Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Thirteen

Liliana woke up a few moment later keeping her arms around her husband’s neck as he held her close, silently giving her the need to keep their guards up seeing how there were being treated.

She stepped out of the car with Lucien who held her hand in his lacing them as they followed the driver inside the two-story large mansion near the center of town seeing how everything looks the same and all similar and this all began to make her feel very uncomfortable inside the mansion with people who act like robotic people working in the royal palace.

She quickly set a magical barrier around them both as she clung to her husband’s arm and hand, as they both made it to the sitting room to wait for the royal couple seeing how this will be what she needs to find her father and get him to speak with her.

“King Moretti had informed me o your arrival princess Liliana,” a deep elegant voice spoke entering the room and taking their seats in front of the young couple.

“King Jackson, I am here for personal reasons, seeing how my birth father has been hiding out here since I was three years old,” Liliana softly said not giving away the pain in her eyes knowing her father is nothing to her anymore not since he left her.

“Please, pray tell, who is your father, cause as I see it, you may have the wrong place to find such a person,” King Jackson softly told her, trying it see through her cold act.

“Valentino Alexander Moretti, the second eldest son, who had me when he was only fifteen years old and three years later, he had enough and left me alone with a drug addict mother who abused and neglected her daughter and died three years later,”

King Jackson was surprised to hear this seeing how the Valentino he knows would never leave behind his children and now here a young girl who claims to be his daughter is showing such aggression towards the man that is on his council.

“Why don’t I bring Valentino here, and we can get to the bottom of this seeing how this must be very important to you,” King Jackson wearily smiled out waving one of his men over and telling them to go get Valentino and bring him here.

Lucien watched silently seeing how his wife was about to lose her mind and lash out towards the king himself seeing how he was not taking this seriously, and what he was not expecting to see was an older man walk in being the splitting image to his wife.

“my king, what is the meaning of this, and why have you called for me?”

Liliana narrowed her eyes at the man who abandoned her so long ago and seeing him older and wearing similar clothing as her papa when he works for her grandfather and soon to be next king seeing how it was going to be her older second cousin, Angelo Moretti.

“Do you not recognized your own daughter, father,” Liliana harshly called out from her seat staring the older man cold in the eyes.

Valentino stopped in his tracks when he looked towards the young woman who was sitting there with a large male next her wearing robes of a high-class baron family that he has not seen in a long time.

“L-Liliana?” Valentino sputtered out slowly waking over towards her seeing how much she has grown into a beautiful young woman.

Liliana scoffed at her dead beat of a father seeing how he was awestruck to see her after so many years of being a part of each other, she stood up in her wedding attire seeing how they did not change from there ceremony knowing this is going to hurt him.

“Yes, father, your own daughter that you left behind and pushed away, for his own selfish needs,” Lucien stood up behind his wife placing his hands on her dainty shoulders giving them a squeeze knowing she would do something she may regert later.

“Calm my love, you will do no such thing as lift a finger when I am at your command,” Lucien softly whispered in her ear kissing her temple and keeping his glued to the man before them sending him a glare and he mockingly raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

King Jackson watched on amused seeing the man he thought he once knew had hidden something huge from him and his fellow people, and now he wonders is his own wife knows of this.

“Let me take a guess father, you told everyone who never had a child before and now I come here to what ruin your perfect little life away from what is rightly yours seeing how I turned down the right to become the next queen of our people,” Liliana calmly stated, taking her seat with her husband standing behind her as her personal bodyguard with his hands on her shoulders.

Valentino heavily sighed out seeing how this was going to become a huge problem and now he regrets not taking his old friends advice and heading back with them to deal with this and now everything he had built up was coming down around him.

“Hm, what do you mean, queen my dear, I thought King Moretti was joking that he had a granddaughter who was the rightful heir and she turned it down for her own life with the people who took her in,” Liliana nodded at the Jackson seeing how that was exactly what she had done.

“Yes, that is all true, seeing how when I was three years old I was abandoned to a very sick, ill abusive woman who would rather use drugs then take care of her daughter, and by the time I was almost four she died of an overdose and I was thrown into a group home where I continued to deal with more mental and physical abuse, until the Lockhart’s found me and took me in,” Liliana explained seeing how King Jackson started to piece it all together and now he felt like a fool for allowing a lying weak man to live in his town and help him gain his magic use back.

“Liliana, I am sorry for everything you have gone through in you young life and who is this young man with you?” Liliana gave the king a soft smile understanding he was fooled by her father who had used him for his own selfish needs.

“This is my husband, Lucien Bianchi, he will be the next in line to take over the Bianchi clan when the time is right,” Liliana told him, ignoring her father who was staring at her with wife eyes.

“W-what! You are only sixteen years old, hwo in the hell is htat possible!” Lucien sent the dumbass a very dark cold stare ready to do anything his wife told him seeing he will never allow for her to get her hands dirty.

King Jackson blankly stared at the warlock with distrust and annoyance seeing how he can now see the truth before him, and he is not happy he was fooled by such idiocy form this man.

“Valentino, keep your mouth shut, you have no right to yell at the duchess Liliana seeing how she has every right to do as he sees fit,” King Jackson harshly ordered out towards the man in question.

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