Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Twelve

Liliana walked over towards Racheal with Professor Julie seeing how she is the only witch who can heal her without needing to go all the way back to the school medical wing, she crouched down and gripped Racheal’s arm firmly sending her a cold glare while she allowed her golden light to come forth into her other hand after she quickly set her broken bone in her arm into place and began to heal the break.

Lucien stood close by with his arms crossed over his chest keeping a look out for anyone who will want to harm his sweet angel, his love and he cannot wait for the handfasting ceremony later tonight seeing how his father just called him yelling and cursing at him for leaving without telling him first, and that was how he found out he and his angel were going to marry under the laws of their people.

“Racheal, why did not use the light repel spell I taught all of you when a necromancer starts their summons?” Racheal blinked back her tears of pain as she sat up with the help of her professor who was giving her a disappointed look at the display earlier.

“I froze when we heard the snarls of those things, and I forgot even the smallest of things we needed to do as witches,” Racheal whimpered out when she watched Liliana jump into Lucien’s arms kissing him and her eyes widen when she saw him smile at the other girl, and she has never seen him smile before.

Liliana was glad the day was over and now she was at home with her parent’s seeing how her father’s team was unsuccessful to bringing her dead beat of a father home to speak with her.

“You my precious little girl, all grown up and beautiful,” Antonio softly said trying to keep the strain out of his voice knowing at any moment she will be bonded with her life partner.

“Papa, I will always be your little girl, the only difference is I will be staying with Lucien, and we can always come visit and have family dinner every Sunday,” Liliana softly said to her papa wiping his tears from his face and Antonio chuckled through his tears kissing his daughter’s forehead.

“Shall, we go meet with your prince?” Liliana giggled after her father’s funny voice as they linked arms, heading towards their back yard to have the hand fasting ceremony done with King Fabian Moretti her grandfather of Crowley Cove.

Lucien stood at the alter with his close friends next to their families seeing how they were invited to this ceremony, and he was nervous wearing his clan robes showing his was going to be the next head of the Bianchi clan of Sorcerers when he turns twenty-one and knows where he will align himself with the next royal king of Moretti family.

When his eyes looked towards the back entrance his breath was gone seeing the most beautiful woman walk down the aisle towards him in a flowy pure white dress with her hair braided with flowers and butterfly clips enchanted with holy light.

He was blown away from the amount of grace and beauty his sweet little angel was showing with her light golden glow just like an angel he will never stop calling her.

Liliana was blushing from how handsome her teddy bear was standing up at the alter wearing his clan head robes with his hair sleek back into a high man bun with braids along the side of his hair intricated into his bun with a few silver rune hair clips attached with enchantments of the holy light.

Antonio handed over his daughter to the young man who has not only proven his worth to protect her, but he has also already shown he will love her throughout time seeing how they have not been apart since they had met all those months ago.

Lucien took hold of his love’s hands, and her grandfather used the bonding ribbon of red silk to tied their hands together and the young couple could not take their eyes off each other not when the ceremony was at full swing and they each took part.

“With the guidance of my people towards these two young souls, we welcome them into the world of becoming one entity, one person, with the blessings of the gods we will all witness this monumental moment,” Liliana’s grandfather strongly spoke aloud to everyone who was witnessed to this moment.

The chanting began low, then started to progress to a louder tune helping to guide there magic to entwine and mold together what no one was expecting to see was a golden light mixing with a dark mist dancing around the young couple, creating the markings of a perfect bonded pair along their arms to match the markings of a royal blood witch with a high-class baron with dark tribal flames.

“As you witness these two young couple are bonded for life, showing they are truly made for one another seeing there markings on their arms showing the truth of their love and bond,” King Fabian strongly exclaimed giving his final blessing towards the young bonded pair, and he was happy to see his only granddaughter have her happy ever after with the man of her dreams, even if he is one of the most powerful sorcerers in there town to ever have been born in there society of magic users.

Lucien pulled his angel towards his hard chest tilting her head back, molding their lips together sharing a strong emotional loving kiss in front of all the witnesses at there ceremony.

“Liliana, my dear angel, I am so deeply in love with you, and I cannot wait till we can share our life together,” Liliana softly smiles up at her gentle giant her protector and prince charming with her right hand gently resting against his cheek pressing a quick peck to his lips and smiling at him with so much love in her eyes. “Lucien, I am in love with you too, and I will never stop loving you, and we will live our own happy ever after,” Lucien closed his eyes smiling against her warm hand pressing a kiss to her wrist, knowing they will have their whole lives together.

“Shall we, go and find the dead beat, my love?” Liliana nodded with a bright smile on her face as she held onto her man, knowing he was going to shadow step them away to the jet that will take them to Sun Valley Cove where she knows her dead beat of a father is located seeing he has been hiding there for some time.

Lucien held onto his angel and shadow stepping them to the jet appearing out to the darkness inside the jet his father owns, and he gently helped his angel to take her seat ad buckle her up.

He took his seat next to his angel and wife seeing how she was excited for this trip knowing she has every right to out her father into his own place for doing what he has done all those years ago.

“Lucien, when we get home, we are going to deal with Racheal and her family seeing how grandfather has declared they will be stripped of their status and there magic,” Liliana said snuggling up against his chest as they put the middle arm up to make more room for them to hold each other and cuddle throughout the flight.

“We will be arriving to Sun Valley Cove, please buckle up and take your seats,”

Lucien woke up to the sound of hearing the pilot’s voice with his angel curled up next to him clutching his shirt with her head resting on his shoulder, he looked down at the beauty before him wondering how he got lucky with hos angel and having her become him his wife in such a short time of them being together and yet, he knows there life will be filled what happiness and love.

The plane landed without a hitch and Lucien carefully unbuckled himself, standing up to his full height he carefully lifted his angel int his arms wrapping her arms around his neck as he carried her bridal carry out of the plane towards the waiting car that will take them towards the royal mansion in Sun Valley Cove.

“Young Baron Bianchi, if you please follow me, I will take you and your wife towards the mansion of Sun Valley Cove,” there assigned driver spoke with such modesty that concerned Lucien.

He began to get a bit weary for these people and he was going to keep his guard up for the time being seeing how his wife was sound asleep on his lap as they sat in the back of the car.

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