Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Nine

“Mr. Lockhart, my only intentions with Liliana is to one day make her my wife, I do not plan on ever losing her and have her taken from me when she has done nothing but brought her warmth and loving light into my dark cold world, she is my home, the next breath I take, and if you really need to know, I love your daughter with everything I have, and I will protect her with my life,” Lucien strongly told his angel’s father who softened his facial expression at the young man who stood his ground and spoke the truth about his intentions with his sweet little Liliana.

“All I ask, is you promise to take care of her, she has already been through enough hardships to last her a lifetime,” Lucien nodded already knowing all this seeing how he asked his angel to be his last week and now he is taking her out for their first date.

“Antonio Luka Lockhart! You better not be giving that young man the third degree!” Marissa yelled out with her hands on her hips sending her husband a glare, and Antonio sheepishly grinned shrugging his shoulder at his wife who rolled her eyes leaving to the kitchen to finish cooking the dinner for their guests.

Lucien watched on amused seeing the head of Lockhart coven being told off from his curvy petite wife, and when he his eyes landed on his angel his breath was lost at her pure beauty.

“Angel, you are breathtaking my love,” Lucien breathlessly said, taking her hand and giving her a small twirl to see all her curves on display.

Liliana shyly blushes with a smile giggling at her teddy bear’s awestruck face, as they both bid her parent’s goodbye and leaving for their date outside of Crowley cove.

The drive only took them less than an hour and Lucien parked his car on the side street, getting out and helping his angel step out, and he took her hand into his as they left to head inside the small restaurant.

Liliana looked around amazed by the simplicity of the place, and the waiter took them to here seats placing their menus down and taking there drink and food orders, and Lucien could not believe the beauty that was before him sitting across from him, looking like the angel he calls her since they had met all those weeks ago.

“Angel, do you know where to start, when we head out on our trip?” Lucien asked thanking the waiter as they both began to eat after twenty minutes of waiting.

“Grandfather told me my mother died the same day I was taken to the group home when I was six years old, and his son left Italy to live in another place for our people in Manhattan, New York City, in the united states,” Liliana explained to her date who she knows would follow her and keep her safe.

Lucien hummed in thought wondering how this will work seeing how she needs to speak with her father and get what she needs from him seeing how he abandoned her to her deranged abusive mother. “Are you wanting to head there instead for our trip?” Liliana happily nodded seeing Lucien chuckle at her adorableness knowing how much she hopes to end this torment for herself.

“Well, I can speak with father and see if he will allow for us to take the jet and we can go there instead,” Lucien said taking his angel’s right hand and kissing her knuckles under the dim lighting of the place.

They finished there dinner and they left to walked around the small park nearby in the autumn air wrapped around each other talking ang and laughing about what they are going to do when they arrive at Sun Valley Cove in New York City.

Lucien sensed something was off when he helped his angel to sit down, and he crouched in front of her taking her small hands into his silently speaking to her through their eyes knowing whatever was going to happen he needs to keep his angel safe at all costs.

“Step away from the girl, and we won’t harm you,” a rough male voice spoke behind Lucien who stood up to his full height standing in front of his angel who stayed sitting on the bench with wide eyes gripping the back of his thick wool coat.

“What do you want with her?” Lucien calmly asked keeping his eyes on the three men in front of his all standing in a semi-circle around them.

“We have orders to kill her on sight,” The second guy spoke with a grin on his face and Lucien narrowed his eyes feeling his inner rage ready to be set loose upon the fools.

“Over my dead body,” Lucien growled out silently calling forth the dark mist of the dead to follow his command.

“Angel, sweetheart, I need you to jump on my back quickly, I need to shadow step us away quickly,” Liliana quickly did as she was told jumping onto his back as they quickly shadow stepped back to his car and what neither of them were expecting was Lucien to be bleeding his left side.

“Lucien,” Liliana whimpered out jumping off his back to see how bad his injury was, and she tried to hold back a small sob that was coming from her, and she raised her shaking hands allowing them to glow a golden light summoning her healing magic and surrounding them in a protective barrier.

Lucien hissed in pain as he fell to the ground on his ass, with his angel crying over him and working on healing his gunshot wound, he received when he shadowed stepped at the last second.

“Lucien, I need to call grandfather, where is your phone?” Liliana sobbed out trying to keep her heart from hurting seeing her strong sorcerer hurt because of her.

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