Crowley Cove: The Royal Healer

Chapter Chapter Fifteen

“We need to respect the young, bonded pair or Liliana will kill Heather without a thought seeing how she is of my family bloodline,” Valentino hissed back, seeing Heather’s face brightened up at the young man who retook his seat next to Liliana who was resting against his shoulder reading a book and he was busy working on something on his computer.

Lucien quickly buckled his wife seatbelt seeing how they were going to land in a few moments, and once they are back home, he will be make sure the little weak witch across from them understands he is not a bloody trophy that can be taken away from his loving wife seeing how she is having enough of hard time dealing with what happened the last time some bitch tried to come between them by sending out non-magic users to kill her.

Lucien stepped off the plane with his angel happily pulling him along towards there waiting car seeing how his father had sent them two separate cars for them and the other family.

“Um, Lucien, right? I was wondering if I could ride with you instead of my parents and have Liliana ride the instead,” Liliana tilted her head to the side feeling her inner darkness ready to rake form seeing how another ungrateful girl was trying to come between her and her love.

With a flick of her wrist Liliana summoned one of her golden birds that only a true royal can summon when in need to get somewhere quickly. “Valentino, get your daughter right now, we are leaving on Thalon,” Valentino nervously swallowed hearing the coldness in Liliana’s sweet voice and seeing the large golden griffin kneeling before his oldest daughter and recieving a pet from her gentle touch.

He ushered his wife and pulled his daughter Heather close to him, knowing when Thalon is summoned you do as ask, and he remembers the many times his father would summon him just for when he has done something stupid at school when he was younger. Lucien heavily shook his head knowing he will have to leave his wife to handle them on her own seeing how Thalon only listens to her and no one else, he helped his wife upon Thalon before he kissed her forehead stepping back wards into the darkness of the shadows disappearing form sight to head on home to inform their father what is about to happen when they arrive.

“Where did Lucien go?” Heather whined out as her father helped her onto the griffin along with his wife who was showing fear at the large creature they were going to be using as transportation.

“Heather, if I were you, keep your mouth shut or I will sow it closed permanently,” Liliana coldly stated with a sweet smile that did not reach her eyes, as she silently ordered Thalon to take off.

The flight only took less time than taking the cars seeing how Liliana was about to murder her half-sister seeing how hard she was clutching onto Thalon’s feathers with a cold blank stare ahead.

Thalon landed down below into the courtyard of the Bianchi main head families home, seeing how everyone she knew was waiting there including her husband wearing his school uniform knowing they will be back to class in the next few hours seeing it was early morning hours before the sun comes up.

Valentino quickly got off with his wife and whining daughter who was now clutching onto his shirt shaking from the flight of the griffin, and he watched how the young baron gently took his eldest daughter into his arms, helping her to calm down and leave them to deal with the head of the Bianchi who was once a friend to him and now he does not know seeing how Luca was standing there in all of his glory with the coldest, sinister look on his face.

“Well, If it isn’t the runaway who abandoned his own flesh and blood to years of abuse from not only her mother, but a human group home,” Luca sternly stated silently nodding to his two guards who came over to escort them to there quarters. “When you all have ad time to relax, we will talk, seeing how my son and daughter are going to school soon,” Valentino sighed out feeling like his life has finally caught up to him and now he must deal with the consequences of his actions.

“There is a school here, can I join as well?” heather piped in blinking her eyelashes up at the elder gentlemen trying to gain his approval, and when his cold eyes landed on her, she shivered in fright hiding behind her father who sighed feeling annoyed.

Luca smirked seeing the little girl who’s magical coils were weak and not worth to cultivate and harness seeing how she has no idea what to do when someone of high importance was in front of her.

He turned away from the small family to head on inside to find her children who he knows is more than likely in the training room seeing how angry his daughter was towards her half-sister.

Entering the training room, he ducked in time and move to the side before the small fire flame bullet came towards him, chuckling Luca walked in to see his son was out of harm’s way with a weary look watching Liliana let her anger out towards the dummies.

“Well, son, this is Lily’s favourite place to be since you were in your coma, she needed to let out her anger in some way or else she would have burst and her magic could have caused a lot of damage that we all know she would feel regret for harming anyone,” Luca said with a chuckle at the look on his son’s face.

“Dad, that is not funny, I don’t want my angel to have to lift a finger if I can allow it, when I am her at her command, I will be the only one who will have blood on their hands,” Luca grinned feeling proud of his son for wanting to protect his wife even before they got together.

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