ve never let my guard down around him. He’s the king and I’m just the pawn he decided to play with.

Why was I stupid to believe there could be something more?


My back snaps into a rigid line at the voice coming from behind me.

I wipe at my eyes with the back of my hand, sitting up. ‘D-Dad?’

His brows draw as he stares down on me. He’s carrying red tulips. Mum’s favourites.

I’m surprised he remembers that. Hell, I’m taken aback by seeing him in the cemetery in the first place.

In her will, Mum asked to never be visited on the anniversary of her death, but I’m always here on my birthdays.

Technically, I’m not defying her will if I come on the anniversary of her funeral.

In all the three years Mum died, I was the only visitor she had.

Or so I thought.

Is Dad the secret visitor who always leaves red tulips at Mum’s tombstone?

‘What are you doing here, Dad?’

He places the flowers at the tombstone and sits beside me, not caring that his pressed Gucci suit wouldn’t be good friends with the dirt. ‘I should be asking you that. Shouldn’t you be at school?’

I wince at the reminder of school.

Dad narrows his eyes slightly. ‘Are you skipping? Do I need to talk to the principal?’

“N-no.” Think, Astrid, think. “I just needed to talk to Mum. I miss her.”

My voice shakes at the end and I realise how much that’s true. Since she left, my life doesn’t feel right.

For a brief moment, when I was with Levi, I thought I could be happy again.

But it was all a freaking joke. He only did all that so he could manipulate me.

Dad places a hand on my shoulder. ‘I know I’ll never be Jasmine, but if you need to talk…”

He trails off as if he doesn’t know how to finish the sentence.

I sniffle on my tears. ‘Why… why are you against me identifying suspects?’

He lifts an eyebrow. ‘I see deputy Vans has been telling you things he shouldn’t.’

“I heard you talking to the commissioner. You said you didn’t want me to go through what happened in the past again. Why?”

“Eavesdropping, too,” he says with slight amusement.

“Technically, it’s not eavesdropping if I hear you on my way out.”

“You mean when you sneak out.”

Busted. I smile a little. “Semantics, Dad.”

He smiles back.

I forgot how young and carefree Dad looks when he smiles genuinely, not like the one he puts in front of cameras.

I haven’t seen him smiling like this since I was seven.

“Don’t you want me to find justice?” I ask.

“Justice is unimportant in this case.”

“But why, Dad? You closed Mum’s case so quickly, too as if it never happened. You might want to pretend like she never existed, but she did.”

“I know that.” A muscle clenches in his jaw.

“Then why did you shut off the investigation? Why, Dad? Why?”

“The other person died. There was no need to keep the case open.”

My throat closes. “S-someone else died?”

“Yes.” He stands up. “So drop it.”

“But —”

“Take it as if I’m asking you for a favour and drop it.”

After Mum’s accident, I looked all over for articles, but Dad’s PR’s team is so strong that all articles were wiped out. Then he announced me to the public as his daughter. The articles mentioned that Mum’s accident was because of a dog.

This is the first time anyone mentions someone else.

My lips thin in a line despite all the questions I want to ask. I can’t deny Dad the first favour he asks of me.


“Thank you.” He offers me his hand. “Have lunch with me.”

“Don’t you have to work?” I ask.

“That can wait.”

I take his hand, stunned that he’d want to have lunch with me outside the house.

It’s awkward at first with Dad asking about school and all. Then, we both order pepperoni pizzas and talk about his future projects. Apparently, Dad plans to make a school for refugees and I feel kind of proud about that.

His assistant calls, but he tells her to postpone all his appointment for the day.

For the first time in ever, I feel closer to Dad like maybe he doesn’t hate having me all that much.

After lunch, he asks me where I want to go next. I choose the amusement park like how Mum used to take me on my birthdays.

I thought Dad would only watch as I play, but he removes his jacket and tie and plays with me.

We have lots of fun, trying to win stuffed animals. Who knew Dad has an excellent range?

A few people recognise and approach him. He always introduces me first as if it’s important for him that people know about me.

He only drops me home late afternoon when he receives an emergency call.

“I’m sorry for bailing on our date,” Dad says as we both get out of the car in front of the house.

I grin, holding out the stuffed toys we won. “Thanks, Dad. I had fun. I feel lighter now.”

“Remember, Astrid. You’re a Clifford and no one brings us down.”

I try to give him a smile, but at the reminder of how I ran from school today, it comes out as a grimace.

“No one hurts my daughter and gets away with it. Tell me who I have to destroy.”

“No one, Dad.”

“Are you sure?”

I nod.

He takes my hand in his and clasps something around my wrist. “Happy Birthday, Star.”

Before I can say anything, he goes back to his car and disappears down the road.

I look down to find a dainty bracelet around my wrist. There’s a sun, a moon, and a star, like in my tattoo.

My lips curve in a smile, but the weight that somehow vanished in Dad’s presence returns.

I go inside the house with a sigh.

Victoria stands at the entrance wearing a scowl and a gown with hideous patterns.

I attempt to ignore her on my way inside but her venom-filled voice stops me in my tracks. “No matter what you do, you’ll always be an outsider.”

“Then why are you feeling so threatened?” I tell her coolly and push past her.

Once I’m in my room, I place my stuffed animals carefully on the table and throw my weight on the bed, closing my eyes.

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulders.

“Dan?” I crack one eye open.

“Jesus Christ, Astrid,” he breathes sitting by my side. “I searched for you the entire day. Give a man a warning when you run off.”

“Sorry. My phone died.” I sit up, rubbing my eyes. “What time is it?”

“Around six. I came as soon as Sarah called. Where did you go anyway?”

I tell him about visiting Mum and my impromptu birthday date with Dad.

“I bet my gift will be better than Uncle Henry’s.” He reaches under the bed and gives me a box of scones. “Mum’s speciality. I helped.”

I half-hug him. “You’re the best, bug.”

“I know.” He grins. “You can thank me by splitting the scones.”

“Nice try, but nope.”


“They’re mine.”

He laughs. “Happy Birthday, bugger. How do you want to celebrate?”

His phone rings. Dan silences it and turns it off but not before I see ‘Captain’ flashing on the screen.

My heart aches as if being sliced open. But then I remember Dad’s words from earlier.

You’re a Clifford and no one brings us down.

I shouldn’t be feeling sorry for myself, I should be making him feel sorry.

I should make him feel my pain.

“What does he want?” I ask Dan.

“Forget about him.” He throws a dismissive hand. “Back to birthday plans. I cancelled practice and Ronan’s party and I’m all yours to binge-watch Vikings.”

I stand up, my veins thumping with determination. “I have a better idea.”

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