Crimes of Cupidity (Heart Hassle Book 3)

Crimes of Cupidity: Chapter 36

I grab Ronak by the forearm and start pulling him in the room. I toss back a “sorry” to the servant and close the door to my room as soon as we’re all inside. I can hear water splashing and go inside my bathroom to find Evert already in the giant tub.

“Come on, Scratch. Let’s clean you up.”

He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I pull my wings inside my body and then tug my hair over my shoulders. Sylred comes up behind me and gets right to work untying my bodice. When he’s done, I make my way across the bathroom to the tub. I can feel their eyes on me, sending a little thrill up my spine.

Ronak eyes the water with disgust, and then he gets distracted by the birds chirping outside the window. His golden eyes flash as he watches them, his tail flicking back and forth with cat-like interest.

Standing over the tub, I make sure to be extra seductive as I slowly dip my toes into the water before sliding all the way in. The warm water reaches just to my nipples, and I dip back, letting water soak my hair as I let out another breathy moan while running my hands up my sides.

“We hear you loud and clear, Scratch. You want our cocks. You can stop with the tease show.”

Lifting my head back up, I toss Evert a nonchalant shrug. “Teasing? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say innocently.

I grab the bar of soap on the edge of the tub and begin to lather myself up. I start with my shoulder, then move across my collarbone, and then pay extra attention to my breasts. I bring the soap up around my curves and nipples, watching as Evert’s eyes follow my every movement. Yep. I’m super good at teasing.

Sylred steps into the tub and settles on the seat next to him, so they both have a perfect view of my little tease show, as Evert called it.

When I have the perfect amount of bubbles on my breasts, I decide to kick things up a notch by sliding the bar of soap lower. I go down, down, down, all the way to my cupidy center.

Letting go of the soap, I spread my legs and let my fingers glide over my love lips. With my guys watching me like they’re ready to pounce me at any second, I feel like the sexiest person alive.

When my fingers dance over my nub, I let my head fall back with a breathy moan.

“Fucking hell,” Evert groans from across the bath.

I keep going, rubbing it just the way I like, but before I can reach a climax, the water sloshes and Evert and Sylred are suddenly on either side of me, taking over.

Evert takes my hand from where I was touching myself and brings it to his groin. Looking him in the eye, I slowly wrap my fingers around his cock and start stroking him up and down. He hisses out a breath and covers my hand with his, urging me to squeeze harder and move faster.

“You’re bossy,” I tease. Turning to Sylred, I see that he’s working his own cock in his hand, watching me with heavy-lidded eyes. I reach out and take him in my other hand, and as soon as I do, he leans forward to capture my mouth.

I feel Evert on the other side of me dip his fingers into the water and trail them up my thigh.

Desperate, I widen my legs even more, and I feel his scruffy jaw scrape against my cheek as he says, “Look at you, spreading your legs for me. What do you want us to do to you, Scratch? Tell me. I want to hear you say it.”

Gods, I love it when he talks dirty to me.

“I want—” My words get cut off on a moan when he suddenly plunges two finger inside of me, stretching me out.

He slides easily in and starts scissoring me, and my hands tighten around their cocks.

“She likes that,” Sylred breathes, nipping at my neck.

“She must not like it enough, because she’s still not doing what she’s told,” Evert replies.

Pressing a thumb to my clit, he works me over until I’m a moaning, writhing mess. And right as I’m reaching that perfect peak, he pulls his hand away.

My eyes pop open in a scowl. “You motherfucker.”

“Now that’s not very nice, was it, Syl?” Evert smirks.

Sylred hums under his breath. “Come here, Emelle.”

He reaches over and picks me up by the waist, and then without warning, brings me down over his cock.


Fully seated inside of me, Sylred pushes my legs apart so that I fully straddle him. “There, is that better?” he asks me.

“Yes!” I say as I start to move against him.

“Good. Now tell Evert what he wants to hear, and we’ll take care of you,” he promises.

He’s still not moving inside of me, and even his fingers are staying on my hips instead of wandering to my aching breasts and swollen clit.

“I want you to fuck me in this tub and make me come,” I tell him, a desperate twinge to my tone.

“Good girl,” he croons, finally moving his hips up to go even deeper inside of me.

I hum, loving every movement.

Evert comes up behind me and fists my hair so that my back arches into him, my breasts thrusting out towards Sylred’s face. “You washed those pretty tits so nicely for us, didn’t you, Scratch?” Evert asks as he nibbles my ear.


He takes my hand and puts it back around his cock. “You look fucking gorgeous like this,” he tells me. “Bouncing on Sylred’s dick, your tits in his face, your hand gripping me,” he curses as I squeeze him tighter and start working him fast.

“Just like that,” he says, moving a hand to my clit.

With his touch, I start bucking on top of Sylred like crazy, desperate to finally reach the crescendo that’s been building up inside of me. The faster I go, the harder Sylred breathes, and then my pussy clenches around him, and I cry out with my orgasm.

“Gods,” Sylred grits out, gripping my ass as he fucks me harder, even as my walls squeeze around him. He comes with a growl, spurting into me with a surge of cum.

Spent with my own orgasm, I lose my grip around Evert, but he just takes things into his own hands (literally) and after just a few more pumps, I feel his own release exploding over my back.

All three of us are panting, my face collapsed against Sylred’s chest as Evert’s face rests against my back. The water is considerably cooler than when I first got in, but I feel perfectly sated right now since my own skin is fevered from sex, so it doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

When I open my eyes at a strange noise, I see my poor alpha whining and pacing around the tub like he’s frantic to get to me, but the water is his personal nemesis.

“Aww,” I say, sitting up. I slide out from between Evert and Sylred, making them move back to their seats as I make my way over to the edge of the tub and hold a hand out. “It’s okay.”

Ronak comes over, sniffing my hand warily and whining again when he gets too close to the water.

“What is it with cats and water?”

“Now we know what to do when the asshole is pissing us off. Just toss him in a tub,” Evert chuckles. Ronak curls back his lips and growls.

“Be nice,” I chastise them both.

I look over at the floor beneath the window and notice that while we were…occupied, the alpha has dragged all of our clothes and piled them in the corner. He goes over there now and sits on top of the pile on his haunches, his tail flicking back and forth as he watches us.

I climb out of the tub and wrap myself in a soft white towel. I dry my hair and then wander into the bedroom where I collapse into bed.

Ronak follows me, bringing the pile of clothes with him clamped in his mouth. He even carries the guys’ clothes, dirty and blood spackled, and dumps them on the mattress. “Uh uh,” I shake my head. “These are dirty, Ro-Ro.”

When I try to toss them away, he nips my hand, making me flinch and drop them back down. “Hey!” I scowl at him.

Evert and Sylred wander in, both with towels slung low around their waists. The view is pretty scrumptious, and even though I just had some sexcapades, I can’t help the flush of desire that runs through me. These guys have the best bodies. I could ogle them forever. Evert and Sylred get into bed on either side of me, sliding in close.

I try to toss the dirty clothes onto the floor again, but the alpha is too quick for me, and nips my hand again. “Fine!” Ronak makes a catlike chirping noise of victory.

With Evert and Sylred on either side of me, the alpha walks in a circle on top of the bed several times before curling up in a ball between my legs, and rests his head right on my coochie coo.

“That’s not comfortable…” I try to shift, but he just head-butts me in the pelvis. “Ouch! You need to learn some manners.”

He just nuzzles me.

I look over to see Evert lifting his hand away from Sylred’s wounds, the skin knitting back together right before my eyes.

He moves to do the same for the wound on Ronak’s chest, but the alpha snaps his teeth at him, making Evert finch back.

“Listen you fucking asshole, I’m trying to help you,” Evert snaps.

“Ro,” I coo, gaining his attention. “Let Stitch heal you, okay?”

He flicks his tail testily, but allows Evert’s hand to touch his skin this time. As soon as his wound starts knitting back together, Evert lets go and settles back in bed. “You’re welcome,” he says snidely.

In thanks, Ronak kicks his leg out, hitting Evert squarely in the happy sacks.

“Mother fucker,” he wheezes out, grabbing himself.

“It was an accident, I think,” I tell him.

Ronak lays his head down with a rather smug look on his face. Evert just glares at him.

Sylred yawns. “What a day.”

His hand snakes around my waist and pulls me in tight.

“Yeah,” I agree. “Are you guys okay? Really? The attack on your people’s island…”

“Was not your fault,” Sylred interjects.

“But it sort of was.”

“Scratch,” Evert says. “Ignore those other genfins.”

“He’s right,” Sylred says gently. “They’d just barely escaped an attack. They saw death and destruction. They were looking for a scapegoat.”

“Yep. But I won’t fucking let you take the fall for this shit,” Evert tells me. “Now let’s get some sleep. I’m fucking beat.”

As soon as Evert mentions that he’s tired, my palms go all tingly. “Why are your hands dirty?” he asks.

I pause and look down at my hands, which are in fact, dirty. With dust.

“Sandman powers,” I mumble.

“Lemme see,” Sylred and Evert each grab one of my dusted hands to look at.

Sylred drags a finger against my palm, removing some of the dust. He holds it up on the pads of his fingers, leaning in for a better look. “That’s…” I watch as Sylred’s eyes begin to droop, and then he flops backward onto the pillow, lids closed tight and out like a light.


…And he’s already snoring. Okay then.

“What the fuck?” Evert asks.

“Yeah, so funny thing…because I went back and forth in the Veil so much, I sort of have demon, angel, and sandman powers.” I purse my lips in thought. “Possibly other powers, too. Minor Veil stuff. Did you know that Karma is a literal bitch? I totally wish I could get some of those powers and really stick it to Prince Asshat. He has some serious bad Karma owed to him, you know?”

“What the fuck does this sandman shit mean?” Evert holds my hand up to his face and sniffs it.

And then he promptly falls back onto the pillows and starts snoring. I pat him on his head with a sigh.

The alpha between my legs is asleep, too, without the aid of sandman or… sandlady powers, but I guess he’s super good at catnaps in his current state.

I dust off the rest of the…dust from my hands by wiping it off on the blanket and then settle down on the pillows. The room is filled with the sound of my genfins snoring. “For the record, you guys totally would’ve fallen asleep quickly anyway.” I tell the room. “Because I’m super good at sex. You were already worn out just from that. So. Just wanted to point that out.”

Sylred mumbles in his sleep and turns over.

Over the covers, a calming purr comes from the alpha’s chest when I bring my hand down and thread my fingers through his hair. Instead of falling asleep, I stay like that for a long time. Nestled between my three genfins, my mind flashes through everything that happened today. Being reunited with my genfins, finding Ronak in his feral state, the sex, the prince’s attack…I can’t stop my mind from replaying it all.

So much went wrong today. And yet, my mates and I made it out okay, and I’m entirely grateful for that. But many didn’t. Like that little genfin girl’s family. The thought of her tear-streaked face as she huddled over her dead fathers…it makes my heart hurt. And those genfins today were right. Sure, the prince launched the attack, but he chose to attack the genfins because of me. I can’t let that stand. I won’t.

Thoughts and plans swirl through my mind as the guys sleep around me. My genfins make me feel safe and adored like this, and I don’t have to use my cupid powers to know that I’ve fallen hard.

The realization is both the most natural thing in the world—like I’ve simply loved them all along, and it’s also the most surprising, profound thing ever.

I love my mates so much, and with that love comes a responsibility. A responsibility to protect them. And that means not letting the prince hurt them or their people again. That means fighting him. That means ending this once and for all.

I’m a cupid/angel/demon/sandlady/lady luck/boss bitch, and I’m gonna fuck the prince’s shit up.

All is fair in love and war, bitches.

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