Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Ten

Lucien lifted his left hand holding the side of her of her and rubbing his thumb over her cheek to help her calm down after he told her where his phone was in his car, and she quickly called her grandfather knowing he was at her home with a few of his men.

“Lily, sweetheart, is everything alright?” Liliana tried to keep her emotions at bay as she helped Lucien into the passenger seat with his tender wound, she quickly patched up, attaching his phone to his bluetooth in the car.

“Your majesty, its Lucien Bianchi, we were attacked by a few unknown assailants, and I was shot in the process of getting us out of the situation,” Lucien gritted out in slight discomfort, when his angel started to drive them back to Crowley cove with her magical barrier around them.

“What do you mean, you two were attacked?!” Antonio loudly exclaimed holding his now crying wife as they listened to the two young teens explain what happened that night.

“Papa, please stay calm, we are okay, and I am taking us to the mansion, where I can get Lucien more help, I was only able to stunt the wound,” Liliana softly said trying to keep her tears at bay with worry knowing her love was bleeding next to her.

She quickly ended the call pulling up to the mansion gates sending a glare to the two guards who allowed her entrance inside where she parked and helped her gentle giant inside where she let the other more experienced healers tend to him.

“Lily bug, everything is going to be okay, we will find out who was behind this unknown attacks against you and your better half,” Liliana’s second cousin softly said helping her into the sitting room to wait on the head healer’s and there helpers attending to the young, injured baron.

“Lily, sweetheart!” Liliana turned towards her papa’s voice when she saw him running over and she ran to him hugging his waist and sobbing against his chest worried for her strong gentle giant.

Antonio held his daughter in his arms allowing her to let cry out her emotions from the stressful ordeal and trying to use her life source and magic to save her better half from the wound he received protecting her from the ones who wanted her dead.

Harold walked out of a room with a few others from a small meeting within the royal mansion when he saw Luca Bianchi speaking with a few people from there scouting and investigation unit of Crowley Cove. “Luca, what is going on?” Harold asked the man who he has been trying to set here children up to marry.

Luca Bianchi looked at him with the coldest eyes he has ever seen on someone who was not his son, and now he understands why this pedicular clan of sorcerers were never to anger or piss off.

“My son was out with his girlfriend who saved his life when they were attacked by unknown assailants who were ordered to have the young princess to be killed, do you know anything of this?” Luca cold asked crossing his arms over his chest letting his darkness consume his body covering the area in dark mist.

“What, what do you mean someone has ordered a hit on the princess and who the hell attacked your son?” Harold worriedly asked seeing the other clan head stare at him with a blank look, wondering how something like this would happen.

Luca left the moron to figure out the problem while he went to be with his daughter-in-law seeing how she must be terrified and worried sick over his son.

“Has any of the healers come out yet?” Luca softly asked taking his seat next to the smaller woman who his son dearly loves with his whole heart, he gently wrapped his around over her shoulder allowing for her to lean against his side and cling to him.

“N-No, no one has come out yet,” Liliana stuttered out snuggling more into Lucien’s father side seeing how her papa had with her grandfather and find out if her dead beat of a birth father would come here instead seeing how her partner was injured.

“Family of Lucien Bianchi?” Luca nodded over to the head healer, holding the sleeping young girl against his chest knowing this must have tired her out from everything happening at once.

“How is my son?” Luca sternly asked the head healer who was softly looking down at the young girl resting upo his lap.

“The young princess saved your son’s life with what she was able to do under the distress of her emotions and without her quick thinking, your son would have bled out to death,” The head healer told him, and Luca ran his hand through Lily’s hair feeling grateful for the young girl who not only loves his son yet saved his life even when everything was happening all at once.

“Right at this moment we have Lucien in an induced coma seeing how the bullet that was aimed for the princess, he took on himself knowing it was intended for her life. The bullet used was one for witches, seeing how it was meant to drain and mess with their magical spiritual soul coils in there body,” Luca heavily sighed, nodding at the doctor who left him to deal with telling the young woman what has happened seeing how his son needs heal.

He stood up with Liliana in his arms carrying her like a small child seeing how she clung to him in her sleep seeking the feeling of safety when his son is in a coma to help him heal form this ordeal. “Luca, can you watch over my daughter, I and a few others are leaving for Sun Valley Cove to force her father to return,” Antonio asked looking at his resting daughter who was in the arms of a very powerful man on the council with the king.

“Tony, I can keep an eye on her while my son is being transferred back home to rest and be taken care of by Lily, do not worry I can keep her safe,” Luca stated leaving Lily and shadow stepping back home with the young girl in his arms.

He carefully made it to his son’s room where he was now being set up by the few of his own chamber maids who were other sorceresses in the clan who have high respect for the head family.

* * * * *

Liliana was sitting at school with the three guys who have become very important to her since her teddy bear was shot during their first date a few weeks ago, since the day he protected her.

“Lily, do you have the worksheet or notes for math class?” Leo asked looking for his math notebook seeing they had a text coming up.

Liliana nodded handing Leo over her notebook filled with every note that she has written down in there math class seeing there test was tomorrow.

Across the room in study hall Rachael watched with worry seeing that it has been a few weeks since she last seen Lucien seeing they are all back from winter break and he has yet to show up and hat is worse she has yet to hear back from the non-magical users she hired to kill the bitch who was still alive and breathing across the room and she began to start worrying, feeling like something terrible is about to go down around her very soon.

Liliana kept her eyes away from Rachael after helping her father-in-law deal with interrogating the despicable men who dared agree to go after not only the golden princess, but a baron’s son.

She knows Rachael was behind the hiring of her being killed to replace her with her teddy bear who has yet to wake up from his coma and she has been worried ever since with deep anger from everything trying to ruin her life and take away her love.

The three boys all stood up the exact moment Liliana stood and with a wave of her hand she used her magic to gather all of her belongs into her messenger bag for one of the boys to carry for seeing how they each took care of her in the wake of there friend.

Liliana and the boys all stood waiting for Professor Jericho to explain why the class of witches and warlocks were joining there mock duels seeing how things were a bit different between the two races of people and yet one little witch was capable to be a part of the powerful sorcery clans.

Across town back in the Bianchi household Lucien began to stir from his slumber feeling his body full of rejuvenation and all he wanted was his sweet angel in his arms and keeping her safe.

Waking up he quickly got himself dressed feeling his body awaken after a long time of being asleep from the induced coma the head healer put him under a few weeks ago.

After getting dressed into his school uniform he quickly gathered his bookbag and shadow stepping to school at the right moment when Professor Jericho was starting his explanation.

“Holy shit!” Leo loudly exclaimed looking at his friend with wide eyes grinning with happy glee and all he was trying to do was locate his angel who was sitting behind Lorenzo who was just as big as him in body mass and height.

The rest of the small group looked over at Leo wondering what the idiot was screaming about when they saw Lucien walking over and Lorenzo stepped aside knowing what needed to happen.

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