Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Sixteen

“I am proud of you son, we are the ones who will harm those who will go after our bonded pairs, and with our family bloodline and connection with the hell hounds, we are not to be trifled with,” Luca proudly said squeezing his son’s shoulder watching his daughter start to calm down from her needed tantrum.

“Father, where did you place the moron family?” Liliana huffed out sitting down between the two men, wrapping her arms around Lucien’s legs laying her head on his lap with a happy content of his fingers running through her hair with her eyes closed smiling.

“Sweetheart, I have placed them in the smaller home near the main house seeing how we are in charge of watching them until our king has declared them trustworthy,” Luca softly told her with his own smile at the pair, reminding him of himself and his late wife who passed away from stage four breast cancer.

Liliana stood up with Lucien’s help as she quickly twirled allowing her magic to come to life helping her quickly getting ready for school in her school uniform along with her messenger bag.

“Alright, father we are heading to school and will be back later,” Liliana happily said giving Luca hug and a kiss on his cheek leaving with her husband seeing how they left in the shadows.

Lucien arrived a few minutes before the first bell rang, before class started and the rest of their friends all came over and they left towards their first class of the day which was math class.

Liliana sat sideways on her husband’s lap listening to the guys all joke around before the teacher walked in along with a few new student’s and one of them was her half-sister, Heather Moretti.

“You have got to be bloody kidding me,” Lucien coldly whispered out for only the group of five to hear, and they all were not happy to know another crazy witch was here.

“This is going to be fun, wonder is she like our sweet little sister or does she even have the capabilities of being at her level,” Leo said in arrogance with a wave of his hand grinning watching his little sister giggle at his own expense from her throne up Lucien’s lap, while there professor was getting the new student’s set up.

“Hello, Lucien, professor wanted me to come seat over here with you guys seeing how Liliana is my sister,” Heather sweetly said with a blush on her face and taking her seat on the left of Lucien.

Liliana stared at her half-sister feeling her inner anger start to boil seeing what the little weak witch was trying to do and she was not going to have it, and before she could even send her flying across the room, Lucien quickly stood up along with the others and they left to the back of the room and took their seats with a fuming little angel who wants to rip her half-sister apart from her façade of fake innocence seeing how she wants her husband.

Lucien moved his chair back to arrange his wife to straddle his lap and have her face his chest instead of facing towards the front where two girls were out to try and take him away from her.

“Shh, my sweet love, they have nothing on you, remember I love you and only you, you are my home, my heart and soul,” Lucien cooed into his wife’s ear feeling her wet warm tears soak the front of his shirt in her frustration.

“Why can people just respect the bond between two people and move on with their lives instead of trying to tear two people apart who are meant for one another,” Gareth growled out feeling his own anger towards Racheal and now Heather.

The other two friends were feeling the same anger seeing there little sister and dear friend shaking and crying against the most dangerous necromancer-blood sorcerer to ever have been born within the head family of all Sorcerer clans in Crowley Cove.

“We need to do something, seeing how this is heartbreaking to watch our friend and little sister deal with this stupid power game, when they are already bonded for life seeing how there magical coils blended as one being,” Lorenzo spat out sending a cold glare to both girl’s in question, and keeping his eyes open for any of them to make a move towards them.

Lucien kept cooing and pressing kisses all over his wife’s face wiping her teras stain cheeks and laying her head against his chest to help her calm down with his heart beating in rhythm.

Heather dropped her shoulder’s in defeat seeing how Liliana was acting and clinging towards the most handsome guy she has ever seen and yet she was surrounded by three other very good-looking men, and yet she was only attached to one of them and with a heavy sigh she went back to doing her class work seeing how she needs to just worry about her school work and not about the pain in her heart from seeing the guy she has crush on was consoling her older half-sister, she was extremely jealous over.

Lucien on the other hand was cradling his love against his chest working on their math worksheets seeing how his love was now sleeping against his chest clutching the front of his shirt.

“Hey, boys, can I seat with you guys at training next?” Racheal tried to ask innocently, holding her books to her chest, blinking her fake eyelashes with her make-up high lightening her facial features along with a strong perfume she was using.

The four guys all looked at Racheal with darkness in their eyes seeing how she will never stop trying to force something that will never happen, when Lucien and Liliana were already bonded for life seeing how there were a perfect match from the start.

“Racheal, I am going to say things on behave of my two close friends, they do not want you anywhere near them, unless you want to lose your life before you were able to graduate,” Leo grinned out with this hands folded behind his head leaning back in his chair staring at the witch with a dark look promising many troubles to come.

Lucien hides his smirk within his wide’s hair seeing the fear flash in her eyes at the four powerful sorcerers and one little witch who holds more power than anyone else within her delicate hands.

“Dude, that was awesome what you did Leo,” Lorenzo chuckled out high fiving Leonardo who grinned bigger in glee knowing he was able to keep that terrible witch at bay before Lily sentences her to death without the rest of the royal family there.

“Well, I mean if we had allowed for it, Lily would sentence her to death before her actual sentencing that will happen pretty quick here, seeing the duke and duchess are back home,” Leonardo stated with a shrug as they all gathered there things up using magic to do there biding seeing how Lucien was carrying his still sleeping wife to their next class of the day which was training.

Liliana woke up the moment she was placed down onto the ground with her head placed in one of her older brothers laps seeing how Lucien was doing his final exam for class he had missed while he was im his coma.

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