Crimes of Cupidity (Heart Hassle Book 3)

Crimes of Cupidity: Chapter 37

When my eyes peel open the next morning, I find that Evert and Sylred are already gone, but Ronak is sitting on the floor beside the door, like he’s guarding it.

Disappointment floods me when he perks up and looks over at me, because he’s still in his animal state. Golden eyes watch me as I slip out of bed and grab a short, silky robe from a hook on the door. My hair is a mess from getting into bed without brushing it, and I try to separate some of the pieces as I take a seat on the floor next to Ronak.

“Hey, Alpha,” I tell him as I run my fingers over his tail. It curls around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

“I’m sorry I keep making you go animal. Is there any way you could let Ronak come back out here?”

The alpha just blinks at me with his head cocked to the side.

“Yeah, I didn’t think so,” I mumble under my breath.

The door opens, and the alpha immediately jumps to his feet, blocking me from whoever is entering.

“Easy, asshole,” I hear Evert say. “It’s us.”

Ronak growls and then sets back down beside me.

Evert and Sylred come around and pass me a plate of food and a goblet with some pink fizzy drink inside.

“We figured you’d want to have breakfast in bed,” Sylred eyes my position on the floor. “Or the floor.”

“Thanks,” I say, giving them a smile.

I start inhaling the toast with jam and eggs that they’ve brought me, swallowing down the entire goblet of sweet drink to polish it off. I pass Ronak the pieces of sausage, and he swallows them down happily.

When I’m done, I set the plate aside and eye Sylred and Evert where they sit on the chaise. “This is bad, yeah?” I ask, motioning to Ronak. “I mean, he probably should’ve turned back by now. Do you think I need to have sex with him again?”

Sylred shrugs. “I don’t know. But like we said, there is a chance that he won’t come out of it…”

I fight back the emotion that tries to flood my eyes. I look at my alpha. He’s right here. Close enough to touch and hear and see, and yet, Ronak feels so far away from me.

I put my hand on his cheek. “Ronak, can you hear me?”

I stare at his golden eyes, hoping for a sign, but the alpha just pushes my hand away and starts licking the plate. I sigh.

I start itching my arm subconsciously, worrying my lip between my teeth.

“Scratch,” Evert says, drawing my attention to him. “Ronak wanted you to go invisible to keep yourself safe. You did what you had to do.”

“But look at him,” I argue. “I can’t do this. I can’t go invisible anymore. Not with knowing that he might go animal and never come back. It might already be too late.”

We watch the alpha for a moment, and even though the guys try to hide their worries from me, I see it when they exchange a look. They think he might be stuck like this. And once again, it’s my fault.

“Emelle,” Sylred says gently. “The princess talked to us downstairs when we left to get you breakfast. She told us about Okot.”

“I’m gonna kill the fucker,” Evert bites out.

My multi-colored eyes flash up to them. “You didn’t know?”

Sylred braces his forearms on his knees and leans forward. “No. Ronak turned feral pretty quickly. We were never able to go look for Okot.”

I look down at my lap and start picking at a loose thread in the material. I can feel the guys watching me, but I don’t know what to say.

“Scratch. You can talk to us.”

“You were right, okay?” I snap. “He betrayed me. He wasn’t who I thought he was.”

I catch the look that they exchange, and for some reason, it makes me unreasonably angry. I jump to my feet and stomp into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I clean myself up a bit and manage to tame my hair somewhat. When I come out, the guys are still in the same places that I left them. I head for the closet and pull out the first dress I see. It’s gray and thick, not very fancy, but still delicate. I pull it over my head but of course, I can’t do up the ties at the back by myself. Doesn’t mean I don’t try. Stubbornly, I curl my hands behind my back and try to do them up alone, but it’s nearly impossible.

“Here, let me.”

I jump at Sylred’s voice, but try to cover it up as I shift from foot to foot. I feel his steady, warm fingers gently tugging at the ties, his fingers brushing over my bare skin. I relax a bit under his ministrations, and when he’s done, he turns me around and pulls me into his chest. I rest my head against his shoulder, and breathe him in.

“I’m so stupid,” I confess thickly.

“No. You’re not. Okot had us all fooled.”

“Not Evert.”

“Yes, even Evert. At least at first. This isn’t your fault, Emelle. It’s Okot’s, and it’s ours for not protecting you from him.”

I look up at him. “How could he have done that? How could he have faked it?”

Sylred shakes his head, and a sympathetic look crosses his face. “I don’t know. But you still have us.”

“Sylred, you ready?” Evert calls out. “We need to get back to the cabin.”

We walk back out and I eye him curiously as I fix the sleeves to my dress. “Back to the rebel cabin? Why?”

Evert avoids eye contact with me and starts heading toward the door. “You stay with our mate, asshole,” he says to the alpha as he pulls open the door.

“Wait a minute,” I interrupt, stepping up to the door before he can slip through. “Why do you need to go to the cabin? What’s going on?”

Evert runs a hand through his black hair, looking a bit uncomfortable. “Nothing, Scratch. Just something I have to take care of.” He looks over my head at Sylred. “Are you coming or what?”

I turn around to regard Sylred, and find that he’s on the verge of laughter.

Making up my mind, I step through the doorway and wait expectantly.

Evert blinks at me. “What are you doing?”

“I’m coming with you.”

He shakes his head. “No, really, you don’t want to come. It’s nothing you need to bother with. You should stay here. Relax. You shouldn’t leave your alpha here alone. He’ll probably shit on the carpet.”

I purse my lips and whistle. “Ro-Ro! Come here, boy!”

The alpha bounds out into the hallway and latches himself onto my side. I turn back to Evert triumphantly.

Looking more and more disgruntled, he looks to Sylred for help, but Sylred just shakes with silent laughter. “Really, Scratch. I’d prefer if you’d just stay here. I’m just gonna be…tidying.”

I arch a brow. “Tidying?”

“Yeah. You know, since we’re moving into the manor here. I should clean out our stuff in the cabin so someone else can move in. Tidying. Packing. Boring stuff. You don’t want to come along. Really.”

His tail gets all twitchy behind him, and I narrow my eyes. “I don’t know what you’re really doing, but I know damn well that you aren’t tidying. So either tell me what’s really going on, or shut up and lead the way.”


“No,” I cut him off.

Sylred grins like he’s watching his favorite show. “I can’t wait to see this.”

“Fuck off,” Evert snaps.

He turns on his heel and starts marching away, leaving Sylred and I to walk after him. Ronak trails behind, sniffing things and growling at any guards we pass. “No peeing inside the manor,” I tell him sternly.

It’s one of the many sentences I never thought I’d have to say to one of my mates.

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